Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw 83 (1): 17-38 (2004)

A sporomorph ecogroup model for the Northwest European - Lower Cretaceousi: concepts and framework

O.A. Abbink*1, J.H.A. Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert2-3 & H. Visscher1'2

* Corresponding author 1TNO-NITG, P.O. Box 80015, NL-3508TA Utrecht, the Netherlands: [email protected] 2 Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 4, NL-3584 CD Utrecht, the Netherlands: [email protected], [email protected] 3 National Museum of Naturl History 'Naturalis', P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands: [email protected]


Based on recent vegetation distribution and an integration of macropalaeobotanical and palynological information, a palaeo- community model is explored that may permit detailed interpretations of quantitative sporomorph distribution patterns in the Jurassic and Early of NW-Europe in terms of changes in palaeoenvironment (sea-level, climate). The concep­ tual model is based on the recognition of Sporomorph Ecogroups (SEGs) that reflect broad co-existing communities, viz. upland, lowland, river, pioneer, coastal, and tidally-influenced SEGs. In successive palynological assemblages, shifts in the relative abundance of SEGs are thought to be indicators of sea-level changes. Climatic changes may be recognised through significant shifts within the quantitative composition of individual SEGs.

Keywords: palynology, palaeobotany, Late Jurassic, palaeo-ecology, palaeoclimate, sea-level

Introduction rate of landplants. Moreover, qualitative analysis does hardly provide information about past environmental Paralic Jurassic sediments in the North Sea form an changes. Only quantitative data may reflect the rela­ important economic objective (Brown, 1990; Ziegler, tionship between sporomorph assemblages and (spa­ 1990). In these sediments, palynomorphs are the tial, temporal) environmental gradients (e.g. Brug- most abundant (micro) fossil group. The marine com­ man et ah, 1994). Surprisingly few detailed quantita­ ponent in the palynological associations (e.g. dinofla- tive palynological studies have been carried out on gellate cysts, acritarchs) from these paralic sediments Jurassic paralic sediments (e.g. Whitaker et al, 1992; is small or absent, while the terrestrial component Hubbard & Boulter, 1997), whereas palaeoenviron- (spores, ) is high. Consequently, spore/pollen mental interpretation of the identified changes in the (sporomorph) palynology is increasingly challenged composition of Jurassic sporomorph assemblages is to improve the interpretation of data sets that can be still ambiguous. used for dating and characterisation of paralic deposi- A realistic interpretation of Jurassic sporomorph tional sequences. The recognition of these deposition- signals is largely dependent on the ability to distin­ al sequences is an important aid in hydrocarbon geol­ guish palaeocommunities by using information on the ogy. Conventional sporomorph stratigraphy does, ecology of the parent of quantitatively impor­ however, not provide the required temporal resolu­ tant spores and pollen. Based on recent vegetation tion to recognise such sequences (Abbink, 1998). It distribution and an integration of environmentally may even be argued that the required resolution will significant macropalaeobotanical and palynological never be reached due to the relatively slow evolution information, in this paper a palaeocommunity model

Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw 83(1) 2004 17

Downloaded from IP address:, on 24 Sep 2021 at 21:20:14, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Environment (Geography +Climate) Sediment Sediment 3reservatiorr 3reservatiorr Sedimentation Sedimentation Transport Transport Ecosystem Palynomorphs (Organisms + Habitat) Palynodebris Sporomorphs

Palynomorphs Ecosystem Sporomorph Palynodebris (Organisms + Habitat) EcoGroups 'reservation^ Sedimentation Transport Environment Palaeo-environment Sediment (Geography +Climate) (Geography +Climate)

Fig. 1. Simplified diagram of he followed hypotheses for a) present-day situations b) quaternary palaeo-environmental reconstructons and c) the Sporomorph EcoGroup concept (modified after Janssen, 1980;Traverse, 1994;Tyson, 1995).

is explored that may facilitate the interpretation of Van der Zwan & Brugman, 1999; Van der Zwan, quantitative sporomorph distribution patterns in the 2002). Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of NW Europe in In the , any application of palaeocommu­ terms of changes in palaeoenvironment. The resulting nity models is considerably hampered by uncertain­ conceptual 'Sporomorph Ecogroup Model' will ap­ ties with respect to the botanical affinities of quantita­ plied to and tested against data from a marginal ma­ tively important sporomorphs and/or the ecological rine, uppermost Callovian - Middle Oxfordian suc­ preference of the extinct parent plants. However, cession in exploration well F17-4 of the Nederlandse based on actualistic principles, one may assume the Aardolie Maatschappij B.V. (NAM), offshore The presence of distinctive habitat-bounded palaeocom­ Netherlands (Abbink et al., in press). munity types, each of which is characterised by taxa with broadly similar ecological preferences. These A sporomorph ecogroup model palaeocommunity types can serve as a palaeoecologi- cal framework for a conceptual Sporomorph Despite effects of preservation, transportation and Ecogroup model of co-existing sources of dispersed sedimentation processes, assemblages of pollen and spores and pollen. The term Sporomorph Ecogroup spores (sporomorphs) reflect the composition of ter­ (SEG) is introduced to denote the total of types of restrial plant communities (e.g. Muller, 1959; dispersed spores and pollen of land plants that re­ Chaloner & Muir, 1968; Traverse, 1988; Tyson, flects the composition of an individual source com­ 1995). In Quaternary palynology this relationship is munity. A schematic diagram of this concept is given successfully applied in the identification of local and in Fig. 1. regional environmental change. Quaternary studies strongly benefit from actualistic data and models of Definitions of the Jurassic - Early Cretaceous SEGs the relation between sporomorph signals and environ­ mental gradients (e.g. Birks & Birks, 1980; Huntley, In order to define SEGs for the Jurassic - Early Creta­ 1990). In the environmental interpretation of pre- ceous and to model the response of SEGs to Quaternary records, the ability to identify sporo­ palaeoenvironmental change, the establishment of an morph categories in terms of environmentally signifi­ ecological framework for the source communities is cant plant categories becomes a major constraining necessary. According to Grime (1979) two factors de­ factor. Going back in time, sporomorphs increasingly termine the type of plants defining a specific vegeta­ represent extinct plant taxa. However, in the Neogene tion: stress and disturbance. The variation of the level and even in the Paleogene, identification of part of of stress and disturbance results in three different the sporomorph assemblages still enables direct plant strategies: a competitive strategy (low stress, low floristic comparisons with extant plant communities. disturbance), a stress-tolerating strategy (high stress, This correlation potential is a sound basis for the in­ low disturbance), and a ruderal strategy (low stress, troduction of palaeocommunity models that may en­ high disturbance), whereas highly disturbed habitats able the environmental and climatic interpretation of with severe and continuous stress are not viable as sporomorph distribution patterns (Poumot, 1989; plant habitats (Grime, 1979).

18 Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw 83(1) 2004

Downloaded from IP address:, on 24 Sep 2021 at 21:20:14, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at If we translate these strategies into a conceptual SEGs are taken into consideration (Fig. 2): SEG model for the Jurassic - Early Cretaceous land­ (A) Upland SEG, reflecting upland communities: scape of NW Europe, we contemplate one SEG re­ vegetation on higher terrain well above groundwater flecting the vegetation present in the main lowland level that is never submerged by water, area, where there is an optimum of nutrients and (B) Lowland SEG, reflecting lowland communities; fresh water (low stress and low disturbance).The low­ vegetation on plains and/or in fresh water swamps; the land plants will follow a competitive strategy and, plains may (periodically) be submerged by fresh wa­ consequently, the ecological boundaries of the plants ter, resulting in the possible presence of 'wetter' reflected by this SEG are determined by less-than-op- (marsh) and 'drier' taxa in this group; there is no in­ timum conditions surrounding this lowland area. The fluence of (sea) salt, except, perhaps, under extreme plants within the communities reflected by other circumstances, SEGs will follow a stress-tolerating or ruderal strate­ (C) River SEG, reflecting riverbank communities; gy. Seaward, ecological stress is introduced by the in­ vegetation on river banks which are (periodically) fluence of salt water (in a tidally-influenced area) and submerged and subject to erosion, salt spray (in a coastal area), landwards the lack of (D) Pioneer SEG, reflecting pioneer communities: freshwater and the possible deficiency of nutrients (in vegetation at instable and recently developed eco- the upland area) may introduce ecological stress. space (e.g. vegetation growing at places that had been Along rivers, periodical submersion and erosion of submerged by the sea for a longer period), riverbanks will cause plants to follow a more ruderal (E) Coastal SEG, reflecting coastal communities: strategy. A ruderal strategy will also be employed by vegetation growing immediately along the coast, nev­ first colonisers or pioneer plants. As for plants in the er submerged by the sea but under a constant influ­ lowland area, the plants within the other ecologically ence of salt spray, and defined areas will also show a competitive strategy, as (F) Tidally-influenced SEG, reflecting tidally influ­ they are optimised for the ecology of that particular enced communities: vegetation that is daily influ­ habitat. Following this concept for the Late Jurassic - enced by tidal changes (regularly submerged at high Early Cretaceous of NW Europe the following six tide).

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the spatial distribution of the SEG.The upper figure (a) depicts the situation during a sea-level high, the lower figure (b) during a sea-level low. A = Upland, B = Lowland, C = River, D = Pioneer, E = Coastal and F = Tidally-influenced SEG.

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Downloaded from IP address:, on 24 Sep 2021 at 21:20:14, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Effects of transportation on SEG characteristics Traverse, 1988;Brinkhuis, 1994).

The fundamental point of consideration in the envi­ Effects of environmental change on SEG characteristics ronmental interpretations of SEG signals is the rela­ tionship between the relative abundance of sporo- The type of vegetation which is reflected by the SEGs morphs in the sediment and the abundance of their is governed by two principal controls: geography and parent plants in plant communities. Apart from dif­ climate (e.g. Walter, 1973; Chapman, 1977; Grime, ferences in sporomorph production, this relationship 1979; Bakker, 1985; Runhaar et al, 1987; Van der is subject to the effects of transportation, preservation Maarel, 1993). Consequently, in successive palyno- and sedimentation processes (e.g. Heusser, 1979; logical assemblages, shifts in (1) the relative abun­ Traverse, 1988, 1994; Tyson, 1995). Yet, it is under­ dance of SEGs, and (2) the quantitative composition stood that within terrestrial to marginal marine set­ of individual SEGs are expected to be indicative of tings the changes within the sporomorph assemblages changes in geography and/or climate. The major geo­ dominantly reflect changes in the palaeovegetation graphical factor inducing palaeoenvironmental rather than differences in transportation, preservation changes is generally accepted to be sea-level fluctua­ or sedimentation (see discussions in e.g. Muller, tions in the Jurassic - Early Cretaceous, taking a max­ 1959; Chaloner & Muir, 1968; Traverse, 1988; imum temporal resolution of 50k years - 200k years Heusser, 1979; Van der Kaars, 1991; Tyson, 1995). into account (e.g. Brown, 1990; Partington et al, Moreover, empirical studies show the relative abun­ 1993a; Herngreen et al, 2000). dances of sporomorphs to be correlative with distrib­ ution of plant communities (e.g. Chaloner & Muir, Sea-level fluctuations 1968; Sue, 1984; Poumot, 1989; Van der Kaars, 1991; Sea-level fluctuations are generally accepted to play a Brush & Brush, 1994; Chmura, 1994). major role in basin infill and provide an important Although the studies on recent pollen distribution stratigraphic correlation tool, at least on a regional as well as empirical data on fossil sporomorph distrib­ scale (e.g. Haq et al, 1988; Partington et al, 1993a; ution imply that changes within the sporomorph as­ DeGraciansky, 1999). Within marginal marine to semblages can well be interpreted in terms of non-marine sediments (coastal/delta plain and upper palaeoenvironmental changes, there are a few, well shelf area), sea-level fluctuations are recorded by described effects of transportation that can not be ne­ cyclic shifts of the shoreline (Galloway, 1989; Vail et glected when interpreting the composition of Jurassic al, 1991). A landward or seaward shift of the shore­ - Early Cretaceous SEGs. Since the configuration of line influences (1) the respective increase or decrease the Jurassic - Early Cretaceous landscape of north­ of the presence of salt water and salt spray and (2) the western Europe was largely determined by a low-re­ respective increase or decrease of the groundwater lief, fluvio-deltaic environmental regime (Ziegler, table and related deterioration or improvement of 1990), sporomorph transportation must have been drainage patterns of rivers (Posamentier et al, 1988; dominated by water dispersal (Traverse, 1988). In Tornqvist, 1993). such a setting the most common and widely accepted The predominant effect of the increase in marine effect of transportation is the so-called "Neves effect" influence due to the invasion of the coastal/delta plain of Chaloner & Muir (1968). The Neves effect de­ area by marine (salt) waters (sea-level rise) is thought scribes a trend in which the abundances of the broad to be an actual reduction of the spatial distribution of characters of sporomorph assemblages in deposition- the area inhabited by the vegetation reflected by the al environments are generally inversely proportional Lowland SEG. Since this vegetation is not resistant to the distance of the source communities (see discus­ against salt influence, it will need a 'buffer' zone. If sions in e.g. Chaloner & Muir, 1968; Traverse, 1988; the area is very flat, this zone may be formed by a Tyson, 1995). One of the most characteristic aspects tidally-influenced environment with corresponding of the Neves effect is the relative enrichment in ma­ vegetation. If the slope of area is slightly steeper or the rine sediments of hinterland elements of which the sea-level rise more prominent, the coastal vegetation source is furthest from the shore. Hinterland ele­ is forced back and partly replaces the lowland vegeta­ ments frequently include bisaccate pollen of gym- tion (compare Figure 2a and 2b). Similarly, during a nosperms. These palynomorphs may be dispersed in­ sea-level fall the lowland area will expand and there to the marine environment by air-transport. In an on­ will be a relative increase in the Lowland SEG relative shore - offshore transect, the decrease of water-trans­ to the Coastal or Tidally-influenced SEGs. Therefore ported sporomorphs accounts for a relative increase in our model, sea-level causes changes between the in wind dispersed sporomorphs (e.g. Heusser, 1979; SEGs. In particular the ratio of the Coastal SEG ver-

20 Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw 83(1) 2004

Downloaded from IP address:, on 24 Sep 2021 at 21:20:14, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at sus the Lowland SEG is deemed as a proxy for sea- along a steep (e.g. fault-controlled) coast, and along a level fluctuations. This implies that sea-level fluctua­ shallow marine deltaic coast are apparent. The other tions can be recognised in fully non-marine environ­ SEGs are suggested not to be affected strongly by ments. small-scale changes in the geographic setting. Howev­ By definition the boundary between the vegetation er, large-scale tectonic reorganisation or continental reflected by the Upland SEG and the Lowland SEG drift will evidently have rigorous effects on the vegeta­ is relatively stable and occurs at or landward of the tion. hinge point. However, since sea-level fluctuations cause changes in river drainage patterns, the abun­ Climate changes dances of palynomorphs of the Upland SEG (mainly Changing climate plays a key-role in reconstructing alete bisaccates) are thought to be relatively high dur­ and understanding past environments. However, the ing a rising sea-level at the flooding surface. Since existing palaeoclimatic data for the Jurassic is relative­ these palynomorphs are (also) air-transported, they ly scattered in time and space (e.g. Hallam, 1985, form a constant input from the upland (Neves effect). 1994; Frakes et al, 1992). Therefore, a need exists to The relative enrichment is due to a period of conden­ establish a well-calibrated 'high resolution' climate sation, i.e. a decrease of sediment supply, including curve. Quaternary studies show that the use of paly­ water-transported palynomorphs (e.g. Heusser, 1979; nological data allows the reconstruction of the cli­ Loutit et al, 1988; Brinkhuis & Zachariasse, 1988). mate and recognition of climate changes which can The Pioneer SEG is considered to have relatively be used to introduce such a 'high resolution' climate higher abundances around the maximum of the curve (e.g. Zagwijn & Hager, 1987; Van der Kaars, transgression as can be expected for a colonising 1991; Morley & Richards, 1993;Targarona, 1997; Van group of plants (ruderals sensu Grime, 1979). der Zwan & Brugman, 1999). Although sea-level fluctuations are suggested to Climate controls the level of humidity (precipita­ predominantly cause changes between the SEGs, the tion/air-humidity) and temperature. Consequently, changes of groundwater table and river drainage pat­ principally without a change in the geographical con­ terns will result in differences in fresh water availabili­ figuration, the availability of light, nutrients and/or ty. Whereas there is still an optimum in nutrients and water is altered significantly by a climate change. water and a low stress level for plants in the lowland These variables have direct impact on the competitive area, this optimum will convert to one with slightly strategy of plants. Thus, in our model climate changes less wet conditions. These changing conditions will are considered to significantly change the con­ have effect on competitive strategists and, therefore, stituents of the SEGs or to cause dramatic changes of primarily on the Lowland SEG. Our model suggests the abundances of the various constituents within a that because of declining drainage conditions and a SEG. The plants attributed to the Lowland SEG only higher groundwater table during a sea-level rise, a have a competitive strategy. Consequently, the Low­ moderate increase in wetter elements within the Low­ land SEG is most sensitive to climate change. In addi­ land SEG may be present. Comparably, a sea-level tion, a competitive strategy is followed by the plants fall may show a slight increase in drier elements of the within the recognised palaeovegetations reflected by Lowland SEG. the other SEGs. Therefore, climate changes are also thought to influence the contents of, in particular, the Other geographic changes Coastal and Upland SEGs. The other SEGs are con­ Changes of the geographic setting include lateral sidered not to be influenced significantly by a climate shifts of rivers on a relatively small scale but may also change. If, for example, the vegetation producing a involve on a much larger scale, changes in tectonic River SEG is compared with the present day situation regime such as changes in basin subsidence or basin along, for example, the Egyptian Nile, this Ecogroup uplift. In particular the abundance of the River SEG is considered not to be affected significantly by a cli­ in the palynological assemblages will be dependent on mate change, except under extreme conditions, e.g. if the geographical setting. This SEG mainly includes a constant water supply fails. Similarly, also the Tidal­ sporomorphs (notably spores) that are directly shed ly-influenced SEG is thought not be affected signifi­ into the water. Hence, changes of river input into the cantly by climate change (e.g. Walter, 1973). In sum­ depositional environment will probably be reflected mary, according to our model palaeoclimatic recon­ through changes in abundances of sporomorphs of struction and recognition of climatic changes may be this group. Similarly, the geographic setting also influ­ achieved by, within a SEG, categorising and plotting ences the Tidally-influenced SEG. The differences in the dry vs. wet elements (humidity) and warm vs. spatial distribution of tidally-influenced communities cold elements (temperature) (Abbink et al, 2001).

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Downloaded from IP address:, on 24 Sep 2021 at 21:20:14, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Ecologies of dominant Jurassic - Early drought. On the basis of the Jurassic spores, it is im­ Cretaceous plants possible to distinguish between mosses favouring hu­ mid or dry conditions. However, as the majority of The Jurassic - Early Cretaceous SEGs are con­ mosses grow near water, we consider the Jurassic strained by inferences on the ecologies of the parent spores to belong to the River SEG or possibly to the plants of frequently occurring sporomorph taxa. A se­ humid vegetations of the Lowland SEG. lection of common sporomorph taxa from Northwest Europe (Table 1) is based on an evaluation of pub­ Lycopsids lished quantitative data sets by e.g. Batten (1978), Birkelund et al. (1978), Boulter & Windle (1993), Isospores and microspores of lycopsids are represent­ Burger (1966), Couper (1958), Dorhofer (1977), ed by the form-genera Densoisporites, Leptolepidites, Doring (1965, 1966a and b, 1976), Fensome (1983),, Neoraistrickia, Retitriletes, Sestro- Filatoff (1975), Guy-Ohlson (1971, 1986), Hern- sporites and Staplinisporites (p.p.). The majority of ex­ green (1971), Herngreen & de Boer (1974), Hern- tant lycopsid species occur in tropical regions, but green et al. (2000), Heunisch (1993), Hogg (1993), many species are common in temperate regions and Norris (1969), Srivastava (1987), Tralau (1968), lycopsids have even been found in polar areas. Similar Vakhrameev (1991), Van Amerom et al. (1976), Weiss to bryophytes, most Jurassic lycopsid spores can only (1989) and unpublished information available at the be tentatively used in ecological interpretations. Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology. The Based on extant occurrences the lycopsid species may botanical affinity of the palynological categories is be attributed to the Lowland, River or Tidally-influ- mainly inferred from extensive information on fossil enced SEGs. Only Densoisporites may be used as a in situ spores and pollen (review by Balme, 1995; spe­ more precise ecological indicator. cific references in Table 1). Table 2 gives an overview Densoisporites is known in situ from and of the common sporomorphs that are considered to Early Jurassic Pleuromeiaceae, a heterosporous lycop­ be characteristic of the various SEGs. sid family with a close relationship to the extant The ecology of the various groups of parent plants Isoetaceae (Raine et al, 1988). Although the family mentioned in Table 1 and 2 is mainly based on pub­ has not (yet) been recorded after the Early Jurassic lished palaeoecological information and partly on (Raine et al, 1988; Balme, 1995), types of Densois­ comparison with extant relatives of the plant groups porites occurring in younger Jurassic and Cretaceous (nearest living relatives). Early Cretaceous ecological times (e.g. D. velatus) are morphologically closely re­ interpretations are provided by e.g. Batten (1975), lated to the Triassic and Early Jurassic pleuromeia- Pelzer (1984), Pelzer & Wilde (1987), Pelzer et al. ceous microspores. (1992). Jurassic ecological interpretations are provid­ Some members of the Pleuromeiaceae appear to ed by e.g. Alvin (1982), Balme (1995), Filatoff have been facultative coastal halophytes (Retallack, (1975), Francis (1984), Manum et al. (1991), Mohr 1975, 1997). It has been suggested that the morphol­ (1989), Retallack (1997), Reyre (1980), Skog & Hill ogy of Densoisporites microspores is adapted to water (1992), Vakhrameev (1991), Van der Burgh & Van dispersal (Yaroshenko, 1985). Furthermore, Couper Konijnenburg-Van Cittert (1984), Van Konijnenburg- (1958) reported relatively large amounts of Densois­ Van Cittert & Van der Burgh (1989, 1996), Wesley porites from Jurassic/Cretaceous tidally-influenced (1973), Yaroshenko (1985), and unpublished infor­ sediments. We conclude, therefore, that Densoisporites mation available at the Laboratory of Palaeobotany could well represent an element of Tidally-influenced and Palynology. SEG. In the following paragraphs, presumed ecologies of Uvaesporites is known in situ from Selaginellaceae. parent plant categories are briefly discussed as a As these plants are reported to grow under humid background for an inclusion of dispersed sporo­ conditions, we tentatively assign Uvaesporites to the morphs in the different SEGs. Conclusions are sum­ River SEG. marised in Table 2.


Bryophyte spores are represented by Stereisporites and Staplinisporites (p.p.). Although mosses usually grow under more or less humid conditions, some grow in dry places and most can withstand long periods of

22 Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw 83(1) 2004

Downloaded from IP address:, on 24 Sep 2021 at 21:20:14, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Table 1. Selected Late Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous spores and pollen and their botanical affinity

Spore taxon Botanical affinity Calamospora mesozoica Equisetales (Balme, 1995) Cicatricosisporites spp. Schizaeaceae (.4 raemaa/MoAna-type ) (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1981, 1991) Concavisporites spp. Matoniaceae (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1993). Concavissimisporites spp PDicksoniaceae/Cyatheaceae (Eboracia; Potonie, 1970) Contignisporites spp. Pteridaceae (Filatoff and Price, 1988) CyathiditeslDeltoidosporal Dicksoniaceae, Cyatheaceae, Dipteridaceae, Matoniaceae Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, Diayophyllidites spp. 1989, 1993; Balme, 1995) Densoisporites spp. Lycopodiaceae (Se/a^me//a)/Pleuromeiaceae (Knox, 1950;Lundblad, 1950)/(Raine etal., 1988) Duplexisporites problematicus {Striatella) Pteridaceae (Filatoff, 1975; Filatoff and Price, 1988) Gleicheniidites spp. Gleicheniaceae (Potonie, 1967) Impardecispora apiverrucata ?Dicksoniaceae (Venkatachala etal, 1969) hchyosporites spp. Schizeaeceae (Lygodium-type) (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1981, 1991) Leptolepidites spp. Lycopodiales (Filatoff, 1975) Lycopodiacidites spp. Lycopodiales (Filatoff, 1975) Matonisporites spp. Matoniaceae (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1993) Neoraistrickia spp. Lycopodiales (Filatoff, 1975) Osmundacidites wellmanii Osmundaceae (Osmunda-type) (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1978). Plicatella spp. Schizaeaceae (Anemia/Mohria-type) (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1981, 1991) Punctatisporites spp. / Todisporites spp. Osmundaceae (Todites-type) (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1978). Retitriletes spp. Lycopodiaceae (Lycopodium-type) (Potonie, 1967) Sestrosporites pseudoalveolatus ?Lycopodiales Staplinisporites spp. Mosses and Lycopodiaceae (Potonie, 1967; Boulter &Windle, 1993) Stereisporites spp. Mosses (Filatoff, 1975; Boulter andWindle, 1993) Striatella spp. Pteridaceae (Filatoff and Price, 1988) Trilobosporites spp. ?Dicksoniaceae (Venkatachala etal., 1969) Uvaesporites spp. Selaginellaceae (Balme, 1995) Varirugosisporites spp. possibly Schizaeaceae, Lygodium-type (Filatoff, 1975)

Pollen taxon Botanical affinity

Alete bisaccate pollengrains Pteridosperms, Conifers (Pinaceae, Podocarpaceae) (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971; Boulter andWindle, 1993) Alisporites thomasii Pteridosperms (Corystospermales) (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971; Balme, 1995) Araucariacites australis Araucariaceae (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971) Callialasporites spp. Araucariaceae (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971; Boulter & Windle, 1993) Cerebropollenites spp. PTaxodiaceae (Van der Burgh andVan Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1989) Chasmatosporites spp. PCycadales (Tralau, 1968) Clavatipollenites spp. PAngiospermae (Balme, 1995) Corollina torosa Cheirolepidiaceae (Hirmeriella-type) (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1987; Balme, 1995) Corollina echinatus Cheirolepidiaceae (Frenelopsis-type) (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1987; Balme, 1995 Eucommiidites minor ?; similar grains have a possible suggested relationship with anthophytes (Gnetales or early angiosperms (Pedersen etal, 1989) Eucommiidites troedsonii Cycadales (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971; Balme, 1995) Exesipollenites spp. (Harris, 1969, 1974) Monosulcites spp. Cycadales, Bennettitales (Potonie, 1967; Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971; Boulter & Windle, 1993) Monosulcites minimus Ginkgoales (Potonie, 1967;Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971; Boulter &Windle, 1993) Perinopollenites spp. Taxodiaceae (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971) Quadraeculina anellaeformis Podocarpaceae (Boulter & Windle, 1993) Spheripollenites spp. inner bodies of Taxodiaceae, Cheirolepidiaceae etc. Vitreisporites pallidus Caytoniales (Pteridosperms) (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971)

Equisetales Ferns

Equisetales are represented by Calamospora meso­ The majority of extant ferns (Filicales) prefer to grow zoica. Extant horsetails usually require a wet habitat in a shadowy, humid environment. Only a few taxa (river bank, lowland marsh) and they occur both in can bear full sunlight (e.g. Gleicheniaceae). Most (sub)tropical and temperate regions. This also applies ferns are tropical, but they can also be common in to Jurassic representatives. Therefore, the spores are temperate forests. In general, therefore, the presence included in the River SEG. of fern spores indicates more or less humid condi-

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Downloaded from IP address:, on 24 Sep 2021 at 21:20:14, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Table 2 Schematic classification of the SEGs


Upland Alete Bisaccate Pollengrains A few alete bisaccate taxa may not be placed in this group, i.e. Alisporites thomasii and Vitreisporites pallidus. Quadraeculina anellaeformis

Lowland Calamospora spp. marsh:'wetter'; 'warmer'

Chasmatosporites spp. 'drier'; 'cooler' Cicatricosisporites spp. marsh: 'wetter'; 'warmer' Clavatipollenites spp. 'drier'; 'warmer'; this taxon is questionably attributed to this SEG. Concavisporites spp. 'drier'; 'warmer' Concavissimisporites spp. 'drier'; 'warmer' Contignisporites spp. 'drier'; 'warmer' Cycadopites spp. 'drier'; 'warmer' DeltoidosporalDictyophyllidiusI Cyathidites spp. 'drier'; 'warmer' Duplexisporites problematicus (Striatella) 'drier'; 'warmer' Eucommiidites troedsonii 'drier'; 'warmer' Exesipollenites spp. 'drier'; 'warmer'; due to the xerophytic character of the motherplant, this taxon may also be placed in the Coastal SEG. Gleicheniidites spp. 'drier'; 'warmer' Impardecispora apiverrucata 'drier'; 'warmer' Ischyosporites spp. marsh: 'wetter'; 'warmer' Matonisporites spp. 'drier'; 'warmer' Monosulcites minimus 'drier'; 'cooler' Monosulcites spp. 'drier'; 'warmer' Osmundacidites (B aculatisporites) spp. marsh: 'wetter'; 'warmer' Perinopollenites spp. marsh: 'wetter'; 'cooler' Plicatella spp. 'drier'; 'warmer' PunctatisporiusIT odisporites spp. marsh: 'wetter'; 'warmer' Trilobosporites spp. 'drier'; 'warmer' Varirugosisporites spp. 'drier'; 'warmer'

River Leptolepidites spp. Lycopodiacidites spp. Neoraistrickia spp. Sestrosporites pseudoalveolatus Staplinisporites spp. Stereisporites spp. Uvaesporites spp. Vitreisporites pallidus

Pioneer Cerebropollenites spp. This taxon is questionably attributed to this SEG.

Coastal Araucariacites spp. 'cooler' Callialasporites spp. 'cooler' Corollina spp. 'warmer' Exesipollenites spp. 'warmer'; see under Lowland SEG.

Tidally-influenced Alisporites thomasii Densoisporites spp. Retitriletes spp. This taxon is questionably attributed to this SEG.

NOT ATTRIBUTED Eucommiidites minor Spheripollenites spp.

REMARKS Ferns spores are here placed in the Lowland SEG, but may also be attributed to the River SEG. Bryophyte spores are here attributed to the River SEG but may also be placed in the Lowland SEG. See text for further explanation.

24 Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw 83(1) 2004

Downloaded from IP address:, on 24 Sep 2021 at 21:20:14, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at tions preferably in warm environments. Also the ma­ ed in situ from Pachypteris-Xype of pteridosperms mat jority of ferns that have been found in European belong to the Corystospermales. The subtropical Jurassic floras are considered to be elements of moist genus Pachypteris was widespread during Middle and lush vegetation (Harris, 1961; Van der Burgh & Van Late Jurassic times, and disappeared in the Early Cre­ Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1984; Van Konijnenburg- taceous (Vakhrameev, 1991). Some species, e.g. Ppa­ Van Cittert & Van der Burgh, 1989) often occurring pulosa, have probably been large-sized bushes that near river banks (Pelzer et al. 1992). Therefore, most formed mangrove thickets along river mouths inun­ fern spores may be characteristic for the Lowland dated by tides (Harris, 1964, 1983).Therefore, we in­ (marsh) or River SEGs. This is particularly the case clude Alisporites thomasii in the Tidally- influenced for spores of Osmundaceae (Osmundacidites, Bacu- SEG. latisporites, Punctatisporites, Todisporites), Schizaeaceae (Cicatricosisporites, Plicatella and to a lesser degree Is- Ginkgoales, Cycadales, Bennettitales chyosporites and Varirugosisporites), Dicksoniaceae, Dipteridaceae and Cyatheaceae (Cyathidites, Conca- Most fossil pollen grains of the Ginkgoales and the vissimisporites, Deltoidospora, Impardecispora) and Pteri- Cycadales belong to Monosulcites and/or Cycadopites. daceae (Contignisporites, Duplexisporites). The pollen can usually only be distinguished under Extant Matoniaceae are restricted to mountain SEM or TEM (Hill, 1990), although in general slopes in the Malaysian Archipelago, where they are ginkgoalean pollen grains are slightly smaller than exposed to cold nights and humid, warm days. They those of cycads (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, protect themselves against these conditions by having 1971). a resistant cuticle, a feature that is unknown in other Ginkgo biloba is the only extant representative of the ferns. Most Mesozoic matoniaceous ferns also Ginkgoales. It is a deciduous tree that lives in temper­ demonstrate a thick epidermis or a cuticle (Van Ko­ ate regions and can withstand severe frost. In Meso­ nijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1993) and, therefore, we con­ zoic times, the Ginkgoales were a more diverse group sider them to have grown under somewhat harsh but that was mainly restricted to temperate regions, but probably warm/humid conditions. We include their occasionally representatives were found in the sub­ spores (Concavisporites, Deltoidospora, and Matonis- tropical belt. Pollen grains from these Mesozoic porites) in the Lowland SEG. Ginkgoales are usually rather small and can be in­ Extant sun-tolerant Gleicheniaceae grow in vast ar­ cluded in Monosulcites minimus Cookson (Van Konij­ eas in (sub)tropical regions. Macro-remains of gle- nenburg-Van Cittert, 1971). icheniaceous ferns (producing Gleicheniidites) were Extant Cycadales occur in tropical regions and are common during Late Jurassic and Cretaceous times, usually adapted to withstand droughts (thick leathery and they may have covered vast lowland areas during leaves with thick cuticles and protected stomata), al­ these times as well (Harris, 1981: savannah or brack­ though a few species occur in rain forests. In the en-covered heath). The spores are included in the Mesozoic, cycads were more diverse and certain ex­ Lowland SEG. tinct taxa, such as the Nilsoniaceae, were lowland plants in subtropical areas with warm and frost-free Pteridosperms weather (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert & Van der Burgh, 1989; Vakhrameev, 1991). Pollen of some of The majority of Late Jurassic alete pollen grains rep­ the Mesozoic cycads may occasionally correspond to resent conifers and belong to the Upland SEG. There Monosulcites minimus, but the majority can be includ­ are a few exceptions: Vitreisporites pallidus and some ed in larger species of Chasmatosporites, Monosulcites species of Alisporites. or Cycadopites. Vitreisporites pallidus belongs to the Caytoniales. Many pollen grains of the extinct Bennettitales also The Caytoniales are considered to have grown in a belong to Monosulcites/Cycadopites, but are distin­ deltaic environment during warm Jurassic/Cretaceous guished by their large size and a more spindle-like times (Harris, 1964). Pelzer (1984) believed that they shape (elongate-elliptical outline; Couper, 1958; Har­ grew on the transition between the floodplain and ris, 1969; Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971). Ben- backswamp peats, while Van Konijnenburg-Van Cit­ nettitaleans grew, like the Mesozoic cycads, mainly in tert & Van der Burgh (1989) believed them to be the subtropical belts with warm and frost-free weath­ plants of moist lush vegetation. Anyway, they indicate er (Vakhrameev, 1991). Some taxa yielding Monosul­ a warm and rather wet environment. We include the cites were probably restricted to deltaic areas (Harris, pollen in the River SEG. 1969; Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert & Van der Alisporites (especially A. thomasii) has been record­ Burgh, 1989), others preferred a drier microclimate

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Downloaded from IP address:, on 24 Sep 2021 at 21:20:14, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at and grew on slopes adjoining marine basins pollen are also considered to have araucarian affinities (Vakhrameev, 1991) or in upland vegetation (Van (Balme, 1995). Extant Araucariaceae are often a Konijnenburg-Van Cittert & Van der Burgh, 1989). dominant element in forests in Australia and South Their thicker cuticles with protected stomata also in­ America. Their leathery leaves and thick cuticles are dicate that they were adapted to withstand periods of an adaptation to long periods of drought and cold drought or salt influence. Also in Cretaceous sedi­ conditions. They frequently grow near shores as they ments there is evidence for occurrences in upland ar­ can withstand the influence of salt wind. eas (Watson & Sincock, 1992) or even in dry savan­ In Jurassic/Cretaceous times, a high frequency of nahs (Harris, 1973). Araucariacites I Callialasporites is, in general, correlated Despite the possibility of other habitats, we consid­ with a warm climate without large seasonal ampli­ er that most Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Mono- tudes (Reyre, 1980; Mohr, 1989). Evidence from sulcites/Cycadopites pollen grains have originated from macrofossils indicates that araucarian trees often Ginkgoales, Cycadales, and Bennettitales that grew in grew in forests not far from the coast (Harris, 1979; lowland vegetation. Consequently, this pollen is in­ Barale & Flamand, 1982; Vakhrameev, 1991). cluded in the Lowland SEG. Therefore, large quantities of Callialasporites and Apart from MonosukiteslCycadopites, some bennet- Araucariacites pollen may be indicative of Coastal titalean plants also produced pollen corresponding to SEGs. Exesipollenites (plants with the bisexual Williamsoniella Species of Corollina have been recorded in situ from flowers and Nilssoniopteris leaves; Harris, 1969, 1974; various representatives of Jurassic and (Early) Creta­ Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971). It is likely that ceous Cheirolepidiaceae. Within this family, two sub­ these plants preferred a dry microclimate even with families can be distinguished: the Hirmeriellae or some salt influence (Batten, 1976; Watson & Sincock, Hirmeriella - group (mainly but not exclusively occur­ 1992). Therefore, we include Exesipollenites in the ring in the Jurassic), and the Frenelopsidae or Lowland SEG, with a possible extension to the Frenelopsis - group (common in the Cretaceous). Al­ Coastal SEG. though the pollen grains of both groups belong to Corollina, they can be distinguished at a species level. Conifers Corollina torosus belongs to the Hirmeriellae, while Corollina echinatus belongs to the Frenelopsidae. The Apart from some pteridosperms, genera of several ecology of this palynologically important family conifer families, e.g. (extant) Pinaceae and Podo- (Corollina often forms a major part of palynological carpaceae, are characterised by alete bisaccate pollen assemblages), has long been subject of debate. In gen­ grains. Because of a general lack of identifying char­ eral, one can conclude that Cheirolepidiaceae were acters among Mesozoic coniferalean alete bisaccates, drought resistant, thermophilous shrubs and trees it is usually difficult to indicate their botanical affinity that required at least a subtropical climate (Francis, at a family level. 1983; Vakhrameev, 1991).They were never dominant Podocarpaceae, which also produce Quadraeculina in cold climatic regions. Most authors agree that the anellaeformis pollen, occur nowadays only in Jurassic Hirmeriella species were probably coastal (sub) tropical areas of the southern hemisphere, often plants (Vakhrameev, 1970, 1991; Batten, 1973, 1975; on mountain slopes. In the Mesozoic they were com­ Jung, 1974; Alvin, 1982; Watson, 1988), either grow­ mon on the northern hemisphere as well, again re­ ing on sandy bars and coastal islands or even as man­ stricted to (sub)tropical belts. Most extant Pinaceae groves. During the Cretaceous, the Cheirolepidiaceae occur in temperate zones in relatively dry environ­ probably occupied a whole range of warm habitats ments, and many taxa can withstand severe cold. In (Batten, 1976; Alvin, 1982; Francis, 1983), from river general one may say that also in the Mesozoic these banks for some Hirmeriella species, to arid, even conifer families inhabited relatively dry areas of up­ desert conditions for most Frenelopsis and Pseudo- land forest (Vakhrameev, 1991). A high frequency of frenelopsis species. Especially the latter two taxa show alete bisaccates of the type produced by Pinaceae and many xeromorphic stem and cuticle characters in­ Podocarpaceae can therefore be considered to be in­ dicative of an adaptation to (seasonal) arid habitats dicative of Upland SEGs. (Broutin & Pons, 1975; Alvin, 1982; Watson, 1988). Although most authors believe that these xeromor­ Callialasporites and Araucariacites species (e.g. A. phic characters are related to real xerophytism rather australis) may be associated with the Araucariaceae than halophytism (e.g. Alvin, 1982), others favour (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971; Boulter & coastal habitats for at least some Frenelopsis species Windle, 1993). Practically all large types of Late (Doludenko & Reymanowna, 1978; Pons & Broutin, Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Inaperturopollenites

26 Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw 83(1) 2004

Downloaded from IP address:, on 24 Sep 2021 at 21:20:14, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at 1978; Pons, 1979). In conclusion, we consider the organs and seeds is uncertain. The seeds suggest a presence of large numbers of Corollina torosus (or close relationship with the Antophytes, a broad cate­ morphologically related species) to be indicative of gory comprising Bennettitales, Pentoxylales, Gnetales Coastal SEGs, while in Cretaceous times Corollina and Angiospermae. On the other hand, Jurassic cones echinatus (and related species) should be placed either containing Eucommiidites troedsonii grains are thought in the Coastal or in the Lowland SEG. to have Cycadalean affinities (Van Konijnenburg-Van Perinopollenites has been recorded from Elatides, an Cittert, 1971). No precise ecological conclusions can extinct representative of the Taxodiaceae (Van Konij- be drawn from the presence of this species. nenburg-Van Cittert, 1971; Harris, 1979; Van Konij- nenburg-Van Cittert & Van der Burgh, 1989; Balme, Possible angiosperms 1995). These thermophilic (Vakhrameev, 1991) conifers are well known from Late Jurassic and Early Clavatipollenites is thought to be related to the first an­ Cretaceous (Wealden) deposits, that are associated giosperms (Pedersen et al, 1991, 1994). Although with wet lowlands with repeated marine transgres­ not much is known about the ecology of the plants, sions (Pelzer et al., 1992). Species of Elatides were al­ we questionably assign this species to the Lowland so found in Middle Jurassic sediments were they are SEG, based on the sedimentary evidence (Brenner, considered to be plants of lush vegetation (Harris, 1963; Pedersen etal, 1991). 1979). Also some extant members of the Taxodiaceae prefer humid environments. We therefore place Conclusions Perinopollenites in the Lowland SEG. Cerebropollenites has been found in situ (Van Konij- The presented SEG model is considered to allow the nenburg-Van Cittert & Van der Burgh, 1989), in a identification of palaeoenvironmental changes, in par­ polliniferous cone of unknown affinities although ticular sea-level fluctuations and climate changes there are certain similarities to Elatides cones. There­ based on quantitative distribution patterns of Jurassic fore, a taxodiaceous nature is a possibility. Other au­ - Early Cretaceous sporomorph assemblages. Varia­ thors recognise similarities with Tsuga-\ike pollen tions between the various SEGs permit the recogni­ (Balme, 1995), and thus point to an affinity with the tion of sea-level fluctuations. Significant shifts within Pinaceae. Despite this taxonomic uncertainty, the fact the SEGs, especially within the Lowland SEG are that Cerebropollenites occurs in large quantities imme­ considered to reflect climate changes. diately after a regression (Couper, 1958; Abbink, per­ The SEG model provides the possibility to recog­ sonal observation), could well be evidence of a pio­ nise depositional sequences in Jurassic - Early Creta­ neer nature of the parent plants. We therefore place ceous shallow marine to even non-marine settings ex­ Cerebropollenites in the Pioneer SEG. clusively on the basis of palynology. Hence, the model Although the form-genus Spheripollenites may also may provide a new and powerful tool for correlation include completely preserved palynomorphs, Jurassic between non-marine to shallow marine sequences forms identified as Spheripollenites are likely to be in­ and marine (standard) sequences (Abbink et al, this ner (nexine) bodies of coniferous pollen such as volume). In addition, this approach allows detailed Corollina and Perinopollenites. Several authors even be­ understanding of the palaeoenvironment and a glance lieve that the presence of large numbers of Spheripol­ at the Jurassic Earth System (Abbink et al, 2001). lenites together with large numbers of Corollina, indi­ cate a more strongly developed annual dry season Acknowledgements (Alvin, 1982; Mohr, 1989). Hence the forms might be added to the Lowland SEG. However, because of The material and financial support of TNO-NITG the taxonomic and ecological uncertainties of incom­ (Utrecht), NAM B.V. (Assen), and the Laboratory of plete pollen, we refrain from applying Spheripollenites Palaeobotany and Palynology (Utrecht University) is in the SEG model. gratefully acknowledged. Furthermore, we wish to thank Henk Brinkhuis and Michiel van Houte Eucommiidites (Utrecht) for their comments and discussions. Johan van der Burgh (Utrecht) is thanked for his help on Eucommiidites minor has never been recorded in situ. (palaeo)botanical aspects. However, the species has been found in dispersed Jurassic and Cretaceous pollen organs and seeds (Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert, 1971; Pedersen et al, 1989). The precise botanical affinity of these pollen

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