The University of Texas at Tyler Executive Health Care Administration MPA Program Spring 2019 COURSE NUMBER EHCA 5367 COURSE TITLE Biostatistics INSTRUCTOR Thomas Ross, PhD INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION email -
[email protected] – this one is checked once a week
[email protected] – this one is checked Monday thru Friday Phone - 828.262.7479 REQUIRED TEXT: Wayne Daniel and Chad Cross, Biostatistics, 10th ed., Wiley, 2013, ISBN: 978-1- 118-30279-8 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to teach students the application of statistical methods to the decision-making process in health services administration. Emphasis is placed on understanding the principles in the meaning and use of statistical analyses. Topics discussed include a review of descriptive statistics, the standard normal distribution, sampling distributions, t-tests, ANOVA, simple and multiple regression, and chi-square analysis. Students will use Microsoft Excel or other appropriate computer software in the completion of assignments. COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Use descriptive statistics and graphs to describe data 2. Understand basic principles of probability, sampling distributions, and binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions 3. Formulate research questions and hypotheses 4. Run and interpret t-tests and analyses of variance (ANOVA) 5. Run and interpret regression analyses 6. Run and interpret chi-square analyses GRADING POLICY Students will be graded on homework, midterm, and final exam, see weights below. ATTENDANCE/MAKE UP POLICY All students are expected to attend all of the on-campus sessions. Students are expected to participate in all online discussions in a substantive manner. If circumstances arise that a student is unable to attend a portion of the on-campus session or any of the online discussions, special arrangements must be made with the instructor in advance for make-up activity.