DISPLACEMENT TRACKING MATRIX (DTM) GAMBELLA REGION, ETHIOPIA ROUND 13: SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2018 Summary of key findings DISPLACEMENTSOUT TRACKINGH SUD MATRIXAN (DTM) GAMBELLA, ETHIOPIA ROUND 13: SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2018 I II I I OROMIA OVERVIEW OF DISPLACEMENT I I 7Jikawo Lare Etang Wantawo Makuey GAMBELLA REGION I DTM Round 13 Nuer Gambela Zuria Gambella Wild FROM SEPTEMBER 1 - 30, 2018 I Life Reserve Sites by causes of displacement Akobo I Conflict Jore Abobo I 7 Climate induced Agnuak IDPs in assessed woredas 366 - 500 Boundaries I 501 - 2,500 Goge 2,501 - 5,000 International Boundary 5,001 - 8,118 Regional Boundary No IDPS Zonal Boundary Mengesh Not assessed Woreda Boundary Mezhenger 0 10 20 40 60 SOUTH SUDAN ´ Kilometers Godere Sources : IOM Map production date : 31 Oct 2018 Dima This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM. Map Data Source: Boundary shapefile - CSA 2008 SNNPR www.displacement.iom.int/ethiopia
[email protected] ERITREA YEMEN TIGRAY SUDAN AFAR DJIBOUTI BENISHAN- AMHARA GUL GUMZ SOMALIA GAMBELLA OROMIA SOMALI SOUTH SNNPR SUDAN Note: UGANDA KENYA The newly created zones and woredas boundaries in this region are not available in our Geodatabase; hence their boundaries and figures are combined with their mother zones and woredas DISPLACEMENT TRACKING MATRIX (DTM) GAMBELLA REGION ETHIOPIA DTMETHIOPIA ROUND 13: SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2018 GAMBELLA REGION - KEY FINDINGS HEALTH: Malaria was the primary health concern in LOCATION AND CAUSE OF DISPLACEMENT: 21,073 this round of data collection with 14 sites reporting 500000 this. displaced individuals comprising 3,226 households 450000 in 14 displacement sites were identified in 400000 GAMBELLA region.