This is by no means a comprehensive list, but a starting point! Feel free to reach out with any questions or to let me know what you are integrating into your life. I would love to connect and see how you're living more sustainably and support you in that journey. And do share what you are trying out from this episode! I would love to know.

Keys to success: 1. Stop + think (is there a more efficient or less wasteful way to do this? Do I actually need this? Is there a package-free/waste-free alternative?) 2. Always be prepared (have your zero waste items on hand! bring your lunch, etc.)

Prioritize: 1. Refuse (say no to plastic , things you don’t actually need) 2. Reduce (your trash, your , your consumption) 3. Reuse (or repurpose) 4. Recycle (should be your last resort. recycling is not a very eco-friendly option, sadly)

Your toolkit (+ my go-to brands): 1. Water — hydroflask, s’well 2. Reusable cutlery— To-Go Ware 3. Reusable straw 4. Coffee cup— Stojo (collapsible), Miir, keep cup, hydroflask (with flip top) or make your own from a . It’s useful to know the capacity if you are using it at a coffee shop! 5. Tote 6. Reusable produce bags— ecobags 7. Reusable Sandwich bags— Stasher bags (I use these for everything— leftovers, shopping in bulk, traveling with liquids, snacks, etc.) 8. — mason jars, or you can uses jars from pasta sauce, peanut butter, etc.!

Zero Market is a zero waste store that sells tons of supplies for everything you might need. Browse and be inspired.

Process for using your own in the bulk section: 1. Confirm with the store you can use your own 2. Weigh the jar/bag (this is called the tare weight) and make note of it on the container or in your phone 3. Fill it up with whatever you want, in whatever amount

@saraweinreb www.saraweinreb.com/podcast

4. Take a photo of the PLU code on the bin (if there is one) 5. When you go to check out, tell the cashier the tare (weight of the container) and the PLU code. Pro tip: keep a running list in your phone of your containers and their weights. Another tip: if the store won’t let you deduct the weight of the container, use cotton produce bags which basically weigh nothing!

Other concepts discussed: 1. Audit your trash to see what you are throwing out, and consider if you can buy that item package free, buy it in packaging you can recycle, or throw in the compost. 2. Information on composting + why it’s important in this article. 3. Always prioritize multi-use in plastic over single use (a shampoo bottle you’ll use for 6 months versus a bottle of water) 4. Get into nature as much as possible to further connect to the earth.

Reminders: 1. Waste is only a piece of the puzzle. There are other elements involved in the environmental footprint (such as how far the item traveled to get to you, if it’s organic, etc.). Determine your values as there often isn’t a single-best solution 2. Give yourself grace! This world is not set up for a zero waste lifestyle, so doing your best is the best place to start. 3. Embrace failures. If you realized you have a plastic “fail,” that’s you recognizing something you’d like to work on! By merely recognizing it, you’re already ahead of the curve. Now you know for next time!

Unsure about a tip, how something works, or seeking a low waste alternative to something you use that’s disposable? Feel free to reach out to me ([email protected])-- I would love to hear from you.

Psst- keep this handy resource on your phone to avoid needing to print if. If you do choose to print it, though, please print it double-sided to save !

@saraweinreb www.saraweinreb.com/podcast