From Wayne’s World to Yours: How to Succeed with Community Access Television

by Martin Cohn

Many equate community television with the broadcast of local government meetings. However, community access channels, or CAT for short, fill a unique niche in the media landscape, providing communities with the opportunity to create programs of local interest. First, some history Public-access television came about with the rise of cable television in the late 1970s. In exchange for the rights to lay cable wires on public land, cable companies were required to donate a portion of their revenue to provide facilities and airtime to allow public comment. These agreements are negotiated on a municipality by-municipality basis. The idea was to give voice to ordinary citizens who otherwise wouldn’t have access to any media outlets. The Cable Franchise Policy and Communications Act of 1984 prohibited cable operators from exercising any editorial control over public-access channels. Community access TV became famous for its eccentric personalities and bizarre shows. This was the basis for the hit 1992 film, Wayne’s World. However, it has also been a venue for serious political and philosophical discussion, a place to find the recorded minutes of local town meetings or school board discussions, as well as a springboard for citizen journalism. Access systems have proliferated and access programming is now being cablecast regularly. How Community Access TV is structured Cable systems make available three different narrowcasting and specialty channels. These channels, often referred to as PEG, represent public, education, and government access use. Public access was construed to mean that the cable company should make available equipment and air time so that literally anybody could make noncommercial use of the access channel, and say and do anything they wished on a first-come, first-served basis, subject only to obscenity and libel laws. The result was an entirely different sort of programming, reflecting the interests of groups and individuals usually excluded from mainstream television. Technological advancements allow local community television stations the ability to transmit programming via social media, such as live streaming on Facebook, as well as video sharing on sites such as YouTube. Further, stations can have programming downloaded throughout the United States on other public access stations.

How to Work with Community Access TV Frequently, public relations professionals disregard CAT as a legitimate vehicle for their clients' messages. While CAT does not have the reach of broadcast and cable television, it can still be an effective channel for community-oriented messages and causes. The structure of PEG channels is designed to be run by grassroots groups, individuals, private non-profits, or government institutions. Because PEG organizations are neutral, PEG channels reserve the right to be inclusive, content neutral and uphold a free speech ideology. Users of public access television may also participate at most levels of this structure, with the capacity to make content of their choosing. Funding of CAT stations is often dependent on a small percentage of each cable station’s subscriber television bill. Public-access organizations are allowed to develop their own policies and procedures concerning the media content of the programming. PEG channels and community media centers help communities develop the capacity to communicate effectively. In general, PEG channels can approximate a kind of blogging with high production values, cable distribution, and promotion of social inclusion. Most centers provide media production and literacy training, increasing the ability of community members to communicate. What if I don’t represent a not-for-profit? It is important for public relations professionals to understand how to work with CAT. After all, CAT provides coverage of community-oriented events and provides opportunities for the volunteer producer-members to create original programming on just about any topic. This offers an opportunity to publicize a client's activities. Since small to mid-size nonprofit organizations usually have limited funds to promote their messages to local audiences, community’s public access often are part of their outreach strategy. However, for-profit organizations can utilize CAT if they have a community member produce the show and broadcast a non-commercial message, such as their community involvement. Success Stories Over the past few years, I have produced four shows at my community access television, Brattleboro Community Television. Family Matters: In 2014, Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development was preparing to celebrate its 45th anniversary. While many knew of the Center’s early childhood program, its full array of services was not as well publicized. A monthly, 30-minute cable was created to highlight the expertise offered at the Center, as well as build awareness about the organization and child development. The host was Chloe Learey, the center’s executive director. A link to the show was found on the organization’s website. Subsequent to the airing on the local cable station, an article about the show’s topic appeared in the local paper and state online publication, penned by Learey. In 2016, Winston Prouty received Community Partner of the Year for 2015-16 by Brattleboro Community Television. The show produced 17 episodes in its two-year run.

Safstor Matters: At its 2015 annual meeting, Brattleboro Community Television awarded Entergy Vermont Yankee’s show, Safstor Matters, the 2015 Best Series of the Year. The program took its name from the federal term for an extended period of dormancy that precedes actual decommissioning work. The monthly cable television show was not only seen on BCTV but also on the Internet through the station’s YOUTUBE channel. It was also seen on all the cable television stations in the facility’s emergency planning zone. The show was developed to communicate information about what’s going on with the decommissioning at Vermont Yankee to the public. Each month a different topic was explored with experts; from spent fuel management to the economic impact of the plant closing to emergency planning. The show provided a venue in which Entergy communicated directly with viewers without the opposition the company often encountered in public forums. The 30-minute show utilized original theme music composed by Deniz Cordell. A link to the show was found on the company’s website and the show was promoted via social media. Inquiries came from all over the world. In 2016, the Telly Awards, a national competition, named Safstor Matters a Silver People’s Choice winner. The show ran for 12 episodes and fulfilled its goal to inform, educate, and empower key audiences with accurate data and information about decommissioning.

Healthcare Matters: Grace Cottage Family Health and Hospital in Townshend Vermont serves approximately 7,700 patients annually, mainly from towns throughout Windham County, including Brattleboro. Among its services, it offers primary care, rehabilitation, and 24/7/365 emergency care. Healthcare Matters, a 30-minute show, was developed to provide information on a variety of timely health topics and featured interviews with Grace Cottage staff. While produced in the studio of Brattleboro Community Television, the show was seen on all the cable stations within the facilities service area. A link to the show was found on home page of the hospital’s website and was promoted via social media and print publications. The show was well received and was recognized by the Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems. The show produced nine episodes and included original theme music as well as a public service announcement from a renowned health organization. In addition, audio of each show was used to create a podcast.

Rotary Cares: Rotary International is a 113-year old, international service organization that brings together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. In Brattleboro, Vermont, there are two Rotary International clubs – Brattleboro Rotary Club and Brattleboro Sunrise Rotary Club. Club members are very active in the community and have a combined membership of over 120. However, the clubs recognized the need to increase awareness. With the help of Brattleboro Community Television, a 30-minute cable talk show was created to feature members discussing aspects of the organization’s mission. A link to the show is found on the clubs’ websites and it is promoted via social media. In addition, audio of each show is used to create a podcast. The show was recognized by BCTV with the 2018 Non-Profit Member of the Year Award. Putting CAT in your PR toolbox If you represent a community organization or not-for-profit, or a for-profit entity that’s doing great things in your community, join your local CAT and get trained in the basics of television production. Not only will you gain greater insights into the use of television for public relations but also you will have much greater credibility with CAT stations if you're a CAT producer-member yourself. For nominal annual dues, you will learn and support your local community access television station. Community access television is still relevant in a media landscape with hundreds of radio, television, and online video channels. The reason is simply because it's accessible to all and its reach is worldwide.

Martin Cohn, who heads his own public relations agency, Cohn Public Relations, has been in the business for over 40 years. He is a member of PRConsultants Group, an exclusive nationwide network of about 50 highly-regarded, award-winning senior-level public relations and communications consultants working in every sector of every major U.S. media market. Martin also serves on the board of directors of Brattleboro Community Television. He can be contacted at [email protected].