Paul, Josephus, and the Judean Nationalistic and Imperialistic Policy of Forced Circumcision1 Honora HOWELL CHAPMAN California State University, Fresno
[email protected] ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the background for the Judean nationalistic and imperialistic policy of forced cir- cumcision as it developed through the Hasmonean period, and then how this policy should be taken into account when examining the issue of circumcision in the works of Paul, especially the Letter to the Galatians, and also in Josephus’ writings. Both of these first-century Jews rejected forced circum- cision of Gentiles when creating and maintaining their own communities, and I argue that it is essen- tial to view their respective choices as a direct response to the remembered history of the Judean policy of forced circumcision. Previous scholarship on this issue has focused mainly on the question of con- version and has not made a direct connection between Paul, Josephus, and the Judean policy of forced circumcision. Key words: Paul. Josephus. Judean Policy of Forced Circumcision Pablo, Josefo y la política nacionalista de la circuncisión forzosa en el reino de Judea RESUMEN Este trabajo analiza los presupuestos de la política nacionalista e imperialista de la circuncisión forzo- sa en el reino de Judea, tal como fue desarrollada en el tiempo de los Asmoneos, y propone tomar en consideración esa política al estudiar el asunto de la circuncisión en los escritos de Pablo (especial- mente en la Carta a los Gálatas) y en los de Josefo. Estos dos judíos del siglo I rechazaron la circun- cisión forzada de los gentiles al crear sus propias comunidades, y así considero esencial comprender su actitud como reacción ante el recuerdo de aquella política de Judea.