DAE Furniture Design & Technology
PUI{JAB BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION 2l-A, Kashmir Block Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore ""*'t$*",T;|I:f :,f f :::;;::,,Y;{13e'140'1rs) No: PBTE/R&D/2020/77 Dated:- //-DA -&O NOTIFICATION The Board in ils meeting held on 16-01-2020 has approved the newly developed cun-iculum of "I)AE Furniture Design & Technolory (03 year)" to be implemented in affrliated institutes. Punjab Board of Tcchnical Education, Lahore will conduct the examinations for those strrdcnts who will be enrollcd under this program frorn the academic session 2019-20 and onwarcls accordingly. Soft copy of the curriculum ofthe said course may be downloaded from the r,vebsite of PBTE i.e. http ://wrvrv.pbte.edu.pk/Ptextbooks.aspx .\\ I \ \ SBC]RBET,ARY CC fo. l- PA to Chairman, PBTE, Lahore. 2- PA to GM Academics, TEVTA, Lahore. 3- PA to GM Operations, TEVTA, Lahore. 4- PA to Secretary, PBTE, Lahore. 5- PA to Controller of Examinations. PBTE. Lahore. 6- The Principals concemed. 7- Deputy Controller of Examinations (Conduct), PBTE, Lahore. 8- Deputy Controller of Examinations (Secrecy), PBTE, Lahore. 9- Incharge Computer Scction, PBTE, Lahore. 10- Public Relations Officcr, PBTE, Lahore. i l- Assistant Controller of Examinations (Technical), PBTE, Lahore. 12- Assistant Controllcr of Examinations (Conduct), PBTE, Lahore. l3- Assistant Controller of Examinations (Secrecy), PBTE, Lahore. l4- Assistant Controller of Exzrminations (P&P-I), PBTE, Lahore. l5- Assistant Controller of Examiuations (P&P- II), PBTE, Lahore. l6- Assistant Secretary (Recognition), PBTE, Lahore. l7- Assistant Secretary (Certificate), PBTE, Lahore. 18- Assistant Secretary (Registration), PBTE, Lahore. 19- Assistant Secretary (Record & Verification), PBTE, Lahore.
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