The South We dge Quarterly spring 2016 - volume iv issue iii FREE hello The South Wedge Quarterly A PUBLICATION OF THE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF THE SOUTH WEDGE AREA | BASWA Editorial Board Chris Jones Karrie Laughton welcome, Katie Libby Rose O’Keefe Paula Frumusa bloom Bridgette Pendleton-Snyder Lori Bryce Toni Beth Weasner Deb Zakrzewski YOU know that feeling when you see the first hint of spring popping out of the defrosting ground and you think, “Yes! It’s happen-
[email protected] ing! Whoo-Hoo”; well, that’s how I feel about my neighborhood every day. I LOVE the South Wedge! Yup... I’m one of “those people” Art Production who gets mad when I hear others bashing our quirky little city. Or people that constantly complain about the unpredictable weather. Or moan that they are bored because there is “nothing going on.” I just scratch my head and think, “Seriously? Are we talking about Chris Jones the same city?” Either I am extremely easy to entertain or those people are just doing it wrong. There is ALWAYS something happen- Brittany Statt neighbor. ing. You just have to get off your rear end, put in a minimal amount of effort and, boom, there you are, doing something awesome. Advertising Sales Manager Nancy Daley |
[email protected] Of course, it’s always better to do awesome things with awesome people but, lucky for us, our city is full of them! The number of talented, kind, artistic and passionate people I have met over the years is staggering. There is a reason why so many people that leave Printed By to see if the grass IS actually greener on the other side eventually come back here to Rochester.