Missouri Istorical Revi Ew
MISSOURI ISTORICAL REVI EW. CONTENTS Abiel Leonard, Part II Frederic A. Culmer Missouri's Confederate State Capitol at Marshall, Texas Frank Anderson Henry Lewis and His Mammoth Panorama of the Mis sissippi River Monas N. Squires Joseph B. McCullagh, Part XI Walter B. Stevens Missouriana Historical Notes and Comments Missouri History Not Found in Textbooks 5TATE HISTORICAL, SOCIETY or MISSOURI April, 1933 OFFICERS OF THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MISSOURI, 1932-1935 GEORGE A. MAHAN, Hannibal, President. EDWARD J. WHITE, St. Louis, First Vice-President. WALTER B. STEVENS, St. Louis, Second Vice-President. LOUIS T. GOLDING, St. Joseph, Third Vice-President. CORNELIUS ROACH, Kansas City, Fourth Vice-President. B. M. LITTLE, Lexington/Fifth Vice-President. ALLEN McREYNOLDS, Carthage, Sixth Vice-President. R. B, PRICE, Columbia, Treasurer. FLOYD C. SHOEMAKER, Secretary and Librarian. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Term Expires at Annual Meeting, 1933 PHIL A. BENNETT, Springfield. ELMER O. JONES, LaPIata. W. E. CROWE, DeSoto. HENRY KRUG, JR., St. Joseph. FORREST C. DONNELL, WM. SOI St. Louis. Independence. BOYD DUDLEY, Gallatin CHARLES L. WOODS, Rolla. J. F. HULL, Maryville. Term Expires at Annual Meeting, 1934 C. P. DORSEY, Cameron. H. S. STURGIS, Neosho. EUGENE FAIR, Kirksville. JONAS VILES, Columbia. THEODORE GARY, Kansas City R. M. WHITE, Mexico. GEORGE A. MAHAN, Hannibal. W. J. SEWALL, Carthage. WM. R. PAINTER, Carrollton. Term Expires at Annual Meeting, 1935 T. H. B. DUNNEGAN, Bolivar. C. H. McCLURE, Kirksville. BEN L. EMMONS, St. Charles. JOHN ROTHENSTEINER, STEPHEN B. HUNTER, St. Louis. Cape Girardeau. CHAS. H. WHITAKER, Clinton. ISIDOR LOEB, St. Louis. ROY D. WILLIAMS, Boonville, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The twenty-six trustees, the president and secretary of the Society, the Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, and President of the University of Missouri, constitute the Executive Committee.
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