Biotemas, 27 (3): 197-200, setembro de 2014 ISSNe 2175-7925 Short Communication

Dung communities in coal mining areas in the process of recovery

Joana Zamprônio Bett 1 Patrícia Menegaz de Farias 1,2* Pedro Giovâni da Silva 2 Malva Isabel Medina Hernández 2

1 Laboratório de Entomologia Centro de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico Amael Beethoven Villar Ferrim, Departamento de Agronomia Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, CEP 88701-000, Tubarão – SC, Brasil 2 Laboratório de Ecologia Terrestre , Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia Departamento de Ecologia e Zoologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina CEP 88040-900, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil * Autor para correspondência [email protected]

Submetido em 04/03/2014 Aceito para publicação em 23/06/2014

Resumo Escarabeíneos em áreas de mineração de carvão em processo de recuperação. Besouros escarabeíneos sensíveis a modi¿caç}es ambientais podem apontar a recuperação de ireas degradadas. Este trabalKo obMetivou registrar e comparar as comunidades de em ireas com diferentes períodos de recuperação ambiental após serem usadas para mineração de carvão. 2 presente estudo foi reali]ado em duas ireas em recuperação um e cinco anos no município de Lauro 0ller, Santa Catarina, e contou com 1 armadilKas de Tueda iscadas com fe]es Kumanas em cada irea. Em laboratório reali]ou-se a contagem, identi¿cação e mensuração do tamanKo corporal e biomassa dos esppcimes capturados. Veri¿cou-se a su¿ciência amostral e as variiveis de ambas as ireas foram comparadas atravps de teste t. As esppcies registradas foram Canthon aff. chalybaeus, Canthon angularis, Canthon rutilans cyanescens, Deltochilum multicolor, sericeus, Eurysternus parallelus e Ontherus sulcator. 2 n~mero total de indivíduos capturados foi de , sendo três na irea de um ano em recuperação e 2 na de cinco anos a esppcie mais abundante foi C. rutilans cyanescens (40,6%). Todas as esppcies estiveram presentes na irea de cinco anos, mas somente C. aff. chalybaeus e D. multicolor na irea de um ano. 2 tamanKo mpdio dos indivíduos amostrados na irea de um ano de recuperação foi de 11,0 mm e a biomassa 0,01 g, enTuanto Tue na irea com cinco anos de recuperação o tamanKo mpdio e a biomassa dos besouros escarabeíneos amostrados foi de 12,25 mm e 0,093 g, respectivamente. Palavras-chave: Carvão mineral; Ecologia; Indicadores; Recuperação ambiental; Scarabaeinae

Abstract Dung tKat are sensitive to environmental alterations ma\ be used as indicator species to marN tKe recover\ of degraded areas. TKis ZorN aimed at registering and comparing tKe communities of Scarabaeinae located in areas ZitK different periods of environmental recover\ after being used for coal mining. TKis stud\

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Zas developed in Lauro 0ller, Santa Catarina, and consisted of tZo areas in tKe process of recover\, one for one \ear and one for ¿ve \ears. Fifteen pitfall traps baited ZitK Kuman feces Zere placed in eacK area in order to attract tKe dung beetles. TKe counting, identi¿cation and measurement of bod\ si]e and biomass of tKe specimens captured Zere carried out in tKe laborator\. Sampling suf¿cienc\ Zas veri¿ed and variables from botK areas Zere compared using a t test. TKe recorded species Zere Canthon aff. chalybaeus, Canthon angularis, Canthon rutilans cyanescens, Deltochilum multicolor, Dichotomius sericeus, Eurysternus parallelus and Ontherus sulcator. A total of 35 individuals Zere captured, tKree in tKe one-\ear recover\ area and 32 in tKe area under recover\ for ¿ve \ears, C. rutilans cyanescens being tKe most abundant species (40.6%). All species collected Zere found in tKe ¿ve-\ears recover\ area, ZKereas onl\ C. aff. chalybaeus and D. multicolor Zere found in tKe one-\ear recover\ area. Individuals sampled in tKe area ZitK one \ear of recover\ Kad an average si]e of 11.03 mm and average biomass of 0.051 g, ZKereas in tKe ¿ve-\ears recover\ area tKe average si]e and tKe biomass of tKe dung beetles sampled Zas 12.25 mm and 0.093 g, respectivel\. Key words: Indicators; Ecolog\; Environmental recover\; 0ineral coal; Scarabaeinae

TKe mining process is Zidel\ acNnoZledged as abundance, species ricKness and bod\ si]e (GARD1ER a source of environmental problems (SILVA, 2011), et al., 2008). as mining activities often result in tKe elimination TKis group performs several ecos\stem services of vegetation and tKe interruption of gene ÀoZ via (revieZed b\ 1IC+2LS et al., 2008), operating in fragmentation of Kabitats, causing deatK or e[tinction ecological processes sucK as increasing tKe rate of of fauna (0EC+I; SA1C+EZ, 2010). TKe process nutrient c\cling tKrougK tKe allocation of food resources, of induced environmental recover\ aims to accelerate tKe opening of galleries tKat facilitate Zater and air tKe reestablisKment of Kabitat b\ improving abiotic circulation in soil (0ITTAL, 1993), breaNing of tKe conditions in degraded areas in accordance ZitK future life c\cle of some parasites of vertebrates (RIDSDILL- use (PEREIRA; R2DRIGUES, 2012). TopograpKic and S0IT+; +A

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18 ƒC. TKe predominant climate is Kumid mesotKermal D. multicolor (n 1). TKe species sampled are common ZitK Kot Zinter (Cfa) (EPAGRICIRAM, 2010). in areas of Atlantic Forest in Santa Catarina (CAMPOS; HERNÁNDEZ, 2013). TZo areas ZitK different periods of recover\ from mining Zere sampled tKe ¿rst one (28ž19¶S, 49ž26¶:) Sampling sufficienc\ Zas corroborated b\ tKe ZitK an area of 0.032 Nm2, Kas been in recover\ for CKao 1 estimator, ZKicK estimated 100% of tKe ricKness rougKl\ one \ear and is cKaracteri]ed as implanted observed in tKe area of ¿ve \ears (7 “ 0.25) and in pasture ZitK fragments of secondar\ forest. It is delimited tKe area of one \ear (2 “ 0.17). T-test sKoZed tKat tKe east b\ a road, and is surrounded b\ farms ZitK native ¿ve-\ear recover\ area sKoZed greater average species pasture used for e[tensive cattle breeding in tKe nortK, ricKness per trap (1.6 “ 0.38) tKan did tKe one-\ear area soutK and Zest. TKe second area (28ž22¶S, 49ž27¶:), (0.2 “ 0.01) (t 1.97; df 1; p 0.034), a result in ZitK an area of 0.021 Nm2, Kas been in recover\ for ¿ve agreement ZitK Davis et al. (2003) and Herninde] et \ears and is covered b\ implanted pasture. It is delimited al. (unpublisKed data), botK of ZKicK indicate KigKer nortK and Zest b\ a long area of preserved forest; in species ricKness in areas alloZed to recover from mining tKe soutK, a reforested area ZitK eucal\ptus; and in tKe for longer time periods. HoZever, Audino et al. (2014) east, a native pasture used for cattle breeding. Fifteen empKasi]e tKat dung beetle assemblages are severel\ baited pitfall traps eacK 50 m apart Zere placed in eacK impoverisKed in restored sites, and tKat even after 18 area. Traps contained Zater ZitK a neutral detergent to \ears tKe communities remain poor in species ricKness. breaN tKe surface tension and prevent tKe from Environmental structure is an important aspect escaping. TKe rain sKields of traps Zere baited ZitK of tKe organi]ation of dung beetle communities Kuman feces (20 g) to attract tKe individuals; tKis is one (HERNÁNDEZ; VAZ-DE-MELLO, 2009; CAMPOS; tKe most emplo\ed and ef¿cient metKods for tKe capture HERNÁNDEZ, 2013). HoZever, a confounding factor of tKe maMorit\ of tKe species in tKis group (LOBO et in tKe e[planation for tKe increase in ricKness is tKe al., 1988). Traps remained in tKe ¿eld for 48 Kours, after pro[imit\ to areas ZitK more preserved Kabitats, ZKicK ZKicK captured insects Zere collected and transferred ma\ act as a source area or species pool. HoZever, it is to receptacles containing alcoKol (70%). Individuals NnoZn tKat tKe pro[imit\ to more adeTuate environments Zere oven-dried at 60ƒC for 48 Kours, and tKe counting, does not determine species ricKness in dung beetles, as identi¿cation, measurement of tKe bod\ si]e and ZeigKt traps placed onl\ 15 meters from forests are not effective Zere carried out in tKe laborator\. TKe specimens are for tKeir capture (.LEIN, 1989). in tKe entomological collection at tKe entomolog\ laborator\ of Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina. AltKougK tKe average si]e and biomass of individuals sampled in tKe area of one \ear under A total of 35 individuals from seven species of recover\ (11.03 mm and 0.051 g) Zere similar to tKat of Scarabaeinae Zere collected 91,4% (n 32) of tKe tKe area of ¿ve \ears (12.25 mm and 0.093 g), tKe total total individuals Zere captured in tKe area recovering biomass Zas more tKan 15 times greater in tKe area of ¿ve for ¿ve \ears, ZKereas onl\ 8,6% (n 3) of tKe total \ears (2.47 g) tKan in tKe otKer area (0.15 g). Gardner et Zere captured in tKe area recovering for one \ear. al. (2008) sKoZed tKat ZitKin all genera of Scarabaeinae, Seven species Zere recorded in ¿ve-\ear recover\ area tKere is a decrease in larger species in degraded areas Canthon aff. chalybaeus BlancKard (n 6), Canthon in Bra]ilian Ama]onia. According to Barragin et al. angularis Harold (n 1), Canthon rutilans cyanescens (2011), tKe functional ricKness ma\ also decrease ZitK Harold (n 13), Deltochilum multicolor BaltKasar (n increasing degree of tKe environmental alteration, ZKicK 4) (tribe DeltocKilini), Dichotomius sericeus (Harold) is directl\ related to tKe ecos\stem services performed. (n 4), Ontherus sulcator (Fabricius) (n 3) (tribe TKerefore, our results suggest tKat tKe period of recover\ Coprini) and Eurysternus parallelus Castelnau (n 1) and tKe resulting increase in tKe structural comple[it\ of (tribe Oniticellini). Onl\ tZo species Zere recorded in tKe environment are tKe aspects tKat most contributed to tKe one-\ear recover\ area C. aff. chalybaeus (n 2) and tKe increase of abundance, ricKness and biomass of dung

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beetles in tKe area recovered for a longer time period, HALFFTER, G.; FAVILA, M. E. TKe Scarabaeinae (Insecta con¿rming tKat dung beetles Kave a strong potential to Coleoptera) an animal group for anal\zing, inventor\ing and monitoring biodiversit\ in tropical rainforest and modi¿ed be used as ecological indicators in areas in tKe process landscapes. Biology International, Paris, v. 27, p. 15-21, 1993. of environmental recover\. HERNÁNDEZ, M. I. M.; VAZ-DE-MELLO, F. Z. Seasonal and spatial species ricKness variation of dung beetle (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae s. str.) in tKe Atlantic Forest of soutKeastern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, Curitiba, v. 53, n. 4, p. 607- References 613, 2009. ANDRESEN, E. Dung beetles in a Central Amazonian rainforest .LEIN, B. C. Effects of forest fragmentation on dung and carrion and in tKeir ecological role as secondar\ seed dispersers. Ecological beetle communities in Central Amazonia. Ecology, :asKington, v. Entomology, London, v. 27, p. 257-270, 2002. 70, n. 6, p. 1715-1725, 1989. AUDINO, L. D.; LOUZADA, -.; COMITA, L. Dung beetles as LOBO, -. M.; MARTËN-PIERA, F.; VEIGA, C. M. Las trampas indicators of tropical forest restoration success Is it possible to pitfall con sebo, sus posibilidades en el estudio de las comunidades recover species and functional diversit\" Biological Conservation, coprófagas de Scarabaeoidea (Col.). I. Características determinantes Boston, v. 169, p. 248-257, 2014. de su capacidad de captura. Revue d’Écologie et de Biologie du Sol, Paris, v. 25, n. 1, p. 77-100, 1988. BARRAGÁN, F.; MORENO, C. E.; ESCOBAR, F.; HALFFTER, G.; NAVARRETE, D. Negative impacts of Kuman land use on dung LUTINS.I, -. A.; GARCIA, F. R. M. Anilise faunística de beetle functional diversit\. PLoS ONE, San Francisco, v. 6, n. 3, Formicidae (H\menoptera Apocrita) em ecossistema degradado no 2011. município de CKapecó, Santa Catarina. Biotemas, Florianópolis, v. 18, n. 2, p. 73-86, 2005. CAMPOS, R. C.; HERNÁNDEZ, M. I. M. Dung beetle assemblages (Coleoptera, Scarabaeinae) in Atlantic forest fragments in soutKern MECHI, A.; SANCHES, D. L. Impactos ambientais da mineração Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, Curitiba, v. 57, n. 1, no estado de São Paulo. Estudos Avançados, São Paulo, v. 24, n. p. 47-54, 2013. 68, p. 209-220, 2010. CAMPOS, :. H.; NETO, A. M.; PEI;OTO, H. -. C.; GODINHO, MITTAL, I. Natural manuring and soil conditioning b\ dung L. B.; SILVA, E. Contribuição da fauna silvestre em proMetos de beetles. Tropical Ecology, Varanasi, v. 34, p. 150-159, 1993. restauração ecológica no Brasil. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, NICHOLS, E.; SPECTOR, S.; LOUZADA, -.; LARSEN, T.; Colombo, v. 32, n. 72, p. 429-440, 2012. AMEZ4UITA, S.; FAVILA, M. E. Ecological functions and COSTA, S.; ZOCCHE, -. -. Fertilidade de solos construídos em ecos\stem services provided b\ Scarabaeinae dung beetles. ireas de mineração de carvão na região Sul de Santa Catarina. Biological Conservation, :asKington, v. 141, p. 1461-1474, 2008. Revista Árvore, Viçosa, v. 33, n. 4, p. 665-674, 2009. PAOLETTI, M. G. Using bioindicators based on biodiversit\ DAVIS, L. V.; VAN ARDE, R. -.; SCHOLTZ, C. H.; DELPORT, to assess landscape sustainabilit\. Agriculture, Ecosystems & -. H. Convergence betZeen dung beetle assemblages of a post- Environment, Amsterdan, v. 74, p. 1-18, 1999. mining vegetational cKronoseTuence and unmined dune forest. PEREIRA, -. S.; RODRIGUES, S. C. Crescimento de esppcies Restoration Ecology, CraZle\, v. 11, n. 1, p. 29-42, 2003. arbóreas utilizadas na recuperação de irea degradada. Caminhos EPAGRICIRAM – EMPRESA DE PES4UISAS de Geogra¿a, Uberlândia, v. 13, n. 41, p. 102-110, 2012. AGROPECUÁRIA E DE E;TENS­O RURAL DE SANTA RIDSDILL-SMITH, T. -.; HA

Revista Biotemas, 27 (3), setembro de 2014