Departments 1 through an integrated outreach program to schools, colleges, community DEPARTMENTS groups, and businesses. Website ( | A (p. 1) | B (p. 3) | C (p. 4) | D (p. 5) | E (p. 6) | F (p. 7) | G (p. 8) | H (p. 9) | I (p. 10) | J (p. 10) | K | L CONTACT (p. 11) | M (p. 12) | N (p. 14) | O (p. ) | P (p. 14) | Q | R Email (
[email protected]) | 352.392.2183 (tel) | 352.392.2435 (fax) (p. 15) | S (p. 15) | T (p. 17) | U (p. 18) | V | W (p. 18) | X | Y PO Box 115560 | Z | 427 GRINTER HALL GAINESVILLE FL 32611-5560 A Map ( Accounting, Fisher School of Curriculum Accounting at UF traces its roots back to 1923 when the first accounting • African Studies Minor course was offered. Today, as one of the nation’s few free-standing accounting schools, the Fisher School of Accounting has cultivated a distinctive identity at the University of Florida and among the nation’s top business programs. African-American Studies Website ( The African American Studies program is one of the fastest growing majors at UF. The degree program provides students with a variety of CONTACT innovative courses by applying creative cultural methods of teaching 352.273.0200 (tel) | 352.392.7962 (fax) while examining the African American experience. Website ( P.O. Box 117166 210 GERSON HALL CONTACT GAINESVILLE FL 32611-7166 Email (
[email protected]) | 352.392.5724 (tel) | 352.294.0007 (fax) Map ( 1012 Turlington Hall Curriculum • Accounting PO Box 118120 GAINESVILLE FL 32611-8400 • Accounting Minor Map ( • Accounting Minor UF Online • Combination Degrees Curriculum • African-American Studies • African-American Studies Minor Advertising The Department of Advertising is recognized as one of the largest and most respected programs in the U.S.