SuSuSSESSExx 1 JJEEwwISIShh nEnEwwSS Whats whaT’S InSIdE.... CELEBraTInG ThE TrEES | ChanuKah arOund ThE COunTy ISSy hOFFMan rEMEMBErEd | whaT’S On | and MOrE January 2014 • TEVET / ShEVaT 5774 • ISSuE 237 This month, we are re-printing the six cover pictures that have had Pause for thought the most positive feedback from our readership during the past year. We hope you Right: July 2013 – The view enjoy seeing them again. 2across the South Downs from 3 Virginia Woolf’s garden at Rodmell, East Sussex Below: December 2013 – Left: June 2013 – The Sheffield Park Gardens in synagogue in Florence Autumn Above: March 2013 – Arlington Bluebell Woods, East Sussex Right: February 2013 – Dressing up for Purim at the Left: January 2013 – botanical Gardens in Jerusalem Pomegranate tree SJN brings local news, events, articles, reviews, EDITORIAL BOARD Doris Levinson / Stephanie Megitt announcements, people, congregations, David Seidel/ Michael Rich communities, contacts and more. Delivered at TECHNICAL ADVISOR Brian Megitt the start of each month, SJN is run entirely by ADMINISTRATOR Bernard Swithern volunteers for reporting, editing and circulating each edition that has become the cornerstone of Administrative Assistants Ivor Sorokin, Lydia Swithern the Jewish community across the region. COMMUNAL DIARY
[email protected] COVER IMAGE Brian Megitt PRODUCTION/LAYOUT Anand Day SUBMISSION DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: 8 JANUARY 2014 New email address for submissions and correspondence:
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