sleep disorders case report Batelić Dragić R. New concepts in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. pp. 278 – 284 NEW CONCEPTS IN REHABILITATION OF CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY Rašeljka Batelić Dragić, dipl. physioth. E-mail:
[email protected] 0000-0002-0623-6706 ABSTRACT Cerebral palsy is a major burden for the affected person, their family, health insurance, educational institutions and society in general. In the past few years, new rehabilitation concepts which could offer better results on the activity/participation level and better functional skills of everyday life are being discussed. The Therasuit® therapy is a new concept in rehabilitation, based on the theory of motor learning and motor control, individualized progressive strength training, primitive reflex integration, used in combination with other well-known neu- rophysiotherapy techniques. A case study outcome using Therasuit® therapy on a 7.5-year-old child with spastic cerebral palsy, one month after multiple Ulzibat fibrotomy, will be presented in this article. Keywords: cerebral palsy, strength training, primitive reflex integration, Therasuit® INTRODUCTION Cerebral palsy (CP) is a common name used The main goals and problems of rehabilita- However, new evidence has been found that for different disorders of the postural system tion dealing with the described population isolated strength training with increased caused by a non-progressive damage to the are multiple and the number of different replication of motoric tasks and activities brain in its early stages of developement.1 types of intervention used around the world does not increase spasticity13,14 nor co-con- Around the world, a large number of children is very large, starting with drugs, orthopedic tractions of antagonistic muscles,15 but in- are diagnosed with CP, about 1.5 to 4 on 1000 procedures, orthotics, occupational therapy, stead normalizes the muscle tone and pos- live births.