Indiana La^i^ Revleir Volume 24 1991 Number 2 ESSAY Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed? You and Me, and the State Makes Three Phyllis Coleman* I. Introduction Recently a married woman narrowly escaped a trial,* the possibility of two years in prison, and a $10,000 fine for a crime that an estimated sixty percent of the adult American population has committed. ^ Donna E. Carroll, a Wisconsin woman, was charged with having an adulterous affair. * Professor of Law, Nova University. B.S.. 1970; M. Ed., 1975; J.D., 1978, University of Florida. The author wishes to thank Professors John Sanchez and Bob Jarvis for their helpful comments and criticisms. 1. The 26-year-old Wisconsin woman was spared a trial when she agreed to perform 40 hours of community service and undergo two months of parental counseling. Chicago Tribune, May 8, 1990, at 2, col. 3. Her attorney made it clear that the woman agreed to these sanctions not as an admission of guilt, but only to avoid trial. The Times (London), May 9, 1990, Overseas News. This widely reported case "prompted disbelief and hilarity in the liberal northern cities but won approval from many conservative and religious groups." Id. 2. "Despite all the hush-hush, the morality, and the vendettas against those involved in them, affairs are extremely common. Almost everyone engages in one in his or her Hfe at some time." L. Linguist, Secret Lo\'ers xi (1989). Dr. Linguist estimates 70% of married men and 50% of married women have affairs. She also calculates that approximately 60% of all single people have had a sexual relationship with a married person.
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