•' ••'••'** \. IC/82/18U



Jerzy Lukierski




International Atomic Energy Agency and United nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization



Jeray Lukierski *• International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.

- TRIESTE September 1982

• Talk given at XIth International Colloquium on Group-Theoretic Methods in Physics, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-28 August 1982. •* Permanent address: Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw, ul. Cybulskiego 36, Wroclav, Poland.

The known examples of such a construction are the composite U(n) ( 3) 5 potentials obtained from lj(n" "^jn,) o-fields " >, sp(l) « SU{3)

ABSTRACT composite gauge fields in HP(n) a-raodels °>'T\ or eo(8) gauge fields constructed from ^Trhrr o-fields describing scalar sector of N = 8 It is known that the composite YM K-t;aui;e theory can supergravity be constructed from a-flelds taking values in a sym- metric Riemannian space — . We extend such a frame- h 2. Such a scheme can be supersymmetrized in three ways . The first work to graded o-fields taking values in supercosets. already known way is obtained by supersymmetric extension of the space- We show that from supereoset a-fields one can con- time co-ordinates, i.e. by the replacement of o-fields by a-superfields.

struct composite gravity, and from supercoset a- In such a formulation the composite gauge superfields are defined 1 superfields the composite- supergravity models. again by the formula (l), but the differentials dK and one-forms A are expanded in even and odd differentials. For D = k "flat" Salam- • 1, The composite gauge potentials describing the internal symmetry group Strathdee superfields one can write H were constructed from the a-fields which take values in larger internal symmetry group G OH 1)'2'. Usually one assumes that (H,K = ~) is the d8 (3) Riemannian symmetric pair, i.e. the algebra g = h © It is Zg- graded. The composite H-connections A. are defined by the following Cartan one-form; and dK = A + E = U) where A = G, A, = If we u n _ii_ _ Ii ISvT. —-5 - •. If ve o^ervobservee thathatt deie" = - £r d9 i d9 the Using Cartan-Maurer equation for G one gets the formula for composite formulae for field strength components (3) look as follows: B-curvature

F = U-|A*A = J E^E • (2) (5a)

V (5b) If we observe that A = A^ dx and F = F^ a/ A dx" one can conclude- F = D A - 3 A - [A ,k ] that (5c)

£ a-fields composite YM H-gauge (A) theory where

Because the coset structure implies F = 0 , using (2) and (5a), one gets

(7) A = -W )

-1- Substituting (j) in (5b) one obtains the composite field strength In general the supergroup QSp(l;l+) can be replaced by a larger one superfield F (x,6) which provides the composite E3YM Yang-Hills £. 0 = GSp(l»;N})- We iiave therefore the relation action (see,e.g. Ref.10"). The formulation of D = if composite LJSY.M theory has been proposed independently in Refs.ll ar.d 12. The relation — •£ . o-field;; —•> composite gravity With (A) is generalized as follows: 13 ^'J' fermionic fundamental fields

— o-superfields composite SSYM H-gauge theory (3) U. The composite K = 1 D = It aupergravity io obtained by inserting the H composite achtbein superfields E into the well-known supergravity action formula 3. In order to describe the composite D = It gravity we should con- It U struct the composite vierbein e which transforms in tangent space d x d 9 (11) as a four-vector under local SL(2,C) group and is a world vector under general co-ordinate transformations. Such a composite vierbein The composite supervierbeins are obtained as functions of Goldstone we obtain from the Cartan one-form on the supereoset superfields by considering the Cartan one-form on the supercoset

K = SL(2,C) SL(2,C) K = SL(2,C~ ) SL(2,C) Osp(l;li

which we parametrize as follows (see also Refs.13-16); parametrized as follows:

K* = exp Va(x) P exp 0™(x)' Q (8) K = exp(V (x,8) P exp (12) a. C(

wherere where (V ,n ) parametrize the local superspace co-ordinates, i a G - V describes local space-time co-ordinates, describe Goldstone superfields living in the supercoset S = ost>(l-U) ' a - i|j describes the spinor Goldstones. The Cartan one-form The composite SL(2,C) connections u and composite vierbein e are _1 defined in a very analogous way to (l) K dK (13)

defines the composite achtbein superfields EC (A = (a,a), B M (9) through the expansion into the covariant differentials d6 , e where M are Lorenta generators. The Cartan structure equations ab

T = dE - Cl A E (10)

provide after inserting £1 and E from (9) the formulae for composite SL(2,C) curvature and torsion. The gravity described \>y any action For the choice G = 0Sp(2;M the composite achtbeins and composite which is the function of vierbeins, SL(2,C) curvature and torsion is supergravity have been introduced in Ref.1T- made composite by inserting respective composite formulae for e^ , R and T (see Hef.1T)- -3- CURRKBT

IC/62/63 U.S. CRAIGIE, V.K. DOBHEV and I.T. TODOROV - Conformal techniques for OPE in asymptotically free quantum field theory. In order to obtain composite supergravity it is necessary to consider supercoset a-superfields as fundamental ones, i.e. IC/82/6U A. FRXDHYSZAK and J. LUKLEBSKl - H = 2 massive matter multiplet from quantization of extended classical mechanics.

IC/82/65 TAHIR ABBAS - Study of the atomic ordering in the alloys MI-IR using (D) diffuse X-ray scattering and pseudopotentials. IC/82/66 E.G. HJAU - An analytic examination of distortions in power spectra due IHT.EKP.* to sampling errors. The composite gravity and composite supergrn,vity satisfy the torsion IC/82/67 E.G. HJAU - Power estimation on sinusoids mounted upon n.C. background: constraints modified in comparison with "elementary" gravity and super- IBT.REP.* Conditional problems. gravity models. We expect that torsion constraints describe only the IC/82/68 E.G. HJAU - Distortions in power spectra of signals with short components. effective theory valid at sufficiently large distances. For the support IST.REP.* of this conjecture we mention that in "non-geometric" composite gravity IC/82/69 E.C. SJAU - Distortions in two- and three-dimensional power spectra. 18) of Aiaati and Veneziano the non-vanishing torsion can be neglected IHT.RSP.* in the sufficiently low energy region. IC/82/70 L. SCHWARTZ and A. PAJA - A note on the electrical conductivity of disordered alloys in the muffin-tin model. IC/82/71 D.G. FAKIHOV - Mass and form factor effects in spectrum and width of the IHT.EEP.* semi-leptonie decays of charmed mesons. REFERENCES IC/82/72 T. MISHONOV and T. SARIISKI - Acoustic plasma vaves in inversion layers 1) M.A. :'emenov-Tjan-Snenski and L.D. Fad&eev, Westnik Lenin^r. Univ. IHT.REP.* and sandwich structures. 13, Si (1977) (in Russian). IC/82/73 T. MISHINOV - An exactly averaged conductivity in a disordered electronic 2) A,P. Balachandran, A. Stern and 0. Trahern, Phys. Rev. D19, 2^16 IKT.REF. model. (1978). 3) J, Frohlich, Lecture at Bielefeld Symposium, December 1978, IHES IC/82M S.M. MUJIBUH RAHMAN - Structural energetics of noble metals. preprint (1979). IC/82/75 E. SEZGIN and P. van NIEUWEHHUIZEN - Ultraviolet finiteness of B = 8 h) M. Dubois-Violette and Y. Georgelin, Phys.Lett. 32B, 251 (1979). supergravity, spontaneously broken ny dimensional reduction. 5) I. Bars in Proc. of 8th Int. Colloquium on Group Theor. Methods in Slem. Particle Phys., Kiriet Amavin, Israel, March 1979, published IC/82/76 JEBZX RAYSKI and JACEK HAYSK1, Jr. - On a fusion of supersymmetries with in Ann. of Isr. Phys. Soc. 3, 5S (1930). gauge theories. 6) J. Lukierski in Proc. of Summer Inst. of Field-Theor. Methods in IC/82/77 A. BOKHARI and A. QADIB - A prescription for n-dimensional vierteins. Elem. Particle Phys., August 1979, Kaserslautern, published by IHT.REP.* Springer, p.309 (1980). T) F. Giirsey and H.C. Tze, Ann. Phys. 128, 29 (1979). IC/82/T8 A. QADIH and J. QUAMAR - Relativistic generalization of the Newtonian force. 3) E. Cremmer and B. Julia, Hucl.Phys. E159, l^l (1.979). INT.REP.• 9) J. Lukierski in Proc. of Symposium on DLffsrential-CieOEietric Methods, IC/82/79 B.E. BAAQUIE - Evolution kernel for the Dirac field. Aix-en-Provence, September 1979, published by Epringer-Verlag; Lecture notes in Hath. Vol. 335, 225 (-980). IC/82/80 S. RAJPOOT AND J.G. TAYLOR - Broken supersymmetries in high-energy physics. 1 10) M. Rocek in Superspace and Supe-rcravit,-j , Ms. S.V. , Hawking and IC/82/81 JAE HYUBG YEE - Photon propagators at finite temperature. M. Rocek (Cambridge Jniv. Fre^2, ±°:M} , p.Ti- 11) I'. Bars and M. Gunaydin, Phy3.;ii, 353 (lOBl) ; CEKfJ preprint TH.319T (to appear in Wad, !4;y". Ei). IC/82/85 C.A. MAJD - Surface photoconductivity in amorphous Aa, Se, . IHT.REP.* J THESE PREPRINTS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE PUBLICATIONS OFFICE, ICTP, P.O. Box 5B6, TRIESTE, ITALY. IC/82/86 FAHEEM HUSSAIM and A. QADIR - Quantization in rotating co-ordinates revisited. IC/82/llU G. LAZARIDES and Q. SHAFI - Supersymmetric GUTs and cosmology. IC/82/8T G. MUKHOPADKYAY and S, LUHDQVIST - The dipolar plasmon modes of a small IC/82/115 B.K. SHASHA and M. TOMAK - Compton profiles of some *td transition metals. IHT.REP.* metallic sphere. IC/82/116 M.D. MAIA - Mass splitting induced by gravitation. IC/82/6B A.P. BAKULEV, M.S. BOG0LIUB0V, Jr. and A.M. KURBATOV - The generalised Mayer theorem in the approximating Hamilton!an method. IC/82/11T PARTHA GHOSE - An approach to gauge hierarchy in the minimal SU(5) model of grand unification. IC/82/89 R.M. MOHAPATBA and G. SEHJANOVIC - Spontaneous breaking of global B-L.symmetry and matter-anti-matter oscillations in grand unified theories. IC/82/118 PARTHA GHOSE - Scalar loops and the Higgs mass in the Salam-Weinberg- Glashow model. IC/82/90 PRABODH-SHUKLA - A microscopic model of the glass transition and the glassy state. IC/82/119 A. QADIR - The question of an upper bound on entropy. INT.REP.* IC/82/91 WANG KE-LIH - A new vacuum structure, background strength and confinement. IC/82/122 C.W. LUHG and L.Y. XIONG - The dislocation distribution function in the IC/82/92 G.A. CHBISTOS - Anomaly extraction from the path integral. plastic zone at a crack tip. IHT.REP.* IC/82/121* BAYAHI I. RAMIREZ - A view of bond formation in terms of electron momentum lC/82/93 V. ALDAYA and J.A. DE AZCARRAGA - Supergroup extensions: from central charges IHT.REP.* distributions. to quantization through relativistic wave equations. IC/82/127 N.N. COHAH and M. WEISMAHN - Phasons and amplitudons in one dimensional IC/82/9I* ABDUS SALAM and E. SE2GIN - Maximal extended supergravity theory in seven INT.REP.* incommensurate systems. dimensions. IC/62/128 M. TOMAK - The electron ionized donor recombination in semiconductors. IC/82/95 G. SEHJANOVIC and A. SOKOEAC - Observable neutron-antineutron oscillations INT.REP.* in SO(10) theory. IC/82/129 S.P. TEWARI - High temperature superconducting of a Chevrel phase ternary IC/82/96 Li TA-tsein and SHI Jia-hong - Global solvability in the whole space for a IHT.REP.* compound. IHT.REP. class of first order quasilinear hyperbolic systems. IC/82/130 LI XIHZ HOU, WAHG KELJJi and ZHANG JIAMZU - Light spinor monopole. IC/82/97 Y. FUJIMOTO and ZHAO Zhi Yong - Avoiding domain wall problem in SU(H) IHT.REP.* grand unified theories. IC/82/131 C.A. MAJID - Thermal analysis of chalcogenides glasses of the system IHT.REP.* (As2 Se^^ : (Tla Se)x . IC/82/98 K.G. AKDEHIZ, M. AHIK, M. HORTACSU and M.K. PAK - Gauge bosons as composites IHT.REP.* of . IC/82/132 K.M. KHAHNA and S. CHAUBA SIHGH - Radial distribution function and second IC/82/IOO M.H. SAFF0UR1 - Treatment of Cerenkov radiation from electric and magnetic IHT.REP.* virial coefficient for interacting bosons. charges in dispersive and dissipative media. IC/82/133 A. QADIR - Massive neutrinos in astrophysics. IC/82/101 M. OZER - Precocious unification in simple GUTs. IC/82/13U H.B. GHASSIB and S. CHATTERJEE - On back flow in two and three dimensions. IC/82/102 A.H. ERMILOV, A.H. KIREEV and A.M. KURBATOV - Random spin systems with IHT.REP.* arbitrary distributions of coupling constants and external fields. IC/B2/137 M.Y.M. HASSAN, A. RABIE and E.H. ISMAIL - Binding energy calculations using Variational approach. IHT.REP.* the molecular orbital wave function. IC/82/103 K.H. KHAHNA - Landau's parameters and tnermodynamic properties of liquid He II. IC/82/138 A. BREZINI - Eigenfunctions in disordered systems near the mobility edge. IC/8S/1OU H. PUSZKARSKI - Effect of surface parameter on interband surface mode INT.REP.* INT.REP. frequencies of finite diatomic chain. IC/82/lUO Y. FUJIMOTO, K. SHIGEMOTO and ZHAO ZHIYOHG - No domain wall problem in IC/82/105 S. CECOTTI and L. GIHARDELLO - Local Hicolai mappings in extended supersymmetry. SU(N) grand unified theory. IC/82/106 K.G, AKDEHIZ, M, ARIK, M. DURGUT, H. HORTACSU, S, KAPTAHOGLU and M.K. PAE - IC/82/1^2 G.A. CHBISTOS - Trivial solution to the domain wall problem. IHT.REP.* Quantization of a conformal invariant pure spinor model. INT.REP.* IC/B2/1O7 A.M. KURBATOV and D.P. SANKOVIC - On one generalization of the Fokker-Planclc S. CHAKRABARTI and A.H. NAYYAR - On stability of soliton solution in NLS- INT.REP. equation. type general field model. IC/82/108 G. SEHJAHOVIC - Necessity of intermediate mass scales in grand unified IC/82/II4U S. CHAKRABARTI - The stability analysis of non-topological solitons in theories with spontaneously broken CP invariance. INTLREP.* gauge theory and in electrodynamics. IC/82/109 NOOH MOHAMMAD - Algebra of pseudo-differential operators over C*-algebra, IC/82/lli5 S.N. RAM and C.P. SIHGH - Hadronic couplings of open beauty states. INT.REP.• IC/82/11+6 BAYAHI I. RAMIREZ - Elctron momentum distributions of the first-row homonuclear diatomic molecules, A . IC/82/lll M. DURGUT. and N.K. PAK - SU(lJ)-QCD£ meson equation in next-to-leading order. LA IC/82/112 O.P. KATYAL and K.M. KHANHA - Transverse magneto-resistance and Hall IC/82/1U7 A.K. MAJUMDAR - Correlation between magnetoresistance and magnetisation In IHT.REP.* resistivity in Cd and its dilute alloys. INT.REP.* Ag Mn and Au Mn spin glasses, IC/82/113 P. RACZKA, JR. - On the class of simple solutions of SU(2) Yang-Mills IC/82/1U8 E.A. SAAD, S.A. El WAKIL, M.H. HAGGAG and H.M. MACHALI - Fade approximant For Chandrasekhar H function, INT.REP.* equations. _ IHT.REF.* IG/82/II49 S.A. El WAKIL, M.T. ATIA, E.A. SAAD and A. HENDI - Particle transfer in IHT.REP.* multiregion.