.NET Database Technologies

Entity Framework in Enterprise Applications ORMs in Enterprise Applications l Key issues to consider: l Domain l Granularity of object storage/retrieval l Design of relationships to support storage/ retrieval patterns l Architecture l Isolate presentation/service layers from dependency on data layer l Code re-use l Testability

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Domain Driven Design l Terminology and concepts of DDD can help with design of domain model with persistence in mind l Model elements correspond to domain classes l Thinking in terms of DDD elements helps clarify how classes should be related and be mapped to storage

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DDD model elements l Entity l An Entity is defined by having an Identity and continuity l Unique within the system l Value Object l Has no Identity l Represent something by its attributes only l Should probably be immutable - you can create a new one instead of changing another one

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DDD model elements l Aggregate l Group of things which belong together l Constituent objects make no sense without their parent object l Aggregate Root l Single entity which controls access to an aggregate l Entity which is dealt with by a Repository l Should not have relationships between entities in different aggregates which are not the roots

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Finding aggregates l Identifying aggregates can help to: l Verify that relationships within the domain model are valid and establish their directionality l Clarify how those relationships should be implemented l Choose which entities to expose to the layers which consume the domain model through repositories

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Finding aggregates: example l Department as root

l Employee only exists as part of a Department, application works with Department as a whole Enty Framework in Enterprise Applicaons 7

Finding aggregates: example l Department, Employee as roots

l Better choice if application needs to work directly with Employees, existence doesn’t depend on Department

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Aggregates and relationships l Relationships between aggregates only through roots l Can be useful to make these bidirectional and include FK property if you know you will use an ORM for persistence l Relationships within aggregates often can be unidirectional, from parent to child

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Classes within an aggregate l Can be Entity or Value Object as appropriate l Address and PostCode are probably value objects here l Example of entities within an aggregate might be OrderLines within Order l Identifying this can guide implementation for ORM, but may not want to match exactly in practice

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Classes within an aggregate l Address has an Id, so will be treated as an entity in EF, rather than a complex type l Determines storage in database, will be stored in separate table l Identity has no particular meaning unless we intend it to be significant when Employees have the same Address - would be another aggregate in that case l Could enforce one-to-one in mapping

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Repositories l Domain will require repositories for the aggregate roots: l EmployeeRepository l DepartmentRepository* l Can store and retrieve Employee objects through EmployeeRepository without materialising related Department object l Can set relationship using FK property in Employee if ORM supports this *not implemented in sample code

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Repository design l DbContext and DbSet provide ready-made implementations of Unit of Work and Respository patterns l Create our own implementations with the following goals: l Provide abstractions which remove dependency of service/presentation layer on data layer l Separation of concerns, e.g. query logic l Testability

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Dependencies and the onion architecture l Code should only depend on components closer to the core l Presentation, service layer and domain code should not depend on infrastructure l Infrastructure should be injected into other layers as required at runtime l See jeffreypalermo.com

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Sample code l EnterpriseExample is an ASP.NET MVC4 application l Class library projects for domain, data layers l No separate service layer, controllers consume domain directly l Code is not intended to be a definitive exemplar of best practice l Illustrates a range of issues and solutions l Understand the issues and come to your own conclusion on your favoured implementation

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Generic repository l Most repositories will perform the same basic tasks for their own entity l Some specific functionality may depend on the nature of the entity or on the way we want to expose that entity l Use generic repository base class with specific implementations derived from this

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Repository interfaces l Within domain model express the repositories as interfaces

These methods may depend on specific details of the Employee class

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Interface and implementation l Repository interface IEmployeeRepository is part of domain model, following DDD practice l Concrete repository EmployeeRepository is infrastructure, uses EF for data access l Can itself depend on Employee class, which is part of domain model, closer to core

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Repository implementations l Generic base repository for EF

encapsulates a DbContext

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Repository implementations l Specific repository

Specific fetch strategy implemented for Employee

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Unit of Work design l Relationship between Unit of Work and Repository is ambiguous l Can implement as UoW which encapsulates one or more repositories l e.g. DbContext and DbSets l UoW is exposed to client code, which accesses repositories as properties of the UoW

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Unit of Work design l Alternatively, each repository encapsulates a UoW to which it delegates responsibility for storing and retrieving entities l Repository is exposed to client code l In sample code, repository encapsulates a UoW class derived from DbContext l Could have further abstraction with UoW class which has a DbContext property

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Unit of Work implementation l Subclass of DbContext (BaseContext is derived from DbContext – see later) l Implements a unit of work interface

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Dependency injection l UoW interface implemented by context class l Here used primarily to allow constructor l UoW into repository, repository into controller l Promotes testability l Using StructureMap.MVC4 in sample code

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Dependency injection object lifetime l Most IoC containers allow control of lifetime, or scope, of instantiated object l Transient l Fresh instance every time l HTTP Request (HttpScoped in SM) l Single instance for each HTTP request, useful in web app especially if using multiple repositories in a single request, will have same underlying context l Singleton, Thread

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Dependency injection object lifetime - disposing l Contexts should be disposed when no longer needed l DbContext (and hence derived classes) implements IDisposable l With StructureMap, can do this in global.asax

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Repository methods – returning IQueryable or IEnumerable l IQueryable l Defers query execution l Allows client code to apply (additional) query and fetch strategy l Underlying context must still be open when values are used in client l IEnumerable l Query executes before returning l Query logic/fetch strategy must be encapsulated in repository

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Queries l Query logic can be applied in specific repository methods and/or applied to IQueryable in client code l Repository can encapsulate the entity set and all queries on those entities which are required l Or, repository can simply provide access to the entity set and allow external queries to be applied l Query logic can be LINQ expressions or separated out into Query Objects

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Repository methods and queries

Repository method allows predicate to be defined by client code



simple expression stated explicitly here, but could have expression returned by query object with AsExpression method, as shown in Query Objects examples

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Repository methods and queries

Repository method allows fetch strategy to be defined by client code



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Repository methods and queries

Query defined by client code using ‘Query Object’ extension method


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Insert or update pattern



can be used in both Create and Edit code

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Notes on implementation l GetSingle fetches Address with Employee, so Details page can include Address details l PostCode is a Complex Type so is fetched with Address anyway l Editing Address actually creates a new Address object (value object), attaches to Employee and saves Employee (aggregate root)

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Bounded contexts in DDD l Multiple models are in play on any large project, yet when code based on distinct models is combined, software becomes buggy, unreliable, and difficult to understand l Bounded Context is the delimited applicability of a particular model l Defines scope of the ubiquitous language l Gives team members a clear and shared understanding of what has to be consistent and what can develop independently

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Entities in bounded contexts l An entity may have different significance in different contexts l For example, in HR context (model used up to now) full information about and Employee is important, but in Payroll processing context, only the salary grade is important l Can separate project into different models for each context, each with its own Employee object l May map to same table in database

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Entities in bounded contexts

Payroll processing domain unidirectional relationship, no FK property needed

• Department is aggregate root • In this context we are simply processing the payroll for a whole Department at a time • No need to access or store Employee individually

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Implementing bounded contexts l Each bounded context can have its own EF context l Some overuse of the word “context”… l Define base context class so all contexts in a solution can use the same database

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Automated testing l Unit testing l No database access l Test query logic encapsulated in query objects l Test repositories (need fake/mock context) l Test controllers (need fake/mock repository) l Integration testing l Test integration with database l Need careful database initialisation

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Example – testing query logic

… omitted full code for test objects here

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Example – testing MVC controller

fake repository, GetAll returns IQueryable so can test that controller applies further filtering correctly

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What’s next? l Round up of Entity Framework issues l Validation l Concurrency management l etc.

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