Onze CHAN 2020
THE ULTIMATE GUIDE SCHEDULE • ANALYSIS • STATS • STADIUMS & STANISLAS MITTELMAN, ABDELMOUNAÏM BAH, SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT, AFRICA CAF ACTING TOTAL MARKETING & SERVICES GENERAL SECRETARY LET'S LIVE FOOTBALL TOGETHER or three years now, the Confederation of African Football (CAF) and Total are working hand in hand to promote African football in all its forms. Together, we went through a particularly harsh year in 2020, during which we did everything to make you live, even from afar, the values of brotherhood and friendliness spe- FFLȴFWRIRRWEDOOH[SHULHQFHGHVSLWHGLVUXSWHGFRPSHWLWLRQVFKHGXOHV We are today happier than ever at the idea of being together again, thousands of enthusiasts around the Total African Nations Championship, Cameroon 2020, IURP-DQXDU\WR)HEUXDU\5HVHUYHGH[FOXVLYHO\WRWKHSOD\HUVRIORFDO clubs among 16 participating countries, this championship is a key competition, CHAN, Cameroon 2020 Total a true way to reveal talents, a unique opportunity for the players to make us live VRPHH[FHSWLRQDOHPRWLRQVDQGSURYHWKHLUTXDOLWLHVWRUHFUXLWHUVDQGVXSSRU- ters around the world. First through this magazine, then by following you throughout the matches, we will have the pleasure to thrill with you during this competition. Because it is KRVWHGE\&DPHURRQLWLVDOVRDQH[FLWLQJSUHOXGHWRWKHQH[W7RWDO$IULFD&XS of Nations, which will also be held on the territory of the Indomitable Lions. We wish you memorable moments of celebration thanks to the Total CHAN, Cameroon 2020, and look forward to seeing you throughout 2021, around the stories, victories and
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