wavelengths — and that the structure of ZnS was a three-dimensional array of tiny cubes, with the zinc and sulphur occupying each alternate corner. Lawrence examined the X-ray photo- graphs and noted that some of the diffrac- S. L. BRAGG COURTESY tion spots were elliptical and that some had different intensities. In a paper read by his supervisor, J. J. Thomson, to the Cambridge Philosophical Society on 11 November 1912, Lawrence made two important proposals2 to account for these features. First, he suggested that Laue’s results arose from the reflection of a continuous range of X-ray wavelengths by planes of atoms within the . This interpretation yielded Bragg’s law of X-ray : nλ = 2dsinθ, where θ is the angle of incidence of X-rays of wavelength λ, d is the separation of the reflecting planes and n is an integer. Second, he proposed that Laue’s diffraction pattern from ZnS was characteristic of atoms located not only at the corners of the three-dimen- sional array of cubes, but also at the centre of the faces of each cube — a face-centred lattice. So far, some two dozen Nobel prizes have been awarded for work related to X-ray crys- tallography, the technique Bragg set in train with his paper and used for his pioneering work on the structures of minerals, metals, their oxides and alloys. His colleagues were the first to use X-ray crystallography to remains the youngest ever winner of a Nobel prize, aged just 25. determine the structures of a and an enzyme, and to formulate the model for the DNA double helix3. In my view, the technique is still the single most powerful analytical tool for scientists in physics, biol- The birth of X-ray ogy, medicine, materials and Earth , as well as for many breeds of engineer. VISIONARIES crystallography In the audience in Cambridge in Novem- ber 1912 was the physicist C. T. R. Wilson, A century ago this week, physicist Lawrence Bragg whose work using cloud chambers to track cosmic rays earned him the Nobel prize in announced an equation that revolutionized fields from 1927. Wilson suggested that X-rays should to biology, writes John Meurig Thomas. also reflect from the external faces of crys- tals, provided the surfaces were sufficiently smooth. So Lawrence tested whether X-rays n the summer of 1912, a 22-year-old of Leeds, UK, where William was professor that reflected from the face of mica graduate student went on holiday with of physics. — known for its supposed flatness at the his parents to Britain’s Yorkshire coast. On returning to the University of Cam- atomic scale — could be photographed. In IThere, his father, the physicist William H. bridge at the end of the holiday, Lawrence December 1912, Nature published his paper Bragg, received a letter describing a dramatic had a revolutionary idea. Laue’s results, on ‘The Specular Reflection of X-rays’4. lecture given by the German theoretical he reasoned, could be interpreted simply William Bragg quickly demonstrated physicist Max Laue. as arising from the reflection of X-rays by that his X-ray spectrometer could detect Laue’s lecture reported the first observa- planes of atoms in the crystal. He realized diffracted monochromatic X-rays — not tion by his colleagues Walter Friedrich and that X-ray observations, of the kind initiated on photographic plate, but with a ioni- Paul Knipping1 of the diffraction of X-rays by Laue, provide evidence from which the zation detector. The power of Bragg’s law, by a crystal — the mineral zinc sulphide arrangement of atoms in the crystal could together with William’s spectrometer for (ZnS). This proved that X-rays were waves, be inferred. recording the intensities of reflected X-rays settling a controversy that had lasted the To explain the patterns they saw (pic- of fixed wavelength, was spectacularly dem- 17 years since their discovery. Bragg and his tured), Laue and his colleagues had assumed onstrated in two 1913 papers. Lawrence son Lawrence worked feverishly on X-ray that their X-ray source was polychro- published one on the structures of diffraction all that summer at the University matic — comprising six or seven distinct of sodium chloride, potassium chloride,

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potassium bromide and potassium iodide5, explained in satisfactory atomic terms. He the satisfaction of hearing, in 1962, of the and another with his father6 on diamond. explained, for example, why mica and talc award of Nobel prizes to his acolytes Perutz, The Braggs’ approach provided a reliable are so soft, but beryl is tough. Kendrew, Crick and Watson. way to determine the internal architecture He showed that many minerals, especially The Braggs’ method of structure determi- of all crystalline , and thus to explain silicates, are dominated by essentially space- nation is still at the heart of modern X-ray their properties. Once the structure of dia- filling, negatively charged oxygen atoms. He crystallography. It is now almost completely mond was discovered — with its infinite found that other, smaller (cationic) atoms automated by sophisticated, ultra-sensitive array of carbon atoms bonded strongly are lodged in the interstices, and discovered X-ray detectors and associated algorithms to others in three dimensions — its hard- a constant tetrahedral coordination of four for data analysis of hundreds of thousands ness could be understood. Likewise, when oxygen atoms, whatever the ratio of silicon of diffraction intensities. X-ray crystallography revealed the struc- Meanwhile, the advent of accessible syn- ture of graphite in the 1930s, its softness chrotron radiation sources and rapid read- made sense. Diamond and graphite have out detectors is especially well suited to

SOURCE: REF. 1 SOURCE: REF. the same composition, but their structures charting structural changes that take place make them mechanically, chemically and on sub-picosecond timescales in biological electronically very different. such as the photoactive Not until after the First World War did yellow protein PYP9. A striking example shock and exhilaration greet the publica- is the work of an international team of tion of these papers, when their con- researchers10, almost exactly a century tent filtered through to the textbooks. after the pioneering papers by Bragg Shock, because Bragg had incontro- and Laue. The team aimed femtosec- vertibly established, contrary to what ond pulses at a stream all thought at the time, that of droplets containing biologically there was no of sodium significant macro­ such as chloride inside rock salt — simply an photosystem I, which is central to extended alternation of sodium and photosynthesis. The X-ray pulses are chloride . A particularly intemper- short enough to avert radiation dam- ate attack was mounted by Henry Arm- age, but sufficiently intense to produce strong, former president of the Chemical high-quality diffraction data. Society of London. Writing in Nature in The seminal work begun in Yorkshire 1927, he described the “chess-board pattern” that summer of 1912 still resonates world- of atoms in sodium chloride as “repugnant wide. Just this week, Venki Ramakrishnan to common sense” and “absurd to the n… — who shared the Nobel Prize in th degree”7. Others were exhilarated because Max Laue’s photo of X-ray diffraction from ZnS in 2009 for unravelling the structure of the the structure of diamond confirmed the tet- revealed spots of varying shape and intensity. , which catalyses protein synthesis rahedral coordination of carbon as envisaged — was scheduled to lecture the Cambridge by J. H. van’t Hoff and others 40 years earlier. to oxygen. At Manchester he also solved the Philosophical Society. His theme? “Seeing is For the next several decades, the Braggs’ structures of γ-brass, magnetic alloys and believing: how a century after its discovery, equation and spectrometer became the cor- many others fundamental to the develop- Bragg’s law allows us to peer into molecules nerstones of X-ray crystallography, largely ment of the modern theory of metals. that read the information in our genes.” ■ supplanting Laue’s polychromatic X-ray dif- In 1938, Bragg again replaced Ruther- fraction procedure. (Some experimentalists ford, this time as Cavendish professor at John Meurig Thomas was Lawrence used both methods — notably, Linus Paul- the University of Cambridge. Here, after Bragg’s successor-but-one as director and ing in his determination of the structures of the Second World War, he encouraged his Fullerian professor at the . haematite and corundum in 1925.) protégés and He is now in the Department of Materials in their fiendishly difficult X-ray crystal- and , University of NOBEL HAUL lographic determination of the Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, UK. At 25, Lawrence Bragg is still the youngest haemoglobin and myoglobin. Later, he e-mail: [email protected] ever recipient of the Nobel prize, which he gave free reign to and James shared with his father in 1915 “for their ser- Watson’s X-ray work on DNA. 1. Friedrich, W., Knipping, P. & Laue, M. In vices in the analysis of by Sitzungsberichte der Math. Phys. Klasse (Kgl.) Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften means of X-rays”. He kept working at a pro- SEEING IS BELIEVING 303–322 (1912). digious pace for some 50 more years8. Laue In 1953, Bragg became director of, and 2. Bragg, W. L. Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc. 17, 43–57 was awarded the Nobel prize in 1914 for the Fullerian professor at, the Royal Institution (1913). 3. Bragg, W. L. in Fifty Years of X-ray Diffraction (ed. discovery of X-ray diffraction by crystals but, of Great Britain (RI) in London, where he Ewald, P. P.) 531–539 (International Union of unlike Lawrence, he largely ceased to work appointed David Phillips, Tony North and Crystallography, 1962). on its consequences, turning to relativity and others to investigate biological structures, 4. Bragg, W. L. Nature 90, 410 (1912). 5. Bragg, W. L. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 89, 248–277 other pastures in theoretical physics. with Perutz and Kendrew as honorary (1913). In 1919, Lawrence succeeded Ernest readers. A special automated, linear X-ray 6. Bragg, W. H. & Bragg, W. L. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A Rutherford as chair of physics at the Uni- built at the RI enabled Ken- 89, 277–291 (1913). 7. Armstrong, H. E. Nature 120, 478–479 (1927). versity of Manchester, UK. Using tech- drew, Phillips and others to produce the 8. Thomas, J. M. & Phillips, D. C. (eds) Selections niques that flowed from his 1912 and first structure of a protein — myoglobin. It and Reflections: The Legacy of Sir Lawrence Bragg 1913 papers, he accounted for the chemi- also helped Phillips and to (Science Reviews, 1990). 9. Rubinstenn, G. et al. Nature Struct. Biol. 5, cal and physical properties of silicates, the establish the structure and mode of action of 568–570 (1998). dominant members of the mineral king- lysozyme, the first enzyme to yield to Bragg’s 10. Spence, J. C. H., Weierstall, U. & Chapman, H. N. dom, which traditional chemistry had not X-ray technique. While at the RI, Bragg had Rep. Prog. Phys. 75, 102601 (2012).

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