Branch out and Attend Another Organization's Event! Phi Lamb
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Important Upcoming Dates Branch Out and Attend Another Organization’s Event! March 5 – NPC International Badge Ask yourself this simple question: When was the last time Day you attend another organization’s event outside of a party, mixer, March 7 – All majors fair, SC or date auction? I am talking about events relating to awareness, March 7 – Grad Central for May 2012 philanthropy, education, or service. If you attend the social func- Grads & UCA Official Ring Order tions of another group, then why not those other events? Is it be- Days, UCA Bookstore, 9 AM-5 PM cause they are not fun or because you are too scared to attend a March 8 – All-Greek Picture, Estes Sta- service and/or philanthropy event that is not sponsored by your dium, X-Period own organization? Many UCA Greek students want improved SOS Applications Due, SC Info unity in and between councils, but they do not have a good place Desk, 4:30 PM to start making this happen. One of the easiest ways is by attend- Grad Central for May 2012 Grads ing the events that other organizations are already hosting. If & UCA Official Ring Order Days, you or any of your brothers/sisters truly want a more unified UCA Bookstore, 9 AM-2 PM Greek system, then take action and attend more events hosted by March 9 – Alumni Scholarship and other organizations. I challenge every person who reads this to AFA Applications due, Buffalo Alumni attend one new event this semester that is not hosted by your or- Hall ganization. Are you up to the challenge? March 9-11 – Greek Weekend -Scott Isenga March 10 – Bear Facts Day, Student Center Ballroom, 10:30 AM—12:30 PM Phi Lamb Wins National Awards; Secures House March 12-15 – SOS Interviews It has been a very productive month for the Alpha chapter March 13 – Pi Chi Applications Availa- of Phi Lambda Chi fraternity! On February 18, Phi Lamb Head- ble quarters held their regional conference in Little Rock. During the March 14 – Outstanding Greek Appli- conference, the Alpha chapter was awarded both the Chapter of cations Due, 207 SC, 4:30 PM Excellence and Outstanding Chapter awards for 2010-2011. Both March 15 – Pi Chi Interest Meeting, of these are national awards and a huge accomplishment for the Student Center, X-Period Alpha chapter and its membership. In addition to winning multi- March 19-23 – Spring Break, Student ple national awards, Phi Lamb’s leadership has been working Life Office open with UCA Housing to secure a fraternity house. After much March 29 – Panhellenic President’s work, the Alpha chapter was able to secure a house at 425 Roundtable, 201 SC, X-Period Donaghey Avenue. Phi Lamb officially moved into the house on Panhellenic Cinderella’s Closet at March 3 and celebrated by cleaning up the property and putting First Presbyterian Church up letters on the house. A small num- April 1 – New Member King Rehearsal ber of men now live in the house, which is within walking distance of April 3 – New Member King the other fraternity residences. Con- April 4 – Pi Chi Applications Due, 207 gratulations to the men of Phi Lamb SC, 4:30 PM on their outstanding national awards and securing a fraternity house! 1 Important Dates Cont. AFLV Central and NBGLC Recap April 6 – Campus Involvement Ros- From February 9-12, 18 stu- ters and Community Services forms dents and two staff members traveled due, 207 SC, 4:30 PM to the AFLV Central and NBGLC Bear Facts Day, 10:30 PM-12:30 Conferences in St. Louis, MO. One PM, Student Center Ballroom representative from nearly every or- April 8 – Easter Holiday ganization in IFC, NPHC, and Pan- April 11 – Pi Chi Interviews hellenic was selected to attend the April 12 & 14 – SOS Trainings conference. Around 2,700 students, April 14 – Alpha Sigma Tau A-21 5K presenters, and student affairs professionals attended the multi- day conference. Over the course of the four days, each UCA stu- April 19 – All Greek Step Show, 7PM, dent attended a variety of educational sessions focusing on Pan- Farris Center hellenic recruitment, NPHC Intake, hazing prevention, civility, April 23-27– Dead Week programming, improved public relations, and ritual. In addition April 26 – UCA Official Ring Ceremo- to small group educational sessions, each student was able to en- ny, 6 PM, Buffalo Alumni Hall joy large group presentations from major speakers like Mari Ann April 27 – Dead Day (Study Day) - No Callais, Dave Barnes, Dave Stollman, Dr. Lori Hart, and T.J. Sulli- Classes van. In addition to all of the educational sessions, each student April 28 – Finals for Saturday classes enjoyed the opportunity to bond with fellow UCA Greek stu- April 30 – Finals week begins for dents and meet hundreds of other Greeks from across the coun- spring semester classes try. All of the students reported that Greeks Submit Blue Info Sheets for they had a great time at the confer- May 2012 Grads to Alumni Office ence, learned plenty of new infor- mation that they plan to bring back to Cap & Gown Pick Up begins, 8AM -4:30PM, UCA Bookstore their chapters and/or councils, and have made lasting connections with May 1-4 – Finals continue for spring semester classes fellow UCA Greek students that they never knew before the trip. Cap & Gown Pick Up continues, 8AM-4:30PM, UCA Bookstore Since the conference, the Office of Student Life (OSL) has May 5 – Spring Commencement collected plenty of information from participants through notes, May 14 – Classes begin for May Inter- video interviews, and group meetings. Some of the students cession and thirteen (13) week summer from the trip have even started meeting each week in hopes of re- session starting the All Greek Council and improving overall Greek com- May 28 – Memorial holiday, Student munication and unity. Other students have reported that they Life Office closed are already utilizing much of the information they learned in June 1 – Finals for May Intercession chapter and/or council meetings. A few students even men- classes tioned that the conference has inspired them to run for more June 4 – Classes begin for first five leadership positions in the coming year so that they can better week summer session and ten week inspire change. The OSL is very ex- summer session cited for the positive steps each AFLV/NBGLC attendee will take over the coming year to improve the UCA Greek community! If you Have a date/event that you would like to would like more information about see listed? Email them to [email protected]. the trip, please contact Scott Isenga. 2 Important Council Information 2012 Greek Weekend and All Greek Step Show IFC 2012 Greek Weekend is almost here! In just a few days, Fiji Update Greeks will come together for a variety of fun events to serve the Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji) has been re- community and improve inter-Greek relationships. A full listing cruiting men over the past month to of the Greek Weekend activities and rules are available here. join their organization and help start a Make sure that your Greek organization is out supporting every colony at UCA. Since the start of their event! expansion efforts, Wes Martin and Taylor Herren have extended bids to The 2012 All Greek Step show will be taking place on at least fifteen men. In addition, they April 19, 2012 at 7:00 PM in the Farris Center. Please plan to ar- have also secured an on-campus advi- sor, who will become a graduate initi- rive early because attendance is expected to be high. Below are ate of the organization. On March 8, the team pairings for the Step Show. Each group was picked at Fiji will host “An Evening With The random by the Greek Special Events Committee during their first Fijis,” which is a reception to honor meeting in February. We hope to see all of you at the Step Show their new recruits and also thank the on April 19! campus community for their support. This event will be held at 7:30 PM in Team 1: Alpha Sigma Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Zeta Phi Beta, the Student Center ballroom. Please Sigma Phi Lambda, Kappa Sigma make sure that members of your or- ganization attend this event to support Team 2: Alpha Kappa Alpha, Phi Beta Sigma, Sigma Sigma Sig- the men on their exciting new journey ma, Pi Kappa Alpha in the Greek community. If you have any questions about Fiji and/or their Team 3: Alpha Phi Alpha, Sigma Kappa, Sigma Nu, Beta Upsilon reception on March 8, please contact Chi Scott Isenga. Team 4: Omega Psi Phi, Delta Zeta, Sigma Phi Epsilon Team 5: Delta Sigma Theta, Pike Alumni Association Formed Alpha Sigma Tau, Phi I am pleased to say that we have put Lambda Chi, Phi Sigma in place an active alumni advisory Kappa board for the Pike chapter at UCA. This is something that has not been fully in place for quite some time. The “I Am Greek” Campaign Update head of the board and main advisor is The The "I Am Greek" campaign is getting some great at- Mike Linn, who was initiated at UCA tention around UCA and on the internet. Fliers can now be in 1980. He will be replacing the previ- ous advisor, Wes Phillips. I will be on found in all of the UCA housing facilities, some of the academic the board as educational advisor. Also buildings, and in the Student Center. The campaign now has its on the board is Bryan Greathouse - own web page on the Greek Life website and is consistently fea- financial advisor, Matt Kane – opera- tured on UCAGreeks social media.