Chapter 3: Financial Analysis with Inflation
CHAPTER 3: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS WITH INFLATION Up to now, we have mostly ignored inflation. However, inflation and interest are closely related. It was noted in the last chapter that interest rates should generally cover more than inflation. In fact, the amount of interest earned over inflation is the only real reward for an investment. Consider an investment of $1,000 that earns 4% over a one-year period, and assume that during that year the inflation rate is also 4%. At the end of the year, the investor receives $1,040. Has the investor gained anything from this investment? On the surface, he has earned $40, so it seems like he has. However, because of inflation, the purchasing power of the $1,040 that he now has is the same as the purchasing power that the initial investment of $1,000 would have had a year earlier. Essentially, the investor has earned nothing. In this case, we would say that the real rate of return, the rate of return after inflation, was zero. It is easy to confuse discounting and compounding, which account for the time value of money, with deflating and inflating, which account for the changing purchasing power of money. Inflation reduces the purchasing power of a unit of currency, such as the dollar, so a dollar at one point in time will not have the same purchasing power as a dollar at another point in time. Inflating and deflating are used to adjust an amount expressed in dollars associated with one point in time to an amount with equivalent amount of purchasing power expressed in dollars associated with another point in time.
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