Temples in India
TEMPLES IN INDIA By SRI SWAMI SIVANANDA 6(59(ñý/29(ñý*,9(ñ 385,)<ñý0(',7$7(ñ 5($/,=( Sri Swami Sivananda So Says Founder of Sri Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society A DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY PUBLICATION First Edition: 1957 World Wide Web (WWW) Edition: 1999 WWW site: http://www.rsl.ukans.edu/~pkanagar/divine/ This WWW reprint is for free distribution © The Divine Life Trust Society Published By THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY P.O. SHIVANANDANAGAR—249 192 Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh, Himalayas, India. PUBLISHERS’ NOTE In these days life has become very complex. The different spheres of human activity have been multiplied. Practically speaking, there is hardly any time, nor the mood, even to think of God. An ideal temple serves the purpose well to make one entertain the divine thoughts, at least during the time he is in the temple. The sanctity of the place soothes and revitalizes his worn-out nerves with a unique spiritual aura. His entire being is sanctified by the divine vibrations, springing forth spontaneously. He enjoys the divine ecstasy. Only with this view our ancients have built temples all over this country. Pilgrimage is indeed a religious, nay, a spiritual act, enjoined upon all sincere devotees of the Lord. It gives us a great scope for periodical drastic flushing of the worldliness and impure tendencies that are being accumulated in our day-to-day life through constantly living in the material atmosphere, filled with worldliness, greed, passion, malice and delusion. Our nature becomes regenerated, re-vitalized and ultimately spiritualized. In this little volume, Sri Swami Sivanandaji, in his usual supra-poetic style, gives short descriptions of the prominent temples in India.
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