REPORT: [To Accompany Bill S
48TH CONGRESS, } SENATE. REPORT 2d Session. · { No.1003. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES. .JANUARY 16, 1885.-0rdered to be printed. Mr. SEWELL, ~rom the· Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following REPORT: [To accompany bill S. 790.] The Committee nn JJfilihtry Aifa,irs, to whom was referred the bill ( S. 790) to authorize Col. George W. Getty, United States Army (retired), to be placed upon the retired list of the Army with the rank and pay of a 'major-general, have considered the same, and respectfully report : The committee present the following memorial of General George W. Getty, aml make the same a part of their report: To the honorable the Senate and House of Representatires of the United States of America in Congress assembled: Yonr petitioner respectfully represent~:; that on the 3d day of February, 1883, the houoraLie Secretary of War transmitted 1o the honorable Senate and House of Rep· resentaLive!' of the Port.y seventh Congress the following, to wit: Letter .from the honorable Sl:cretary of War transmitting a petition of Col. G. W. Getty, Fourth Art1llery, brecet majot·-general, United States Army, praying .for the passage of an act authorizing h1s ?'etm3/nent. FEBRUARY 3, 1883.-Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs imd ordered to be printed. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, Febru.a1·y :t, 1883. The Secretary of War has the honor to transmH to the Uuited States Seuate a peti tion of Col. George W. Getty, Fourth Artillery, lnevet major-geueral, United States Army, embociyiug his ruilitary history aud praying for the passage of au act author izing his retiremm)t October 2, ll':itl:3, with t,be rauk, retired pay, and emolnments of a general ofti~.:er in the Army.
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