Women Working in Meteorology and Hydrology : Articles Re-Printed From
World Meteorological Organization Women working in meteorology and hydrology Articles re-printed from Volume 52 No.2 (April 2003) TThhee BBuulllleettiinn iinntteerrvviieewwss Sulochana Gadgil Dr Taba recounts: postdoctoral fellowship at MIT for one year. There- Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata (1839-1904) was convinced after, she returned to Pune, accepting temporary work that the future progress of India depended on at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology and research in science and engineering. He envisaged an met several scientists with considerable knowledge Institute where fundamental research in all branches about monsoon. She joined the Centre for Theoretical of learning could be carried out. He constituted a Pro- Studies at the Indian Institute of Science in 1973. visional Committee to plan the set- Since then, she has carried out ting of the Institute and, on research on many facets of 31 December 1898, a draft text pre- monsoon variability and the pared by the Committee was pre- nature of the coupling of tropi- sented. The constitution of the Insti- cal convection and the oceans, tute was approved and the Order was with analysis of conventional signed in May 1909. In early 1919, the and satellite data and theoreti- foundation stone was laid and on 24 cal investigations with models, July the first batch of students was and has also investigated the admitted. links between rainfall variabil- 3 The Institute has made many ity and agricultural productivity contributions to science. Prof. Satish in collaboration with several Dhawan, who was the major archi- scientists. She has also devel- tect of the Indian Space Programme, oped models of interacting pop- was the director of the Institute from ulations in collaboration with 1962 to 1981.
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