Service Blueprint West

1 What this pack contains

• This is the detailed blueprint for the Council - It builds on the high level blue print previously published and reflects the decisions and agreements reached.

• it is split into service areas with each chapter using a consistent format to provide further detail on the functions within the service and specifically:

• The source of the function (whether staff will be coming from the District and Borough council, the County Council or both),

• The scope of activities included

• The potential staff in scope of the service (subject to ongoing updates and final validation), and

• Any investment that has already been identify to support transformation or to support the safe disaggregation of NCC services into the two new Councils.

• It also provides further detail of key aspects of the service, its activities, offer, systems, partners and also they key transformation and year 1 activities.

2 West Blueprint

3 West Blueprint

This is how the West blue print is made up from the NCC & D&B services

4 West Northants – Customer Layer (Expanded)

Customer Call Care Services Customer Services West Northants – Fulfilment Layer (Expanded)

Econ & Regeneration Housing & Homelessness Adults Childrens Community Safety Planning & Environment Economic Dev. Housing Management Trust Client Units Community Safety Trading Standards Social Care Growth Homelessness Assessment Education Emergency Planning Dev.. Management Disabled Facilities Licensing – all kinds Community Services Schools (Highways) Grant Highways & Waste Improvement Sports & Leisure Health Partnerships Digital Waste Disposal & Environmental Schools Planning Infrastructure Community & Closed Landfills health, protection Adults Provider & licensing SEND Capital Projects Leisure Services (Property) Waste HWRC Tourism Development, Specialist Support Property & Assets Financial Service Planning Operations Facilities Parks & Open Street Cleansing Edu Safeguarding Management Spaces Safeguarding Refuse, recycling & Building Control Property Estates Sensory Impairment Country/Outdoor collection Management Street Naming & Brokerage parks Flood Risk Numbering Schools Admissions Energy Management Management Chester Farm Commissioning Virtual School Grounds M&W Planning Archives Maintenance Public Health Strategic Transport Car Parks Libraries Planning PH Management & Adults Learning (Highways) Commissioning On street Parking Travellers Unit Transport Intelligence.& Wellbeing services Schools PFI (Home to School) Consultants Highways Contract Street Lights PFI Management (Kier DPH Voluntary Sector WSP)

People Services Place Services Regulatory Services West Northants – Enabling Services Layer (Expanded)

Finance Policy & Performance Corporate Support Services Birth, Deaths & Marriage Human Resources & Staff Wellbeing Comms Democratic Services Procurement Payroll, HR Finance Registration HR services Service transactions Exchequer Complaints Electoral Services Risk and Audit Bereavement Apprenticeships Pensions services Services AP & AR Exec Support Consultation & Eng. Insurance Learning & Revs & Bens Coroners Lord Lieutenant Development (NBC) Support Information LGSS Law Revenues and Governance Benefits Libraries Support Business Legal Services Sundry Debt Intelligence Northamptonshire Collection Sport Digital & Transformation

Business IT Service IT Strategy & IT Business IT Operations IT Digital Transformation Delivery Programmes Systems (ERP)


Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Designs for West Northamptonshire PEOPLE

8 Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Children, Families and Education


Children’s Education ServicesAX / REVIEW

Staff Source: NCC Services Only

Service Functions included : Schools, Specialist Support Service, EHCP, High Needs Funding, Early Years Funding, Early Years Advisory, Education Inclusion, Schools Improvement, School Place Planning, Commissioning and Sufficiency, IASS.

(School Admissions, Safeguarding in Education, Sensory Impairment Service, Virtual School will be Provided by the North)

S t a f f i n s c o p e : 1 6 9 . Staff Split based on a 50/50 N & W further work required (additional 21.81 FTE required to Disaggregate)

I n v e s t m e n t : £1,018,546. to fund the additional 21.81 FTE required to Disaggregate Services posts required to disaggregate services


Statutory Duties Legal Duties. A service that meets its statutory duties and the associated timescales expected of a Local Authority.

2 Disaggregation of the DSG (Dedicated Schools Grant) and Base Budget for Financial Stability Education to meet the service requirements. Key areas of collaboration: • An Education Service that is clearly joined-up with the Children's Trust and Adult Services Services: A service that is focused upon improving Education outcomes for all • Closely working with Public Health colleagues to Future proofed of our Children and Young People in such a manner that it continuously learns ensure a more co-ordinated service across well and improves through best practice and integration with partners. being, • Improved working relationships with Schools , FE Colleges Working with key partners, e.g. DfE (Department of Education), Ofsted, 4 Shared systems and Regional School Commissioner, Early Years Settings, Children’s Trust, Adult • Clear processes and links to wider corporate information Services and Schools Stakeholders to support and challenge improvement functions e.g. Place Planning and Economic where needed through solid performance information. development

Child Centred Pathways for Ensuring quality across Education Services: through pathways which meet the Universal and Vulnerable children and young peoples needs both of Education and for the Children’s Children Trust.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers Early Education And Childcare: & Channels Secure sufficient childcare for working parents. Secure early years provision free of charge ,For 2 year olds: based on eligibility and for 3 and 4 years olds: 15 hours/ week - Service Design No Change Planned to all; 30 hours/ week to eligible families. Deliver the funding entitlements to for Day 1 • Children And Young approved settings (Early Years Designated School Grant) • Schools, Further Education - Working protocols between People accessing Education Psychology, VIG & Therapy : IT Systems Providers and Alternative Ensure compliance with SEND duties. Oversight and reporting to Schools Forum of Education and The Trust Education High Needs Funding Block of DSG circa £65,000,000. Ensure sufficiency of special • Capita One Client, Capita One Online Provision educational placements. Promote and develop joint working and commissioning • Capita One V3, Mash Protect • - Delivery of BAU (business as • CareFirst LGSS (Local Government arrangements with health and social care (children and adults) • Schools Requiring usual) service Plans for each • Carecalc. For the Resource Allocation Support Services) EHCP, High Needs & 16-19 Team System (RAS) Support Manage the assessment and placements of children and young people, 0-25, with Functional Area • VIG, EPEP, FFT Aspire • Early Years Providers special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), ensure sufficient provision and • NCER Nexus/Nova, eVisit • DfE • Eligibility Checking System (ECS) • Early Years settings allocate funding to schools and education providers, including post-16 • Regional School Specialist Support Service - Dialogue with Children’s • S2S, AVCO requiring Support Support the inclusion of children and young people both at home and in their • Early Years Funding Portal Commissioner Trust and NCC • StaffPay, Key to Success educational settings and reduce the risk of exclusion or the escalation into more • Duxbury Licence • Children’s Trust specialist services and support • EY Providers requiring • Abbey Fine Reader Licences • Unions Education Inclusion: - Business case development • FIS Payments for 2 ,3 and Ensure exclusions are avoided, and where pupils are excluded, they still receive full • Local Offer • Corporate Services in the for areas of Improvement 4 Year olds entitlement; support regular attendance and prosecute parents when this isn’t • ViewPoint new Authorities achieved; monitor home educated children, and together with other agencies, • Mailchimp support the safeguarding of children missing education; administer and oversee • NCC Survey Software - Clear Communication Plan • Twitter • Provider Portals licensing for children in entertainment and employment with LSE workforce for • Instagram School Improvement: • Governor Hub The assessment and improvement of education provision in order to increase the future. • Alps - A-level Performance System ALPS • Web forms numbers of pupils attending Good and Outstanding settings in the county; focus on (A-level Performance System) working with maintained schools and maintained nurseries • Dfe Secure sign in School Place Planning - Integration of Support • Standards and testins agency (STA) • Phone/Email Provision of sufficient school places in all areas of the county; function for 2 new unitaries. • Primary Assessment gateway • Newly qualified teacher (NQT) Manager prioritising provision in Good and Outstanding schools, and value for money per new • K2 school places delivered in line with industry standard per pupil and per m2 rates; • NaSacre (Nat assocof SACRE) maintenance of the schools estate • CLEAPSS Plus Key Activities Year 1 • Work with Children’s Trust to embed SLA (Service Level agreements) and KPI (Key • Deliver Schools Strategy Performance Indicators) – efficient pathways for children accessing both services • Deliver against Improvement Plans (SEND, Education Inclusion and Educational • School Sufficiency and Specialist School Placements – medium term transformation Psychology Service) • Medium term strategy for DSG and Vulnerable Learners – specifically use of EHE, AP and culture with the schools • Prepare for SEND Inspection • Improve and deliver in year sufficiency requirements • Embed joint processes with the Children’s Trust • Embed processes within new Unitary structure across new organisations. 12 Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Adults, Health & Wellbeing


Adult Social C a r e AX / REVIEW

S t a f f S o u r c e : NCC

Service Functions included :

All Areas of Adult Social Care- Provider Services, Community Services, Brokerage, Commissioning, Health Partnerships, Safeguarding, Financial Operations, Social care Assessment

Staff in scope : All Northamptonshire Adults Social Services staff 574 FTE’s

I n v e s t m e n t : There will be some further investment in people required, to be agreed


Legal Duties. A service that meets its 6 statutory duties: advice and signposting, Statutory Duties helping people support themselves, providing social care assessments, meeting eligible social care need, developing social care markets, protecting the vulnerable

The money: A service that meets the needs of all residents in such a manner that it Key areas of collaboration: 2 delivers the good outcomes they require, they value and within budget - helping Financial Stability them as far as possible to remain in their own homes. • Integration of Health and Social Care . • An Adults service that is clearly joined-up with other services and partners– including the Children’s Services: A service that is focused upon improving outcomes for all of our residents in Trust and the voluntary sector such a manner that it continuously learns and improves through best practice and Future proofed integration with partners. It is connected with residents and through its culture and • Closer working with the community in general. change approach delivers good outcomes consistently • Closely working with Public Health colleagues to ensure a more co-ordinated service across well Sticks like glue: Our people will have the time to understand and listen to our being, commissioning and and sharing of 4 Targeted Intervention residents and be well connecting in the community. The service will help people information maintain control over their lives, sticking like glue to them for good outcomes. There • Closer working relationships with colleagues across will be no presumption of ongoing support. Housing, Communities and Leisure and environmental services. Sharing more: We will make sure that the information we share is legally compliant, Shared systems and yet is seen as an enabler for more joined up stories which means we are able to information support the residents story only needing to be told once. Equally through the use of appropriate technology we will look to improve outcomes for all or our residents.

Ensuring quality across Adult Services: The new model of service provision means 6 Simple and collaborative that we will provide services of a high quality and in such a manner that the whole services system is simpler to use and access for all people, carers and partners. It will be joined together in such a way that collaboration is second nature and helps to drive the good outcomes that we desire for all of our residents.

15 Adults Core “6-5-4 Design Principles” A reminder of our responsibilities, principles and aims to underpin our future models of care and support for adults


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers • Designing Excellence within & Channels Innovation sites (process and • Right source market provision for the • Northamptonshire Communities and Individuals are pathways) best outcome at the right cost – supported to live well, age well and stay independent • Redesign of reablement excellent commissioning 4 Community Hubs and Older • Use voluntary sector or social • Move away from bureaucracy - spend longer with adults community teams across • Developing Brokerage ways of prescribing Service to add scale and people face to face working West Northamptonshire • We exhaust informal care and solutions in a crisis before • Older people capacity • Developing Acute ideal Outcomes 2 Inclusion hubs considering ongoing support. • Mental health • Integrate and share services and • • The right person: we support people to get on with their Developing Inclusion 1 Learning disability hub • Transitions from Childrens contracts where offers value for money. Trust lives and live the life they want • Developing finance and • Integration of health and social care at a • Autism • The right time: We work with people in crisis intensively operations community level. • Acquired Brain injury to regain control of life and prevent things getting worse • Integrated working on hospital • Safeguarding development IT Systems • Physical disability • The right place: we understand the resources available in pathways • Developing structure and function • Learning disability the family and community and make use of “extended • Carefirst/Eclipse/• Egress (secure email • Train trusted Partners to deliver • LD Transformation Abacus with health) • Carers connecting conversations networks”. • Prisoners • Connect (3 conversations model) • Cygnum • System one (Health) • Collaborate around the person • The right support: If care is needed we will consider the • Hospital Patients • Searchlight • Maintain strong links and contract with best resources, connectors and support will enable the • Accommodation development LD • E forms • Family childrens trust person to live their chosen life in the right setting at the Supported living • Caspar • Councillors • Care Motive • Join-up with other key services in right cost. • Shaw PFI – return of care services • Sage 50 (Childrens) • Carers: We always think about what will help carers community hubs • • On line banking • Broadcare continue caring. Health and social care integration • Join up with other Councils if we can • Contracts register • We support a person’s journey – not our • Admissions avoidance to reduce • E-recruitment deliver more effectively together • ERP Gold silo’s/functional model – limited handoffs demand and hospital admissions • Sharepoint/O365 • Closer working with public health • Pro contract Partners can provide delegated • Help people gain the skills & education • Case management system - • Money soft payroll functions Eclipse/Abacus implementation • Charity Log manager

Plus• Community Hubs and teams to help people be more connected in their communities Key Activities Year 1 • Continued review of structure, culture and practice, health and care integration • Inclusion Hubs • Embedding the transformation – allowing to settle and develop • Learning Disability Hubs • Continued development of the Operating model – completing the • Finance and Operations will make sure that everyone receives a fair assessment of their finances for access journey whilst realising opportunities as unitaries develop e.g.. Housing to financial support and leisure • Older people Reablement to help people live more independently • Continued culture change • Acute Discharge to support independence as well as flow out of hospital • Continuing transformation in accommodation, practice and technology • Brokerage being responsible for matching the most ideal package of care to each individual needs across • Continuing health and care integration community teams • Safeguarding being person led and outcome focused


Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Community and Wellbeing

18 Service Blueprint Day 1 service Design for West Northamptonshire Sports, Leisure, Culture & Tourism


Sports, Leisure, CultureAX /& REVIEW Tourism

S t a f f S o u r c e : NCC and D&B

Service Functions included :

Green Spaces (Country/urban parks and play areas and woodlands etc.), Sports & Leisure facilities, Physical Activities & Wellbeing, Community Development, Libraries (localities), Tourism, Archives & Heritage (including Museums, galleries, theatres, documents and records archiving), Community Events

Staff in scope : 94.25 FTEs


Continued voluntary sector and community grants support & funding for minimum 12 months beyond vesting day. Costs associated with the upkeep and maintenance of major leisure and sports facilities, heritage assets, parks and open spaces and associated infrastructure, including investment programmes and grant aided projects which will have started before and continue beyond vesting day.


Continued Income and Grant Giving Models Continued income & Grant We need to ensure that all existing arrangements with regards to supporting voluntary and community partners continues beyond vesting day for a period of at Giving Models least 12 months

Collaborative Working A more joined up approach, with other linked authority services (such as Planning, 2 Key areas of collaboration: Collaborative Working Economic Development), voluntary sector and service delivery partners (such as Northamptonshire Sport) and other key partners in the planning and development of • Maintaining/improving existing and developing new targeted and appropriate services for communities. links and collaborative ways of working with voluntary sector partners Continued investment into Arts, Heritage and Leisure Continued investment into Continue to support ongoing development into arts, heritage and leisure functions to • Improving collaborative working (including co- Arts, Heritage and Leisure support lifelong learning and community wellbeing – investment into varied public production of strategies, improved access to/sharing programmes and events, ensure access to materials and sustainability of services of information) with other key partners, such as Health, Education, Police and Community Groups Continued access to quality services and facilities • Closer working with our communities and service 4 Continued access to quality Services to remain largely as-is for vesting day, with no drop of significant changes to users to help determine priorities/needs within the services and facilities customer offer or journey. All existing arrangements regarding maintenance/upkeep, local area and help shape future service design access to services and level of service offering will remain the same

Services by Geography All location based services will remain where they are currently provided from, and all Services by Geography that sit within the boundaries of the West Unitary will transfer in ownership accordingly. Staff based at localities will remain in these localities.

Prevention and Early Intervention 6 Prevention and Early The new model should ensure continued focus on prevention and early intervention for health and wellbeing. Community and leisure services make a major contribution Intervention to social and economic outcomes across a range of public services. They have the potential to prevent/lower demand and reduce the financial burden on key public services such as health, social care and the justice system.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels • Education and outreach All current service • Volunteers are actively • Education and outreach • Improved MI and • Advice and support delivery locations will managed within the to customers and information sharing • Cultural facilities to visit with scheduled public remain as-is (i.e. staff working services as a key resource communities (cultural, between partners allows programmes in place (museums, theatres, art within localities, services offered for effective delivery and health and wellbeing etc.) for flexible development of galleries, heritage sites) etc.). Centralised management channel for community • Targeted campaigns and the service and improves • Sports and leisure facilities, such as swimming staff (i.e. Community based feedback public programmes based effective commissioning pools, tennis courts, playing pitches, indoor Development coordination etc.) on community • Clear sign-posting to • Strong links are developed courts/sports halls etc. will likely be aligned to West Head needs/priorities information available on with voluntary sector • Bookable classes and facilities for both physical Office Records Office (document websites and web forms as partners to develop activity and cultural/enrichment activity • Full programme of archiving) function to be based at applicable sustainable service plans • Applications for community grants/support physical and leisure Wootton Hall Park facility • Service information kept that meet the needs of based in relevant eligibility activities in place relevant and up to date for communities • Document and records archiving, with statutory IT Systems • Developing lead authority dissemination, both via Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) and • Contracts with external model for documents • Corporate Systems in customer contact Historical Environmental Records (HER) providers (out-sourced archiving (records office) place for purchases and representatives and • Local support and services provided at Libraries services) are managed invoicing – Civica (ENC, KBC, printed / online (linked to Corporate) • Clearly mapped out grants effectively with CBC), Agresso ERP (BCW), information (e.g. opening • Access to safe and well maintained Parks (urban and service support performance review and • Customer interface at locations times, events, pricing, and country) and Play Areas arrangements in place shared business plans (i.e. payments at arrival, POS - classes etc.) • Access to conservation and other open green • Mapping of service where applicable Gladstone, shops/cafes etc.) spaces for recreation and enrichment (walks, contracts and future • Close links to other nature activities etc.) arrangements • Local Leisure systems in place partners such • Community events and key activities (e.g. (continuity of) – e.g. Local Lotto as Wildlife Trust, Bonfire Night, summer events, Xmas events, (DDC), MODEs for museums , Rockingham Forest Trust religious festivals etc.) People’s Network for libraries

Plus Key Activities Year 1 • Community engagement activity to help determine relevant needs and priorities for • Review and eventual alignment of concessionary arrangements provided to partners / service plans and development communities • Single arrangement to commission voluntary sector services under multi-year SLAs • Re-commission services from voluntary sector for an initial four year period • Review into service provision to align arrangements where possible (in-house/out-sourced • Review and alignment of systems and processes provision) • Implement and develop model of operation for Document/Records Office • Co-produced strategies (Cultural, Physical Activity & Wellbeing, Community) • Initiate review and development of co-produced Strategies with partners and communities • Alignment of systems and processes – longer term shared initiatives and strategic direction • Potential sale of Outdoor Learning facility (cancelled due to COVID-19 lockdown) • Determine investment priorities for leisure and sports provision • Review into business/market intelligence and best practice models

22 Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Community Safety


Community Safety & EmergencyAX / REVIEW Planning

S o u r c e :

Community Safety and Emergency Planning Services are provided by all eight authorities. For West Northants this will be an aggregation of the three district and borough councils along with the disaggregation of NCC’s functions.

Service Functions included :

Community Safety and Emergency Planning (including LRF)

Staff in scope :

24.5 FTEs(6.5 FTEs coming from NCC disaggregation *Source Future Northants employee data supplied by local HR teams. On-going validation of these numbers and roles.

I n v e s t m e n t :

LRF contributions may need to be uplifted to fund new LRF co-ordination model. Investment Business Case for growth of NCC EP team (extra 250k for staffing) – already approved by NCC.


Seamless service delivery for Day One Continuity of service No changes to service standards for community safety services.

2 A more collaborative model Collaborative Working A more joined up approach with partners including the police to develop a new Key areas of collaboration: Community Safety Partnership with new priorities for West Northants. • COVID response – essential services that need to be tied into organisation response and changes in service demands. Smoothing the customer experience Harmonisation of services Consistent fees and charges will be in place for some elements including bulk waste • Closer working with NHS and Adult Social Care on collection. Medium term harmonisation achievable in 3 of the 4 districts and borough areas that overlap between community safety and areas. safeguarding e.g. PREVENT, DA, knife crime, collection of medical waste. Residents and Customers will be at the centre of our services • MOU/SLA in relation to LRF functions and county- 4 Real opportunity to redesign these services over the medium term to embed the wide EP planning with North Northants Customer centred design learning from COVID in terms of effective of local response.

Services by Geography All location based services will remain where they are currently provided from, and all Locality based services that sit within the boundaries of the West Unitary will transfer in ownership accordingly. Staff based at localities will remain in these localities.

Local Resilience Forum 6 Partnerships Working together to ensure the West can provide an appropriate response to civil contingency issues.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers • Deliver a safe and legal community safety & Channels All current service • Northants Police function for the new unitary authorities. delivery locations will • Northants Fire and • Ensure community safety partnerships are remain as-is (i.e. staff • Rescue Service supported and engaged across the county. • The establishment of a working within localities, Improved MI and • Supporting unitary wide CSPs and the CSB statutory community services offered etc.). information sharing • Voluntary sector • Working closely and effectively with statutory safety partnership (CSP) Centralised management between partners organisations and and non statutory partners for the west (one already staff of staff expected to be allows for flexible community groups • Delivering against the authorities’ statutory exists for the north) with development of the hosted by NBC as the largest • Safeguarding partners responsibilities, county wide strategies, and agreed membership, terms team. service and improves local priorities and projects of reference, and meeting effective commissioning • OPFCC • Supporting national community safety and arrangements. • Clear sign-posting to • MOD counter terrorism programmes information available on • Strategic co-ordination and IT Systems • Environment Agency websites and web forms • Ensuring that the team operates effectively leadership of key elements • E-Cins as applicable • Public Health across all areas of West Northants providing of LRF work programme • Service information kept support to local communities and helping them e.g. flood prevention; mass • Resilience Direct relevant and up to date to feel safe. fatalities; psychosocial & for dissemination, both • Compliance with Civil Contingencies Act and humanitarian assistance; via customer contact National Resilience Standards. Pandemic flu • On call Gold Silver and Bronze functions representatives and • Development, review and testing of Emergency printed / online Plans and Procedures, geographic and county information wide

Plus Key Activities Year 1 • Potential to create combined business intelligence function with partners for • Review Day One service model and develop plan future model. community safety. • Business case for potential integration of services into NBC as host for West for • Potential to form part of community hub pilot models community safety. • Working with LRF partners on future model for EP for county • Review and alignment of systems and processes • Service stabilisation and optimisation. • Review locality models for future target operating model

26 Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Housing & Homelessness


Housing & HomelessnessAX / REVIEW

S o u r c e : Districts & Boroughs

Service Functions included:

Housing Options (Housing Advice, Housing Allocations, Homelessness assessment ,Rough sleeping initiatives and Temporary accommodation placement.) Private Sector Housing (Licencing and Enforcement, DFG’S, Fees and Charges and Private sector housing standards ) Housing Strategy (Housing enabling and partnership working, policy and strategy development ,) Council & Affordable Housing Supply (Asset management and compliance,. Out of hours service and Capital investment programmes)

Staff in scope: 37 FTEs


Strictly Private and Confidential BLUEPRINT DESIGN PRINCIPLES – HOUSING (WEST)

Safe, Legal and Accessible Services Safe, Legal and Accessible We need to ensure that safe, legal no disruptions and is easy for all customers, Services partners and other stakeholders to access, navigate and engage with.

Policies and Procedures Harmonised 2 Policies and procedures Where practicable, the opportunity will be taken to improve the service offering to customers and harmonise strategies, policies and procedures. Where this is Harmonised impractical a transitioning period will be determined and agreed. Key areas of collaboration: • A strong multi-agency approach to address the Customer Centred A Customer Centred Approach needs of health and social care (e.g. mental health, Approach solution-focused service that is cost effective, sustainable and improves housing domestic violence and drugs and alcohol services). conditions and life chances through effective joined-up working, innovation and • Strategic engagement with Private Sector and choice. Registered Social Landlords to deliver key priorities. Good Quality Services • Co-production of strategies with a range of partners 4 Provide Good Quality Services New performance management models across services that ensures service and the community. standards are maintained and improved

Service Delivery By Location Service delivered by All location based services will remain where they currently operate from. location Staff will also remain in these localities. Early Intervention and Prevention A new model should ensure the focus is on early intervention and prevention of 6 Early Intervention and homelessness and delivering enforcement functions . This would allow for efficiency Prevention savings and reduce the financial burden on key public services such as health, social care and the justice system.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers All current service & Channels • Housing Advice and Assistance • Provide early intervention and Proactively collaborating • Assessing Homeless application . delivery locations will with partners, to improve support to prevent homelessness. • Integrated customer • Operating a Housing Allocation scheme remain as-is (i.e. staff working services offered to residents • Through multi agency working and access channels. • Temporary Accommodation placement and within localities, services and the community. commissioned outreach services offered etc.). support • Improved website key partners: • Providing specialist accommodation reduce those Rough sleeping Borough Council will be Lead information to • Rough sleeping initiatives. • Provide accommodation for those Authority hosting the housing provide a single • Adult and Social Care • HMO licencing & Enforcement. who are eligible and in Housing out of hours first contact view. of services. • Children services service. Staff resources will be • Police & Probation service • Assessments under the Housing Health and need • Service information located to the town Hall . • DWP Safety Rating system. kept relevant and up • Private Sector property Inspection, • Private sector Landlords • Fees and charges scheme to date for investigation and enforcement .. • Public health services • Illegal eviction and Landlord harassment. dissemination, both • Continue to develop working IT Systems • Registered Social Landlords • Assessment of Disabled Facilities Grants via customer contact relationships with Private sector • Housing Developers • Strategic Engagement with Registered Social Few commonality in the use of IT and printed / online Landlords. • Voluntary sector advice Landlords systems: information. agencies • Asset Management • Enabling activities to increase the • Homeless prevention and • NHS Hospital discharge • New Build programmes delivering of affordable housing Assessment IT system -Jigsaw • Specialist Housing teams . • Assisting residents to remain in • Housing Allocations • Out of Hours service • Rough sleeping their own homes (DDC- Abitas) • ALMO-Contract monitoring and partnership Outreach services Asset management and Regulatory (NBC –Capita) working compliance (SNC-Academy Housing) • Private Housing Enforcement- • Capital investment programmes (SNC &NBC –Northgate) • .. (DDC-ECINS) Plus Key Activities Year 1 • Develop an integrated homelessness service which is strength-based, • Review align critical processes, policies and procedures person-centred. • • Review and develop a road map towards a single Homelessness & Rough Sleeping • Building the foundations for locality community hubs Strategy and Housing Allocations Policy. • Co-produced strategies . • Ensure Officers have the appropriate delegated authority . • COVID- 19 recovery plan to be dovetailed into new operational models • A single IT system used for Housing options services . • Use business/market intelligence and best practice models to shape services .


Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Corporate

31 Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Customer Services


Customer Services AX / REVIEW

S o u r c e : NCC and District and Borough

Service Functions included:

Customer services access channels including telephony, emails, face to face, out of hours, blue badge, permits, strategy for customers, online customer experience (web team)

Staff in scope:

Customer services: 87.20 FTE’s, Headcount 99 (potential + or – 4 FTE from NCC for children's trust lead model) online customer experience (web team) = 6

I n v e s t m e n t : to merge and develop the customer service centres and systems e.g. new CRM system and contact centre solution, workforce management, automating more services e.g. emails and harmonising out of hours, development of the new websites and decommissioning the old websites.

* NNC customer disaggregated on population NNC online customer experienceStrictly (web Private team) and 50/50 Confidential BLUEPRINT DESIGN PRINCIPLES – CUSTOMER SERVICES & ONLINE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE

Designed for Customer Needs To have a high level of understanding of customer needs to ensure the service is fit for purpose for all users at all Key areas of collaboration: Designed for Customer times- any service, anywhere at any time! The service needs to be fit for purpose and have a continuous Needs improvements ethos embedded within the culture. Customers expect to co-create their experience and want to • Maintaining/improving existing take responsibility and have increased autonomy as their demands and complexity increases. links and developing new links and collaborative ways of working Excellent Customer Services Authority Wide with public and private partners 2 Excellent Customer Establish a culture throughout the organisation of putting the customer, whether internal or external at the heart of what we do - every person, programme and process that shapes the customer experience. Customer • Collaboration with all services / Services Authority wide excellence throughout the organisation. Empower and develop staff skillsets to deliver a service which is right functions in the unitary council to first time, empathetic and means no wrong door for customers. Call handlers become expert problem solvers! develop and deliver integrated services that go from the start to Welcoming Customer Welcoming Customer Experience completion- create digital services We should be approachable, friendly and trusted when dealing with all enquiries. The customer feels assured that are integrated and cover the Experience and has confidence in the service. We exceed expectations and the customer comes away feeling better about entire customer journey us (and potentially themselves) after their contact. Customer contact develops into customer experience. • Collaboration with ICT to enable the development of service design Accessible and Personal to meet the customer needs 4 Services should be developed to so that they are easy, accessible and available at all times through many Accessible and Personal different channels. This will provide different choices for customers to access our services so they can help • Understand the service users themselves. Single point of access to make it easier for the customers to interact. needs - what is good service and how we can deliver that? Innovative Assisted Digital by default/design providing responsive technology and keeping all access channels open with • Improving collaborative working Innovative the channel being selected by the customer according to their needs Enable the ‘me-culture’- the desire for (including co-production) with the customer contact to be tailored to the individual other key partners, such as Health, Education, Police and Efficient and Effective Community Groups 6 Efficient and Effective Services should be delivered efficiently and effectively. Ability for adaptation and adaptability. Advisors use • Use data to innovate and create their own intelligence/ skills to make the service more effective. Customers can expect a service that is new ways to deliver services responsive to their needs and be dealt with in a timely manner. Customers should have faith in a reliable service where they will receive a response within an appropriate amount of time that resolves their needs.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers • Contracts are novated & Channels • Contracts with external • Customer journeys start All current service Excellence in customer services • Improved MI and providers (out-sourced being harmonised through delivery locations will information sharing services) are managed Increased self serve and ability to enquire process and system changes remain as-is (i.e. staff between partners allows effectively / find out information 24/7 working within localities) • SLA between the children's for more seamless • Partnership links are Reducing the need for customer to chase trust (or North) customer service and developed to provide their enquiries • Implement one new non opportunity for one more joined up Consistent and clear customer standards geographical telephone view of the customer working Ability for customers to access unitary number • Clear information • New website partner available on websites (TBC) services from all access channels, face to • Implement voice concierge and web forms as • Integrated process / face, telephone, email..etc...... IT Systems • Implement automation to applicable systems where To provide an out of hours service handle non complex email NCC systems either split, two • Service information kept possible Advice and Support, signposting to enquiries versions or data sharing relevant and up to date • Provision of children's agreement in place relevant partners / services • New opening hours for dissemination to trust call handling (or Harmonised opening hours consistent across the unitary Automation of emails rolled customers for all unitary could be North) out across the unitary services • Tell Us Once process • Standard KPIs and strategy One telephone number • All access channels with the DWP remains for customer implemented Voice automation rolled out across the unitary remain open • Stronger links to health • Change and training plan for • Customer remain at the and social care services CSC and organisation wide New CMS system heart of everything we • Out of hours suppliers • SNC change OOH provider Potential new eforms system do harmonise Plus Key Activities Year 1 Customer service contact centres are harmonised, increased remote working Systems and process are aligned. Unitary CRM system and workforce management is designed New website developed and migration begins to decommission old websites. Increased self serve and digital services based on user needs. Automation developed Systems are developed/ implemented to provide single view of the customer Telephony contact centre solution is reviewed Tell Us Once centralised / Out of Hours reviewed and implement a service to meet the customers needs Out of Hours services and provision is reviewed and changes implemented Face to Face to be developed to enable more self serve and be in locations customers need Tell Us Once is centralised process led by customer services

35 Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Digital & Transformation


Digital and TransformationAX / REVIEW

S o u r c e : NCC and District and Boroughs

Service Functions i n c l u d e d : All IT , digital and transformation services including: IT platforms, IT operations, IT digital services (note that online customer experience is in Customer Services), ICT business systems

S t a f f i n s c o p e : 37 FTEs FTE Transformation. ICT 186 (not including vacant posts)– note that ICT is recommended to be Lead Authority in the West, ICT and technical Digital staff will TUPE there.

I n v e s t m e n t : ICT systems/platforms to support the Digital and Technology strategy. (MS365, website, digital platform, ERP, Capita One, Eclipse, LLPG, data lake, BI and reporting solutions, service desk, project management tool, etc)


Designed for User Needs Designed for User Needs Understand our users and their needs. Co-create services with users (users can be customers, members, partners and employees. Key areas of collaboration:

Digital by preference 2 Digital services designed around humans and their needs. Creating service designs so • -Maintaining/improving existing and developing Digital by preference good that people choose to use them. These same services can also be used by new links and collaborative ways of working with employees to provide assistance to customers that are unable or choose not to use public and private partners them. Design with Data • Working in cross functional delivery teams to Use data more effectively by improving your technology, infrastructure and processes. create digital services that are integrated and Design with Data Keep the amount of data collected to a minimum and keep it for the shortest period cover the entire customer journey of time, ensure that the data can be used in many different places to develop • Understand the service users needs- what is good meaningful insights. service and how we can deliver that. Share re-use and collaborate 4 Share re-use and • Use data to innovate and create new models of Make sure that any IT or digital service being created, is shared in the open so service delivery collaborate colleagues can re-use the service pattern and help them along their change journeys • Improving collaborative working (including co- production) with other key partners, such as Be agile, iterate and improve Health, Education, Police and Community Groups Be agile, iterate and Doing things in short sharp sprints and releasing value in bursts, rather than waiting three years to see the whole things all at once. • Work with national digital networks to share and improve reuse service patterns, technology, code and integration models. Cloud leaning, modern enterprise architecture Taking the opportunity to look at other technologies and being able to stand up new 6 Cloud leaning, modern environments at greater speed because we don’t have to buy, licence and install all enterprise architecture the physical hardware. We will also need to develop our people capability as well as out technology components.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers • Provide capacity and capability to Vesting day Deliverables: & Channels implement transformation agenda • MS365, ERP, Eclipse, Capita Locations will remain • Microsoft; the as is • Provide capacity and capability to One, LLPG, website, supplier of our key implement the disaggregation of intranet Offer services based on productivity platform understanding user needs. hosted services • Strategy, target operating • LGSS and Unit 4, • Provide PMO support to ensure model and investment plan. providing our ERP platform governance and assurance • Change and training plan Aim to provide digital IT Systems • • Delivery of IT services to the North, for employees services so good – people New website delivery choose to use them. partner (TBC) Children’s Trust ; fusing the delivery of • Updated PM Practice New CMS system current IT services with new unitary IT guidelines/templates for • Digital platform “enabling” services each authority ERP Ensure that current access partner (TBC) • Service desk, desktop, infrastructure, • Provide framework to agree LLPG channels are not broken on • North networks, digital, application support transformation priorities MS365 day 1. Northamptonshire and development, strategy and for day 1+ Council architecture Eclipse • Support data sharing • Children’s Capita Offer seamless points of • Developing an internal consulting agreements for contact for new unitary IT Trust capability on the architecture, design All – IT systems and disaggregating services services (e.g. MS 365, • NHS, Police, etc and delivery of digital/IT services where system can’t split platforms website) • Delivery of ERP Business systems • Support SLA dev for Lead services to the North, CCC and MKC authority services. Plus Key Activities Year 1 New website developed with increased self-serve and better customer experience Increased self-serve and digital services based on understanding user needs. Consolidation of systems and datacentres underway, and ICT support services/teams MS365: work from anywhere, Teams, SharePoint online, integrated solution. Culture change and org wide training plan to deliver modern digital services ICT – Digital blueprint capability development - digital declaration lived up to Master data management & business intelligence platform and capability development Health and Social Care Integration. Adults Eclipse Finance Module Service integration and transformation including plan to decommission legacy IT 24/7 working, flexible and remote working enabled by the underpinning infrastructure systems


May ‘21 Benchmark current capability and capacity Recruitment to roles Dec ‘22 Sep ‘22 Sep ‘21

Onboarding, induction and familiarisation with current state Apr ‘21 working alongside North Define the requirement/user needs for colleagues to support their West and North strategy and architecture transition ICT Service on 8 networks services Shared vision for a Digital and Define the operating model for the Jan ’23 Technology Strategy in place. Prior to Dec ‘21 North and West Strategy and this we will develop an improved Architecture service May ‘22 capability in strategy and architecture Job descriptions and evaluation

ICT Service on two Jan ‘22 networks, with the North able to Gap analysis of current capability determine and manage against desired its own Digital and ICT strategic direction Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Human Resources and Staff Wellbeing


Human Resources and StaffAX / REVIEW Wellbeing

S o u r c e : NCC and D&B

Service Functions included: HR Advisory/Operations, HR Policies and Procedures, Pay Reward and Recognition, Diversity and Inclusion, Learning and Development, HR Systems, Performance Management, Culture/Engagement/Employee Behaviours, Transformation and Change Management, Workforce Analytics, Health and Wellbeing, Employee Relations and Trade Unions, Apprenticeships, Recruitment, Selection and Induction, H&S Policies and Procedures, Occupational Health, Statutory compliance monitoring. Payroll and HR Transactions lead authority model

Staff in scope: 112.86 FTE transferring over

Investment: New LMS (Learning Management System)


Deliver consistent services Deliver Consistent Services We need to ensure our services are high quality and consistent and advice given is right first time by ensuring a single set of clear policies and procedures are in place. Operate in a transparent way, aligned to shared values

Align resources to priorities 2 Lean, automated systems for high volume/low complexity support /transactional tasks Align resources to priorities to reduce the requirement for manual processes. Maximise technology / Promote Manager and Employee Self Service. Key areas of collaboration: Open and honest Open and honest communication • Vision, Operate in a transparent way, aligned to shared values communication • Values, • Culture and behaviours Deliver best outcomes 4 Deliver best outcomes Work with suppliers and partners to ensure e maximise resources and assets

Invest in technology Invest in technology Maximise technology / Promote Manager and Employee Self Service.

Decisions informed by data 6 Decisions informed by Work as enablers / problem solvers to achieve the best outcomes for the authority data


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels • Assisting line managers to understand and implement • Leadership structure in place for policies and procedures All current service each authority • Promoting equality and diversity as part of the culture delivery locations will • Improved MI and • Agreed transfer/Tupe like process of the organisation information sharing • in place and implemented. remain as-is (i.e. staff working Contracts with • liaising with a range of people involved in policy areas • Transfer of staff to new Councils within localities, services between partners external providers such as staff performance and health and safety completed allows for flexible are managed • Developing and implementing policies on issues like offered etc.). Centralised • New Authority Terms and working conditions, performance management, equal management staff will likely be development of the effectively with Conditions finalised and approved opportunities, disciplinary procedures and absence service for new starters aligned to West Head Office. performance management • Common set of policies and • Clear sign-posting to review and shared • Advising on pay and other remuneration issues, processes for new authorities, information available on business plans including promotion and benefits accessible to all employees • websites and web forms where applicable Negotiating with staff and their representatives (for • Identification and rationalisation example, trade union officials) on issues relating to as applicable of HR contracts IT Systems (Agency supplier pay and conditions • Single recruitment process in • Service information etc.) • Administering payroll and maintaining employee place for new Council - • E-recruitment for kept relevant and up to records communicated and in place *. recruitment to ensure links • Interpreting and advising on employment law date • Working with Trade Union • Dealing with grievances and implementing with ERP • Self service logging for Agreement in place for new disciplinary procedures Authority, covering consultation • ERP for HR and payroll internal customers • Developing HR planning strategies, which consider and negotiation management immediate and long-term staff requirements • Data and systems in place to • Planning and delivering training, including new staff ensure staff are paid after transfer • i-Learn for LMS with a view inductions • Pensions discretions agreed for to re-procure • Analysing training needs in conjunction with new Authority. departmental managers. * Safe and Legal PLUS

Plus Key Activities Year 1

• Review into service provision to align arrangements where possible • Review and alignment of systems and processes • Co-produced strategies • Terms and Conditions/ Pay/ Harmonisation • Alignment of systems and processes • Learning and Development transformation and split from hosted authority • Journey to greater self service • Hosted Authority transformation and split for L&D


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels • Northampton • Produce and maintain H&S Policies and Partnership Homes Procedures • Development of overarching • All staff and • Public Health • Provision of H&S advice and guidance • One Angel Square – H&S Policy Northampton contractors • Schools and Academies • Ensure legislative reporting compliance • Alignment of H&S Procedures • The Guildhall Northampton Amey (RIDDOR) • Phone contact • Alignment of H&S induction • Norse • Routinely monitor and audit to ensure • The Forum – training course H&S procedures are followed • Civic Offices, District • Intranet • Occupational Health • Audit schedule to cover all Employee Assistance • Produce, review & deliver H&S training Council unitary service areas • Email Programme materials • Alignment of consultation with • Lone worker Protection • Periodically consult with the Trade Unions the Trade Unions Service on H&S matters IT Systems • Alignment of communications • CLEAPSS • Investigate serious health & safety with one process for reporting • Frontline (W) incidents • Trade Unions accidents * • Ecins • Leisure centres, • Mapping of service contracts • Huddle (Schools) Community centre and future arrangements * committees / sports clubs * Safe and Legal PLUS

Plus Key Activities Year 1 • Development and delivery of training in line with new policy and procedures • Restructure of H&S team to amalgamate staff and co-locate • • Alignment of H&S software systems Agreement and delivery of an audit plan • Develop relationships with employee health and safety representatives • Develop health and safety intranet pages


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers • Pensions Fund Management (currently & Channels valued at £2.6bn) Lead Authority Model • Cambridgeshire • Continuation of • Fund accounting and statutory • Policies and strategies in line with Blueprint pensions fund members self reporting reviewed * service portal, • LGSS finance services • ‘Cradle to grave’ fund administration • Scheme of delegation email and (treasury, AP, Debt • Employer functions including reviewed/redesign telephone recovery) admissions and cessations explored channels • Investment funds • Support and oversight of scheme • Pensions branding managers employers in respect of their own redesign explored * • LGPS pension duties • Application to MHCLG • Employers • Fund governance including preparation to be the administering IT Systems of papers for s101 Committees and body Pension Board • ERP G • Member skills and knowledge training • Altair • Preparation of Fund strategies and • I-Connect policies * Safe and Legal PLUS • Fund communications • Pension systems and development

Plus Key Activities Year 1

• Stabilisation of the workflow from the unitary transition • Establishment of a Pensions Board and Committee


Review and mapping of service function in detail – systems, processes, contracts etc. Procurement of LMS Staff engagement and consultation, Initial to-be service design drafted

May ‘21 Dec ‘21 Nov ‘21 Jun ‘21

Proposal to Governance channels regarding service design and future requirements for Apr ‘21 splitting (indicative budgets, staffing levels, REVIEW AND DESIGN PERIOD system requirements) IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD

Define and confirm scope Jan ’22 and service baseline data Jul ‘21 following vesting day Sep ‘21

Implementation Plans developed and agreed

Aug ‘21 Engagement with North Northants Unitary regarding service split and relevant proposals / requirements Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Corporate Support Services


Corporate Support ServicesAX / REVIEW

S o u r c e : Both County, Brough and District services

Service Functions included:

Procurement, Legal, Democratic and Elections, Information Governance, Insurance, Central Libraries Management. Insurance services will be provided by CCC under the lead authority model, Risk and Audit will be provided by MKC

Staff in scope : 100.94 FTE

I n v e s t m e n t : any additional investment required


Deliver consistent services Deliver Consistent Services We need to ensure our services are high quality and consistent and advice given is right first time by ensuring a single set of clear policies and procedures are in place. Operate in a transparent way, aligned to shared values Focus on Value for Money 2 Lean, automated systems for high volume/low complexity support /transactional tasks Focus on value for money to reduce the requirement for manual processes. Maximise technology / Promote Manager and Employee Self Service.

Key areas of collaboration: Operate as one council with one voice and shared values Operate as one council Operate in a transparent way, aligned to shared values • Senior leadership team • Corporate Directors

Deliver Shared Outcomes 4 Deliver shared outcomes Work with suppliers and partners to ensure e maximise resources and assets

Embrace Technological Embrace Technological Information information Maximise technology / Promote Manager and Employee Self Service.

Data gathered and shared 6 Data gathered and shared Work as enablers / problem solvers to achieve the best outcomes for the authority


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer & Channels Key Partners & Suppliers • Library Lending Service • Online access via PCs, tablets and Wi-Fi • Library HQ and • Central Buying • Agree SLA for provision of Consortium (Stock • Printing, scanning and copying Learning Resources • Universal service to the North * for Education includes) • Virtual services (Inc. e-lending) customer base • Ensure Intranet content is Centre @ Booth including children • Askews • Information provision representative of North Meadow House, Other stock suppliers • Signposting & Referral incl. MECC and West * Riverside, including digital suppliers Northampton • Walk-ins • Business and IP Centre services • Ensure Banking • Bolinda requirements are clear for • Telephone • Assisted Digital Support (e.g. Blue badge • Overdrive N & W and communicate and bus passes) • Online to customers IT Systems • Children’s services including Bookstart • Library to You • Community Orgs (CML) • Contract • • 20 Community Managed Libraries • Library Management Schools (LRE) Novation/assignment • Property Services Supported System (Axiell Spark) • Prison • Ensure Data Sharing • LGSS IT • Income generation/delivery of traded agreements are in place • Self Service (Bibliotheca) • Public Health • Book Trust services between N&W and CML’s • Peoples Network (LGSS IT) • • Registrars • Management including grant funding • Rebrand as required * • Wifi (MLL) (S106) • Adult Learning • * Safe and Legal PLUS • MFD solution (Canon) • Bookstart co-ordination • See also “IT Systems” • Library Systems support Plus• Financial Transactions and processing Key Activities Year 1

• Consider most effective/efficient way to deliver managed services to both • Integrate with unitary customer service offer unitary authorities • Implement transformation planning outcomes • Disaggregate/move to locality based model as necessary • Procure for long term Library Management System/Systems • Align Strategic direction and delivery with individual unitary priorities


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels • Northamptonshire • Produce and maintain Information • Registration with the ICO Police Governance Policies and Procedures • DPO and Caldicott guardian in • One Angel Square – • All staff and contractors • NFRS • Provision of advice and guidance place Northampton • • Partners • ICO • Produce and review GDPR training Development of overarching data • The Guildhall Northampton • Residents of • NHS & health partners materials protection and data security • The Forum – Towcester policies and procedures • Council Northamptonshire • Children’s Trust • Processing information requests from • Data sharing agreements in place • As is today • Face to Face customers between the N & W and with our • Phone contact • Maintaining the NHS Data security and partners • Letter protection toolkit • Privacy notices and information IT Systems • Intranet • Provide support with producing data asset registers in place • Email sharing agreements & DPIA’s • Alignment of GDPR and data • Redaction • Website • Provide support in writing information security induction training course software asset registers, data flows and privacy • Alignment of communications with • Cycfreedom notices one process for requesting • Ensuring publication of transparency data information & reporting a security and publication scheme incident * • Publication scheme and • Reviewing contracts and MOU’s transparency data owners in place • * Safe and Legal PLUS

Plus Key Activities Year 1

• Further alignment of Information Governance communications • Restructure of Information Governance team to amalgamate staff and co- • Alignment of software systems locate • Further alignment of templates


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels • Tendering above/below threshold, • Provision of a Functioning Requests for Quotation, Waiver Procurement team for NNC. • All current service Management, Contract Regs. Regardless of physical location at delivery locations • Significant contracts Reporting, Procurement Activity this point. will remain as-is • Development of with suppliers. Reporting, Spend Reporting, Contract • Corporate Contract Registers​ (i.e. staff working dashboard Register Maintenance, Procurement • E-Tendering Systems​ * within localities, reporting and • All services across the Advice, Procurement Training, services offered • Procurement & Contract analysis for council. Documentation Development & Management Policy etc.). services and Maintenance, Procurement Intranet & • Comprehensive Documentation​ * corporate Internet Content Management, • Outline SLA​ * management. Corporate Management, Public Data • Intranet Page(s) * • Clear sign-posting Publishing, Audit Support, Provision of IT Systems to information • Provision of template Letters for Procurement Performance Data, available on contract novation/assignment • Corporate Supplier Engagement, Market (change of organisation) websites and web Systems in Knowledge Research, Contract forms as • Ensure consistent procurement place Management Governance. advice and support on the applicable. corporate governance of • Intend or • Assist service areas to identify the • Service information procurement and contractual Proactis. best way to deliver those outcomes at queries to other programmes in the kept relevant and the lowest cost, via the most robust transfer to Safe and Legal • ERP Gold. up to date for staff procurement frameworks, consolidate and members. procurement practices and help bring together commissioning teams with • * Safe and Legal PLUS wide ranging expertise. Plus Key Activities Year 1

• Review into service provision to align arrangements where possible. • Review and refine contract register. • Alignment of systems and processes. Streamlining of systems, services and • Review and refine staffing. contracts will provide cost savings compared to current position. • Embedding Procurement process into BAU. • Review and alignment of systems and processes.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & • Systems in place e.g. case management & Channels Suppliers Established legal provision or contract in place • Legal Services provide legal • All current service Robust process for the transfer of legacy and advice and guidance to the ongoing cases from the sovereign councils delivery locations will council and all its services. MO List of authorised officers able to take legal action remain as-is. Centralised • Improved MI and is incorporated within this, it is on behalf of each council. management staff will information sharing • Additional Legal also responsible for corporate Updated standards regime including appointment likely be aligned to West between partners Services to be governance arrangements. of Independent Persons Head Office. allows for flexible commissioned Official seal for each unitary. • Democratic Services provides development of the from either LGSS support to Councillors , officers • CMS system and support teams in place service and improves Law or District and members of the public on Agreed operating model for services and functions effective Law the Council’s decision making * implementation of processes. The service also Statutory scrutiny officers in place for West • IT Systems SLA’s provides support to Councillors Governance and locality arrangements in place • Clear sign-posting to (Cabinet vs Committee) to ensure they are able to information available Website as a means of publishing papers CMIS or ModGov undertake their roles A nominated clerk to the Lord Lieutenant on websites effectively . Civic and ceremonial arrangements for the new Democratic Services case • Service information • Provision of a comprehensive councils approved management system kept relevant and up Electoral Registration and Updated and adopted North and West Corporate Systems in place for to date Election Management to the Constitutions payroll etc (ERP) unitary council Updated members’ allowances scheme Electoral Management • Single electoral register * Single electoral management system * Software Designated Returning Officer Legal case management system Electoral Registration Officer

Plus Key Activities Year 1

• Review into service provision to align • Availability of a new CMS system – needs to be in place by Mar 21 in readiness for arrangements where possible May elections and subsequent paper provision • Alignment of systems and processes


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels

• Cambridge • Milton Keynes • Insurance services for West • Provision of the • Intranet pages Northamptonshire Council. insurance for Shadow • All current will be fully • Insurance • Insurance Policy procurement and Authorities. Northamptonshire developed and Brokers – A J management. locations delivered to Gallagher. • Provision of the enable self • Claims administration and insurance for the New service delivery. • Insurers – TBC management services. Unitary Authority. subject to • Provision of insurance and indemnity • Agreed process for procurement. related advice and guidance. claims management * IT Systems • Creation of e- • Software Prover claims form for – Fusemetrix. • Provision of insurable risk • Updated Policies public to make management advice. • Contribution to the highways related • Insurance SLA for the Lead • Claims Management claims. services to be Authority model * System – MIMS provided via FMX. Cambs CC under • ERP. new LGSS ToM. • * Safe and Legal PLUS

Plus Key Activities Year 1 • Delivery and implementation of insurance services to Council. • Subject to change of LGSS target operating model. • Development of claims management processes to meet council needs. • No other service transformation planned at this time. • Agreement of service deliverables and PI for council.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels For Day 1 • Internal Audit • To ensure an Internal Audit • External Auditors (tbc) • External Audit function is in place to deliver the Lead Authority Model • Internal Audit services (MKC) • Audit Governance Internal Audit Plan in line with Blueprint • Financial Procedures and • To ensure External Auditors have Regulations been appointed. . • Anti Money Laundering • The Authority’s Financial Policy Procedures and Regulations are defined and approved. • Anti Fraud and Counter terrorism policy • To ensure Anti Money Laundering and Anti Fraud & Counter IT Systems • Risk Management Strategy Terrorism policies have been and monitoring. • N/A approved for the Authority. • Risk Management Strategy has been defined and approved and Authority wide Risk Monitoring processes are in place • Contribution to the SLA for the Lead Authority model * * Safe and Legal PLUS

Plus Key Activities Year 1

For Day 1 • Risk monitoring and enhancements • Alignment of policies and procedures ensuring Authority wide best practice is in • Embedding processes and procedures place.


Training Planning new starter Service Design training Model of delivery finalised, Individual requirements considered

Legalities Start to consider statutory and legal Systems compliance Sep ‘21 Review of key systems – Jan ‘22 Wi-Fi/orienting systems Dec‘21 Feb ’22

Aug ‘21

Options Appraisals Mar ’22 New Systems Design and Agree Procurement of new and review options Oct ‘21 library management for procurement system Contract Review Financial Systems Stock, SLA, System in place and Traded Services review budget split Nov‘21 Communication Planning Stakeholder Mapping, Planning Staff consultation and engagement Recruitment Service design will Contract Move dictate if this is a Move all to the Lead requirement Authority Physical Assets Stock allocation, database disaggregation and headquarter review Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Births, Deaths and Marriages


Births, Deaths and MarriagesAX / REVIEW - Registrations

S o u r c e : Registrations, Ceremonial and Coroners Services are provided by NCC. There are no publically owned crematoria in West Northants. The current model is the registrations service will disaggregate into West and North on a 50/50 model. Coroners service cannot be disaggregated as this is not permissible under current regulations for establishing new coroners geographies.

Service Functions included: Registrations, ceremonies (marriages), burial sites and Coroners.

Staff in scope:

21.35FTE* Disaggregated NCC staff to the West. 13.5FTE in registrations *Source Future Northants employee data supplied by local HR teams. On-going validation of these numbers and roles.

Investment: No investment for Day One.


Seamless service delivery for Day One Continuity of service No changes to service standards. Coroner’s Service operated by the West will provide single service for the North

2 Smoothing the customer experience in waste services Safe and Legal Deliver a ‘Safe & Legal’ registration, coroners & bereavement services for the new Key areas of collaboration: appointed Unitary authorities for 1st April 2021 • COVID response – essential services that need to be tied into organisation response and changes in service demands. Continued access to quality Digital front door • Working with assets teams on venues and services and facilities Ensuring customers have both excellent web-based access to services but also those participating in ceremonies have a good customer experience operational premises. • Host/Client relationship with the North Northants unitary. 4 Promoting the West and delivering to local expectations Services by Geography Opportunity to do more targets customer service evaluation and review of operational sites.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels • Seamless transition for West All current service registrations services into delivery locations will disaggregated model. • Successful disaggregation remain as-is (i.e. staff working NHS primary and • Clear sign-posting to • No changes to service levels. of Registrations Service. locations, services offered etc.). secondary care. information available on Centralised management • Suitable wedding venues managed for • Confirming arrangements websites and web forms as MHCLG function will operate from the West. for Coroners Service in applicable but with no Police existing locations for Day One. • Ensuring that national registration lead authority model in major changes anticipated channels are maintain for reporting of the West. for Day One. official statistics and data to • Service information kept governmental organisations. IT Systems relevant and up to date for dissemination, both via RON customer contact representatives and printed / online information.

Plus Key Activities Year 1 • Implementing second instance of RON database for the West and North. • Review service model and develop plan for future service management and optimisation. • Review and alignment of systems and processes • Service stabilisation and optimisation.

61 Service Blueprint Day 1 service Design for West Northamptonshire Policy & Performance


Policy & Performance AX / REVIEW

S o u r c e : NCC and D&B

Service Functions included:

Crisis and emergency comms, Strategic comms advice and support for staff and members, PR, press and media relations service, Service marketing and promotion, Social media activity, management and development, Graphic Design Services, New brand management, Website and intranet content development, Video/photography services, Internal comms, Events management and promotion, Speech writing, Behavioural change campaigns, Awards submissions/ national case studies, Publications, Income generation/advertising, Place marketing promotions, Public affairs, Compliments, comments and complaints policies and procedures, processing compliments, comments and complaints, dealing with ombudsman complaints, performance reporting, statutory returns, report development, equalities policies, technical report writing, strategic planning, analysis and benchmarking.

Staff in scope : 26.87FTE

I n v e s t m e n t : any additional investment required


Deliver consistent services Deliver Consistent Services We need to ensure our services are high quality and consistent and advice given is right first time by ensuring a single set of clear policies and procedures are in place. Operate in a transparent way, aligned to shared values

Focus on Value for Money 2 Lean, automated systems for high volume/low complexity support /transactional tasks Focus on value for money to reduce the requirement for manual processes. Maximise technology / Promote Manager and Employee Self Service.

Key areas of collaboration: Operate as one council with one voice and shared values Operate as one council Operate in a transparent way, aligned to shared values • Senior leadership team, • Corporate Directors • Benchmarking groups- external Deliver Shared Outcomes 4 Deliver shared outcomes Work with suppliers and partners to ensure and maximise resources and assets

Embrace Technological Embrace Technological Information information Maximise technology / Promote Manager and Employee Self Service.

Data gathered and shared 6 Data gathered and shared Work as enablers / problem solvers to achieve the best outcomes for the authority


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels Branding Audit to All current service Local and National • PR, press and media understand day 1 must delivery locations will Press. relations. have’s for safe and legal remain as-is (i.e. staff • Clear sign-posting to working within information available on Other Councils in the • Crisis and emergency Create logo and localities, services websites and web forms as area/country. communications. branding for Shadow applicable offered etc.). Members. • Social media activity and Executive • Service information kept relevant and up to date Staff. management. Create logo and (e.g. opening times, events, Residents and • Internal communications. branding for West signposting etc.). Northants general public. • New brand management. Update Policies, IT Systems • Strategic communications, procedures and advice and support. Media monitoring and news strategies for new distribution platforms. • Advice and Support for authority formal consultations Graphic design contracts and Oversee web content * software. Control of branding to Social media channels and ensure brand integrity * management platforms. New system in place to Image and photo libraries. support consultation * Video and photo editing software. * Safe and Legal Plus Web and e-zine software. Plus Key Activities Year 1 • Review and alignment of systems and processes. Review into service provision to align arrangements where possible. • Initiate review and development of co-produced Strategies with partners and communities Alignment of systems and processes. – longer term shared initiatives and strategic direction. • Review into best practice models – what’s working and what needs to change.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels • LGSCO • Produce and maintain Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policies and • Health & parliamentary • Development of Ombudsman Procedures • One Angel Square – Northampton • All staff and contractors Compliments, Comments and • The Guildhall Northampton • Partners • Housing Ombudsman • Provision of advice and guidance Complaints and Vexatious • The Forum – Towcester • Residents of • Processing compliments, comments and Persons policies and • Northamptonshire • Civic Offices, Daventry District Northamptonshire complaints from customers procedures Council Partnership Homes • Face to Face • Dealing with Ombudsman • Norse • Phone contact complaints/enquiries • Alignment of communications • Veolia • Letter • Produce regular performance reports • Care home providers • Intranet • IT Systems Mapping of service contracts • Health Partners and future arrangements * • Email • Respond • Website • CXM • Cycfreedom • Lagan CRM • Jadu CXM

Plus Key Activities Year 1

• Restructure of Compliments, Comments and Complaints team to • Moving towards a centralised operating model amalgamate staff and co-locate • Alignment of software systems


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers All current service & Channels • Performance Reporting delivery locations will • OLM remain as-is (i.e. staff • • Central Government Statutory Returns/Reporting • Support the production of working within localities, • Oracle services offered etc.). • HMRC • Equalities advice and guidance statutory returns • Ofsted • Public • Technical Report Writing (SQL) • Identification and allocation IT Systems • NHS of performance reports * • Trello • Councillors • GIS & Geography Analysis • NHfT • Service Performance Reporting • Support the development of • SSMS • ADASS the SORPs * • Children’s Trust • Strategic Planning, Analysis & • Postgre SQL • LGA • Support the development of • Public Health Benchmarking • Microsoft Power BI • Public Health the Council Plan * • • SSRS Adults service • Internal/External Communication • NHS area • Develop new equalities • Searchlight/V2 • Financial Reporting/data provision policies • NHfT • MS Office • Brokerage case management • Consolidated EQIA process * • MHCLG • Cygnum • Report Development • Email • CareFirst/Eclipse • * Safe and Legal Plus • Capita One • Phone contact • QGIS • Website • Crystal Reporting • Intranet • Actuate • Business Objects Plus Key Activities Year 1 • Central BI team in place for the Unitaries reporting and returns • Creation of two new BI functions • Consolidation of disparate datasets through currently 8 local councils. • New performance reporting for new local authorities • Consolidated reporting • Statutory Returns/Reporting for closed down authorities • Corporate business planning and performance framework • Strategic Planning, Analysis & Benchmarking


Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Finance & Resources

68 Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Finance


F i n a n c e AX / REVIEW

S o u r c e : A number of the functions within the Finance, Exchequer Services and Pensions services are present in all districts, boroughs and the county.

Service Functions included:

• Finance (General Ledger, External and Internal Reporting, Capital planning, budgeting, Treasury, Taxation, Corporate Finance & Projects, Financial Control), • Exchequer Services (Accounts Payable & Receivable, Petty Cash and Government Procurement Cards, Helpdesk) • Pensions (detailed service blueprint in Corporate pack)

Staff in scope: Staff linked to services transferred to the West as a Lead Authority (Pensions, Exchequer Services). Remaining staff will be aggregated/ disaggregated in line with service designs and the overarching blueprint. • Exchequer Services - 30.41 FTE TUPE to the West • Pensions – 71.89 FTE TUPE to the West • Finance – 48.61 FTE TUPE to the West

I n v e s t m e n t : Exchequer Services - Additional resource for the Helpdesk on Day 1 to manage an influx of calls in both payables and receivables for potentially a couple of months (resource to be quantified for training and testing (potential backfill requirements)) . Pensions – Additional outsourced training support for newly appointed Pensions Committee Members

Strictly Private and Confidential BLUEPRINT DESIGN PRINCIPLES – FINANCE

Accurate data underpins the finance service. Comprehensive understanding of the data will empower informed decisions by Data sound business intelligence and data analytics

2 Appropriate resources to support the functions that the service deliver, incorporating all statutory roles and responsibilities. Service Design Consistent approach to working practices & policies with a continual drive to enhance efficiencies

The service will endeavour to maximise the potential of all technology available, including partner and customers alike, Technology using the most effective, efficient and compliant methods of contact and data transfer available

To drive good financial management whilst providing good quality services to the residents of the county. Whilst providing 4 strategic and business support across the council to enable robust and efficient decision making by management and members. Financial Management Effective process and procedures are in place to ensure robust financial controls are exercised in both unitary authorities to ensure the safeguarding of assets and minimisation of liabilities.

Building upon the existing cultures to be enhanced for each of the two authorities by both senior management and the Culture workforce collaboratively. These will harmonise further as the new authorities mature. Governance and policies will support a vision for Finance

6 The output of the service quality will continue to be of a high standard. Key performance indicators will empower any areas of Quality focus or improvement required based on evidence. Services will be based on the right insight & evidence


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels • To ensure payments made to the two Lead Authority Model in authorities are made in a efficient, secure line with Blueprint • Unitary Authorities 3rd Party and accurate manner with agreed KPIs. • Accounts Payable processing. suppliers • To ensure sundry income for the two • Accounts Receivable • Unitary Authorities authorities is received in a efficient, secure processing. and accurate manner. customers • Petty Cash administration. • To ensure Debt is managed effectively and • Unitary Authorities Finance recovered in accordance with agreed • Government Procurement and Procurement functions Cards (GPC) processing. policies • Internal and External Audit • To ensure petty cash is administered for • Banks . the two authorities in line with policies IT Systems and in a efficient, secure and accurate . manner. • Payables and • To ensure GPCs are administered for the receivables two authorities in line with policies and in processing are a efficient, secure and accurate manner. provided by ERP Agresso

Plus Key Activities Year 1

• For Day 1 • Close out remaining 2020/21 open items (creditors/debtors) Migrating from multiple accounts payable, accounts receivable , petty cash • Embedding new processes and procedures administration and other payable functions to a single shared service for both unitary authorities.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels • Accounting – maintenance of the general Lead Authority Model in ledger in order to hold and enable the line with Blueprint reporting of the Authority’s financial data. • CCC Exchequer • Accounting – general ledger • Meet Customer and Services (accounts • External reporting – to enable the Channels • Reporting to meet statutory receivable & payable Authority to meet statutory and legal and legal obligations. management obligations (e.g. statutory government information • External Auditors (tbc) returns - RO, RA, WGA etc., annual • Management information reporting • Internal Auditors Statement of Accounts, VAT and Tax reporting. requirements (MKC) reporting to HMRC) • Financial control • Treasury Advisors (tbc) • Management Reporting – providing • Capital Planning and internal reporting (single source of truth) budgeting • Financial services to support the Authority in monitoring IT Systems providers (Barclays and • Treasury D&Bs banking services performance and making decisions. • • Taxation Accounting and transferred to the new • Financial planning, setting Medium Term reporting services Authority Financial Plans, setting revenue and • Corporate Finance & Projects are provided by capital budgets, ongoing monitoring ERP Agresso • Taxation compliance • Treasury Live • Financial control – providing a framework and oversight to ensure the Authority can safe guard assets and minimise liabilities

Plus Key Activities Year 1

• For Day 1 • Close out remaining 2020/21 open items (creditors/debtors) Consolidation from multiple policies, processes, systems and organisations to • Review adequacy and changes to reporting via ERP common instances in the North and West leading to efficiency and control improvements • Embedding new processes and procedures

73 Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Revenues & Benefits


Revenues and Benefits AXService / REVIEW (West)

S o u r c e : Districts and Boroughs & LGSS (NBC Service)

Service Functions included : Revenues, Benefits, Money and Debt Advice

Staff in scope : 115.76 FTEs

Investment: Future investment to harmonise ICT Systems


Maintain service excellence Continue to employ best service practice and improve collections rates where possible, whilst Service Delivery transitioning through to unitary authorities. Maintain or improve performance on time taken to assess claims for Housing Benefit and Council tax Reduction. Consistent approach to working practices & policies with a continual drive to enhance efficiencies

2 Place customers at the centre of all we do Customers Ensure services continue to be easy to access, digital services are evolved further whilst we are still able to cater for our most vulnerable residents

Steps towards a harmonised service Customers can access any office within the unitary area and get the same or similar service through Harmonisation our collaborative approach backed up with appropriate training plans. Policies, procedures and working practices are harmonised along with the Council Tax and Council Tax Reduction schemes

Drive Technology Forward 4 Technology The service will endeavour to maximise the potential of all technology available, including partner and customers alike, using the most effective, efficient and compliant methods of contact and data transfer available Positive culture Building upon the existing cultures to be enhanced for each of the two authorities by both senior Culture management and the workforce collaboratively. These will harmonise further as the new authorities mature. Governance and policies will support a vision for Finance

Collaborative Teams 6 Collaboration Build on collaborative working arrangements between teams to provide a more integrated and harmonised service


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels • LGSS • Daventry • Easy to access service with a variety of • Council Tax • CSN easy payment methods • Northampton • Northgate • Council Tax Reduction Scheme • Push towards digital • Financial support provided to those including new claims and • South Northants • Capita One services whilst most vulnerable to avoid change event assessments • BID homelessness, financial insolvency recognising the need • NNDR Business Rates • Citizens Advice and bankruptcy for a more flexible • Recovery & Enforcement service for vulnerable • DWP • Maximisation of income to the Council residents may bring • Landlords from collection of Council Tax and • Sundry Debts further efficiencies • Business Rates • Subsidies & Returns Valuation Office IT Systems Agency • Money & Debt Advice • Harmonisation and • Community Law • Assessment of new claims further development Service and change events for • Capita One including of online website • Futures Housing Benefit forms may bring Partnership • Housing Benefit subsidy • Northgate further efficiencies • CEEA and better customer including audit • Document Management • Internal and external access • Performance and systems systems including audit Northgate enterprise • Enforcement agents • Housing providers

Plus Key Activities Year 1

• Working assumption is that we ‘lift and shift’ current arrangements into • Harmonisation of subsidies and returns • the new organisations through DWP action plan

• Operating model review will commence from Year 1 • New unitary arrangements for Money & Debt Advice


Service Blueprint Day 1 service Design for West Northamptonshire Place

78 Service Blueprint Day 1 service Design for Regulatory: Planning, West Northamptonshire Environment & Trading Standards


Regulatory: Planning, EnvironmentAX / REVIEW & Trading Standards

S o u r c e : NCC and D&B

Service Functions included: Bereavement services, Building control, Emergency planning, Environmental Health, Flood risk management/flood defences and land drainage, Development control services including waste, minerals, Planning policy, Sports grounds certification, Street naming and numbering, Trading standards, Travellers unit

Staff in scope: 171* *Source Future Northants employee data supplied by local HR teams. On-going validation of these numbers and roles.

Investment: NCC investment in 6 new Trading Standards posts to facilitate disaggregation (Total: £198k pa = £99k pa West) – already agreed by NCC.


Safe, Legal and Accessible Services Safe, Legal and Accessible We need to ensure that safe, legal and accessible services continue to be delivered Services with no interruption for residents, customer and the public. Key areas of collaboration: • Maintaining/improving existing and developing new Strategy and Policy Harmonisation links and collaborative ways of working with 2 Strategy & Policy We will harmonize strategies, policies and procedures with proper and through statutory, strategic and business partners consultation. Where harmonisation could lead to an impractical or unfair burden on • Improving collaborative working (including co- Harmonisation customers a transitioning period will be determined and agreed. production of strategies, improved access to/sharing of information) with other key partners, such as Business Continuity Health, Education, Police and Community Groups We will ensure that there is a seamless transition for approvals, applications, • Closer working with our communities and service Business Continuity consultations, advice, inspections, investigations and case management. users to help determine priorities/needs within the local area and help shape future service design Authorisations • Interfaces with town and parish councils on special 4 We will ensure that all officers have the appropriate delegated authority to be able to planning and developments in West Northants. Authorisations provide a legal service. We will ensure that Members with responsibilities for these • Ensuring that the West has strong working service or committees are able to commence work seamlessly post election. relationship with North where operational and strategic collaboration is necessary Services by Geography All location based services and staff will remain where they currently are. Staff will Services by Geography only be moved when business delivery model has been developed and agreed, post Vesting day. Day One accommodation for the West.

Legal Governance Structures 6 Legal Governance We will develop proposals for the new council to consider when establishing new Structures governance structures that are legal, effective and efficient.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers & Channels • Relationships with This broad portfolio covers a range of services • All current service partners are maintained delivery locations will that must be safe and legal for Vesting Day. • Seamless administration and • Ensuring seamless routing with minimal disruption. There are no major changes in service offer remain as-is (i.e. staff working of enquiries and • Improved information determination of applications within localities, services planned in the service areas in scope of this across all service areas. applications to the correct sharing. blueprint. They are as follows: offered etc.). service team across the • Continued ability to take • Ensuring the authority has all current authorities. account of future growth • Environmental Protection necessary legal requirements in • With exception of Planning • Improved MI and proposals in their • Trading Standards place to enable enforcement Policy for the West with NBC information sharing investment decisions, to • Licensing (Inspection, investigation and agreed as host authority for between partners allows understand and • Health & Safety advice and investigations intervention) from Vesting Day.. this service. for flexible development of incorporate local • Food Safety • Ensuring seamless progression of the services. priorities/ opportunities • Building Control private & commercial planning and IT Systems • Clear sign-posting to and to pilot innovation • Development Management development work. information available on and invest in exemplary developments to help • Planning Policy • Establishing any area planning websites and web forms as • deliver sustainable • Local Land Charges committees for the West and Existing case management and applicable growth. • Climate and environmental protection shaping the strategic planning licensing systems will remain in • Service information kept • Flood Management arrangements with North place and be accessible by staff relevant and up to date for • Minerals and Waste Northants. dissemination, both via customer contact and • Supporting staff through unitary • Existing planning portal and back printed / online formation through change office systems remain accessible information. to West staff.

Plus Key Activities Year 1 • Develop a business delivery and investigation model in Regulatory Services based • Review and harmonise existing scheme of delegations, policies, statements and on geography and specialisms. procedures. • Robustly pursue IT opportunities to mobilise the work force. • Review and alignment of systems and processes • Integration of trading standards into regulatory service team in the West. • Confirm future service structures for maximum efficiency. • Disaggregation of county wide services provided by NCC into West. • Develop, implement and refine a business delivery models.. • Develop client interface with the North for Travellers Unit services in the West.

82 Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Highways & Waste Service


H i g h w a y s & Waste ServiceAX / REVIEW

S o u r c e : Highways & Transport- NCC, D&B. Waste Management Services are provided by all eight authorities. The District and Borough councils are responsible for collection services and recycling. The County Council is responsible for waste disposal and Household Waste Recycling Centres.

Service Functions included:

Development Management, Regulations / Enforcement, Travel Choices, Capital Programme Delivery Unit (CPDU), New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) (Administration and Inspections), Investigations, Searches and Definitive Map, Community Liaison, Street lighting, Parking - parking services, P&D machines, on street parking, Bus Lane Enforcement, Highway Maintenance, Winter service works, Bus stations/Shelter, Traffic Management, Traffic Management System, Bus services - commercial registrations, traveline database, concessionary travel, Highways Development, Highways improvements, Enforcement, regulation & licensing, Coordination of works on the highway, Rights of way, Local land charges, Road Safety, Sponsorship of assets, Technical approval authority, Business improvement. Waste Collection, Recycling, Grounds Maintenance, Street Cleansing.

Staff in scope: 1 9 5 F T E s *Source Future Northants employee data supplied by local HR teams. On-going validation of these numbers and roles.

Investment: No investment for Day One. Longer term the service would look to explore the benefits of investment in waste management infrastructure but this would be a strategic initiative.


Seamless service delivery for Day One Continuity of service No changes to service standards for household services for collection of waste and recycling. Key areas of collaboration: 2 A more collaborative model • COVID response – essential services that need to be Collaborative Working A more joined up approach with other business areas for example planning and tied into organisation response and changes in transport would enable less duplication and a joined up approach service demands. • Inclusion of borough and districts to ensure that Highways Team include any elements for future Smoothing the customer experience in waste services inclusion to new contract. Harmonisation of services Consistent fees and charges will be in place for some elements including bulk waste collection. Medium term harmonisation achievable in 3 of the 4 districts and borough • Lighting and parking teams within the business units areas. • Relationships with town and parish councils on grounds maintenance contracted or devolved to Clienting arrangements for West in place local councils. 4 Strong client function for Host authority model will be in place for 12 months to allow full disaggregation of NCC Waste Disposal functions functions to the North. West will need to establish a client function to manage the • Closer working with NHS and Adult Social Care on hosting period. collection of medical waste.

Services by Geography • Host/Client relationship with the North Northants All location based services will remain where they are currently provided from, and all unitary. Services by Geography that sit within the boundaries of the North Unitary will transfer in ownership accordingly. Staff based at localities will remain in these localities. Strong Host Authority for Hosting key functions for the North 6 Highways & Transport Host authority model will be in place for 12 months to allow full disaggregation of NCC functions functions to the North with alignment to BCW service decision.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers • Transport Provision to mainstream, SEN and All current service & Channels looked after children plus social care and • Veolia – collection delivery locations will health • Development and supplier for NBC. remain as-is (i.e. staff • Maintain highways infrastructure and provide maintenance of the • • Norse – collection JV working within localities, Improved MI and winter services on the network highways infrastructure supplier for DDC. services offered etc.). information sharing • Highways development Management – network Centralised management between partners • Town and Parish consultation on planning applications, securing • Developing future plans staff. Highways & Transport. allows for flexible Councils – Devolution developer contributions (S106/CIL), permitting and working with will likely be aligned to West development of the of grounds functions to developer works, adoption of roads. developers and waste disposal to North service and improves local administrators. • Highways improvements . Strategic view on effective commissioning • Providing transport Head Office. • how assets will be developed and improved • Clear sign-posting to Highways , DfT provisions to those who • • Seamless collection of black bin household information available on NSL Ltd need it the most IT Systems • waste from households to current websites and web forms KierWSP • specifications. Collection of recycling materials • Ensuring safety on the • Corporate Systems in as applicable Bramble Hub Ltd • from households. highways network place for purchases and • Service information kept Connect Roads • Developing a competitive commercial waste • Enforcement and invoicing relevant and up to date Northamptonshire LTD • Balfour Beaty service. regulation • Customer interface on website for dissemination, both • DDL, for information and via customer contact • Continued street cleansing to local and COVID • Ensure that waste is • Homes England, Home specifications. collected and applications / payments representatives and printed / online Builders Federation processed effectively • Bartec in cab technology • Management of grounds and open spaces to information West Northants service standards. • Street cleansing • Waste DataFlow

Plus Key Activities Year 1 • • Digitalisation of areas to align with other systems and remove paper based solutions Highways contract re-procurement & service disaggregation • Review into service provision to align arrangements where possible (in-house/out- • Transport service disaggregation sourced provision) • Review hosted service model and develop plan for permanent lead authority model. • Business case for strategic infrastructure investment for waste disposal and recycling. • Business case for potential integration of NBC and DDC waste collection service into SNC as host. • Review and alignment of systems and processes • Service stabilisation and optimisation.


Review and mapping of service function Staff engagement and consultation, in detail – systems, processes, initiate any third party contract contracts etc. requirements (i.e. splitting from one Consultation with staff and unitary service contract to two where/if cabinets on full disaggregation applicable) Initial to-be service design drafted

May ‘21 Dec ‘21 Nov ‘21 Jun ‘21

Proposal to Unitary regarding service design and future requirements for splitting Apr ‘21 (indicative budgets, staffing levels, system REVIEW AND DESIGN PERIOD requirements) IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD

Define and confirm scope Jan ’22 and service baseline data Jul ‘21 following vesting day Sep ‘21

Implementation Plans developed and agreed

Aug ‘21 Engagement with North Northants Unitary Services fully regarding service split and relevant disaggregated proposals / requirements Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Economy and Regeneration


Economy and RegenerationAX / REVIEW

S o u r c e : NCC and D&Bs

Service Functions Included: Economic Development

Staff in Scope: 11 FTEs

Investment • £3 million from ERDF and £6 million through SEMLEP for the Vulcan Works Regeneration • Northampton has a successful Future High Street Fund bid. Both Northampton and are part of the Towns Fund programme (up to £25m funding per place). • £2 million funding from the Local Growth Fund – Catesby Aerodynamic Research and Innovation Centre and £4.2 million for the Catesby Aerodynamic Research Facility


Freedom Freedom It is essential that we all have the freedom to share our opinion and complete our work without blockages.

No Autocratic Structures 2 Autocratic structures will hinder progress and cost Northampton dearly. Avoid a top No Autocratic Structures down structure.

Access to Information Access to Information Information must be freely and easily shared with appropriate decision making processes that we can see and influence.

Interaction and Collaboration 4 Interaction and All staff across the two new unitary authorities must be able to interact and collaborate with the right individuals to allow service functions and progress to be Collaboration made.

Raising Awareness Raising Awareness To allow economic development to thrive, an awareness of key assets and income streams need to be increased.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers This is an important function for all authorities & Channels • which broadly covers; Engage effectively with businesses through All current service excellent communications, and resourcing • KIER wsp & Business Cases specific business engagement roles where delivery locations will • Promoting local business • BRADSAD Suppliers – Far possible remain as-is (i.e. staff • Policy Maker and Shaper Point ( Commercial • Advising potential inward investors working within • Coordination between Northamptonshire • Regulator technical service) • Brand/identity development to attract West and North, SEMLEP grouping and localities, services Business Support wider (not just the traditional links), and Ox • Developer, Landowner investment offered etc.). • CAM ARC through working groups and and Landlord Design & Building Operations • Supporting the business community effective communications and continued • Service Provider engagement with wider bodies outside of Possible Consultancy • Provision of Business Centre space enable Northamptonshire • Buyer or goods and Consultation Delivery start-up and growing businesses • Engagement with key EDR groups with Services (County) • Improving and regenerating areas of West Northamptonshire representation IT Systems • Employer • Stakeholder engagement QS In formal relationship deprivation • Further development of key • Community Leader communications around what with key consultant • Disseminating Government funding, Northamptonshire has to offer, using • Tax Collector • Delivering One to one Agresso, Civica, ERP Gold, European Funding, (soon to be Shared existing websites and social media • Tenants workshops Business Prosperity Fund) Auto CAD, Asset management Adviser Function Velocity • Development and publication of a • Northamptonshire Masterplan for promoting West Northants systems, Excel spreadsheets, • Growth Hub • Strategic regeneration plans to enable residents and businesses • BIDs • Developing non targeted communications Email, Slack, ONS, GIS, place shaping • SEMLEP within the service Springboard, QGIS Mapping • Strengthening investment links through System • Homes England • Publishing a Business Charter, highlighting • MHCLG the Department of International Trade what Northamptonshire West has to offer, • Promoting business growth and its offer to businesses Plus Key Activities Year 1 • Review and alignment of systems and processes • Alignment of systems and processes • Review into business/market intelligence and best practice models • Continue to attract new businesses to the area through various platforms, containing the positive occupancy levels seen over the past 10 years.

91 Service Blueprint Day 1 Service Design for West Northamptonshire Property and Assets


Property and Assets AX / REVIEW

S o u r c e : NCC and D&Bs

Service Functions Included : Facilities Management, Asset (Property Estate) Management.

Staff in Scope : 85.72

Investment: No Inward Investment for Facilities and Property Management.


Communication Communication We need to target our communications at all stakeholders who need the most support as early as we can, helping them deal with issues and support their services to grow and develop.

Alignment 2 To ensure the success and sustainability of the new initiative or process brought on by this project, everyone it Alignment will directly impact must be onboard. The message must include the WIIFM "what's in it for me" at every level; otherwise most stakeholders will not be interested or engaged around the new initiative..

Access to quality services and facilities Access to Quality Service Services to remain largely as-is for vesting day, with no drop of significant changes to customer offer or journey. and Facilities All existing arrangements regarding maintenance/upkeep, access to services and level of service offering will remain the same

Services by Geography 4 All location based services will remain where they are currently provided from, and all that sit within the Geographical Split boundaries of the North Unitary will transfer in ownership accordingly. Staff based at localities will remain in these localities.

Collaborative Working A more joined up approach, with other linked authority services (such as Planning, Economic Development), Collaborative Working voluntary sector and service delivery partners and other key partners in the Facilities and Asset Management of targeted and appropriate services.


Service Offer Key Activities Planned Locations Customer Key Partners & Suppliers Asset Management: & Channels • Facility Management is a profession that All current service • For Asset/Property • Superfast Northamptonshire Asset Valuation, Estates Management, encompasses multiple disciplines to make sure delivery locations will Management the external Premise Running Costs, Property Income, • Government departments the places in which people work, play, learn and remain as-is (i.e. staff customers include: RICS, Corporate asset management database, • Sub-national and Local Planning Bodies live are safe, comfortable, productive and Management of commercial estates, Consultants, working within e.g. the Arc, England’s Economic sustainable. Property data in Council databases, Suppliers/Contractors, localities, services Heartlands, Provide advice on all property related Tenants, Adjoining Landlords, • Facilities Management contributes to the and West Northamptonshire Joint matters, Review of property contracts, offered etc.). Towns/Parish councils, organization’s bottom line through their Central government, Values Planning Units Acquisitions (commercial and There may be some responsibility for maintaining what are often an regeneration), Condition surveys and • BAU accommodation team • Sub-national Economic Development organisation’s largest and most valuable assets, defect analysis, Property and Assets, exceptions depending will be an internal customer, and Regeneration Bodies e.g. SEMLEP Property disposal, Property Disposal on Day One requiring provision of suitable such as property, equipment and other • Private sector environments that house personnel, productivity, Revenue Costs, Strategic Asset Accommodation accommodation/or retraction of accommodation depending inventory and other elements of operation. Management, Commercial Investments • Business Improvement Districts (strategic planning), Corporate Landlord on future strategic decisions • Voluntary Sector • Asset Management is the management of principles, Energy and renewables around location and County, District & Borough property assets. It is strategies, Property operational and IT Systems recruitment. • Police, Fire & Health exploitation the process which aligns property strategies to For Asset/Property • Clear sign-posting to • English Heritage the corporate strategy ensuring the optimisation information available on Management: Agresso, Civica, websites and web forms as • Historic England of assets in a way which best supports its key Facilities Management: ERP Gold, K2 Facilities & Asset applicable • Civic Societies objectives. Asbestos Management, Building Management Software, • Service information kept • Accommodation project • Asset management includes some 1,300 separate Security, Car Parking (linked to Microsoft Excel, Huddle, relevant and up to date for assets in the West and 1,480 separate assets in buildings), Catering, Cleaning, Helpdesk, dissemination, both via Mailroom, Out of Hours Support, PAT Microsoft Sharepoint, the North. Assets range from large office customer contact Testing, Reception Services, Room Microsoft Outlook representatives and printed / buildings to garages, allotments, and Enterprise Booking, Statutory Compliance, Zoom/Skype online information (e.g. centres. Supplies, Utilities, Repairs & opening times, events, Maintenance Citrix pricing, classes etc.) Plus Key Activities Year 1

• Alignment of systems and processes • Review and alignment of systems and processes • Review into service provision to align arrangements • Review into business/market intelligence and best where possible (in-house/out-sourced provision) practice models • Review of Assets – Aligning North and West assets