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[email protected] April 20, 2012 Philanthropist and Noted Alumnus Named as Huston-Tillotson University’s Commencement and Honors Convocations Speakers (AUSTIN, Texas) — So- who earned high academic hon- cial entrepreneur and investor ors and placement on the Dean’s Philip Berber will render Huston- List and Honor Roll will be rec- Tillotson University’s Com- ognized at the annual Honors mencement address on Satur- Day Convocation on Friday, day, May 5 at 8:30 a.m. during May 4 at 10 a.m. in King- RAPPIN’ the convocation on the campus Seabrook Chapel. Attorney at 900 Chicon Street. In addition David L. Godsey, Sr., Class of Tommy Wyatt to the conferring of degrees for 1994, and a former Student Gov- the 2012 graduates, HT’s Class ernment Association President, of 1962 will be honored at the will render the Honors Convo- 40 Acres graduation ceremony and cation address. Both programs throughout the Reunion Week- will feature the HT concert choir Now Prohibits end 2012 activities. Students and jazz ensemble, under the di- Smoking!! The University of Texas The University of Texas Systems announced this at Austin Kicks the Habit week that smoking will not been established on the David L. Godsey, Sr. be allowed on any of the main campus and at the Philip Berber campuses in the UT system. Pickle Research Campus. rection of Dr. Gloria Quinlan and rently involved with Circuit of as the first Oralist in the school- Mr.