WORLD TOURISM CITY 001 重庆市,位于中国内陆西南部、长江上游,是中国面积 is located in southwest Mainland China and the upper reaches 重庆悦来国际会议中心是西部最大的 of Yangtze River.As the largest and youngest municipality directly under 最大、最年轻的中央直辖市,中国五大中心城市之一,是中 the Central Government, and one of the national central cities, Chongqing 会议中心,致力于为参会来宾提供世界一 国优秀旅游城市、中国历史文化名城、世界温泉之都,是中 has been given such titles as an outstanding tourist city in China, a 流的硬件设备和精细化服务。 famous historical and cultural city in China, World’s capital of hot springs, 国旅游资源类别最为丰富的城市之一,是世界著名的山城、 and one of Chinese cities with most diversified tourist resources. It is a world-renowned mountain city, river city, and sleepless city. 江城、不夜城。 Chongqing is famous for its inland river grand canyon-the Three Gorges 重庆拥有世界上唯一可乘大型邮轮游览的内河大峡 which is the only place in the world where travelers can go by large cruise 谷 — — 长 江 三 峡 ,世 界 文 化 遗 产 — — 大 足 石 刻 ,世 界 自 然 遗 ships,The World Cultural Heritage-,The World Natural Heritage-Three Natural Bridges in Wulong county.Gold Buddha Mountain 产——武隆天生三桥、南川金佛山,世界一流、中国唯一的 in Nanchuan . Chongqing is the sole city in China who claims the Chongqing Yuelai International Convention “世界温泉之都”,充满民族民俗特色的乌江画廊及以巫山 title of "World Hot Spring City". Chongqing have more than 130 A-level Center is the biggest convention center scenic spots, including 6 5-A level scenic spots, that is Wujiang river and 小三峡、大足石刻、武隆喀斯特、酉阳桃花源、万盛黑山谷、 the lesser three gorges in Wushan county,Dazu Rock Carvings,Wulong in western China,and is willing to give karst Geological Wonder, Land of Peach Blossom in Youyan county, Black 南川金佛山-神龙峡等6个5A级景区。 our guests a world class venue and Valley in , Gold Buddha Mountain & dragon gorge in , and so forth. outstanding service.


Silk Road Tourism Cooperation Forum and 11th Outbound Tourism Forum Held WTCF Participated in Beijing International Tourism Expo 2015 Silk Road Tourism investment, Chinese outbound Cooperation Forum and 11th tourism price index report, new BITE 2015 was held in China at the and 26 provinces, municipalities or Outbound Tourism Forum thinking in the Silk Way tourism National Convention Center on June autonomous regions. It drew in more was held in Beijing to discuss development, Chinese citizens 26, 2015. Wang Xiaofeng, deputy than 40,000 professional visitors and director general of China National buyers, as well as more than one the new challenges in tourism travel consumption analysis Tourism Administration, and Cheng hundred thousand ordinary citizens development brought by report, transition and upgrade in Hong, deputy chairman of WTCF to visit and communicate with each the One Belt One Road Southeast Asia and South Asia council and deputy mayor of Beijing, other. strategy, the launching of new tourism product, new media, as well as guests from 81 destinations At this BITE, the Secretariat of tourism products with the new technology and precision of the world and hundreds of WTCF亮相2015北京国际旅游博览会 WTCF, on behalf of its over twenty new characteristics of One tourism marketing, cruise exhibitors was attended the opening city members, distributed marketing Belt One Road, as well as tourism special subject and 2015北京国际旅游博览会 加。吸引了超过 4 万名业内观众 ceremony. In the WTCF exhibition materials at the exhibition stand to stand, Cheng Hong introduced works promotion of the cooperation so on. On the occasion, there ( 简 称“BITE2015”)6月 26 日 和买家参观、洽谈,十余万名公众 promote these cities. Thousands of of WTCF to deputy director general 在北京国家会议中心开幕。中国国 到展会现场参观、采购。 people including representatives from between Chinese, foreign were almost 30 distinguished Wang Xiaofeng and all guests, and tourism destinations, professionals 家旅游局副局长王晓峰、世界旅游 在本次 BITE 展会上,联合会 travel agencies and guests present to share their had a cordial talk with Fotis Provatas, from tourism institutions, and travel 城市联合会理事会副主席、北京副 秘书处代表二十多家会员城市组 enterprises. precious experience and WTCF主办丝绸之路旅游合作论坛 deputy secretary general of WTCF lovers came to the stand to learn 市长程红以及国内外嘉宾参加了 团亮相,并在展台上派发会员城市 insights by making speeches. and chairman of China Economic about the tourism resources of This forum was co-hosted by 暨第十一届出境旅游论坛 开馆仪式。在世界旅游城市联合会 宣传资料,旅游目的地代表、旅游 Council in Greece. Song Yu, director these cities, and discuss issues like WTCF and Ivy Alliance Tourism For the first time, this forum 为了探讨在新的政策环境和 “一带一路”旅游投资的新方向, 展台,程红副主席向王晓峰副局长 机构从业者、旅游爱好者数千人到 of Beijing Municipal Commission of market development, marketing and Consulting, and many domestic discussed the research 市场环境下中国出境旅游的特点 中国出境旅游价格指数报告, 介绍了联合会的工作,并同专程前 联合会展台了解会员城市旅游资 Tourism Development and WTCF promotion, personnel training, etc. 和发展趋势,推出具有丝绸之路 丝绸之路旅游开发新思维,中 来参加 BITE 的联合会副秘书长、 源。洽谈市场开发、推广营销、人 secretary general, and Li Baochun, WTCF makes full use of magazine, and overseas organizations and development of the Silk 特色的出境旅游产品,增强中外 国公民旅游消费分析报告,东 希腊中国经济理事会主席 Fotis 员培训事宜,积极踊跃。WTCF deputy secretary general was monthly news, website, and We expressed support for it. Topic Road tourism product and 旅游机构、企业之间的交流与合 南亚及南亚旅游产品的转型升 Provatas 亲切交谈。北京市旅游 充分利用杂志、月讯、网站和公共 accompanied on the visit. Media to introduce its city members of the forum is “One Belt One regional tourism cooperation 作,在境内外旅游机构的支持和 级,新媒体、新技术与精准化 委主任、联合会秘书长宋宇,副秘 服务平台向公众宣传会员城市和 With innovation and perfect service as and institutes to the public. Road, The New Driving Force in the perspective of Chinese 参与下,丝绸之路旅游合作论坛 旅游营销,邮轮旅游专题等等, 书长李宝春等陪同参观。 机构。 its motto, BITE has been successfully During the expo, Roger Kacou, the of International Tourism”. citizenoutbound travel. 暨第十一届出境旅游论坛在北京 有近 30 位重量级发言嘉宾分享 BITE 秉承不断开拓创新,竭 展会期间,科特迪瓦旅游部 held ten times. Each time BITE offers Minister of Tourism of Cote d'lvoire, Subtopic discussions will Itwill bring new connotation 富力万丽酒店隆重举办。 他们的经验和真知灼见。 诚为展商和观众服务的信念,以其 长 Roger Kacou 先 生 代 表 科 最 many advantages such as high on behalf of Abidjan, the largest city include One Belt One Road and vitality to the Silk Road 本届论坛由世界旅游城市 本届论坛是首次从中国公民 专业性强、参与面广、影响力大、 大城市阿比让签署了入会申请表, levels of professionalism, extensive in Cote d'lvoire, filled the application participation, brand influence and and new opportunities in the economic belt and tourism 联合会和艾威联合旅游顾问机 出境旅游的视角,探讨丝绸之路 收效明显的优势受到广大参展商 正式申请加入世界旅游城市联合 form for joining WTCF. The secretary obvious effect, and is favored by general of WTCF Song Yu met the tourism cooperation, Chinese of Maritime Silk Road in 21th 构共同主办,论坛的议题内容 沿线旅游产品的研发和区域旅游 们的青睐,已连续成功举办了十届。 会。宋宇秘书长还会见了印度克 exhibitors worldwide. With and principal secretary of Kerala, India inbound and outbound tourism century. 多元务实,包括“一带一路” 合作,它将为丝绸之路经济带和 本届博览会即第十一届北京国际 拉拉邦首席秘书 Jiji Thompson, exhibition area of more than 30,000 Jiji Thompson. Thompson and the in the new normal, new direction 战略与旅游合作新机遇,新常 21 世纪海上丝绸之路旅游赋予 旅游博览会,展出面积达到三万余 Thompson 先生及陪同会见的印 square meters, this Expo, the eleventh business official from Embassy of in One Belt One Road tourism 态下的中国入境和出境旅游, 新的内涵和活力。 平方米,共有来自八十多个国家和 度驻华使馆商务官员极力推荐克 BITE, was joined by more than 800 India in China recommended Kochi, 地区、26 个省市自治区的八百多 拉拉邦最大城市克钦市及其他印 exhibitors and 200 specially invited the largest city in Kerala, and other 家参展商和两百多名特邀买家参 度旅游城市加入联合会。 buyers from 80 countries and regions Indian tourism cities to join WTCF.


WTCF东北亚邮轮产业国际合作论坛 WTCF副秘书长李宝春出席首届南海 暨第三届中国(青岛)国际邮轮峰会隆重举办 旅游发展高端论坛 WTCF首次参加第四届中国西部 首届南海旅游发展高端论坛 主题演讲。在演讲中,他针对“一 由 WTCF 联合中国港口协 出席本届论坛,并发表主题演讲。 旅游产业博览会 于2015年6月13日在广西北 会共同主办,青岛市旅游局、青 在演讲中,他分析了国际邮轮旅 带一路”建设为旅游产业发展带 6 月 26—28 日, 世 界 旅 游 下,还实地调研了本次“西旅会” 岛市北区人民政府等单位协办的 游的发展现状和前景,指出了邮 海举行。本届论坛以“开放、创新、 来的新机遇、发展邮轮旅游、推 城市联合会代表二十多家会员城 承办单位重庆国际博览中心的会 合作”为主题,以旅游在“一带 “东北亚邮轮产业国际合作论坛 轮旅游对构建中国“二十一世纪 进会员间合作发展等问题和与会 市组团参加了在中国重庆举办的 议设施,以期今后为联合会城市 一路”中的价值发挥为目标,探 暨第三届中国(青岛)国际邮轮 海上丝绸之路”和促进世界经济 代表分享了观点,并就联合会发 “第四届中国西部旅游产业博览 会员更好地开展宣传推广及会员 峰会”于5月28日-29日在青 再繁荣的重要意义,并倡议成立 讨了如何汇聚政府、企业和学术 会”。通过现场交流、洽谈、推介 服务。 展现状、拉巴特非斯香山旅游峰 岛万达艾美酒店隆重举行。本届 世界旅游城市联合会邮轮专业委 的智慧与力量,促进南海旅游发 等方式,联合会向专业及普通观 本届“中国西部旅游产业博 会筹备进展和即将成立的世界旅 论坛以“邮轮旅游开启二十一世 员会,致力于探索国际邮轮产业 展的问题。 众传达了其“旅游让城市生活更 览会”展会以“山水重庆,多彩 纪海上丝绸之路”为主题,旨在 持续发展的方向、繁荣世界邮轮 世界旅游城市联合会副秘书 游城市联合会邮轮分会等情况向 美好”的核心理念,并宣传了自 西部”为主题。国家旅游局副局 推动东北亚邮轮旅游产业的发展 旅游市场搭建信息交流和发布的 长李宝春受邀出席本论坛并发表 与会代表进行了介绍。 身及特色会员城市的文化旅游产 长李世宏、重庆市人民政府副市 与合作,促进旅游城市和企业之 全新平台,促进世界邮轮旅游城 品和资源,推介了 2015 拉巴特 长谭家玲等领导出席了开幕式。 WTCF联合主办2015中国 间的跨界交流与合作。 市、邮轮港口、邮轮企业等相关 & 非斯香山旅游峰会筹备情况, WTCF副秘书长严晗受邀 机构间的合作共赢。 受到了参展商和观众的广泛认可。 智慧城市投融资论坛 参加展会之余,联合会相 由中国股权投资基金协会、 对建设智慧城市包括从顶层设 关负责人在重庆市旅游局陪同 世界旅游城市联合会、世界移 计到最终落地在内的各个层面 动互联网协会、中国智慧城市 进行了深入分析,并献计献策。 国际博览会组委会联合主办, 其中,世界旅游城市联合会副 北京股权投资基金协会和北京 秘书长李宝春在主题演讲中阐 创业投资协会协办,2015 中国 述了旅游业的重要经济地位及 智慧城市投融资论坛于 2015 其对城市繁荣的巨大贡献,分 年 7 月 10日下午在北京展览 析了发展智慧城市和智慧旅游 馆举办。 的各个要素和重要意义,分享 在本次论坛上,来自 IT、 了北京市智慧旅游建设的成 投资等领域的专家学者和政 果,并用数据说明了智慧旅游 府、机构、企业家代表就建设 和投融资之间的联系,同时还 智慧城市的机遇、挑战、融资 向大家介绍了 WTCF, 并表示 以及政府和企业各自承担的责 WTCF 将在未来为会员提供更 任等问题各抒己见、相互切磋, 多的旅游投资方面的服务。 WTCF Co-sponsored China Smarter Cities Investing and Financing Forum 2015 WTCF Delegation Participating in Co-sponsored by China Association analyses and thought-provoking "Western China Tourism Industry Expo" of Private Equity, World Tourism Cities advice on smarter cities construction Li Baochun, the WTCF Deputy From June 26th to June 28th in Fes Xiangshan Tourism Summit”. Federation, World Mobile Internet from different perspectives like top 2015, “China Western Tourism Association and the Organizing level design and final realization. In Secretary General Attended the First After the exposition, recommended Exposition”(the abbreviation: Committee of China Smarter Cities his keynote speech, Li Baochun, the and accompanied by Chongqing WTCF Encourages Cruise Industry South China Sea Tourism Development Western Tourism Expo) was held International Expo, in cooperation deputy secretary general of WTCF, Tourism Administration, the in Chongqing city. More than 20 with Beijing Private Equity Association showed the important economic in Northeast Asia Strategy High-end Forum delegation extended field trip to the membership cities of World Tourism and Venture Capital Association of position of tourism industry and its The 2015 Northeast Asia Cruise Industry event. He outlined the current status of Chongqing International Exposition The first South China Sea Tourism and marine tourism enterprises, Cities Federation jointly participated Beijing, China Smarter Cities Investing great contribution to the prosperity International Cooperation Forum 2015 Center which was the hosting venue and future prospects for the development Development Strategy High-end academic circles and medias attended and Financing Forum 2015 was held of cities, analyzed the elements and in the "4th Western China Tourism of this “Western Tourism Expo” & The 3rd China International Cruise of the cruise tourism industry in China, Forum was held in Beihai, Guangxi this forum. in Beijing Exhibition Center on the significance of developing smarter Industy Expo" this year. and conference service facilities Summit was held in Qingdao, a coastal and said that the cruise tourism is of great on June 13, 2015. With the theme of Li Baochun, the WTCF Deputy Secretary By ways of communication, of Chongqing Yuelai International afternoon of July 10th, 2015. cities and smarter tourism, shared the city of Shandong province, from May significance in building the 21st-Century Open, Innovation and Cooperation, General was invited to attend the forum Convention Center. At the forum, experts and scholars fruit of smarter tourism construction of 28 to 29. The event, with the theme of discussion and promotion during Maritime Silk Road and stimulating world this forum was based on the strategic and gave a keynote address. He shared specializing in IT, investing and Beijing and illustrated the relationship the exposition, it transmitted the The expo takes “Hills and Waters "cruise tourism contributes to building the economic recovery. He called on WTCF background of One belt One Road. opinions with representatives about issues financing fields and representatives between smarter tourism and investing federation’s core concept of of Chongqing, Colorful Western 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road", aimed to open a branch in Qingdao to manage This forum aimed at showing the value including new challenges brought by the from government, institutions and and financing with specific data. “Tourism Makes Better City Life” China” as its theme. Deputy at promoting the cooperation between cruise-related businesses. In order to help of tourism in the national strategy of One Belt One Road strategy, development enterprises freely expressed their own Meanwhile, Li also introduced WTCF to the professional audiences and director of China National Tourism touristic cities and cruise companies, and promote communication and cooperation One Belt One Road, and discussing of cruise tourism and cooperation between views on the challenges, opportunities, to the audience and expressed that the public, publicized the federation Administration Li Shihong and deputy pushing forward the development of among tourist cities, port administrative the tourism development in the South members. And he also introduced the financing, and respective responsibilities WTCF would provide more tourism itself and cultural tourism products mayor of Chongqing Municipal cruise tourism industry in Northeast Asia. departments and cruise companies across China Sea by gathering the power of WTCF development situation, 2015 Rabat of government and enterprises in investment service for its members in and resources of the membership People’s Government Tan Jialing government, enterprise and academia. & Fes Fragment Hills Tourism Summit building smarter cities and gave deep the future. Yan Han, deputy secretary-general of the globe, WTCF has proposed to set up cities, as well as introduced the attended the opening ceremony of More than two hundreds guests from preparations and the WTCF Passenger WTCF, gave a keynote speech at the a cruise tourism committee. preparation of “The 2015 Rabat & the expo. related national departments, coastal Liner Branch that will soon be established.


中国知名旅行社探访摩洛哥 Famous Chinese Travel Agencies 力推中国千名游客赴摩旅游 Visited Morocco and Promoted 为了迎接即将于 2015 年 9 月在摩洛哥召 Thousands of Tourists to Travel 开的“2015 拉巴特 & 非斯香山旅游峰会”及推 To welcome the upcoming 2015 in regard to some concrete issues. 动中国公民赴摩旅游,WTCF 邀请了中国国旅 Rabat-Fes Fragrant Hills Tourism At the end of the investigation, 总社、中青旅、凯撒旅游、众信旅游等国内知 Summit that will be convened in all travel agencies said that they 名旅行社组团考察了摩洛哥的拉巴特、非斯和 Morocco in September, and to were very grateful to WTCF for 卡萨布兰卡三个城市。 promote Chinese citizen’s travel establishing such a platform, by 考察团一行先后对机场设施、城市交通、 to Morocco, the WTCF invited which they can communicate 酒店服务、餐饮菜品、景区景点接待能力等进 famous Chinese travel agencies with each other and directly 行实地了解,并对一些问题与摩洛哥国家旅游 such as CITS head office, CYTS, communicate with destinations. 局相关工作人员进行沟通。 CAISSA and U-Tour to investigate three Moroccan cities, including Meanwhile, the tourism resources 考察结束后,各家旅行社纷纷表示,十分 Rabat, Fes and Casablanca. in Morocco are richly endowed by 感谢联合会能够搭建如此平台,让旅游企业与 nature, and also have long history 目的地,以及各企业间进行面对面沟通和交流。 The delegation successively investigated airport facilities, urban and splendid culture, all of which 同时,摩洛哥得天独厚的旅游资源,源远流长 transportation, hotel service, are sufficiently attractive to the 的历史文化,对于中国市场也极具吸引力。通 catering service and scenic spots Chinese market. Through this 过此次考察活动,大家都有信心,在联合会的 reception capacity. Also, they investigation, it was firmly believed 推动和协调下,2015 年千名游客赴摩旅游活动 communicated with staffs of that tourism in Morocco would 能够成功举办。 Moroccan National Tourist Office develop at a steady pace.

Canada’s Gardens Council WTCF Presented Travel Came to Discuss Global Weekly's the World's Tourism Best Tourist Destination Canada’s Gardens Council joined the city of Beijing’s Forest Association in paying a visit to the secretariat of Awards the World Tourism Cities Federation, On May 6, 2015, Yan Han, the deputy secretary in Beijing, on June 10. The general of WTCF was invited to attend the award delegates had an extended ceremony of Travel Weekly Tourism Industry conversation with Yan Han, Awards—Leisure Class. As the award ceremony deputy secretary general presenter,he awarded the twelve most high-profile of the secretariat on destination awards to countries and regions such as global gardening tourism Australia and Hawaii. development and greater The grand meeting, in which more than two cooperation, using the hundreds tourism experts and elites participated, WTCF’s website. was elected 51 awards. Yan Han, the deputy 加园林理事会到访WTCF秘书处 Michelle Gauthier, the secretary general said that it was a great honour for executive director of the Canadian him to present awards to the best travel destinations 2015 年 6 月 10 日,加拿大园林理事会和 的针对园艺旅游的咨询机构——国际园艺旅游联 Garden Committee, had favorable all over the world.“Travel Weekly is an important 北京林学会代表团一行 5 人拜访联合会秘书处, 盟(International Garden Tourism Network) comments on the speed of developments of the WTCF cooperative partner of WTCF. The twelve awards for 与联合会严晗副秘书长等相关人员进行了深度的 的发展情况,并指出了两个组织的使命和愿景的 over the past three years and mentioned how gardening WTCF为Travel Weekly 年度世界最佳旅游目的地颁奖 top destinations indicates the increasing attention paid 沟通和广泛的交流,就如何借世界旅游城市联合 一致性,希望双方未来能在园艺旅游方面进行更 tourism can be a major factor in a city’s sustainable to travel destinations in all circles, whether experts or practitioners,traveling salesman or visitors. 会平台,促进国际园艺旅游发展和深化双方合作 广泛的合作,促进国际园艺旅游的发展。 development, and explained the development situation 2015 年 5 月 6 日,世界旅游城市联合会副 这充分表明无论是专家还是从业者,旅行商还是 深入交换了意见。 会上,严晗副秘书长分别介绍了联合会与加 of the International Garden Tourism Network, which the 秘书长严晗应邀参加“Travel Weekly 旅讯中国 游客,都日益重视旅游目的地的选择。 The deputy secretary general Yan also extended Garden Committee established and their hopes that the 2013 年 12 月加拿大公园委员会执行主任 拿大园林理事会和北京林学会之间友好的交往历 旅游业界奖——休闲类”颁奖活动,并将最受瞩 严晗副秘书长还向此次获奖的联合会会员 congratulations to award-winning WTCF members. two organizations can cooperation more in gardening They are: Los Angeles—the best brand promotion 米歇尔先生与联合会秘书处在加拿大旅游协会 史和良好的合作关系。他重申了园林和园林旅游 目的 12 个目的地奖项授予了澳大利亚、夏威夷 表达特别的祝贺,他们是 :获得年度最佳品牌 tourism for its growth. destination of the year, Ctrip—the best tourism (TIAC)年会上结识,并一直关注世界旅游城市 对世界旅游业的重要意义,并表示愿意积极推动 等国家和地区。 推广目的地的城市——洛杉矶、年度最佳在线 Yan replied by affirming the importance of gardening website of the year,Beijing Utour international travel 联合会的发展。这次到访联合会,他对世界旅游 双方开展各种形式的交流与合作。会谈中,双方 这场由两百多位旅游行业专家和行业精英参 旅游网站——携程旅游网、年度最佳影响力旅 tourism for world tourism, and said that he is willing to agency co., LTD—the best influential travel agency of 城市联合会的工作予以高度的肯定,并对联合会 就紧密合作促进国际园艺旅游的发展达成了积极 与的盛会,共评出了 51 个奖项,严晗副秘书长 行社——北京众信国际旅行社股份有限公司、 be more active in communications and cooperation the year, Shanghai Spring International Travel Service 三年来的发展速度和成果表示赞叹。他提出园艺 共识,未来双方将利用世界园艺博览会和世界旅 with the Council and WTCF, especially with the World 表示,很荣幸受邀为世界最佳旅游目的地颁奖, 年度最佳市场推广旅行社——上海春秋国际旅 (Group) co., LTD—the best market promotion travel 旅游是一座城市得以可持续发展的一个重要因 游城市联合会香山旅游峰会等契机开展更深层次 Horticultural Exposition and Fragrant Hills Tourism “Travel Weekly 旅讯中国”是联合会重要的合 行社(集团)有限公司、年度最佳品质服务旅 agency of the year and Caissa Touristic—the best 素,同时,他还介绍了由加拿大公园委员会发起 的合作。 Summit. 作伙伴。本次活动能够授予目的地 12 个奖项, 行社——凯撒旅游。 quality service travel agency of the year.


2015年1月 总第4期 Topic 专题 026 北京 相信总有一天,您会和北京来一场激情的冰雪之约。 012 体育旅游 Beijing 城市的活力名片 We believe that one day you will have a passionate ice and snow rendezvous with 每当赛事举行的时候,城市盛装以迎,旅游者蜂拥而入,体育和旅游 Beijing. 相生相长,在城市中欢庆人类和谐的氛围,共享人类智慧的硕果。 JULY 2015 总第6期 028 阿拉木图 Sports Tourism 和北京同为2022年的冬奥会申办城市,阿拉木图也是冬季运动的核 A Dynamic Card of a Tourist City 心区。 Sport and tourism co-exist and promote each other, creating a jovial and festive Sponsor 主办 旅游杂志社 Tourism Magazine atmosphere of human harmony in the city, where people share the fruits of Almaty Publisher 出版 旅游杂志社 Tourism Magazine human wisdom. Like Beijing, Almaty is also bidding for hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics, as it is also a core area for winter sports. Publishing Support 出版支持 北京精典博维文化传媒有限公司 Beijing Genuine & Profound Culture Media Co.,Ltd. 014 北京申冬奥 将加快城市和区域旅游发展 030 高松正人:运动队促进城市旅游 Editorial Committee Director 编委会主任 宋宇Song Yu 北京和张家口将以申办冬奥会为载体,促进京津冀协同发展,加快 这种情况下,邀请一支运动队入驻是上佳之选。 基础设施建设,加快雾霾治理的进程。 Takamatsu Masato: Sports Team Promotes City Tourism In such case, the city should try to invite a sport team to settle in it. The Winter Olympic Bid of Beijing Big Opportunity for Accelerating Urban and Regional 032 孟 芳 :超 级 碗 堪 比 印 钞 机 Development Chief Editor 总编 李宝春Li Baochun By grasping the big chance of bidding for the Winter Olympics, Beijing and 2014年,有一亿一千一百五十万人观看了超级碗XLVIII,这使得同 Zhangjiakou try to promote the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin, and 年广告费用达到十二亿三千三百万。 Publisher 出版人 陈黎明Chen Liming Hebei, accelerate the construction of infrastructure, and speed up the progress Deputy Chief Editors 副总编 严晗Yan Han 夏志强Xia Zhiqiang of fog and haze governance. Meng Fang: Super Bowl is a Money Press 才华Cai Hua 史翔Shi Xiang In 2014,almost 111,500,000 people watched the Super Bowl XLVIII,As a result,the advertising income of the year reached 1,233 billion

Chief Executive Editor 执行主编 曹金良Cao Jinliang 赵新Zhao Xin 018 关注体育旅游合作 开创城市发展新篇章 城市体育旅游不仅是体育和旅游两个领域的重要组成部分,更是城 037 跟随赛事去旅行 Editros 编辑 赵燕平Zhao Yanping 王春霞Wang Chunxia 市发展与两者重要的交叉点和联结点。 彭巍Peng Wei 张雪红Zhang Xuehong Travelling with Sports Events 郝文玲Hao Wenling 王诗培Wang Shipei Focus on Sports-Tourism Cooperation 智业涵Zhi Yehan 王莹莹Wang Yingying Usher in a New Chapter for City Development 052 巴塞罗那 Sports tourism is not only an important component of sports and tourism, but 一个人的足球巴萨行。 English Editor 英文编辑 鲁青Lu Qing also vital intersection and junction between the urban development and sports and tourism. Artistic Designers 美术设计 戴军Dai Jun 李修权Li Xiuquan 杨龙Yang Long Barcelona A One-person Trip of FC Barcelona Coordinator 流程编辑 舒姝 Shu Shu Editorial Office Tel 编辑部电话 010-82061212 转 8077 056 跟着旅行社马上就出发 去打高尔夫、徒步、静修,快点动起来。 Printing Supervisors 印刷监制 曾洪Zeng Hong 郝海青Hao Haiqing Start off Right Away with a Travel Agency Email 投稿邮箱 [email protected] Play golf, go hiking, and meditate in this lively summer. Periodical Office Address 杂志社地址 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街28号 北京旅游大厦 1004室 Room 1004, Beijing Tourism Building, No. 28 Jianguomenwai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing Postal Code 邮编 100022

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Interview 高端访谈 096 伦敦色香密地 新考文特花园花卉市场 新考文特花园花卉市场——伦敦最大的花卉市场,伦敦花店75%的鲜花都是来 060 普罗夫迪夫 自这里。 八千年历史七种文明和你——在一起 普罗夫迪夫已经成为2019年欧洲文化之都的候选城市,我们的口号是 A Secret Beautiful and Fragrant Paradise “在一起”。八千年的历史中,七种文明已在这里找到了其文化、信仰和 The New Covent Garden Market 宗教的位置。我们生活在一起,我们创造“在一起”。 It is the New Covent Garden Market--the largest flower market in London. Seventy-five percent flowers sold in flower shops in London come from there. Plovdiv Together with You are 8 Millennia of Existence and 7 Civilizations Plovdiv has won the European Capital of Culture in 2019 candidature and our motto 102 淹没在加德满都节日里 is “Together”. For 8 millennia of existence more than 7 civilizations have found 尼泊尔人的幸福感不仅仅来源于他们悠闲自在的生活态度,还来源于他们多姿多 place for development of their cultures, beliefs and religions. And we all live together! 彩的节日。 We create “together”! Blessed in a Huge Throng at the Carnival 068 光州 The blessedness of the Nepalese not merely sources from their leisurely and unfettered life attitude but also from their varied and colorful festivals. 艺术之都的体育盛会 韩国光州被称为“艺术的故乡”,民族性的南宗画,光和南道美丽的 西洋画,南道是青瓷粉和青瓷器、茶道文化的发源地。而今年在光州 举办的夏季大学生运动会通过全世界的大学生创造了新的奇迹。 On the Way 在路上

Gwangju 106 仲夏亲子正当时 A Sports Pageant in the City of Art 或者能开阔视野,或者能坚强意志,或者能增进亲子感情,各种家庭游项目层出 Gwangju enjoys the reputation of being the“Home of Art”. The national painting 不穷,2015年夏天,给自己放个假,尽情享受亲子的温馨幸福吧! of Korea, the source of life, the Southern School Painting and the Gwang (light), together with Jeollanam-do featuring beautiful western paintings, were the source of non stereotyped painting of modern art. With the miracle created by college students Family Summer Trip throughout the world, 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade will open a new era. A wide variety of family trip programs, which serve to expand the vision, consolidate the will, or enhance family love, are launched. In the summer of 2015, give yourself a holiday to enjoy a warm and happy family trip!

Vision 观点 Outfit 旅行箱

076 从“一带一路与旅游”谈旅游城市可持续发展 116 旅行说走就走 以旅游城市杭州市为例 更加快捷和简便的签证政策出台,使得来一场说走就走的旅行再不是梦想。护照 “一带一路”的国家战略布局,将再次掀起国际旅游的热潮,杭州应在这 48页,每一个终点都值得一去再去。 个热潮来临之前,及时及早做好准备。 Travel at Any Time With more favorable visa policies, it’s never only a dream to travel at any time. It’s worth On the Sustainable Development of Tourist Cities from the exploring every destination once and again with the 48-page passport. Perspective of “OBOR and Tourism” Take the Tourist City Hangzhou as an Example The “OBOR” national strategic layout will raise another boom in international tourism. Hangzhou should make timely preparation before the advent of this fervor. New Members 新会员介绍

122 阿比让 Abidjan Traveler 旅行家 内罗毕 Nairobi

086 世界之大,去哪里凭海临风? 猫途鹰 TripAdvisor 在塞舌尔,无论住哪一家酒店,最亮丽的,永远是窗外的这片海。黄 昏,一泳池都是绮丽的晚霞;夜晚,有最美的蚊帐相伴;深夜,海上 美丽的星空,让人的心也碎成一颗颗小星星。

Where to Enjoy the Seaside Breeze in This Big World In whichever hotel in Seychelles, the most beautiful was always the sea outside the window. At dusk, the gorgeous sunset glow drifted on the surface of the swimming pool; in the dark hours, the most beautiful mosquito net would accompany you to a sound dream; late at night, in the beautiful starry sky above the sea shone the intoxicating starlets.

012 WORLD TOURISM CITY WORLD TOURISM CITY 013 体育旅游S P O R T S 城市的活力名片 TOURISM A Dynamic Card of a Tourist City 有人说:“拥有一项成功的赛事,就像拥有了一台印钞机。”我们耳熟能详、无比 向往的赛事,超级碗、法网、伦敦赛马会、自行车公路赛、环球帆船赛、足球世 界杯、奥运会,无不是在城市举办或以城市为停靠点,每当这时候,城市盛装以 迎,旅游者蜂拥而入,体育和旅游相生相长,在城市中欢庆人类和谐的氛围,共 享人类智慧的硕果。 Someone once observed, “Holding a successful sports event is like owning a banknote printing machine.” Many familiar events which we are passionately attracted to, such as the Super Bowl, the French Open, the Royal Ascot in London, the Road Cycling, the Ocean Race, the FIFA World Cup, and the Olympics, are all held or anchored in cities. Whenever such an event is held, the city will be gorgeously adorned to welcome tourists who crowd in. Sport and tourism co-exist and promote each other, creating a jovial and festive atmosphere of human harmony in the city, where people share the fruits of human wisdom. 策划 / 本刊编辑部 执行 / 苏醒 郝文玲 Planning / Editorial Room 智业涵 鲁青 王莹莹 王诗培 Executives / Su Xing Hao Wenling Zhi Yehan Lu Qing Wang Yingying Wang Shipei 文 / 迟紫境(国家旅游局信息中心) Words / Chi Zijing (Information Center of China National Tourism Administration) 郝文玲 苏醒 智业涵 多多 Hao Wenling Su Xing Zhi Yehan Duoduo 图 / 老妖 新郎马术 多多 全景 Pictures / Lao Yao Xinlang Mashu Duoduo Quanjing French Tourist Office 法国旅游局 澳大利亚旅游局


北京申冬奥 王安顺 北京市市长、北京冬奥申委主席、 将加快城市和区域旅游发展 世界旅游城市联合会理事会主席

北京为什么要申办冬奥会?目前,北京 的继承以及办赛条件和办赛能力。《评估报 的滑冰场滑雪场有上百个,申办冬奥会将改 告》对中国政府大力推广冬季运动的目标充 本 页 图 :什 刹 海 、陶 然 变过去我国夏季运动强、冬季项目弱的体育 分认同,申办和筹办冬奥会将带动中国 3 亿 亭等是北京自几百年前 至今一直使用的冰场; 结构不合理现状。随着人民生活水平的提高, 人参与冰雪运动,将使冬季运动变成民众的 中国的很多孩子现在从 小就开始接触滑雪。 广大民众尤其是青少年参与冰雪运动的人数 生活习惯,有力促进全体国民身体素质的提 剧增。“少年强则国家强,而少年强很重要 高。《评估报告》认为,北京快捷高效的交通、 的就是身体要强,青少年的身体素质是国家 冬奥会将有力 世界一流的酒店和美食、别具特色的风景将 文明的表现。” 促进在长城脚下建 为奥林匹克大家庭和观众提供愉悦的体验。 北京与河北张家口联合申办冬奥,冬奥 立一个重要的全球 冬奥会将有力促进在长城脚下建立一个重 会 30% 的比赛项目预计安排在北京,70% 冬 季 运 动 中 心 ,吸 要的全球冬季运动中心,吸引来自中国各地 在张家口举办。张家口的崇礼具备了很多天 引来自中国各地乃 乃至整个亚洲和全世界的游客前来参加冰雪 然条件,完全具备了滑雪比赛项目的要求。 至整个亚洲和全世 运动,在更广阔的空间促进奥林匹克精神的传 每年都有大量来自韩国、日本、加拿大的滑 界的游客前来参加 播,推动奥林匹克运动的发展。总体看,北京 雪爱好者,来到崇礼滑雪。北京和张家口将 冰雪运动。 2022 冬奥会后将留下大量宝贵的奥运遗产。 以申办冬奥会为载体,促进京津冀协同发展, 北京申办 2022 年冬奥会,一定会为旅游 促进经济和社会的发展,加快基础设施建设,加快雾霾治理的 业大发展带来新的契机,世界旅游城市联合会追求“旅游让 进程。 城市生活更美好”的核心价值,促进会员间和组织间的合作, 国际奥委会北京时间 6 月 1 日下午,公布了 2022 年冬奥 我们愿与大家加强合作,共享机遇,积极开展互惠互助式旅 会评估委员会对候选城市的《评估报告》。国际奥委会《评估 游产品的创新和文化的推广活动。作为联合会发起会员和总 报告》对北京办赛能力表示肯定,同时认为中国冬季运动前景 部所在城市,北京将一如既往地支持联合会的建设和发展, 广阔。我们感谢国际奥委会评估委员会对北京携手张家口申办 并率先把联合会的倡议付诸实施,联合会的事业才刚刚起步, 2022 年冬奥会工作的专业评估与指导,《评估报告》反映了我 需要我们更加紧密地携起手来,发挥每个会员的积极性,朝 们和国际奥委会评估团在其考察期间所进行的开放、卓有成效 着目标同向、作用互补、利益共享的方向努力,推动联合会 的交流,体现了《奥林匹克 2020 议程》的改革精神。 的建设发展,不断取得新的进步。

《评估报告》肯定了北京 2022 年冬奥会“以运动员为 (编者注:本文根据王安顺主席在2015年1月北京两会期间,接受媒体专访对有 中心、可持续发展和节俭办赛”的三大理念与《奥林匹克 关申奥问题的回答,6月2日接受新华社记者专访,对关于申奥《评估报告》的诸 多热点的回答,以及在世界旅游城市联合会2014年香山旅游峰会上的发言汇编 2020 议程》高度契合,肯定了北京对 2008 年奥运会遗产 而 成 。)

016 WORLD TOURISM CITY WORLD TOURISM CITY 017 Topic 专题 This page:Beijing biding for 2022 Winter Olympics; An Olympic venue in Beijing


BID OF BEIJING Wang Anshun Mayor of Beijing, Chairman of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Bid Big Opportunity for Accelerating Urban Committee, and Chairman of the and Regional Tourism Development WTCF Council.

Tourism makes cities even better” is the core value of World Why does Beijing bid for the Winter believed that the prospect of winter sports Tourism Cities Federation, which promotes cooperation Olympics? At present, there are more than looked bright in China. We expressed our one hundred ski and snow fields in the gratitude towards the International Olympic between its members and its organizations. city. It is predicted that the current structure Committee's Evaluation Commission on featuring strong summer sports and their professional evaluation and guidance weak winter sports will be balanced. The for Beijing and Zhangjiakou in bidding for broad expanse of land, people engage in snow and ice improvement of people's living standards the 2022 Winter Olympics. The Evaluation sports, promoting the transmission of Olympic spirit and comes with the spectacular increase in Report has accurately portrayed the open the development of the Olympic movement. All in all, a lot people engaging in snow and ice sports, and productive communication between of valuable Olympic relics will lay locked within the splendid especially in young people. A country needs the IOC Evaluation Group and Beijing and bank of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. strong and healthy youth to become great. Zhangjiakou during the inspection tour of the “Tourism makes cities even better” is the core value The most important thing for strong and T h e W i n t e r former, and embodied the spirit of reform of World Tourism Cities Federation, which promotes healthy youth is to have good body building Olympics will facilitate initiated by the Olympic Agenda 2020. cooperation between its members and its organizations. activities, which finds manifestation in the the establishment of an The Evaluation Report was an affirmation of Beijing’s bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics will bring nation’s civilization.” important global winter Beijing hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics with new opportunities for development of the tourism Beijing and Zhangjiakou of Hebei jointly bid sports center at the the concept of athlete-centred, sustainable industry. We wish to strengthen cooperation and share for the Winter Olympics, with 30% of the and economical Games closely matching opportunities with others, actively carry out mutual sports competition events to be held in foot of the Great Wall the Olympic Agenda 2020. The Report benefit and aid tourism products innovation and expand Beijing and 70% in Zhangjiakou. Chongli of to attract tourists from also confirmed Beijing’s inheritance of the cultural propaganda. As the initiator and headquarter Zhangjiakou, which attracts a large number China, Asia, and the relics of the 2008 Olympic Games, and its of the Federation, Beijing will, as always, support the of ski enthusiasts from South Korea, Japan, conditions and abilities to host the event. The construction and development of the Federation and be and Canada every year, is perfect for holding world. Evaluation Report gave its accreditation of the the first to put the initiatives of the Federation into practice. skiing events. By grasping the big chance of Chinese government on its goal of vigorously The cause of the Federation has just begun, and requires bidding for the Winter Olympics, Beijing and Zhangjiakou plan promoting winter sports. By bidding and preparing for the Winter every member to march together and display enthusiasm. to promote the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin, Olympics, 300 million Chinese people will engage in snow and We are heading towards the same target, having and Hebei, boost economic development and social progress, ice activities which will become part of their lives and enhance complementary roles, and shared benefits to push the accelerate the construction of infrastructure, and speed up the the physical quality of all people. As the Evaluation Report saw development of the Federation for new advancement. progress of fog and haze governance. it, Beijing, with fast, convenient and all-accessible transport, world-class hotels, food, and unique landscapes, will provide a In the afternoon of June 1st Beijing Time, the International (Editor’s note: This article is compiled based on the replies of Chairman joyous experience for the Olympic family and audience. Olympic Committee (IOC) announced the Evaluation Report Wang Anshun to the exclusive interview on Beijing’s bid for 2022 Winter Olympics during the “two sessions” in January 2015, Wang’s replies to of candidate cities prepared by the Evaluation Commission of The Winter Olympics will facilitate the establishment of an the Xinhua News Agency reporter on topics concerning the “Evaluation the 2022 Winter Olympics. In the Report, the IOC showed their important global winter sports center at the foot of the Great Report” of the Winter Olympic bid on June 2nd, 2015 and his speech approval with Beijing on its ability to host the event. Also, they Wall to attract tourists from China, Asia, and the world. In this made on 2014 WTCF Beijing Fragrant Hills Tourism Summit.)

018 WORLD TOURISM CITY WORLD TOURISM CITY 019 本 页 图 :环 京 赛 是 与 Topic 专题 环法自行车赛同级别 的 国际自盟(U C I)最 高 级 别 赛 事 ,也 是 国 际自盟世界巡回赛在 亚洲的唯一一站。

关注体育旅游合作 开创城市发展新篇章

进入“互联网 +”的世纪,各类跨界融 合日新月异。世界旅游业蓬勃发展,城市经 济火热提速,旅游产业的格局和结构发生了 一系列的重大变化,其中一种发展迅速、前 景广阔的体育旅游方式正逐步兴起。城市体 育旅游是借助城市的基础设施和人文风貌的 特点开展以体育为主题的旅游活动,这不仅 上海通过F1 是体育和旅游两个领域的重要组成部分 , 更 打造世界大都会的 是城市发展与两者重要的交叉点和联结点。 形 象 ,作 为 世 界 体 坛最昂贵的运动之 伴随着环岛国际自行车赛、亚洲柔道锦标赛等一系列国际性体育 体育旅游助力城市品牌营销 一 ,F 1 轰 鸣 的 引 擎 赛事的举行,海南澄迈2012年,接待旅游人数182.70万人次,同比 体育赛事吸引游客到访,促进旅游市场 声背后是强大的资 增长 9 0.1%,累计旅 游总收 入8 .17亿元,增长 9 4.7%。 繁荣,塑造城市新形象。2014 年的中澳篮 金支持。 球友谊赛在西澳大利亚的阳光首府珀斯开

赛,珀斯是一个热爱体育运动的城市,各种国际性体育赛事贯 政府支持的全新赛道的崛起让伯尼的方程式帝国不断向东方扩 全民健身运动向纵深发展的同时,对城市的经济、体育、旅游 时间长,从筹备阶段到赛事后期可持续若干年。与之关联的 穿全年,如一月份的游泳赛事必和必拓水上超级系列赛、五月 大。旅游平台、企业公关平台和休闲文化活动平台的搭建,展 带来难得的发展机遇,冰雪越野是黑龙江省内所有城市的旅游 社会和文化的经济效益也比较明显,如国际奥委会 2002 年至 的中澳篮球友谊赛,以及十月的珀斯国际高尔夫锦标赛等。作 示了上海国际大都会的形象 , 进一步提高了上海的国际知名度 , 名片。 2004 年期间的电视转播权收入达 22 亿美元。 为西澳的首府,珀斯有着悠闲的城市气质和浓厚的体育运动氛 对上海的经济社会发展也带来了深远的影响。 体育赛事带动旅游企业商机无限。通过大手笔的赞助体育 围,临海而居的地理位置和全年阳光明媚的天气更让各种水上 通过体育赛事城市品牌得以确立,可以带动周边城市品牌 体育赛事创造商机无限 赛事,阿联酋航空公司在几年内由一家名不见经传的中小型公 运动盛行不衰 ;城市遍布着规划完好的自行车道,在天鹅河畔 营销一体化。2015 年 2 月,中国冰雪越野汽车拉力赛在中俄界 举办体育赛事带动城市收获经济效益。1984 年于美国洛 司成长为世界上最赚钱的航空公司。伴随着环岛国际自行车 你几乎随时都可以看到装备专业、骑着单车疾驰而过的当地人。 江上拉开序幕,赛道是在中俄两国大界江——黑龙江上,被誉 杉矶举办的第 23 届奥运会扭转了举办方连续亏损的状态,盈 赛、亚洲柔道锦标赛等一系列国际性体育赛事的举行,海南澄 随着赛事的宣传让更多的人了解到西澳大利亚,认识了珀斯的 为是“白金雪道”,冰雪汽车两极挑战赛途经黑龙江的口岸城市 余两亿五千万美元,引起了公众的广泛关注,掀起了全球性举 迈 2012 年,接待旅游人数 182.70 万人次,同比增长 90.1%, 新形象。 各有特点,如抚远是中国迎接第一缕阳光的城市 ;黑龙江、乌 办大型体育赛事的热潮,承办大型体育赛事被公认为体育产业 累计旅游总收入 8.17 亿元,增长 94.7%。 通过体育赛事城市知名度提高。上海通过 F1 打造世界大 苏里江、松花江三江汇合口所在地同江也是赫哲族聚集地 ;恐 中最具经济效益的模式,尤其是大型体育赛事更是因其能够带 商机之中也须承担一定的风险,如何化险为夷也是值得研 都会的形象,作为世界体坛最昂贵的运动之一,F1 轰鸣的引 龙故乡嘉荫 ;玛瑙盛产地逊克;口岸经贸繁荣的黑河;鄂伦春 来的极具诱惑力的经济效益和社会效应,使得世界各国竞相 究的课题。体育赛事对城市发展不仅有着积极的促进作用,也 擎声背后是强大的资金支持。在金融海啸之后,欧洲各条赛 居住地呼玛 ;神州北极漠河。冰雪两级汽车拉力赛也是对黑龙 申办。这种现代经济发展的新形式,影响的范围广、程度深、 有消极的负面影响,如大型场馆的后续利用,对举办地生态环 道很难再承受这样巨额的开销,市场不断萎缩,而上海得到了 江省大森林、大界江、大冰雪等自然风光的最好展示,在带动


“国际田联路跑金 牌 赛 事 ”的 厦 门 国 际 马 拉 松每届都云集了众多的 参赛者、旅游 者,为厦门 市相关企业带来的各项 经营收入超亿元。

本 页 图 :北 欧 帆 船 运动。 左 页 图 :厦 门 的 美 丽海滨风光极大 提高了马拉松赛的 含金量。

城市+体育旅游模式运营也需要复合型人才 人才集聚和稳定的人才队伍是体育旅游发展的关键

境的破坏,当地政府所承担的巨额亏损等。这其中,体育场馆 城市经济实力提供坚实保障 和铁路员工都要提高服务意识和接待水平。 游景观也丰富多姿 :米兰大教堂、圣玛利亚修道院、杜奥莫 作为一种运动的载体 , 其本身不具有任何的文化内涵,但是作 城市体育旅游的开发受到了资源、旅游区位、市场、交通 大教堂、斯卡拉歌剧院、科莫湖,米兰有关机构对景点的管 为特定赛事的举办地和标志性建筑,会形成其独特的文化内涵, 等因素的影响 , 并且在其开发的过程中必须遵循资源吸引力规 新常态需多方协同 理如对球场的建设管理一样科学发展,由此,米兰体育旅游 如果管理得当可以举办大型展会并吸引体育爱好者和观光旅游 律、资源扩散规律、统筹兼顾、适度超前的原则。城市会在体 城市体育旅游成功管理运营应该有长远的战略眼光,资 还撬动了新的城市发展潜力。 者前来游览。厦门市政府举办的国际马拉松赛创办于2003 年, 育设施上充分投入,为体育旅游提供多方支持,城市硬件随之 金投入前,统筹规划是第一步,且需体现在运营各方面。 城市 + 体育旅游模式运营也需要复合型人才。人才集聚 是中国颇具影响力和国际知名度的马拉松赛事,被国际田联评 日臻完善。2015 年 6 月 24 日,巴黎正式宣布加入 2024 年 以米兰为例,对于球迷来说,米兰拥有世界上任何一个城 和稳定的人才队伍是体育旅游发展的关键。无论哪个城市发 为“国际田联路跑金牌赛事”。每届赛事都云集了众多的参赛者、 申奥竞争,成为第四座确认申办城市。根据巴黎奥申委公布的 市都无法媲美的体育元素——红黑色的 AC 米兰和蓝黑色 展体育旅游,都需要既懂旅游管理专业知识,又熟悉体育休 旅游者,为城市带来了巨大的商机,每年给厦门市相关企业带 项目细则,巴黎为这届夏奥会制订的预算总额为62 亿欧元 ( 约 的国际米兰,这两支历史悠久、战绩辉煌的球队,在任何 闲项目,还深谙城市管理之道的复合型人才。复合型人才应 来的各项经营收入超亿元 ;随着赛事品牌度的不断提高,吸引 合 430 亿人民币 ),其中包括 30 亿欧元的基础建设费用、32 时期都不缺乏世界顶级巨星,拥有无数的球迷,现场观看 不仅在专业技能方面有突出的经验,还具备较高的相关技能。 了众多的企业参与,赞助商借助马拉松充分展示了企业形象。 亿欧元的运行费用。 米兰德比是每一个球迷的梦想,而球队共同使用的圣西罗 学科交叉,知识融合,技术集成,这一特征决定每个业内人 作为赛事的重要配套活动之一,每年的体育休闲用品博览会参 城市软实力标准逐渐确立。例如,2006 年世界杯期间, 球场也同样吸引着世界各地的游客。球场建设与管理并重, 士都要提高自身的综合素质,既要拓展知识面又要不断调整 展企业达几百家,展览面积达到了 1.5 万平方米,七百多家境 德国政府投入 300 万欧元支持“东道主计划”。该计划旨在对 有观众席位八万多个,还有为两支球队分别设立的博物馆, 心态,尤其重要的是,人才变革创新的思维是引领城市 + 体 内外专业厂家参展,吸引观众五万多人次,达成采购意向超过 参与世界杯接待服务企业的员工在友善态度、服务水平和多种 每天 10:00—17:00(比赛日除外)向游客开放。米兰的旅 育旅游运营模式成为新常态的关键。 五千多万,极大地促进了厦门经济的发展。 语言能力方面进行严格训练,不论是服务员,边境守卫、警察


With the holding of a series of international sports events such FOCUS ON as Hainan Island International Cycling Race and Asian Judo Championships, Hainan’s Chengmai received 1,827,000 tourists in 2012, up 90.1% year on year. The total tourist revenue was 817 SPORTS-TOURISM million RMBs, up 94.7%. COOPERATION of Heilongjiang, such as the forests, Dajiejiang and the ice bound city. As the city card of tourist cities in Heilongjiang, Ice and Usher in a New Chapter for City Development Snow Off-road Vehicle Rally not only serves as a promotion for national fitness movement to develop in depth, but also brings a rare opportunity for the city's economic, sports and tourism development. Sports Events Create Infinite Business Opportunities In the “Internet +” century, Sports events can promote the economic development of a all kinds of cross-border city. The 23th Olympic Games held in 1984 in Los Angeles had integrations are undergoing reversed the state of continuous losses of host cities with a profit rapid changes. World tourism is of 250 million USD, which became the focus of the mass. The in a flourishing and progressive global campaign of hosting large sports events was in full swing. state, which serves as a Hosting large-scale sports events is recognized as the most mighty booster for the urban profitable economic model in sports industry. Such events, with economy. The rich and varied great economic benefit and social effect, have generated a wait Boosting the list of bidding countries. As a new form of modern economic forms of sports events are erection of new racing tracks was backed by the government, development, sports events feature the wide range of in-depth facilitating a series of significant reputation of a city by facilitated Bernie’s F1 Empire to expand eastward. The impact. It takes several years from the preparatory stage to the changes in the pattern and platforms for tourism, enterprise public relations and leisure sports events—Shanghai post competition stage. Besides, relevant economic benefits structure of the tourism culture activities have given full play of Shanghai as an ascertains itself as an both socially and culturally are also relatively obvious. For industry. Sports tourism, as international metropolis and further improved the international example, the TV broadcast rights revenue of the International a means of travelling with international metropolis visibility of the city, which has exerted a profound impact on Olympic Committee (IOC) from 2002-2004 had reached 2.2 rapid development and broad Shanghai’s economic development and social progress. with F1. As one of the billion USD. prospect, is gradually taking This page: Speed and Passion world's most expensive Through sports events, the reputation of a city is cemented, shape. Urban sports tourism Right page: Endurance and Persistence Sports events have brought about unlimited business which also serves as an engine for the integrated brand is one of the tourist activities sport events, F1 opportunities for tourist enterprises. Through the generous marketing of its surrounding cities. In February 2015, the developed on the basis of sponsorship of sports events, Fly Emirates has grown from a Shanghai Grand Prix is China Ice and Snow Off-road Vehicle Rally, a motor sport with urban infrastructure and Australia, Perth has relaxed urban temperament and little-known small and medium-sized enterprise to the world’s held with strong financial Heilongjiang characteristics, which gave full play of human’s humanistic style, which is not intense sports atmosphere. As an offshore city with most profitable airline within a few years. With the holding of ability to challenge the limits and conquer nature, was held in only an important component support. sunny weather throughout the year, Perth sees the a series of international sports events such as Hainan Island Sino Russian Border River. This was a featured brand with of sports and tourism, but also congregation of all kinds of aquatic sports. Spreading International Cycling Race and Asian Judo Championships, unique geographical resources. The track lies in Heilongjiang, vital intersection and junction between the urban development through the city are well planned bicycle paths. Almost all the Hainan’s Chengmai received 1,827,000 tourists in 2012, up the border river between China and Russia which enjoys and sports and tourism. time in the Swan Lake you can see fully equipped Perth natives 90.1% year on year. The total tourist revenue was 817 million the honor of being called “Platinum Snow Road”. The port riding bicycles at speed. With the publicity of sports events, RMBs, up 94.7%. Sports Tourism Helps the Promotion of City Brand cities of Heilongjiang through which the track of Ice and Snow more and more people have gained an understanding of Sports events can attract visitors, promote a booming Automobile Challenge Match passes are unique. Fushun Grasping business opportunities also means that you Western Australia and the new Perth. tourist market and shape the new image of a city. The 2014 is the city to see the first ray of sunrise in China. Tongjiang, have to take certain risks and how to pull through is also a Australian Basketball Tournament was held in Perth, the Boosting the reputation of a city through sports events— which is the converging point of Heilongjiang, Wusuli River and subject worthy of study. Sports events not only have positive glorious capital of Western Australia of which the citizens are so Shanghai ascertains itself as an international metropolis with Songhuajiang, is also the gathering place of Hezhe Minority. promotional effects, but also have negative influences, to a passionate towards sports activities. In Perth, a steady stream F1. As one of the world's most expensive sport events, F1 Jiayin, which is the hometown of dinosaurs, Xun Ke, which city’s development, such as the future use of large venues, the of international sports events such as BHP Billiton Aquatic Shanghai Grand Prix is held with strong financial support. is abundant in agate, Heihe, with booming port economy destruction of ecological environment of the host city and the Super Series in January, Sino Australian Basketball Friendly After the financial tsunami, European countries, which were and trade, Huma, where the Oroqens live, and Mohe, the huge losses borne by the local government. Sports venues, as a Match in May, and Perth International Golf Tournament in seeing a shrinking market, found it difficult to undertake the northernmost tip of China, are also found here. Ice and Snow carrier of sports, do not have any cultural connotation. But as the October are held throughout the year, As the capital of Western huge expenses to run the race tracks. Shanghai, of which the Off-road Vehicle Rally also demonstrates the natural sceneries venue of a specific sports event as well as a landmark building,


the venue will form its unique cultural connotation. By proper million RMBs, which greatly promoted the development of The standard for the soft power of a city will be gradually management, it can serve to hold large exhibitions and attract Xiamen’s economy. established. For example, during the 2006 World Cup, the sports fans and tourists. Founded in 2003, the International German government had invested 3 million Euros to support Marathon held by the Xiamen municipal government is the The Economic Strength of the City Provides Solid the “Host Program”. The purpose of such act was to launch most influential and internationally renowned marathon event Foundation rigorous training programs for staff of the World Cup reception in China, and is honored as “Gold Medal Match of Road The development of city sports tourism is influenced service company in a friendly manner, service level and a variety Race” by International Association of Athletics Federations, by factors such as resources, tourist locations, market, of language skills. Everyone, waiter, border guard, police or IAAF. Whenever the event was held, numerous competitors transportation and so on. We must follow the resource railway worker alike, should improve service awareness and and tourists would gather in Xiamen, which brought about attraction law and resource diffusion law with overall planning reception level. huge business opportunities and over 100 million RMBs of and moderate advancement. With abundant investment business revenue for relevant enterprises in Xiamen. With in sports facilities and by providing sports tourism with multi The City + Sports Tourism Operation Model Needs Multi- Founded in 2003, the International the increasing popularity of the event, a large number of supports, the hardware of the city will be improved. On June collaboration to Become a New Normal 24, 2015, Paris officially announced to take part in the bidding The successful management of city sports tourism should have Marathon held by the Xiamen municipal enterprises and sponsors, which intend to showcase their corporate images, are attracted. As one of the important of the 2024 Olympic Games, becoming the fourth bidding a long-term strategic perspective. Before capital investment, government is the most influential and complementing activities of the event, the Sports and Leisure city of this event. According to the project details announced we should make a holistic plan as the first step, which should be internationally renowned marathon event in Products Expo attracts hundreds of enterprises every year. by Paris Olympic Committee, the total budget of Paris for this reflected in all aspects of operation. Take Milan for an example, Olympic Games is 6.2 billion Euros (approximately 43 billion for its fans, it has a sports element that is not comparable to any China, which is honored as “Gold Medal With an exhibition area of 15 thousand square meters, the Expo has attracted more than 700 domestic and foreign RMBs), including 3 billion Euros of infrastructure expenditure city in the world —— the dark red AC Milan and the dark blue Match of Road Race” by International professional manufacturers and over fifty thousand visitors. and 3.2 billion Euros of operating expenses. Inter Milan. With a long history and a brilliant record, the two Association of Athletics Federations, IAAF. The purchase agreements reached have exceeded fifty teams had never lacked The operation of city + sports tourism model also needs world top stars in any period of time and thus compound talents. Talent Gathering and a stable talent attracted countless fans. Watching Milan Derby This page: Cycling; team are the keys to sports tourism development. Horse riding in the live has been the dream countryside of France. of every fan. The San Siro stadium, which is jointly used by the two teams, is also attracting tourists from all over the world. The stadium focuses equally on construction and management, boasting over 80 thousand audience seats and a museum set up specifically for AC Milan and another for international Milan, which open to tourists from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm every day except the match day. Milan is also rich in scenic spots, such as Church of Duomo, Santa Maria monastery, Duaomo Cathedral, Teatro alla Scala and Lake Como. The Milan authority has developed a scientific approach towards the management of its scenic spots like it does in the construction and management of the sports fields. In this way, the sports tourism of Milan has unlocked a new city development potential. The operation of city + sports tourism model also needs compound talents that not only understand professional knowledge of tourism management but also are familiar with sports and leisure projects and are also well aware of city management. Compound talents should not only have outstanding experience in his/her professional skills, but also possess a high level of relevant skills. Cross disciplinary, knowledge fusion and technology integration has become a characteristic in the industry, and thus it requires insiders to improve their overall quality by enlarging their knowledge and constantly adjusting their mentality. Most importantly, in order to guide the city + sports tourism operation model to become a new normal behavior, the thinking of talent innovation is essential.

026 WORLD TOURISM CITY WORLD TOURISM CITY 027 Topic 专题 BEIJING 北京 2022年冬奥会主办城市将在7月31日公布,申办城 市北京和阿拉木图都是世界旅游城市联合会的会员 城市,无论最终花落谁家,都是我们WTCF大家庭 里的喜事,我们都表示由衷的祝贺。

相较于中国江南的风清水软,四季分明的北京 本页图:雪中的长城巍峨壮丽;人们喜欢在老 到了冬天,就是开展冰上游乐的好时候。清代满族 冰 场 滑 冰 ;胡 同 雪 景 。 人入主中原,把他们的一些冰上活动也带入内地。 那时候有规定,每年从全国各地选拔近千名“善走冰” 的人,入宫进行训练,每年从冬至到三九在太液池, In contrast with regions south of the Yangtze River, majority of media and the IOC officials.” The At the 16th Winter 就是现在的北海和中南海进行训练、进行表演。 Olympics held in Beijing, a city with four distinctive seasons, is a good successful holding of the Beijing Olympic Games Albertville, France, 由于官方的大力推动,冰上运动在北京民间落 place for ice sports in winter. In the Qing Dynasty, has made the spirit of sport strike deep roots into the 法,同时也是绝大部分媒体和国 Chinese athletes won 地生根。这项最早以冬季练兵为目的的活动,渐渐 when the Manchus conquered the Central Plain, they hearts of Chinese people, and made China more three silvers, ranked 际奥委会的官员们的看法。” brought in some ice sports. During that period, it was confident, open and progressive.” No. 15 on the medal 演变为一种民间娱乐活动。直到今天,北京的什刹海、 a set rule that nearly 1000 people who are “good at tally. This was the first 北京奥运会的成功举办,使 The Olympics has brought new glory to the 北海、陶然亭等地仍然是几百年来北京冬天冰上游 walking on ice” were selected nationwide to enter time that China won ancient city. We believe that one day you will have medals since its first 体育的精神深入人心,使 the palace for training. From the winter solstice to the 乐的据点。 a passionate ice and snow rendezvous with the participation in the 中国更加自信,更加开放, third nine-day period after the winter solstice, these Winter Olympics in 随着西方体育运动的传入和普及,这些曾经的 ancient city. people were trained and gave performances in the 1980. The Chinese 更加进步。 娱乐成为了中国人喜爱的体育项目,中国日新月异 Taiye Pond, i.e., today’s Beihai and Zhongnanhai. t e a m a c h i e v e d 奥运让这个古都焕发 remarkable results 的发展,国力的强盛使得能够举办一届奥运会成了 Thanks to vigorous official promotion, ice sports in the 21th Winter 出崭新的光彩,相信总有一 这个古老国家亿万人的梦想。2008 年北京奥运会 have been deeply rooted among people in Beijing. The host city of 2022 Winter Olympics Olympics: Vancouver 天,您会和北京来一场激情的 The activity for the purpose of winter troop training at 2010 by winning 11 共有参赛国家及地区 204 个,参赛运动员 11438 will be declared on July 31. Beijing medals including five the very beginning has been gradually evolved into 冰雪之约。 and Almaty, the two candidate golds, two silvers and 人,设 302 项(28 种)运动,共有六万多名运动 a folk entertainment activity. By far, Shishahai, Beihai cities, are also member cities of WTCF. four bronzes. 员、教练员和官员参加。共创造 43 项新世界纪录 and Taoranting of Beijing are still the main location of winter ice entertainment in Beijing for several Whether the former or the latter 及 132 项新奥运纪录,是人类和平进步的大聚会。 1992年法国阿尔贝维尔第十六届冬季奥运会上,中国选手在这届比赛中获得三枚银牌,排 hundred years. wins the bid, it will be a big event for 国际奥委会前主席萨马兰奇评价说 :“北京奥运 在奖牌榜的第15位,这是中国自1980年首次参加冬奥会以来,首次实现奖牌“零的突破”。 2010年第21届温哥华冬奥会中国队发挥出色,一共收获5金2银4铜,一共11枚奖牌。 With the introduction and popularization of Western the WTCF family and we will extend 会是所有奥运会中最好的一届奥运会。在未来应该 This page:A ski resort in sports, these ancient forms of entertainment have our sincerest congratulations to the Beijing; Beijing Olympic 很少有人可以做到这种程度。这不光是我个人的看 become Chinese people’s favorite sports. The winner. Sports Center; Bird’s Nest rapid development of China and its powerful national strength have enabled the ancient country to realize the dream of hosting an Olympic Game. In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, 11,438 athletes from 204 countries and regions competed in 28 sports and 302 events. The total number of athletes, coaches and officials involved in the Game was more than 60,000. Altogether 43 new world records and 132 new Olympic records were set in the games. It was a big event that witnessed the peace and progress of the mankind. Former IOC president Samaranch noted, “The Olympic Games in Beijing will be the best in Olympic history. In the future, few people would be able to achieve such accomplishments. This is not only my personal view, but also the view of the absolute


阿拉木图Almaty 在伊犁河的上游,哈萨克斯坦境内,有一座被 At the upper reaches of the Ili River, within the Station is 1600m above the sea 群山环绕的城市——阿拉木图。和北京同为 2022 年 territory of Kazakhstan, there is a city that drinks level, the second ropeway transfer from the same river with Ili in the Xinjiang Uygur station is halfway up the mountain 的冬奥会申办城市,阿拉木图也是冬季运动的核心 Autonomous Region. That is Almaty, a city over 2600m above the sea level, 区,连续几次申办冬奥会的过程中,阿拉木图陆续举 surrounded by mountains. Like Beijing, Almaty is and the last ropeway station is at a 办了众多的高水平的国际冰雪赛事。其中既有 2003 also bidding for to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, as ridge 3100m above the sea level. In the it is also a core area for winter sports. In the course 2008 Beijing Olympics, when the torch 年世界青年冰球锦标赛这样的冬季单项赛事,也有 for several consecutive biddings for the Winter was relayed in Almaty, a Kazakhstan athlete 2011 年亚洲冬季运动会这样的综合性大型国际赛事。 Olympics, Almaty has been successively holding holding the auspicious cloud torch sped down from 2017 年,阿拉木图还将举办世界大学生冬运会。办 many high-level international ice and snow events, the Chimbulak Ski Resort and handed the torch to including individual single winter sports like the 2003 President Nazarbayev. 赛条件和办赛队伍还将得到进一步的改善和提升。 World Junior Ice Hockey Championships and large Almaty now is not only the largest city in Central Asia, This page:Traditional 阿拉木图冬天的积雪很厚,是世界上著名的滑 comprehensive international events like the 2011 performance; Mountain but also one of the cities with the best greenery in the Asian Winter Games. In 2017, Almaty will hold the ski resort; An exquisite 雪圣地。这里的居民对滑雪等冬季运动情有独钟, world. It is also an important node in the ancient Silk church World Winter Universiade. Its conditions and teams 许多人从小就学习滑雪,所以冬天每逢周末,这里 Road, and it is called a “City of Culture”. for sports events will see further improvement and 各大滑冰、滑雪场都人潮涌动。 拔一千六百多米,第二级索道换乘站位于海拔两 upgrading. 早在申办亚冬会时,阿拉木图就兴建了许多冬 千六百多米的半山腰,最后一级索道站位于海拔 With very thick snows in winter, Almaty is a famous Tips 季运动设施,有许多都是符合国际赛事标准的冬季 3100 米的山脊上。2008 年北京奥运会火炬在阿拉 skiing Mecca in the world. Residents here are especially enthusiastic about winter sports such 场馆。比如绍拉克体育宫、麦迪奥高山滑冰场、冬 木图传递过程中,哈萨克斯坦运动员就手持祥云火 When visiting a Kazakh family, you should sit on the ground with your legs crossed as skiing. Many people start to learn skiing from 季两项滑雪场、塔巴甘滑雪场等。 炬从琼布拉克高山滑雪场速降而下,把祥云火炬交 but you should not take off your shoes, stretch out your legs, or jump over the childhood. Therefore, in winter, on weekends, all rope tying livestock or the tablecloth. When entering a church, men should not 海拔达到 3100 米的琼布拉克高山滑雪场,已 到纳扎尔巴耶夫总统手中。 large skating and skiing fields are crowded. wear short pants and women should not wear provocative clothes. It’s proper for women to wear long dress. 经成为阿拉木图人的骄傲,这里距离阿拉木图市区 如今的阿拉木图,不仅是中亚最大的城市,也 As early as when it applied for hosting the Asian Winter The best season to visit Almaty is between middle April to late May and between 并不远,驱车大约 30 分钟可以到达。琼布拉克高 成为了世界上绿化最好的城市之一,还是古丝绸之 Games, Almaty built many winter sports facilities, many middle August and middle October when the city is neither too cold nor too hot. of which are winter stadiums meeting international A bed per night in a common youth hostel costs about RMB 50-80 yuan, and a 山滑雪场的索道共有三级,起始点麦迪奥索道站海 路上重要的节点,被称为“文化之都”。 event standards, such as the Sholak Stadium, the single room per night in a small hostel is about RMB 150-250 yuan. A common Medew Skating Rink, the Winter Biathlon Ski Field, and meal costs about RMB 20-30 yuan. the Tabagan Ski Field and so on. The Chimbulak Ski Resort at an altitude of 3100m Tips has now become the pride of Almaty people. Not far away from the city proper of Almaty, the resort 在哈萨克斯坦人家做客应 can be reached within about 30 minutes’ drive. 注意,在毡房内席地盘腿 The ropeways of the Chimbulak Ski Resort have 而 坐 ,不 脱 鞋 ,不 得 把 两 腿 three levels. The starting point Medew Ropeway 伸直。不能跨过拴牲畜的 绳 子 ,不 能 跨 过 吃 饭 用 的 餐 布 。进 入 教 堂 男 士 不 得 穿 短 裤 ,女 士 不 得 着 暴 露 服 装 , 着长裙。 每 年 4 月 中 旬 至 5 月 末 ,以 及 8月中旬至10月中旬,阿拉 木 图 不 冷 不 热 ,是 游 玩 的 最 佳时间。 普通青旅床位每晚约50— 8 0 人 民 币 ,小 旅 馆 单 间 每 晚 约150—250元人民币,一顿 便餐约20—30人民币。



高松正人 T a k a m a t s u M a s a t o

世界旅游城市联合会专家委员会 Expert Committee of the World Tourism 运动队 促进城市旅游 Cities Federation Sports Team Promotes City Tourism

若一个城市试图从零起点来发展体育旅游的话,要想吸引知 Furthermore, season for Okinawa. In recent years, the Okinawa 名体育赛事是不太容易的,因为关于主办城市的竞争很激烈。这 baseball fans from all Prefecture government and 种情况下,邀请一支运动队入驻是上佳之选。 over Japan came to Tourist Bureau have been 尽管我本人并没有参与这个项目,但据我所知,日本札幌 Okinawa to watch team promoting the sports camp of Okinawa. This year, 就成功地成为了火腿斗士职业棒球队的根据地。过去札幌没有职 trainings and open the Okinawa Prefecture 业运动队入驻的经验,当以东京巨蛋为主场的棒球队于 2003 年 tournaments, while attracted ten baseball 寻找新的主办城市时,拥有 200 万人口的札幌——北海道的首 having close contact teams of all 12 professional teams in Japan to 府——主动邀请它来此落户。札幌有一个新建成的多动能圆顶体 with star players. They participate in the spring 育场是棒球运动的理想场地。现在这个体育场也用来举办其他体 boost the occupancy camp. Besides Japanese 育赛事、现场音乐会和展览。火腿斗士棒球队的比赛吸引了来自 rate of hotel rooms. It is teams, Okinawa has also successfully attracted six 札幌、整个北海道以及更远地区如东京的棒球迷们前来观看,对 estimated that the 2014 baseball teams from South 札幌的经济产生了广泛的影响。 spring camp event Korea. 我想分享的另外一个例子是日本冲绳。一直以来,冲绳举办 来自日本各地的 contributed a total of The spring camp has 的冬季运动营都非常成功。冲绳位于日本的西南端,它由三个大 棒球迷们也来到 USD 73 million to local exerted tremendous impact. 岛和一百多个小岛构成。因其亚热带气候和独特文化,冲绳一直 冲绳观看球队训练和 economy. Athletes and working staff of 销售活动和竞赛中 the teams stay in Okinawa 是日本最受欢迎的旅游胜地之一。然而,过去二月一直是冲绳一 公 开 赛 ,并 且 和 明 星 球 for 2-4 weeks, bringing 常见的主题。 年中的旅游淡季。近年来,冲绳县政府和旅游局一直在推广冲绳 This page: Bell Tower is a symbol of thousands of hotel stays 员亲密接触。他们提高 Sapporo; A Japanese woman dressed 的运动营,今年冲绳县吸引了全日本十二支职业棒球队中的十支 了酒店客房的入住率, If a city attempts in traditional costume; Flower festival for Okinawa in February. to start developing Numerous news media 棒球队来冲绳参加春季营。除日本运动队外,冲绳还成功地吸引 据估计2014年春季营 sports tourism from were also attracted by 了来自韩国的六支棒球队。 对当地经济的贡献为 scratch, it is not easy this event. They stay the whole duration of the camp activities. 春季营产生了很大影响。运动员和运动队工作人员在冲绳待 7300万美元。 to attract renowned invited it to settle in. Sapporo then had a newly established Furthermore, baseball fans from all over Japan came to Okinawa sports events since multi-functional dome stadium as an ideal field for baseball. to watch team practices and open tournaments, while having close 两到四周,为冲绳二月份带来了数以千计的床夜次。春季营还吸 the competition for Now this stadium is also used to hold other sports events, live contact with star players. They boost the occupancy rate of hotel 引了众多媒体,他们在整个营地活动期间也一直住在这里。而且, 本页图:札幌的白色恋人园充满童话色彩; concerts and exhibitions. The competition of the Nippon-ham rooms. It is estimated that the 2014 spring camp event contributed a 新鲜美味的日料是札幌之旅不能错过的。 hosting right is very 来自日本各地的棒球迷们也来到冲绳观看球队训练和公开赛,并 fierce. In such cases, Fighters attracted baseball fans from Sapporo, all of Hokkaido, total of USD 73 million to local economy. the city should try to and even farther regions such as Tokyo, exerting extensive 且和明星球员亲密接触。他们提高了酒店客房的入住率,据估计 The contribution of travel agencies and airlines is the basic impact on Sapporo's economy. invite a sport team to settle in it. elements for such success, as they not only cooperate with 2014 年春季营对当地经济的贡献为 7300 万美元。 Though I have not participated in this project personally, I know Another example I would like to share is Okinawa of Japan. national tourist organizations and local tourist bureaus to 这其中旅行社和航空公司对体育旅游的贡献是其成功的 that Sapporo has successfully been the base of the Hokkaido Over a long period, the winter sports camp hosted by Okinawa organize tourist groups to watch and take part in the sports 基本要素。它们不仅和国家旅游组织及地方旅游局合作组织, Nippon-Ham Fighters, a baseball team of the Pacific League have all been very successful. Located in the southwestern end events in the tourist destinations, but also encourage sports of Japan, Okinawa consists of three major islands and over 100 tourists to explore regions surrounding the city after the matches. 并推广旅游团去观看和参与目的地的体育赛事,还鼓励体育 of Nippon Professional Baseball in Japan. In the past, Sapporo had no professional sports team. When the baseball team small islands. Due to its subtropical climate and unique culture, Tourist agents recommend their company clients to conduct 旅游者在赛后探索城市周边地区。旅游代理可以推荐他们的 based in Tokyo Dome sought a new host city in 2003, the Okinawa has always been one of the most popular resorts in incentive tour in these destinations, as sport is a common theme 公司客户到体育赛事目的地开展激励旅游,因为运动主题是 capital of Hokkaido, Sapporo, with a population of 2 million, Japan. However, in the past, February was always a tourist off- in product marketing and competition.


孟芳 Meng Fang

世界旅游城市联合会专家委员会 Expert Committee of the World Tourism Cities Federation 超级碗 堪比印钞机 Super Bowl is a Money Press

许多城市都是旅行目的 enhance the recognition 2 0 1 4 年 ,有 一 In 2014, almost 地,拥有丰富的旅游资源和 and acceptance of it by 亿一千一百五十万 111,500,000 people domestic and overseas 运动设施。人们自然可以在 人观看了超级碗 watched the Super cities. By hosting the 游览城市的同时观看体育赛 Rugby World Cup and the XLVIII,冠军赛期 Bowl XLVIII. During 事。比如,美国的南卡罗纳 Football World Cup, South 间,广告费用高达每 the championships, Africa has the chance to 托海滩温暖的气候、美丽的 半分钟四百二十万 the advertising price highlight its new image 海滩和高尔夫运动吸引着旅 in the post-segregation 美 元 ,这 使 得 同 年 广 amounted to USD 行者。这里有一百多个高尔 era and change people’s 告费用达 到十二亿 4.2 million per half a initial understanding of it. 夫球场,很多人因为喜欢高 三千三百万。 minute. As a result, Holding a sports event can 尔夫而来这里旅行。 create job opportunities the advertising income 体育赛事是很有意思的, 本页图:目前最多举办超级碗的地方 and acquire income by 是新奥尔良。 of the year reached selling tickets, acquiring 人们对他们喜欢的运动和团队 1.233 billion. sponsorship, attracting 热衷不已。举办一场体育赛事,尤其是热门赛事,对于主办城 advertisement placement and commercial sales. 市和运动队来说都能带来巨大的收益。体育赛事可以通过门票、 This page: Super Bowl Sunday is the day 赞助、广告、传播权、商业销售和观看者(以及他们的家人和 with the second largest food consumption However, hosting a sports in a single day in US, only next to event may also bring some 朋友)的旅行和食宿花费带来收入。例如,国家橄榄球联盟季 Thanksgiving Dayl; Super Bowl is held on Sunday in January or Febis called Super negative influence, such 后赛和超级碗是美国获利最多的赛季后体育比赛。2014 年,有 Bowl Sunday. as high cost of building 一亿一千一百五十万人观看了超级碗 XLVIII,冠军赛期间,广 要举办体育赛事、吸引旅游者,城市应该在体育设施上充 Sports events are very interesting, people are enthusiastic stadiums, short-term use of some facilities after the 告费用高达每半分钟四百二十万美元,这使得同年广告费用达 分投入。定期持续举办体育赛事非常重要,只有这样体育设施 about their favorite sports and teams. Holding a sports event, especially a hot event, can bring tremendous income to event, safety cost during the event, and high tax burden of local 到十二亿三千三百万。 和场馆才能实现它们的价值和高投资回报率。城市还要确保除 the host city and the involved sports teams. Sports events residents. Therefore, in holding a sports event and developing sports tourism, a city should have far-sighted strategic vision. 从长远看,成功并持续地举办一项体育赛事能够极大地提 体育赛事外,还能够提供丰富的旅游活动,让体育旅游者和同 can generate income by tickets, sponsorship, advertising, 升一个城市的形象和经济。举办体育赛事能够提高一个城市的 licensing of rebroadcast right, business sales and the travel To host a sports event and attract tourists, a city should heavily 伴能够获得丰富的旅游体验。此外,有必要增强城市作为体育 and accommodations of the audience (as well as their family invest in sports facilities. It is very important to regularly hold the 知名度,并增强国内外城市对它的认可和接受程度。通过举办 旅游目的地的宣传。许多城市如波士顿、芝加哥和纽约在举办 and friends). For instance, the National Football League Playoff event, as only in this way can the sports facilities and stadiums 橄榄球世界杯和足球世界杯,南非有机会凸显后种族隔离时代 and Super Bowl are the events after the competition season 体育赛事,并把它们和旅游活动结合方面做得很好,这些城市 realize their value and have high rate of return on investment. 的南非新形象并改变人们对它的最初认识。举办体育赛事本身 with the largest profits in the United States. In 2014, almost The city should also be able to provide plentiful tourist options 已经成功地开展了城市旅游推广营销活动。 111,500,000 people watched the Super Bowl XLVIII. During besides the sports event so that sports tourists and their 能够通过出售门票、获得赞助、吸引广告投放、商业销售创造 the championships, the advertising price amounted to USD 4.2 companions can have rich tourist experience. In addition, it is Many cities are tourist destinations rich in tourist resources and 就业机会并获得收益。 million per half a minute. As a result, the advertising income of necessary to strengthen publicizing the city as a destination for sports facilities. People naturally may watch sports events while 但是,举办体育赛事也可能会带来一些负面影响,如建设 the year reached 1.233 billion. sports tourism. Many cities such as Boston, Chicago and New touring a city. For example, Myrtle Beach of South Carolina is York are good examples for combining sports events and tourist 体育场馆的高成本、赛事过后一些设施的短期使用、赛事期间 In the long run, successful and continuous holding of a sports a major tourist city in the United States, attracting tourists for its event can substantially upgrade a city’s image and economy. activities. These cities have already successfully conducted 的安全成本、当地居民的高税负。因此,在举办体育赛事和发 warm climate, beautiful beaches and golf activities. There are Hosting a sports event can improve a city’s reputation and tourism marketing campaigns. 展体育旅游上,城市应该有长远的战略眼光。 over 100 golf courses here, many people travel here for golf.


Past Winter Olympics Host Cities 冬奥会城市巡礼 Since the 1st Winter Olympics was held in Chamonix, France in 1924, 23 自从1924年在法国的霞慕尼举行了第一届冬季奥运会,至今已经举办了 Winter Olympics have been held altogether. Among the city members 23届 , 在 W T CF的会员城市里,都灵、温哥华、札幌,举办过冬奥会,他 of WTCF, Torino, Vancouver and Sapporo have made themselves known 们让世界通过冬奥会更好地了解和记住了他们。 and remembered by the world through Winter Olympics. 温哥华 都灵

A land of idyllic beauty built on 因为几乎每个地道的 2006年第20届冬奥会举办地 2010年第21届冬奥会举办地 说到意大利都灵,人们首先会联想到文艺复兴 the plain surrounded by Stura 温哥华人都对冰雪有着特 di Lanzo River and Sangone 虽说温哥华是加拿大最温暖的城市之一,但每 殊的感情,小孩子只要可 时期的古罗马建筑和让人激情澎湃的足球比赛。但 River, Torino is not big. The city 到冬季也绝对是人们旅行的好时节。 以自己走路、跑动,便能 是,即使这里没有特别与冰雪相关的节日、庆典, is located at the foot of the Alps. 在 2010 年冬奥会举办场地的惠斯特山上,游 却依然成为了 2006 年第 20 届冬奥会的举办地,可 Here, fresh cool wind assails towards 在冰球厂和当地各大滑雪 people head-on, and saturates their 客可以体验到越野滑雪、跳台滑雪、直升机滑雪和 地看到他们的身影,大人 见都灵与冬奥会、冰雪运动的缘分。 hearts. Here, one can find natural ice lakes, 经典单、双板滑雪等经典的特色冬季活动,即使不 Tips 们也自不用说,只要与冰雪 依托斯图拉迪兰佐河、桑格内河所包围的平原之 green cedars, an elegant Centre Island with ecological 怎么运动的人,只要看到这里的皑皑白雪、湛蓝天空, 上的世外桃源,整座城市虽然不大,却恰好位于阿尔 landscape, swirling snowflakes and the rich fragrance 有关的体育项目,都会得到 of Nordic. You will wish that you could put on the skates, 都灵是意大利大区皮 以及处处洋溢着的对滑雪运动无限热爱的深厚情怀, 他们的热烈追捧。由此可见,温 卑斯山脚下,走进阿尔卑斯冰雪天地,一股沁人心脾 slide onto the ice, and play. The graceful and mercurial 埃 蒙 特 的 首 府 ,而 因 为 也会为之动容、感染。 意大利三分之一的巧克 的清凉冰爽扑面而来。天然的冰湖、青葱的雪松、精 curves left on the ice surface by the ice skate blade give 哥华与冰雪的缘分虽然没有那么的张 力制造工厂位于皮埃蒙 致优雅的生态景观湖心岛、漫天的雪花、浓郁的北欧 people a sense of freedom. Obviously, Torino lives up 特 ,所 以 这 里 被 称 做 意 扬高调,却总能在整个冬季、全部城市中瞬 to the designation as the “The Capital of the Alps.” Tips 大 利 最 甜 的 地 方 ,而 都 间发现和淋漓尽致地感受到。 风情让人恨不得立刻穿上冰鞋、滑入冰场,玩个痛快。 灵自然也获得了巧克力 Bardonecchia Ski Areas, the venue of 2006 Winter 驰骋在冰面上,时而似鸿雁展翅,时而似海底捞针, 之都的美名,每间巧克 Olympics, is a perfect place for ice and snow sports 力 店 都 不 可 小 看 ,动 辄 在温哥华,有几件小 脚下的冰刀在冰面上划出一道道优美而又变幻莫测的 fans of Torino and the world with various ski tracks 就 有 上 百 年 的 历 史 ,最 Vancouver: Host City of the Twenty-first Winter 事 不 可 错 过 :游 览 让 经典的是姜杜约多可可 人心惊胆战的卡皮拉 线条,心情也立刻自由起来。由此可见,都灵被称为 and the hanging cliff well over 2,000m above sea Olympics in 2010 榛 子 粉 巧 克 力 、普 拉 莉 Vancouver, one of the temperature warm cities in 诺吊桥;到美食街品 level. Swooping down from mountain top, the 尝世界菜肴;北美第 “阿尔卑斯之都”也是名副其实。 纳夹心巧克力。 Canada, provides a good opportunity for travelling in excitement is highlighted. 二 大 的 唐 人 街 ,值 得 而作为 2006 年冬奥会场馆的巴尔多内加滑雪 winter. 一 逛 ;历 史 悠 久 的 煤 气 镇 ,洋 溢 着 那 个 开 场也因其数量众多、种类各异的滑雪赛道,起始于 In Whistler Mountain, the venue of the Winter Olympics 拓时期的气息…… 海拔 2000 米俯冲而下的刺激山地,变成了都灵乃 in 2010, visitors can engage in classic winter activities such as cross-country skiing, ski jumping, heli-skiing, 至全世界喜欢冰雪运动的人们来此娱乐的体育圣地。 and snowboarding and double board skiing. Even for those who are not much of a sports fanatic, the snow- Torino: Host City of the Twentieth Winter covered mountain, the blue sky, and deep feelings of Olympics in 2006 passion for skiing permeating in the atmosphere act on The mention of Torino, Italy will call to mind the them like a tonic. ancient Roman buildings during the Renaissance Almost every native Vancouver resident has a and the passion-filled football matches. The city, special connection to ice and snow. Tottering children with no festivals and celebrations relevant to ice are seen in ice hockey rinks and local ski hills. For and snow, nevertheless became the host city of men, they fancy whatever is related to ice and snow. the twentieth Winter Olympics in 2006, proofing Vancouver’s relationship with ice and snow, which is that there is something between the city, the Winter not that high profile, can be found and felt throughout Olympics, and the snow and ice. winter in the big fuss of the city.


札幌 跟随赛事去旅行 世界上有这样一些知名且独具魅力的精彩赛事,只一提及,便会马上想到其别具 一格、激情四射的举办城市,赛事因城市而精彩,城市因赛事而著名。

1972年第11届冬奥会的举办地 Travelling with Sports Events 这里四季分明,春天,紫丁香和铃兰让城市披 There are some famous and fascinating sports events in the world, the mere 上了一片绚丽的紫色,初夏,金合欢盛开绽放着幽 mention of which will remind people of their unique and invigorating host cities. The sports events and their host cities have developed a relationship that brings 香,秋天金黄色的银杏林让天空都呈现阳光般的暖 Every year, Sapporo has outdoor out the best in each other. 色。入冬之后,就是札幌最美的季节,整个城市一 activities with ice and snow as the 片雪白,宛如童话世界。 theme, which is known as Sapporo 札幌每年都有以冰雪为主题的户外活动, 也就 Snow Festival. Originated in 1950, Sapporo Snow Festival is a business 是人们所知的札幌雪祭。札幌雪祭起源于 1950 年, activity focusing on displaying large 是以展示大型雪雕与冰雕作品为主的商业活动,吸 snow and ice sculpture works. The event, 引着 200 万名来自日本及世界各地的游客参与,每 held in February each year for a week, attracts two million tourists from Japan and around the world. 年 2 月举行,为期一周。雪祭共有三个会场 :大通 There are three venues for the Snow Festival: Odori 会场、薄野会场和 Tsudomu 会场。雪祭分为雪堆 Venue, Susukino Venue, and Tsudomu Venue. 和冰雕两大部分。雪祭的参赛者们把自己的想象力 The Snow Festival has two parts: snow sculptures and ice sculptures, both of which require the active 发挥到了极致。作品从人物、动物到世界名胜,包 imagination of the competitors to create an amazing 罗万象,无所不有。 array of figures, animals, and places of interests. 冬季还有两个节庆不能错过,它们是 1 月~ 3 There are two festivals in winter that can not be 月在札幌市内举行的跳台滑雪(ski jump)和 1 月 missed: ski jump held in January–March in Sapporo 29 日 -2 月 14 日举办的千岁支笏湖冰雪节。 and Ice Festival held in Lake Shikotsuko, Kyukamura from January 29–February 14.

Sapporo: Host City of the Eleventh Winter Olympics in 1972 Sapporo has four distinctive seasons. In spring, the city is covered with a purple layer of lilac and lily of the valley. In early summer, sweet acacia are in full bloom, exuding subtle fragrance. In autumn, the sky sparkles like gold with the yellow ginkgo forest. In winter, the most beautiful season of Sapporo, the city is covered with white snow, like a scene from a fairy tale.


札幌以市中心电视塔附近的中心点为基准,各街区按东南西北 方向标注地名。中央区的大通公园是一片狭长的绿地,它一直 延伸至电视塔,是该市的主要特色,更是各类节庆的主会场。 这座东西向的公园将札幌分为南北两部分。薄野,俱乐部聚集 地和娱乐区,在中央区的大通南部。在大通南部是闹市购物 区。 北海道是个美食的王国,肉质肥嫩的长腿蟹,鲜香四溢的成吉 思汗烤肉,有着浓郁豚骨汤味的北海道拉面,以及全世界闻名


Royal Ascot A Competition Among Gentlemen and a Show Among Gorgeous Women Royal Ascot, also known as Special Show of Royal most famous sporting event, strict codes for dressing Ascot, is the world's most famous horse racing game shall be observed. For gentlemen, they must wear as well as an important social activity in Berkshire, top hats, shirts, jackets and ties. Ladies also need UK to be held every June. Royal Ascot, with great to wear formal suits with top hats. In every corner of influence and high reputation, never fails to attract the racing stadium, one will find wide-brimmed hats, numerous wealthy or illustrious people throughout berets and other hats, all of which have characters the world who want to take a glimpse of the noble of their own and exaggerated shapes and colors. grandness of The Royal Family and atmosphere of Lighting up people's eyes are gorgeous red rose the competition. hats, fashionable top hats with white ribbon designs and English slogans, and chic hats painted with In addition to horse racing itself, what really catches colors of the national flag of the UK. people's attention is the active interest of Royal The prospect of watching members. In the first day of this year’s event, Her competitions in a private Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, together with other balcony equipped with Royal members, was in attendance. Her Majesty a spacious dinning was wearing a pink ceremonial dress and a string hall, flat panel TV of pearls on her neck, with a posh top hat the color and bar, while of the dress completing the outfit, which gave off an feasting your aura of enthusiasm, elegance and respect. eyes on such 皇家赛马会 The various “top hats” of the spectators of the a high class 绅士追逐 名媛斗秀 event, who are mostly celebrities and nobility in the “ F a s h i o n upper class of the UK, are the highlight of Royal S h o w ” Ascot which constitutes the most prominent and will make unique feature when compared to horse racing your time in 爱斯科皇家赛马会,即雅诗阁赛马会皇家专场, events in other countries. The British have always a England well special liking for top hats which designate the status worth while. 是世界上最著名的赛马比赛,也是英国每年都会举 of their owners and bear special cultures locally. For 办的重要社交活动。正是源于其在全球的巨大影响 honorable guests of Royal Ascot, which is Britain's 力和极高知名度,每次爱斯科皇家赛马会都会吸引 来自世界各地不计其数的中外媒体和游客,以一睹 其高贵且盛大的皇家风采和比赛氛围。 除了赛马项目本身,英国皇家赛马会最吸眼球 衬衫礼服,打领带。而女士也要求以英式正装亮相, 的地方就是皇室的积极参与,今年活动首日,英国 并且搭配礼帽。因此,在整个赛马会现场,无论是 女王伊丽莎白二世就携王室成员出席赛马会现场。 宽边帽、贝雷帽,所有帽子均独具个性、造型夸张 身着粉色礼服的她,佩戴着温润低调的珍珠项链, 色彩绚丽。抢眼的红色玫瑰花帽、白色丝带设计搭 搭配礼服同色高贵礼帽,热情洋溢且备显优雅、庄 配英文标语的潮流礼帽、英国国旗颜色绘制的别致 重气质。 帽子都绝对让人耳目一新。如此看来,在配有宽敞 因为来此观看比赛的多是英国社会上层名流和 餐厅、平板电视和酒吧的私人包厢里观赏比赛的同 贵族,所以各位名媛和绅士所佩戴的各色“礼帽” 时,再欣赏一下如此高品位的“时装秀”,也不失为 也成为了爱斯科皇家赛马会的亮点。也是其相较别 去英国旅游最具时尚价值的事了。 国赛马赛事最突出和与众不同的地方。英国人向来 对帽子情有独钟,它不仅是身份的象征,更是当地 本页图:英国皇家赛马会1711年由安妮女王创办;伊丽 莎白女王亲临现场为优胜者颁奖。 特有的时尚文化,而作为英国最有名的体育赛事, 凡是参与爱斯科皇家赛马会的贵宾们,也一定要遵 守其精细的着装要求 :男士必须佩戴绅士高帽,穿


Volvo Ocean Race A Journey of the Brave Whose Hearts Are so Faraway 沃尔沃环球帆船赛 Our hearts are so far away, which facilitates us to 心系远方的勇敢者之旅 discover a new and wider world. The Volvo Ocean Race, the longest professional sports event that is also a top-notch offshore sailing event around the world. It stands in line with American Cup Sailing Boats Competition and 因为心系远方,我们才能发现新大陆,才能拥 Olympic Sailing Competition as the world’s top three 有更辽阔的世界。 yacht races. 沃尔沃环球帆船赛是世界上历时最长的职业体 On Sept. 8, 1973, 17 yachts carrying 167 sailors 育赛事,也是全球顶尖的离岸帆船赛事,与美洲杯 set out on the first leg of the race from Solent and 帆船赛和奥运会帆船比赛并称为世界三大帆船赛事。 headed southward for Cape Town. Over the past 40 years, many things have changed, but the essence 这是人类挑战自然极限的运动,是只有勇士才能完 of the race remains the same as before. The ocean, 成的壮举。 as always is full of challenges, beauty, and danger. 1973年9月8日,总计17支赛船搭载着167 The sailors in their carbon fiber racing boats, like different their predecessors who engaged on their first legs. In the 名水手从索伦特(Solent)出发,挑战第一赛段, voyage round the world 40 years ago, are fighting for 2014–2015 朝南向开普敦前进。在过去 40 年间,太多东西发 success. s e a s o n , 10 in- 生了改变,但赛事的精髓依旧如初。海洋仍然和从 The Volvo Ocean Race has been divided into port races 前一样充满挑战、美丽、危险,而如今驾驶着碳纤 in the 9 维赛船的船员们,也和从前 40 年前那些首次环球 legs were 航行的前辈们一样,依旧在为赢得胜利而奋力前进。 held. Every yac ht m ust 沃尔沃环球帆船赛一直是分赛段进行比赛, go through a 2014 —2015 赛季分为 9 个赛段并举办 10 场港内 total distance 赛。每艘赛船都要跨越总计约 38739 海里(71745 of about 38,739 nautical miles (71,745 公里)的距离,穿越四大洋(大西洋、太平洋、印 km), which included four 度洋和南大洋),并造访五大洲11 个国家 :西班牙、 oceans (the Atlantic Ocean, 南非、阿联酋、中国、新西兰、巴西、美国、葡萄牙、 the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Antarctic Ocean), five continents, and eleven 法国、荷兰和瑞典。 countries: Spain, South Africa, the United Arab 当赛事举办时,气候宜人的西班牙阿利坎特港 Emirates, China, New Zealand, Brazil, the United 聚集了来自世界各地的观众来这里观摩赛事,2014 States, Portugal, France, Holland, and Sweden. 年10月8日起航,2015年6月27日在瑞典哥德 When the event was held, the beautiful and warm Alicante Port of Spain saw a congregation of 堡收官。而在上一届赛事中,全世界范围内总计有 spectators from all over the world. The race began 多达 290 万名观众参与到了 10 个停靠港的活动中。 on Oct. 8, 2014 and ended on June 27, 2015 in 和奥运会帆船赛事一样,沃尔沃环球帆船赛并 Goteborg, Sweden. In the last race, a total number of 2.9 million spectators in 10 ports of call throughout 没有任何金钱上的奖励可提供给冠军。然而,在帆 the world took part in the race. 船的世界里,没有任何一项荣誉可与赢得沃尔沃环 Like the sailing events in the Olympic Games, Volvo 球帆船赛相提并论,它代表着人类生生不息永不消 Ocean Race has no monetary rewards for the 失的勇气和毅力。 champion. However, in the world of sailing boats, not a single race deserves to be mentioned in the same 本页图:小屋里住着守望大海的人;帆船赛历 breath as Volvo Ocean Race, which represents the 时 8 个 月 ,坚 持 下 来 就 是 勇 士 。 courage and persistence of humans that are forever flourishing and eternal.


Boston Marathon “Spirit” Matters 波士顿马拉松 Americans like running, and the Boston Marathon is Since its founding in 1897, the Boston Marathon This page: An old street; 只为跑出“精神” renowned as the world's oldest Marathon competition has become an integrated part of the culture of the Harvard University and one of the six major World Marathons. city. Unlike grand international events, it is more of a simple and warm family dinner. Only by knowing this In the eyes of many people, Boston is a bustling, can you gain a deeper understanding of the peaceful 美国人对跑步情有独钟,他们对于田径运动的 静以及波士顿人的喜 advanced metropolis built on the economic basis and silent Marathon and the anger and grief of the of scientific research, finance and technology, and 痴迷程度几近忘乎所以。每年在国内举办的马拉松 怒悲伤,也更感动于 Bostonians when it was destroyed. You will be moved also enjoys the highest level of education among the by their efforts and emotions devoted to resuming 比赛更是层出不群,令人目眩。而美国波士顿马拉 他们为了体育精神来 masses in America. It is the high tech atmosphere the event. Standing by the track, you will be inspired 松大赛以其全球最古老的马拉松比赛、世界六大马 过付出的所有努力与 which is formed over time that has bestowed a by the competitors who are soaked with perspiration, unique charm on the popular game. Besides, the 拉松比赛之一等各项殊荣闻名世界。 情感。在赛道旁立足观 panting heavily, but refuse to give in, with their teeth styles of Boston featuring the pursuit of perfection clenched. Every step they make, every inch they 在大多数人心中,波士顿是一个繁华、先进的 看,总会被跑道上挥洒汗 as well as the profundity of its unique history also move carry the radiating vitality of the tenacious city 大都市,以科研、金融与技术为经济基础,是全美 水、气喘吁吁却依然还在咬 serve as a boosting effect for Marathon. The cultural which never gives up. The moment the competitors traditions that have been passing down the line 人口中受教育程度最高的地区。而也正是源于其长 牙坚持的参赛选手所感动,他们在 cross the finishing line, they joyously shout and are of the history of Boston and the competition rules awarded with rings made of olive branches which 久以来形成的高科技氛围,才让相对接地气的马拉 每一步脚印上,每一米前进中,都仿佛传递着波士 which keep improving dictate that Boston Marathon are quite enough happiness to be going on with. 松赛事更具特别魅力。波士顿马拉松比赛要求极为 顿不服输、顽强坚韧的蓬勃生命力。冲入终点,在 has demanding requirements in the threshold of They don’t come here for rewards but for sport and screening and rare success ratio. Tickets are hard to 苛刻,无论是入围门槛,还是凤毛麟角的中签比率 参赛者欢呼雀跃的时候,只有一个小小的橄榄枝花 competition, through which the connotations of the obtain, and this is exactly what happens to charitable 皆是如此,就连慈善、赞助商想要观看比赛也是一 环作为奖励,也会让他们开心不已。因为,他们来 city and sports spirit of unremitting efforts and self 本页图:没有奖金,为了 organizations and sponsors. But it does nothing to strengthening are carried. 票难求。虽然这般不容易,也丝毫没有影响世界马 此不是为了奖金,而是只为运动、竞技,并以此传 热爱跑而跑;波士顿马拉 lessen the fever of Marathon enthusiasts throughout 松是历史最悠久的赛事 the world. 拉松爱好者来此参赛的狂热劲儿。 达不懈、自强的城市内涵和体育精神。 之 一 ;波 士 顿 纪 念 雕 塑 。 自 1897 年创立以来,波士顿马拉松比赛就已 深深融入波士顿城市文化的血脉。它并不像是盛大 恢宏的国际赛事,反而更接近一场朴素而温暖的家 宴。了解了这一点,你才会更懂得马拉松的安详宁


Tour de France riding enthusiasts and tourists throughout the world. 环法自行车赛 Scenic Landscape Beside the Racing Track Towns along the track will be glad if they are selected 赛道旁的旖旎风光 Tour de France, the world's leading annual multi as the starting station of the Tour de France, which stage road cycling event, is mainly held in France, enjoys worldwide reputation. The warm-up match occasionally making passes through neighboring and the first stage of the match, which normally countries like Belgium and Holland. The starting point start from the same town, are such a particular of the race, mostly in northern cities but sometimes 环法自行车赛是全球知名的年度多阶段公路自 赛事结束时,领先者将可穿上黄色领骑衫,最佳冲 spectacle unlike most have ever witnessed. From in neighboring countries, varies each year, and the one town to the next, each section will be timed and 行车运动赛事,主要在法国举办,但也经常出入英 刺者将被赠予一件绿色车衣,山间赛事中之最佳骑 last stage of the race will make a trip around France the competitors will be ranked accordingly. The total 国、比利时等周边国家。每年起点不同,大多在北 士将会得到一件波尔卡点运动衣,以彰显佳绩。虽 before reaching Paris. The event starts at the early score of each competitor is the accumulated time of July and ends at the end of July every year. The This page:Winners; 方的城市,有时也在邻近国家,固定赛程为环绕法 然每届环法自行车赛的赛程不尽相同,但其想通过 all stages, and the one with shortest sum total will be Countryside scenery in 本页图:法国乡村是比 racers will go through 21 stages of the race totaling the winner. At the end of a day’s match, the leader France; Working farmers 城市更有吸引力的目 国一周,到达终点巴黎。整个比赛于每年7 月初开始, 赛事展示法国特色、绚丽景致的初衷却始终不变, 3,200 km. This tradition began in 1903 and still in French countryside 的 地 ;骑 行 者 要 适 应 will be awarded a yellow jersey, while the best sprinter 月底结束,共进行 21 个赛段的项目比拼,总赛程 这也使得法国众多的美妙景色被越来越多喜爱它的 各种复杂的道路。 prevails today. will be awarded a green jersey. With mountain 为 3200 公里左右。自从 1903 年开始以来,始终 游客所熟知。 The race is divided into a flat stage and a mountain events, the best rider will be awarded stage according to different topographic features, a Polka Dot Jersey to match his 保持着这一传统,并坚持至今。 with the highest altitude well over 2,200 meters. One performance. The schedule of 全部比赛按道路情况不同可划分为平地赛段和 can find Alps towns with enthralling quality, pure Tour de France differs year 山地赛段,海拔最高可达 2200 米。欧式风情小镇 white snow mountains, unbroken lines of clouds, and to year, but what remains fragrances of lavender and wine that travel far… constant is its motives 引人入胜 ;纯白雪山、云朵连绵天地 ;薰衣草和葡 to give a display of the 萄酒香扑面而来……所有的风景都那么牵动人心。 The new 2015 Tour de France is also a continuation gorgeous sceneries of the previous race style: driving off across 而 2015 年全新的环法自行车比赛也延续了以 featuring French Belgium, Holland and France before arriving at characteristics, 往的线路风格 :途径比利时、荷兰、法国三地,并 Champs Elysees of Paris. Thanks to the significant which makes the 最终到达巴黎香榭丽舍大道。大赛也希望所有选手 differences of racing track in both the topography beautiful sceneries and circumstances, Tour de France has posed strict 都能具备可以完成各种赛段竞技的专业水平,以为 of France known demands on the riding skills of the competitors. It is to more and more 更好地给各国游客和骑行爱好者提供极具观赏性精 hoped that all competitors have professional skills, tourists. 彩赛事而努力。 and are able to finish the race with various stages, sparing no effort in creating an exciting event for 因为环法自行车赛的名气,沿途的城镇都愿意 成为赛段的起始站。而大赛的前奏赛和第一赛段又 是特别风光,因为两场比赛一般都从同一个城镇出 发,比赛热潮空前。从一个城镇到下一个,每一段 分别计时排名。所有段成绩累计起来决定每一位赛 手的总成绩。冠军为各段时间累计最少者。在每日


F1 Shanghai Grand Prix The Fast and the Furious Listen carefully, can you hear the roars of motor allowed to top out at 327 km/h in the longest straight started by the racers from F1 racing track? Can you road, and only 87km/h in the narrowest bend section. hear the endless joyous shouts whenever the black It is only in racing games which turns out to be much and white flag is waved beyond the racing track? too stimulating, that the intense, exciting feelings of Since 1950, when The FIA World Championship the audience are high flying. was first held by FIA (Federation Internationale de The news center, air restaurant, living quarter of l'Automobile), the romantic story of F1 racecars the motorcade and villa area in and around the speeding in the race track was no longer a myth. Shanghai International Circuit are stylish and The F1 Grand Prix is such a spectacle throughout glamorous. Spanning across the race track like a the world that whenever it is held, more than 1 pair of spreading wings are the news center and This page: A coffee house billion people will watch the match through television air restaurant, creating a one-of-a-kind race track in the downtown area; A broadcast or other media. In April when the F1 design. statue in the street Shanghai Grand Prix is held, hundreds of thousands of visitors and racing fans will pour in the city. The gripping competitions, famous car racers from all over the world, and Shanghai International Circuit with the great splendor put the numerous fans in high spirits. The total length of the racing track in Shanghai International Circuit, which is composed of F1 racing track and others, is about 7 kilometers. The overall shape of the racing track is like the Chinese character “Shang” (meaning "High"). The high- speed racing track makes it easy for powerful 赛道,又有 engines to function at the highest level. The abrupt turns are quite a challenge for the skills of the racers. 具有挑战性、 上海F1大奖赛 The spiral shaped shrinkage bend, with many racing 重温速度与激情 充分体现车手 lines at the corner, is definitely the most singular of 技术的弯道。其 all. Schumacher, a top racecar driver, had taken full advantage of the differences in the design of 中,螺线型的收缩弯道 racing lines to get ahead of Alonso and won the 当属所有赛道中最具特色的一段。其进弯有多条赛 championship title in the last section. Race cars are 侧耳倾听,听到从 F1 赛道上传来的车手启动 车线,顶级赛车手舒马赫就曾经在此利用这里不同 赛车引擎的轰鸣声了吗?听到黑白格旗摇动掀起的 的赛车线设计,超越了阿隆索,并获得了他最后一 阵阵场外欢呼了吗?自从 1950 年 FIA 国际汽车联 个分站冠军桂冠。而其最长直道上的最高允许时速 盟举办了 The FIA World Championship 开始,F1 更为 327 公里 / 小时,并且在窄弯道处要求制动到 赛车驰骋于赛道的传奇色彩就由传播开来。基于全 87 公里 / 小时的时速,如此高速刺激,也定会给观 球 F1 每站比赛均超过 10 亿人次通过电视转播或 众带来只有赛车运动才能体验到的非凡激烈、紧张 其他媒体观赏的空前影响力,每年上海赛事举办之 和刺激感受。 时,总会吸引几十万游客和赛车迷涌入城中。扣人 另外,得益于上海高度繁荣、时尚的城市氛围, 心弦的紧张比赛、世界各国知名车手的迅速云集以 这里的新闻中心、空中餐厅、车队生活区别墅区等 及绝对称得上匠心独具的上海国际赛车场,都让粉 建筑也别具风格 :新闻中心和空中餐厅这对对称的 丝 high 到爆。 建筑横跨赛道,是目前世界赛车场中独一无二的设 上海国际赛车场赛道总长度 7 公里左右,由 F1 计,仿佛一对翅膀架设在高空之中。而 26 座别墅 本 页 图 :上 海 的 F 1 赛道和其类型赛道组成。其整体造型犹如一个翩翩 的设计灵感更源自上海豫园的九曲桥,古朴中凸显 赛道能让比赛更加 惊险刺激。 起舞的“上”字。既有利于大马力引擎发挥的高速 素雅,现代中蕴藏幽静,是中西合璧的建筑精品。


澳网公开赛 运动也疯狂

澳大利亚网球公开赛是澳洲知名的体育盛事, 将网球的趣味与社交、文化活动相结合,充分体现 了澳大利亚对体育、运动的无限热爱和追捧。每年 年初,世界各国的网球巨星都会在此集结,争夺赛 季的首个大满贯头衔。该项为期两周的赛事在吸引 烈·阿加西和罗杰·费 世界所有顶级网球选手在此云集的同时,也吸引了 德勒是目前并列为澳大 超过 50 万的观众前来观赛。 利亚网球公开赛中获得大满 在盛夏举行的澳大利亚网球公开赛,主要在两 贯头衔最多的男运动员 ;塞雷 大装有伸缩式屋顶的球场举行,它们分别为罗德·拉 娜·威廉姆斯曾 5 次于澳大利亚网球 沃尔球场和海信运动场。 澳大利亚网球公开赛和温 公开赛上赢得大满贯头衔,是至今为止在该项赛事 布尔登网球公开赛是世界仅有的两个可供室内比赛 中赢得头衔最多的“女中豪杰”……. 的大满贯赛事。而澳网公开赛于 1905 年首次举办, 也正因为如此富于传奇色彩的历史瞬间被实况 当时也被称作澳大拉西亚锦标赛。1969 年其更名为 记录下来,澳大利亚网球公开赛的观赛门票一直都 澳大利亚网球公开赛,而直到 1988 年比赛也一直 一票难求。除此之外,当国际网球巨星在赛场上争 都是以草坪球场开赛的。 夺梦寐以求的奖杯之时,全天候的节日庆典也将同 本页图:去澳大利亚 Australian Open Tennis Championships 在这个绿荫赛场上,也曾铭记和出现了许多网 期上演。届时,球场内外将开设夜间音乐会以及不 能 不 看 袋 鼠 吗 ;海 上 运动是澳大利亚人的 Sports are a Wild Thing 球史上的经典时刻和运动巨星。马茨·维兰德是唯 间断的现场娱乐活动,让各国游客在观赛之余,也 最爱。 As a major event in Australia, Australian Open Tennis 一在草地和硬地球场赢得锦标赛的男运动员 ;安德 能一饱眼福。 Championships is a combination of tennis, social relationships and cultural activities which marks the country out as a place with a burning enthusiasm towards sports. In the beginning of each year, tennis stars throughout the world will gather in Australia for the first Grand Slam title of the season. The two- week long event has exerted a powerful pull on all the well as athletic giants. Mats Wilander is the only man top tennis players in the world. It has also attracted in the world who has won championships in both numerous audiences. grass court and hard court. Andre Agassi and Roger Australian Open Tennis Championships, which Federer are evenly matched with most Grand Slam is held in January each year, takes place in Rod titles in Australian Open Tennis Championships. Laver Arena and Hisense Arena, both of which Serena Williams, who has won five Grand Slam are equipped with retractable roofs. Australian titles in Australian Open Tennis Championships, is Open Tennis Championships and Wimbledon the “most influential woman” with most titles in the Championships are the only two Grand Slam sport… tournaments in the world that feature indoor sports So many romantic episodes are recorded down in the fields. Australian Open Tennis Championships, which history of Australian Open Tennis Championships, of was first held in 1905, was called The Australasian which the tickets are highly sought-after. In addition Championships at first. In 1969 its name was to international tennis stars who fight for the Cup they changed to Australian Open Tennis Championships. dream of, the uninterrupted celebration activities that It had been taking place in lawn field until 1988. will stage as well. Visitors of various countries can feast their eyes on the many night concerts and live The stadium, ringed by dense green trees, had seen This page:Enthusiastic many classic moments in the history of tennis as entertainment. spectators


如果说足球是布宜诺斯艾利斯人的心脏,那球 世界杯 场一定是这只心脏跳动的脉搏。七十多座球场中, 为球而醉,为球而狂 最有名的应当就是糖果盒球场。西班牙语名字叫做 La Bombonera,这座世界闻名的球场,是“博卡 青年队”的主场。这里走出了马拉多纳、维森特等 为世界杯而疯狂的人全世界都有,但哪里也比 世界级的球星。糖果盒一样的造型,承载的是更多 不上布宜诺斯艾利斯,这里拥有世界上最多的足球 平民的梦想。另一座闻名的球场叫做纪念碑球场, 场,总共 73 座——36 座在市中心,37 座在偏僻 与糖果盒球场的灵动相比,这里略显庄严,是河床 的近郊。需要强调的是,在布宜诺斯艾利斯,73 家 俱乐部和阿根廷国家队的主场。这里承办了 1978 足球场就意味着相同数量的球队。 年世界杯。来到纪念碑球场,不仅仅是游览,知识 本 页 图 :世 界 杯 —— 荷 尔 蒙 喷 发 ;万 种 狂 欢 阿根廷,是世界最南端的国家。作为南美洲欧 渊博的导游会带领游客了解关于这座球场和城市的 的节日。 洲移民最多的国家,这里走出了马拉多纳、梅西等 更多故事。 足球巨星。在足球界,与米兰、马德里、巴黎乃至 圣保罗等城市不同的是,布宜诺斯艾利斯的足球队, World Cup 在命名上似乎与这座城市没什么关系,比如“博卡 Mad for Football 青年”和“河床”,但即使不看阿根廷联赛的球迷, Argentina is the southernmost country in the world. have been produced here. The candy box 也对这两支球队略有耳闻,他们代表着阿根廷足球 As the country with the largest number of European shape bears the weight of the dreams of ordinary immigrants in South America, it has produced people. Another famous football field is called the 乃至整个南美足球的最高水平。 football superstars such as Maradona and Messi. Monumental Football Field. In contrast with the cute However, speaking of Argentina, one must mention La Bombonera, this field is more solemn, and it is Buenos Aires. Like the Aegean Sea and Maldives, it home field of the River Plate Club and the Argentina is one of the ten love tourist destinations in the world. National Team. The 1978 World Cup was held here. If women come here for tango, men must come here During the tour in La Bombonera, knowledgeable for football. tour guides will acquaint tourists with more stories of this field and the city. In the football circle, different from cities such as Milan, Madrid, Paris and St. Paul, the football teams of Buenos Aires seem to have nothing to do with this city in terms of naming, such as Boca Juniors and River Plate. Even football fans who have never watched the Argentina League must have heard of these two teams, as they represent the highest level of Argentina football and even football of the whole South America. In Buenos Aires, in fact, there are far more football teams than you can imagine. According to incomplete statistics, there are as many as 78 football teams here! More surprisingly, Buenos Aires, has at least over 70 football fields of different styles! The home fields of the Racing de Avellaneda and the Independiente Avellaneda of Primera Division are less than 100m apart, which is indeed amazing. If football is the heart of Buenos Aires, football fields are the jumping pulses of this heart. Of over 70 football fields, the most famous should be La Bombonera, a world famous football field, which This page:Downtown area of Buenos Aires; is the home field of Boca Juniors. World class People dancing the football stars such as Maradona and Vicente tango on the street


萨拉戈萨之后的周二晚上就是巴萨和枪手的欧冠次 式会员的日子,然后一爱,就是一辈子。 回合大战,所以大家都预见到首发会有部分保留, 看着这生生不息的人群,我强烈地感觉到这里 巴塞罗那 街头的报纸也在纷纷预测着谁会被雪藏。小白那场 就是巴萨的家,我来到了巴萨的家。也许在他们眼 之前还受伤,所以他不上场没有悬念。同样没有悬 里我还是一朵没有贡献会费不会用他们家乡话唱巴 一个人的足球巴萨行 念的是,在讨论阵容的时候,基本都是我先喊谁谁的, 萨队歌的浮云,但是在我心里,我是因为实实在在 身旁这俩人投来些许惊诧的目光,好像说“中国人 地欣赏巴萨现在踢出来的足球,认同这种足球才来 怎么把阵容背的这么烂熟?”。直到后来,巴萨在温 到这里的,在足球面前,别的就都是浮云了。所以,

我要去看的是一场并不重要的西甲联赛,主场 布利捧起大耳朵杯了,我给老爷子又发了封邮件说 我放下了心里之前还有的一点点卑微,虽然还不能 对阵萨拉戈萨。这种比赛票并不抢手,但我第一次 我凌晨熬着夜和一帮巴萨球迷嗨了整晚,中国的巴 正确地唱出巴萨的队歌,可是那个调调,那个鼓点 Tips 去之前还是不懂如何买。很幸运,最后通过朋友解 萨球迷论坛多么沸腾。他回信说,每次当他知道地 儿我做梦都能找准,所以我也跟着吼,身边鼓励的 决了。我的朋友认识在中国做生意的巴塞罗那人, 球的另一面这么多的中国人如此爱着巴萨、理解巴 眼神,让我一下子融入了诺坎普的气氛。 Festes de la Mercè, 而这个友善的巴塞罗那人听说我的状况,热情地帮 萨,他都很感动,也觉得特别奇妙。 也许在电视机前看的话,这场最终一比零的比赛 是巴塞罗那一年一度 诺坎普真的很大!从伦敦出发前我跟一个刚从 可以算作巴萨这赛季最不好看的比赛之一了,可是当 的 盛 大 节 日 ,在 每 年 9 忙联系他在巴塞罗那的父亲。就如此不可思议地, 月 举 行 ,有 许 多 大 型 活 国谈商业合作的时候,一群 我和一个慈祥的巴萨老爷子联系上了,交了这么个 诺坎普看球回去的香港人聊天,他说他买的位置不 你置身现场的时候,你就能近距离地观察巴萨压倒性 动 ,比 如 烟 火 表 演 、化 妆游行,队伍中还会有 巴塞罗那人和一群中国人一起 好,在最上面,看球场里的球员跟黑点儿似的,对 的控球,精确合理的有球处理,积极勤奋的无球跑动; 忘年朋友。更没想到的是,78 岁的老爷子,1945 木 制 巨 人 。节 日 里 必 不 吃饭,席间大家即兴唱歌。巴 可少的就是加泰罗尼亚 年就成了巴萨的会员,每年交着会费,拿着会员卡, 面看台上方那些脑袋他看着就跟屏幕像素似的。进 各种教科书上范例般的撞墙和三角被巴萨的球员演绎 特有的招牌饮料—— 塞罗那人先举着加泰罗尼亚旗开 看着球赛 ;而且他一家人好几个巴萨会员。看比赛 来了我才知道自己的座位特别靠下,所以很难去寻 得如花式撞球般精准快速让对手完全找不着北。当每 Cava。 唱巴萨队歌,就是大家每场巴萨比赛 的时候老爷子直接咔嚓一张卡就给我刷进诺坎普了, 找他的感觉。不过抬头往上看看,同样也挺晕的。 次全场球迷在自己的球队推进遇到困难的时候都喊起 赛前赛后都能听到的那个。他说当时席上的中 我身边坐着俩小学生,俩人叽里咕噜地完全不知道 口号唱起队歌鼓劲,每个精彩的动作都能迎来整个诺 畅通无阻如砍菜切瓜,让我目瞪口呆。 本 页 图 :诺 坎 普 球 场 。 国人哪里听过巴萨队歌啊,都以为他们唱的是西班 他们在说什么。看样子他们跟着他们的父亲一起看 坎普潮水般的掌声的时候,你不得不感慨,这是一座 左 页 图 :巴 萨 专 卖 店 ; 约好四点和老爷子在酒店见,所以我抓紧这一 巴塞罗那的艺术充满着 牙国歌,于是同胞们也举起国旗合唱 :起来! 个小时的时间,放下包就直奔诺坎普而去。激动的 球。估计这俩小家伙不久以后也会开始他们巴萨正 懂足球的城市,这里有一群懂足球的球迷。 自由的现代元素。 打车回诺坎普的路上,我便又开始小激动了。 心情就在转过街角远远望见诺坎普那一刻达到了第 在车上就和司机我们三个人讨论本场首发。这场和 一次小高潮。下午三点的天空很干净,阳光有些刺眼, 西班牙东北海岸的春天气息沁人心脾,温度刚刚好。 78 岁的老爷子绝对健康硬朗,带着我就往城里进发, 一路上给我讲解这座城市的历史和风貌。他说,你 看巴萨整个城的十字路口,有没有发现四面建筑都 是成 45 度角斜进去的,我当时看了就觉得很奇怪。 老爷子说,这是一百多年前的城市设计者由于当时 汽车的兴起,预感到以后街上会有很多汽车通行, 在十字路口转弯的时候需要更多的空间,所以整个 城的十字路口基本上都是四个直角 45 度 " 切 " 掉了。 在我的记忆中,这是见过的第一个城市有如此独特 的风格,又将它贯彻地如此彻底。随老人去到一个 远离主街的幽深去处,一个没有游客光顾的 Tapas bar, 他说这里才是原汁原味的。Tapas 是西班牙人 非常喜爱的一类小吃的统称,有泡饼、很咸的鱼干 泡在橄榄油里面,有细如薄纱的腌肉。啤酒很好, 至今难忘。 老先生又讲了好玩的事儿,说他 1987 年来中


spend their lives loving FC Barcelona. The stream of people made me feel, more than BARCELONA: A ONE-PERSON ever, that here was the family of FC Barcelona, and I was in this family. In their eyes, I was perhaps just someone who had never paid for the club and TRIP OF FC BARCELONA couldn't sing the song of the team in domestic dialect. But I was inwardly showing Barcelona football with Tips admiration and recognition. In the presence of football, there was no point to anything else. I left my Festes de la Mercè is inferior feelings behind and took up the chant with It was not an important La Liga—FC Barcelona me into Nokamp. To my surprise, everything was a grand festival held them. I was not sure of the words, but its tune never in every September vs. Zaragoza in its home field. The tickets were not going so smoothly. escaped me. This, together with the encouragement in Barcelona. Many highly sought-after, but I still didn’t know how to We agreed that we would meet each other at 4 p.m. in their eyes, fit me in the atmosphere of Nokamp large scale activities buy one for the first time. Fortunately, the problem at the hotel. It was 3 p.m. and I had to seize this hour. immediately. like fireworks show was solved by a friend who happened to know and masquerade Therefore, I put down the bag and went straight to a native of Barcelona doing business in China. Watch the match on TV and you would have parade with Nokamp. The thrill reached a climax the moment We took a cab back to Nokamp, and I was a little wooden giants will When understanding my dilemma, the guy was considered it one of the least interesting matches I turned around the street corner when Nokamp thrilled with the match with Zaragoza. Together with be held during the eager to help me out. He contacted his father in in this season of FC Barcelona with score tied up came into view. At 3 p.m., the sky was clear and the cab driver, we had a heated discussion on the festival. Cava is an Barcelona. Inconceivable enough, I got in contact at 1:0. But if you found yourself in the football field, the sun was blindingly bright. In the northeastern starting lineup of this match. The match between indispensable drink, with a kind Barcelona elder, though we were of the possessing, passing, and controlling of the which is specific to coast of Spain, the fragrance of spring saturated my FC Barcelona and Arsenal in the second round of different generations. It never occurred to me that the ball and the players straining to keep running were Catalunya, for the heart with moderate temperature. In spite of his age, UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE would be held on festival. 78-year-old man had become a member of prepared and served by FC Barcelona, which was the old man had a strong constitution. He led me the following Tuesday night. It was expected that FC Barcelona as early as 1945. He paid the perfect metaphor of textbook examples of wall downtown, all the while telling me about the history both teams would save some power. Local tabloids the membership dues every year to pass and triangular pass with which the players and style of the city. He asked if I had noticed that all all guessed whose heels would be kicked. Andrés renew his membership card, with of the opponent took flight. Whenever its attacks Left page: buildings around the intersections of the roads were Iniesta’s absence would be unambiguous since which he watched the football became stagnant, the fans offered a draught of Camp Nou;Lamaxiya caved in at the forty-five-degree angle, which was he was wounded. In discussing the cast of players, Training Camp games. What’s more, there rocking slogans, meanwhile singing its song. Every strange to me. The old man explained that more than I often shouted out first, which drew the inquisitive This page: were several members of FC fascinating attack was rewarded with a round of Barca’s shop at the a century ago when the fad of cars began to rise, the gazes of them both, as if asking “How come the Barcelona in his family. With a applause inside Nokamp. One never failed to be airport ;A booth in the designers of the city predicted that there would be a cast of players is so seared on the heart of a Chinese street selling souvenirs simple scanning of the card, moved to admiration: this was a city of football with a lot of cars in the street in future. To save more space person?” Afterwards, when FC Barcelona lifted up of different football the old man managed to get group of frenzied fans who understood football. teams for turning, the buildings around the crossroads were the UEFA Champions League Trophy in Wembley “cut”at a forty-five-degree angle. To me, it was the Stadium, I sent an email to the old man saying first city in memory with such unique style which was that together with a bunch of FC Barcelona fans, I kept through and through. I followed the old man to a stayed up all night. Besides, the news had caused a reclusive place away from the main street, a Tapas sensation in China’s FC Barcelona fans forums. He bar with no customer inside, which, according to responded saying that he was deeply moved and the old man, produced authentically aromatic food. felt wonderful to know that on the opposite side of Tapas were a very popular type of snacks among the earth, there were so many Chinese people who the Spanish which included soaked bread, salty loved and understood FC Barcelona. dried fish in olive oil, salted pork as thin as gauze. The Nokamp was grand indeed! Before departing from beer here was so good that I miss it even now. London, I talked with a native of Hong Kong who The old man told me some interesting things. When had just returned from Nokamp for a match. He he went on a business trip to China in 1987, a bunch complained about his terrible position at the top of of people, both Chinese and Barcelona, were having the stadium from which the players in the field were dinner together. In the spur of the moment they began like black spots and the heads in the opposite stand to sing. The Barcelona guys held the flag of Catalonia were like screen pixels. But since I was sitting down while singing the song of FC Barcelona, the one we below, his feelings never came to me. I felt dizzy used to hear whenever an FC Barcelona match was when I looked up in the audience. Sitting beside me held. As the Chinese guys had never heard it, they all were two primary school students who jabbered believed that it was the national song of Spain. So the out something I couldn’t understand. It looked like Chinese guys raised their national flag and sang the they were with their fathers. The little boys might gain national anthem: March of the Volunteers. formal membership of the club in the near future and


中国旅行社 跟着旅行社马上就出发 去摩洛哥打高尔夫 在摩洛哥,高尔夫球可以称之为国 活力十足的夏季,跟随旅行社的脚步,去打高 球。已故摩洛哥国王哈桑二世,是个不 尔夫、徒步、静修,快点动起来吧! 折不扣的高尔夫狂热爱好者。在位期间, 他修建了不少高尔夫球场供自己享用。 Start off Right Away with a 除了自娱自乐外,哈桑二世还倡导“高 球外交”,希望以高尔夫为平台消除伊 Travel Agency 斯兰国家与西方国家间的隔阂。Rouge Follow the travel agencies to play golf, Dar Es-Salaam 球场就建在千亩茂密 go hiking or meditate in this lively summer. Hurry up! 软木林中,从高空俯视这个拥有 45 个 球洞的“庞然大物”,宛若沙漠中的一片 绿洲。最令人称道的是,设计师保留了 球场原址的大量遗迹,置身 11 洞和 12 洞间,还能依稀感受到古罗马时代瓦卢 比利斯遗址的辉煌。 ancient Roman period. 本行程由中国旅行社推出,中旅还 山色间,带着爱人一起航行 ;在乌镇来 将带你到马扎干海滨酒店高尔夫球场、 The travel route is provided by the China 个浪漫下午茶,与爱侣共享甜蜜时光 ; Travel Service, which will also take you to 拍摄江南古典婚礼照,典藏美好瞬间 ; 杰迪达皇家高尔夫球场、塔哈佐沙漠高 play golf in top grade golf courses such 也可以与爱侣摇橹船上看秋水长天。 中青旅 CYTS Association, have the teaching 尔夫球场、马拉喀什阿苏菲德高尔夫球 as the Mazagan Seaside Hotel Golf Course, the Jedda Royal Golf Course, TIPS Play Football in Italy qualification certificate issued by the 场等顶级球场痛快挥杆。 中国国际旅行社,七八月每周四发团,咨询电 去意大利练足球 the Taghazout Desert Golf Course and The Italy-China Teenager Football Federation International de Football 话:400-600-8888 中青旅遨游网推出的意大利—中国青 the Marrakech Assoufid Golf Course. Summer Camp tourist products Association (FIFA), the Union of TIPS 咨 询 电 话 :1 3 9 1 0 7 6 7 8 7 3 少年足球夏令营旅行产品,将为中国青少 launched by of CYTS will European Football Association (UEFA), TIPS Tel.: 13910767873 CITS 年安排高水平的训练,并与罗马、AC 米 arrange high-level training for Chinese and the Italian Football Association. China Travel Service Hiking and Riding in Jiangnan teenagers, and engage in friendly “Every 15 students are equipped with Over the broad Qiandao Lake, Zhejiang 兰、尤文图斯等知名俱乐部的同龄球队进 Play Golf in Morocco 中国国际旅行社 matches with teams of the same age one coach and one full-time fitness In Morocco, golf may be called its national of 573 km2, 1,078 islands are scattered 行友谊赛。夏令营的营地设在罗马著名的 group of renowned clubs such as Rome, coach.” sport. The late King Hassan II of Morocco 去江南徒步、骑行 like stars. The place deserves the name 在浙江千岛湖 573 平方公里的辽阔 朱利奥·奥内斯蒂和佛罗伦萨的科维尔恰 AC Milan and Juventus. The summer TIPS The summer camp products cover several is an unquestioned golf fan. During his “the lake with the largest number of camp is established in the famous departing cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, reign, he built a lot of golf courses for islands in the world”. 诺训练基地。此外,为了提升小球迷的足 湖面上,共有1078个岛屿如星散落, training bases of Giulio Onesti in Rome Nanjing, Chongqing and Guangzhou. Each camp himself to use. Besides self-amusement, lasts for a week. The departing date is from July 完全可以称得上“世界上岛屿最多的湖” By far, the Qiandao Lake Scenic Region 球体验,遨游网还巧妙地加入了“球迷探 and Coverciano in Florence. Besides, in Hassan II also advocated “Golf 20 to the end of August. has a 140-km green belt around the order to upgrade young football fans’ 这个称号。 访球队训练基地”、“零距离的教练指导”、 Diplomacy” in the hope of removing lake. People can ride bicycles while football experience, has the misunderstanding between Islamic 带领小球迷深度游览意大利足球博物馆, 目前,千岛湖景区建有长 140 公里 enjoying green scenery. At the lakeside, tactfully joined the “Football Fans’ countries and Western countries with 的环湖绿道,人们可在满眼绿色中环湖 there are 7 five-star hotels, each having 充分了解世界杯的球衣、纪念品和世界杯 Exploratory Team Training Base” the platform of golf. The Rouge Dar Es- their own yacht for tourists to travel to and the “Zero-Distance Coaching” 骑行 ;沿湖,共有 7 家五星级酒店,每 冠军奖杯等特色活动。 Salaam Golf Course is built in a dense islands for camping; the “air range” programs. Young football fans are led and vast softwood forest. An overlook 夏令营的教练由意大利足协球员协会 家酒店都有自己的游艇,可供游客使用, program has also been opened in the to tour the Italian Football Museum, from a high altitude will find that the huge 乘去岛上露营;景区还开放了“空中揽胜” scenic region. Tourists may take an 指派,拥有国际足联、欧足联以及意大利 have a full understanding of jerseys and space with 45 holes is like an oasis in the “exclusive” helicopter to enjoy the souvenirs of World Cup and World Cup 项目,游客可以乘坐“专属”的直升机, 足协颁发的执教资格证书。“每15 个孩 desert. The most praiseworthy is that a panorama of Qiandao Lake. Trophy. large number of archaeological sites of 子配备一名教练和一名专职体能教练。” 尽揽千岛湖的全景。 the original plot of the course have been This tour is absolutely a romantic tour The coaches of the summer camp, 这次旅行绝对是情人之间的浪漫之 TIPS preserved. If you are between No. 11 for lovers. You can take a romantic ride 本次夏令营产品涵盖上海、北京、南京、重庆、 to be appointed by the Footballers’ hole and No. 12 hole, you can vaguely 旅,你们可以在千岛湖绿道双人自行车 on a tandem bicycle along the Qiandao 广州等多个出发地,每营为期一周,出发日期为7月 Association of the Italian Football 20日至8月底。 feel the brilliance of the Volubilis site of the 浪漫骑行,穿行画境 ;乘皮筏艇在湖光 Lake green belt through the picturesque


can recover your physical and mental 量。空气中散发着鲜花与独家秘方调制的 balance, and reconcile your internal 的宁静、穿过锡安国家公园了解它的静 heritage of aborigines. 员间能相互配合、相互帮助,共同完成 energy. The air is full of special aroma of 特殊芳香,让人轻松地沉醉其中,慢慢地, 美。跟随户外向导一起感受大自然的鬼 TIPS 11-day hiking through the western national 这次挑战。在发现罕见美景的同时,也 fresh flowers and exclusive secret recipe. parks and the Great Crayon of the Western United 真正达到由身至心的平静与和谐。 You can be intoxicated at ease and slowly 斧神工,了解原住民文化传承吧。 States (primary intensity). 能收获一份难得的友谊。 achieve the tranquility and harmony from 另有丰富多彩的 RAJAJI 国家公园 TIPS body to mind. TIPS 美国西部国家公园大峡谷11日徒步(初级强度)。 凯撒旅游,法国勃朗峰大环线高山11日徒步(中 徒步越野、吉普车越野、恒河祭河仪式、 凯撒旅游 级 强 度)。 Other wonderful projects for you to 激流泛舟、山地自行车远行、高尔夫体验、 Caesar Travel 去法国走勃朗峰大环线 experience include RAJAJI National Park Caesar Travel Traveling Through the Grand Canyon 法国勃朗峰大环线 (TMB),一条关 寺庙之旅等项目可供体验。 cross-country hiking, jeep cross-country Tour of Mount Blanc in France in the United States 于征服与被征服的世界级的徒步线路。 race, the Ganges river sacrifice ritual, The Tour of Mount Blanc (TMB) is world- TIPS 出发日期: 07-03 | 07-17 | 07-31 | 08-07 | Over 5 million years ago, the Colorado boating through torrents, mountain bike 4810 米的勃朗峰,不仅仅是阿尔卑斯山 class hiking route about conquering 08-14 | 08-21 |09-04 | 09-11 | 09-18 ,每人3万 River rushed down to cut precipices excursion, golf experience, and temple trip. 脉的最高峰,也是当之无愧的“欧洲之 and being conquered. The Mount 起。咨询电话:400-819-2288 along the two sides of the river and Blanc of 4,810m is not only the peak TIPS Starting dates are July 3 | July 17 | July 31 | carved out meandering landscape. It 巅”,因其独特的地形、气候的优势,是 of the Alps but also the well-deserved August 7 | August 14 | August 21 | September is a golden dream, with the splendor UTS Travel 进行登山、攀岩、滑雪、滑翔伞等各类 “Peak of Europe”. Thanks to its unique 4 | September 11 | September18, at least RMB of Las Vegas, creating a luxury world; Meditation in India 30,000 for each person. Tel.: 400-819-2288 极限运动的理想选择地。 topographical and climatic advantages, it is a green dream, where there are Rishkesh, “the world capital of yoga” it is an ideal choice for various extreme the Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon 旅途从著名的霞慕尼山谷开始,这 located on the upper reaches of the sports such as mountaineering, rock 凯撒旅游 National Park, the Yosemite National Ganges River, is the place of origin of 里也是攀登勃朗峰的最佳起点。游客从 climbing, skiing and paragliding. 去美国穿越大峡谷 Park, endlessly vast prairie, numerous the yoga, a practice that has spread all 海拔 1800 米的山上开始向 Bionnassay over the world in the last century. Here, 五百万年前,科罗拉多河洪流奔泻, rare animals; it is also a red dream, when The tour starts from the famous landscape; or go kayaking on the the setting sun spreads its glow over the 冰川徒步,在阿尔卑斯山最佳的观景台 Chamonix Valley, which is also the lake with your lover; or have romantic over 1,000 saints lived, and there are 在这里开凿了两崖壁立千仞,雕刻了百 nearly 100 meditation centers. It is not rocks of the Grand Canyon, presenting 驻足欣赏勃朗峰的冰川。费雷河谷的景 best starting point for climbing Mount afternoon tea in Wuzhen (an ancient 转曲尽通幽 , 这是一个金色的梦,拉斯 suffocating beauty. We only wish that Blanc. Tourists start to hike towards the water town) to enjoy quality time with your only the happy land for spiritual cultivation 色又是另一番天地,松软的草地、高大 of millions of Indians, but also the place 维加斯的金碧辉煌,铸造了一个奢华的 time goes more and more slowly Bionnarssay Glacier from an altitude lover; or shoot classic wedding photos 的落叶松,还有农庄里劳作的农民,都 of 1,800m, and then stop at the best where the Beetles headed by John 世界 ;这是一个绿色的梦,望不尽的广 Led by Caesar Travel, you can walk of Jiangnan (the Regions South of the viewing deck of the Alps to appreciate Lennon searched for spiritual home. The 2-4 hours each day, to experience the 是难忘的景观。途中还会经过本奥姆山 Yangtze River) style, to perpetuate these 袤草原,看不完的珍奇动物 ;这也是一 glaciers of Mount Blanc. The landscape grand International Yoga Festival is held grandeur of the Horseshoe Bay in the 口、富尔山谷、雷因斯山口,最终回到 glorious moments; or feast your eyes on of the Ferret Valley presents another here every year. 个红色的梦,当夕阳倾泻在大峡谷的岩 Grand Canyon Colorado, enjoy tranquility the broad water and blue sky with your 霞慕尼。 world, with unforgettable sights of soft 壁上,令人窒息的美丽,我们只希望时 while hiking through the Yosemite lover while paddling a boat. In the scorching summer, UTS Travel will meadows, tall larches and farmers National Park, and appreciate the serene 徒步全程,将由拥有专业资质认证 TIPS China International Travel Service (CITS), take you to a secluded place among the 光能走得慢些,再慢些…… working on the farm. Along the route, beauty while walking in the Zion National 的外籍户外高山导游陪伴,并会根据大 tour groups start on each Thursday in July and Himalayas of India to practice meditation we will pass the Bonhomme Pass, 在凯撒旅游带领下,每天徒步 2—4 Park. Follow outdoor tour guides to August. Tel.: 400-600-8888 and experience the exclusive “Ayurveda 家的实际情况合理安排休息时间和行进 Fours Valley, Reines Pass and then Tour of Health Maintenance”, far away 小时,走进科拉多大峡谷感受马蹄湾的 experience the uncanny craftsmanship 节奏。另外,凯撒旅游也希望旅途中团 finally return to Chamonix. from hustle and bustle of city life. You 雄壮、徒步优胜美地国家公园感受其间 of Nature and learn about the cultural 众信旅游 The whole course of hiking will be 去印度静修 accompanied by foreign outdoors 被誉为“世界瑜伽之都”的瑞什凯 alp tour guides with professional qualifications. Rest time and travel pace 诗,位于恒河上游,是上世纪世界瑜伽 will be reasonably arranged according to 运动的起源之地。这里居住着上千的圣 everyone’s actual conditions. Besides, 者,坐落着近百座静修中心。它不仅是 Caesar Travel also wishes that team members can cooperate with each other 成百万印度人精神修行的乐土,还是上 and help each other during the tour to 世纪 60 年代以约翰·列侬为首的披头 jointly complete this challenge. While 士乐队精神寻觅的场所。每年这里还将 discovering rare places of scenic beauty, an uncommon friendship will also be 举行盛大的国际瑜伽节。 gained. 夏日炎炎,众信旅游将带你在私密环 TIPS Caesar Travel, 11-day hiking along the Tour 境中静心于印度喜马拉雅山间,体验独属 of Mount Blanc (TMB) (secondary intensity) 于这里的 " 阿育吠陀养生之旅 ",远离喧 嚣与繁杂,恢复身心平衡、调和内在能


普罗夫迪夫 八千年历史七种文明和你——在一起 普罗夫迪夫已经已成为2019年欧洲文化之都的候选城市,我们的口号是“在一起”。八千 年的历史中,七种文明已在这里找到了其文化、信仰和宗教的位置。我们生活在一起,我 们 创 造“ 在 一 起 ”。

图 / 全景

Q=《世界旅游城市》杂志 A=Ivan Totev 普罗夫迪夫市长

事 实 上 ,生 活 从 未 在 普 罗夫迪夫停止过,这里也成 为欧洲最古老的连续有人居 住的城市和全世界最古老城 装饰物。红色寓意着血液和生 知名旅行杂志《孤独星球》曾发 市之一,更重要的是,最美的 命,而白色则寓意着纯洁和健 表 评 论“ 普 罗 夫 迪 夫 —— 八 千 年 遗迹仍然位于城市中心的心 康。还有装扮成怪兽或典型人 后出现的一枚宝石”,并将普罗 脏位置。 物的保加利亚狂欢节人物—— 夫迪夫纳入2015年最佳旅行地 kukers,他们在街头跳舞以驱 排行榜。 Q:普罗夫迪夫作为保加 散邪灵,驱赶寒冷,为求健康 利亚第二大城市,对于第 和丰收,人们会进行不同象征 一次到普罗夫迪夫的游客, 意义的仪式和动作,如耕地、播种等。我们也有一 此外,规模较小但潜力较大的普罗夫迪夫机场距市 您建议他们到哪里去玩? 些展现我们不同方面传统的特别节日,如展现保加 中心约 15 公里。我们还有贯通中欧、西欧和亚洲 体验什么样的文化活动? 利亚传统工艺的节日。 的高速公路。普罗夫迪夫是三个泛欧走廊(四号、 A:嗯,普罗夫迪夫的故 八号和十号)的道路交叉点。我不确定您所指的“对

事真正开始于大约 8000 Q: 欧洲城市中,巴黎对于亚洲人来说更加熟悉一些, 外国游客的特色服务”的意思,但我确信他们肯定 Tips 年前,这是发现第一个遗迹的时间。来到普罗夫迪 舞蹈节等。 而普罗夫迪夫对于他们则有些神秘,您能介绍一下 会感受到我们的热情好客。语言方面不会有任何问 签证:1 、凡 持 申 根 国 签 夫,第一个要参观的地方当然就是主步行街和旧城 普罗夫迪夫的旅游接待设施么?普罗夫迪夫对外国 题,至少这里很多人都会讲英语,尤其在新一代的 发有效长期签证或居留 区。事实上,生活从未在普罗夫迪夫停止过,这里 Q: 普罗夫迪夫是一座既古老又现代化的城市,保加 游客是否有一些特色的服务?外国游客是否会有语 年轻人中。 证的公民,可免办签证, 直接入境保加利亚。 也成为欧洲最古老的连续有人居住的城市和全世界 利亚的人们是如何在现代生活中保护他们的文化和 言障碍的困扰? 2、保加利亚签证种类分 为机场过境、过境、短 最古老城市之一,更重要的是,最美的遗迹仍然位 传统的?现在的民俗中又有哪些传统文化的元素? 知名旅行杂志《孤独星球》曾发表评论“普罗夫 本 页 图 :街 头 艺 人 ; A: Q: 中国出境游客逐年大幅增长,2014 年中国出境 期、长期、团体签证、落 几种宗教在普罗夫迪 于城市中心的心脏位置。在普罗夫迪夫能做的两件 我们保加利亚的人民热爱并珍惜我们的传统和习 迪夫——八千年后出现的一枚宝石” ,并将普罗夫 地签证。持短期签证入 夫共存。 A: 游客人数达 1.09 亿人。请您谈谈中国游客来普罗 境 ,停 留 期 不 得 延 长 或 右 页 图 :玫 瑰 节 上 选 最美好的事情就是漫步于旧城区中,和参加一场古 俗。现在我们仍然遵循着一些,如 :三月花,一种 迪夫纳入 2015 年最佳旅行地排行榜。普罗夫迪夫距 夫迪夫的情况?他们大部分是团体旅客还是自助旅 改 签 长 期 ,须 出 境 后 重 出 的 玫 瑰 皇 后 ;手 工 面包。 剧院中的活动—— 一场歌剧、一场音乐会或是一个 我们在每年三月一日佩戴的红白绳子编织的仪式性 离首都索非亚和索非亚机场仅约 1—1.5 小时的车程。 客?您计划采取措施吸引中国游客吗?您可以谈一 新申请。


下对中国游客的签证政策吗? 本页图:多姿多彩的 世界旅游城市联合会是一个很大的平台,它能够 大部分当然是团体游客。然而,来自中国的游客 手工艺品;小铺;老城 A: 为来自世界各地的人们提供一个建立关系网的 中心。 绝对数量并没有那么大。大多数中国游客都赶在 5— 右 页 图 :手 工 制 作 ;穿 机会。旅游产业如此巨大和复杂,我们很愿意听 民族服饰的姑娘。 6 月份来到普罗夫迪夫,参加在卡赞勒克举行的玫 取同行的意见,分享经验和想法。 瑰节。我们正努力吸引更多的中国游客,去年我们 举行了鲜花节,也邀请一个中国舞蹈团参加了我们 的国际民俗节。我们还和深圳成为了友好城市。现 且保加利亚也没有那么出名,所以我们的宣传工作 在我们已在深圳设立了办事处和中保工商协会。作 就更加困难,但是我们会一直进行下去。 为世界旅游城市联合会的一员,我们也发挥着我们 的影响力。 Q: 普罗夫迪夫已经加入 WTCF。您认为 WTCF 将为普罗夫迪夫带来怎样的机遇和帮助?此外,您 Q: 和中国的许多城市一样,普罗夫迪夫是一座拥有 希望普罗夫迪夫在世界旅游城市联合会中担任什么 着悠久历史和灿烂文化的城市。普罗夫迪夫在文化 样的角色? 古迹和文物保护方面有什么样的经验或有效措施能 A: 世界旅游城市联合会是一个很大的平台,它能 与我们分享呢? 够为来自世界各地的人们提供一个建立关系网的机 A: 当然我们在文化遗产的保护和传承方面有许多的 会。旅游产业如此巨大和复杂,我们很愿意听取同 国家立法。过去的几年里,我们也主张开展了许多 行的意见,分享经验和想法。而且,我希望也相信 的考古研究。我们也尝试和人们进行互动,让人们 联合会将帮助我们在旅游市场中宣传普罗夫迪夫, Tips 感受并融入历史。同时,我们也在景点重建、修复 否则我们的推广将会非常耗时耗财。我觉得在联合 交通:每天有多趟火车 和社会化方面投入了大量的人力物力。我们致力于 会中我们有着自己的位置。首先,普罗夫迪夫是一 来往于保加利亚首都 索菲亚和普罗夫迪夫 重启罗马竞技场、古剧院等一些古老场所,在其中 座拥有悠久历史的城市,其次,普罗夫迪夫已经以 之 间 ,车 程 约 两 个 多 小 举办各类活动,以吸引游客。此外,我们与国内外 “在一起”为口号成为 2019 年欧洲文化之都的候选 时 ;每 天 还 有 一 趟 直 达 伊斯坦布尔的国际列 旅行社交流沟通,向他们推荐这些景点并加入到他 城市。八千年的历史中,七种文明已在这里找到了 车 。从 罗 马 尼 亚 方 向 过 来 ,可 以 从 大 特 尔 诺 沃 们的旅游线路中,这也已经初见成效。推广一个像 其文化、信仰和宗教的位置。我们生活在一起,我 乘巴士到普罗夫迪夫。 我们这样不太流行,鲜为人知的城市很不容易,而 们创造“在一起”。


Plovdiv Together with you are 8 millennia of existence and 7 civilizations Plovdiv has won the European Capital of Culture in 2019 candidature and our motto is “Together”. For 8 millennia of existence more than 7 civilizations have found place for development of their cultures, beliefs and religions. And we all live together! We create “together”!

Q=World Tourism Cities Magazine A=Ivan Totev Mayor of Plovdiv

Due to the fact that centre. Two of the best things to do in Plovdiv would be to have a stroll in the Old Town and to attend one of the many life never seized to exist events that happen in the Ancient Theatre there – an opera, in Plovdiv, and this is why a music concert, a dance festival, etc. it is allegedly the oldest continuously inhabited city Q: Plovdiv is an ancient yet modernized city. How do the Bulgarian people preserve their culture and in Europe and amongst the tradition in modern life? What are the elements of oldest in the whole World, the traditional culture reserved in the folk customs? most important, significant A: We Bulgarians love and cherish our traditions and Tips and beautiful remains are still customs. We still follow a lot of them, e.g. the martenitsa – Visa: 1. Those who hold in the very heart of the city which is in a sense a ritual decoration of twisted red-and- a valid long-term visa or white threads we put on 1st of March every year. The red residence certificate of centre. represents blood and life while the white is for purity and Schengen countries can health; or the kukers – who are Bulgarian carnival figures - enter Bulgaria without a Q: As the second largest city of Bulgaria, Plovdiv visa. dressed as beasts or typical characters. They dance in the 2. Bulgarian visas has a history of over 6,000 years. Where would you streets to scare off evil spirits and banish the cold and for include airport transit suggest first time visitors of Plovdiv go and what health and fertility. Different symbolic rituals and actions visa, transit visa, short- kind of cultural activities would you suggest they are performed likeplowing, sowing and others. There are term visa, long-term experience? also special festivals dedicated to different aspects of our visa, group visa and visa traditions, including such dedicated to traditional Bulgarian on arrival. Visitor with a A: Well, Plovdiv’s story actually starts about 8000 years ago. short-term visa cannot This is the time of the first remains that are found around crafts. ask for an extension of here. Surely the first place to visit is the Main Pedestrian his visa or change to a Street and the Old Town. Due to the fact that life never long-term visa during Q: Asian people are more familiar with European his stay in Bulgaria and seized to exist in Plovdiv, and this is why it is allegedly the cities like Paris, and meanwhile Plovdiv looks he must reapply for oldest continuously inhabited city in Europe and amongst a little mysterious for them. Could you give an another one after leaving the oldest in the whole World, the most important, significant introduction to the reception facilities of Plovdiv? Bulgaria. and beautiful remains are still in the very heart of the city This page: Ruins of an Dose Plovdivhave any featured services for foreign ancient theater. Left page: Rose planting is an important industry 066 WORLD TOURISM CITY WORLDin Bulgaria. TOURISM CITY 067 高端访谈 Interview

WTCF is a big platform that gives the opportunity to network with people from all over the world. The tourism industry is so big and complex it is always good to hear somebody else’s opinion, to share experience and thoughts.

Stadium and Ancient Theatre for different kinds of events and attracting crowds to them is one of our major activities. Also communicating with tour operators both local and international to include the sites in their itineraries already started bringing “Plovdiv - A gem emerges after eight Chinese tourists? Could you talk about the visa policy results. It is hard to millennia” said renowned Lonely Planet and included for Chinese tourists? promote a city which is not popular, which our city in their “Best in Travel 2015” ranking. A: The majority are group travellers of course. However, the absolute number of visitors from China is not that big. few people have heard of. Bulgaria is also not so popular so this Most of them come to Plovdiv around the Rose Festival makes things harder. But we keep on going! visitors? Will they be bothered by problems like which happens in May-June, in and around the city of Tips language barrier? Kazanlak. We are putting a lot of efforts in attracting more Q: Plovdiv has joined WTCF. What kind of Chinese tourists in Plovdiv. We did a flower festival last Transport: S eve ral A: “Plovdiv - A gem emerges after eight millennia” said advantages of WTCF does Plovdiv value? In your year, also had participation from a Chinese dance group in trains travel between renowned Lonely Planet and included our city in their “Best opinion what opportunities or help will WTCF bring Sophia, the capital of our International Folklore Festival and many more. We also in Travel 2015” ranking. Plovdiv is only about 1-1.5 hours drive to Plovdiv? Besides, what kind of role do you hope Bulgaria, and Plovdiv, became twin cities with Shenzhen last year. Together with from the capital Sofia and the Sofia airport. Also, the smaller Plovdiv will play in WTCF? and the traveling time is the Bulgarian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry about over two hours. but big in potential Plovdiv airport is about 15 km from the we now have an office in Shenzhen. Being part of the World A: WTCF is a big platform that gives the opportunity to An international train city centre. We also have highway connection to Central Tourism Cities Federation we also consider a major leverage. network with people from all over the world. The tourism traveling to Istanbul from and Western Europe and Asia. Plovdiv is a road intersection industry is so big and complex it is always good to hear Romania also passes point of three Pan-European corridors (IV, VIII, and X). I am Plovdiv every day. somebody else’s opinion, to share experience and thoughts. People can also take not sure what do you mean by “featured services for foreign Q: Like many Chinese cities, Plovdiv is an ancient city Moreover, I hope and believe that the Federation will help us bus to Plovdiv at Veliko visitors” but surely they will feel our hospitality. No problems with a long history and brilliant culture. What kind of promote Plovdiv amongst markets that otherwise would be Tarnovo. are expected to occur. Many people speak at least English, experience and effective measures on cultural relics extremely time and money consuming to reach. I consider especially amongst the younger generations. and heritage preservation can Plovdiv share with us? we have our place in the federation. First of all, Plovdiv A: Of course there is a lot of national legislation concerning brings so much history in one place. Second is what united us for our European Capital of Culture in 2019 candidature Q: Chinese outbound tourists are increasing protection and preservation of cultural heritage. A lot of This page: Traditional and that is our motto “Together”. Because for 8 millennia rapidly every year. In 2014, the number of Chinese archaeological researches have also being carried out in the Bulgarian costumes and of existence more than 7 civilizations have found place for dance. outbound tourists reached 109,000,000. Could you past few years. We promote that. We try to interact with people development of their cultures, beliefs and religions. And we Right page: A church; talk about the situation of Chinese tourists coming to and make them feel connected to our joint past. Also we put a Gathering of the young lot of efforts into reconstruction, revitalization and socialization all live together! We create “Together”! people; Artists playing on Plovdiv? Are most of them group travelers or self- the street; Rose oil. help travelers? Are you taking measures to attract of the sites. Bringing back to life ancient venues like the Roman


光州 艺术之都的体育盛会 韩国光州被称为“艺术的故乡”,代表性的就有民族性的南宗画,光和南道美丽的 西洋画,南道的青瓷粉和青瓷器、茶道文化。而今年在光州举办的夏季大学生运动 会通过全世界的大学生创造了新的奇迹。

图 / 光州旅游局 全景

Q=《世界旅游城市》杂志 A=KIM IN CHUN 光州旅游局负责人

Q:光州广域市是韩国第五大城市,也是韩国西南部 本 页 图 :光 州 古 建 的行政、军事、经济、社会、文化枢纽城市,作为 筑;光州艺术家区。 左 页 :光 州 节 庆 游 行 2015 年夏季大学生运动会主办城市,请介绍下这次 表 演 ;光 州 泡 菜 节 。 运动会的举办情况。 A : 世界年轻人的体育盛会——大学生运动会与热

2015夏季大学生运动会 情的城市——光州市的相遇,将会是一次最具有创 比赛时间:2015年7月3 造性的相遇。这场盛会将在多领域中实现人类和谐 日至7月14日(12天)。 地点:光州世界大学生 与共存的价值,开拓新视野。2015 年光州夏季大学 运动会主会场(世界杯体 生运动会将通过全世界的大学生创造的奇迹,开启 育场)等 光州、全南、忠 北的赛场 新的篇章。 主办:国际大学体育联 运动员村是国际大赛历史上的旧公寓而重建的, 盟( fisu) 很多大型体育盛会都会出现前期基础设施建设 主管:大韩体育委员会 资金的大量投入,后期设施管理费用难承担的情况。 节约大量经费 , 受到好的评价,起到了模范作用。 (kusb), 2015 光州夏季 大学生运动会 组织委员 2015 年光州夏季大学生运动会将这种事例作为他山 会(guoc) 之石,减少因对设施建设的过度投资而引起的副作 Q : 对于第一次到访的外国游客,您有什么推荐的 项目:2 1个(正 式 1 3 / 选 择 8) 用,我们将举行一场以低费用,高效率为目标的经 旅游项目和值得体验的文化? 正式项目:体操/跳水/篮 济型盛会。 A:光州是文化、艺术和自然融为一体的亚洲文化 球/排球/水球/柔道/田径 /游泳/足球/网球/击剑/ 大会所需的 69 个场馆中,射箭场、游泳池、多 中心,介绍一下光州一定要去的景点。首先推荐国 兵乓求/机械体操 选择项目:高尔夫球/射 功能体育馆等 3 个设施需要新建,网球场需要扩建, 立亚洲文化殿堂(预计 2015 年 9 月开馆 ),光州 击/羽毛球/棒球/手球/跆 除此之外的 65 家的比赛设施 , 不仅是光州,都是在 在以构建通晓文化、循环城市自主榜样的意图上建 拳道/射箭/赛艇 规模:170个国家的2万 全南、全北、忠北的设施基础上改建和修缮后使用 , 立的国立亚洲文化殿堂,是民主、安全、和平、艺 多人(包括代表团及运营 为国际体育赛事做出了新的榜样。 术城市光州的标志物。在市民生活中心,从前全南 团队)


道厅一代投入 7 亿余元建立的亚洲文化殿堂,被题 A:光州乡校、月峰书院、诗歌文化馆、忠状祠等 在国际形势敏感的亚洲地区的国际旅游观光 名设计称为“光之林”,内部设有多用途复合公演场、 儒教文化的遗迹很多。这不仅是过去的痕迹,也是 产业中,促进不同领域的观光城市间的合作。 亚洲文化馆、文化交流中心、艺术电影院、儿童知 现在光州市民的生活的精神基础。这里不仅可以学 识中心等。光州 Folly,通过 Folly tour 可以看到 习各种传统文化 , 也是市民们的主要旅游地。 从小 世界各国的建筑师的作品及 被遗忘的历史面对公共 就学到的传统生活方式 , 他们虽然现代化了 , 但市 游客大约三万多人 , 主要是团体游客。今年 , 湖南 Tips 机构所具有的潜力。其余如无等山、杨树洞历史文 高速铁路的开通 , 夏季大学生运动会的召开 , 亚洲 民的意识里还是有根基。 光州有设备完善、等级 化村可以游览,光州世界泡菜节、7080 忠状路庆典 文化殿堂的开馆 , 中国的游客将会增多,光州、全 不 同 的 饭 店 ,一 般 店 内 有百分之三十至五十的 都是不能错过的节庆活动。 罗南道会更加的努力。 2014 年 4 月开始 , 中国团 Q:可否介绍下光州的旅游接待设施如何,针对外 客 房 是 韩 国 式 房 间 。到 了光 州 不 妨 尝 试一下 韩 国游客都有哪些有特色的服务,有没有语言等方面 体游客在务安机场 72 小时免签证入境。 国式火坑房间的情调。 Q: 光州是如何成为艺术的故乡的? 的问题困扰他们? 无等Park观光饭店、新 阳Park饭店等10所观 A: 光州被称为“艺术的故乡”,比其他地区拥有优 Q: 光州加入了 WTCF,看重的是 WTCF 这个国 A:光州站、光州机场、光州松汀站设有旅游咨询处, 光饭店位于光州市内 越的文化传统 。首先 韩国人的南宗画的民族性的书 咨询处有中文职员,另外还有韩国发展局 24 小时运 际性组织哪些方面的优势?您觉得 WTCF 这个平 和 郊 外 地 区 , 另 外 ,在 光州还有很多家民宿可 画 , 生命的根源的光和南道美丽的西洋画, 而且是 营的旅游服务电话 1330,有中英日韩4 种语言服务 , 台会给光州带来什么样的机遇和帮助?请提出您的 以体验纯粹韩国人的 生活。 现代美术主义非定型绘画的开始。 此外 , 南道 ( 韩 光州市是全国最先以中国人为中心的运营的服务中 希望和要求。此外,在 WTCF 这个世界性的的大 国西南地区 ) 是青瓷粉和青瓷器 , 茶和茶道文化发 心 , 也是各种咨询服务呼叫中心。 家庭中,您希望光州在其中扮演什么样的角色? 源地的故乡。 此外 , 1980 年光州民主化运动 , 亲 A:每年通过大会的参与和 WTCF 会员间分享最新

身经历光州精神的美术家们 , 是正义的民众美术的 Q:中国游客出境旅游的人数逐年大幅度递增, 的信息,并听取对光州观光旅游业的意见。通过国 发展地区。 这种传统艺术的优秀艺术家们的活动 , 2014 年中国共有 1.09 亿人次的跨境出游。中国游 际旅游观光展的成员国的共同参与,促进了全球的 成为韩国的艺术之乡。 客到光州旅游的状况怎样?有没有一些举措吸引中 旅游业营销。通过注册机构官方网站和杂志等可以 国游客?他们是跟团游还是自助游比较多,请介绍 宣传光州的最新旅游信息。在国际形势敏感的亚洲 地区的国际旅游观光产业中,促进不同领域的观光 Q:光州有不少蕴含韩国精神的历史遗迹或书院等 下签证情况。 本 页 图 :韩 国 情 侣 。 城市间的合作。利用旅游业的灵活性,为我国西南 左 页 图 :光 州 鸟 瞰 ;传 儒教文化的遗迹,光州是如何让两种文化相互融合 A: 访问我国的中国游客在 2014 年是 612 万人以上 , 统 舞 蹈 表 演 ;韩 国 传 统 艺术。 的,在光州人民的习俗中还保留了哪些传统的文化? 超越日本成为最大的旅游市场了。其中 , 到光州的 区的观光城市建立基础。


Gwangju A Sports Pageant in the City of Art Gwangju enjoys the reputation as “Home of Art”. The national painting of Korea, the source of life, the Southern School Painting and the Gwang (light), together with Jeollanam- do featuring beautiful western paintings, were the source of non stereotyped painting of modern art. With the miracle created by college students throughout the world, 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade will open a new era.

Q= World Tourism Cities Magazine A=KIM IN CHUN Director of Kwangju Tourism Bureau

In many big sports events, the sharp contrast between circulating the independent model of the city, is the symbol Q: In Gwangju the earlier stage when large amounts of investment in of Gwangju of democracy, security, peace and artistry. there are quite a lot infrastructure construction fund were devoted and the The National Asian Culture Hall, which was built on of historical sites latter stage when the management cost of facilities were Jeollanam-do with an investment of over RMB 700 million, or cultural relics difficult to bear was highlighted. In 2015 Gwangju Summer was herald as “The Forest of Light”. Inside the Hall there of Confucianism Universiade, we will learn from earlier experiences to are Multipurpose Composite Performance Ground, Asian such as academy minimize the side effects brought about by excessive Cultural Center, Cultural Exchange Center, Art Cinema, of classical learning investment in facilities construction. Our goal is to hold Children’s Knowledge Center, etc. Through Gwangju Folly, that embody Korean a sports pageant with less investment and enhanced we can catch a glimpse of the works of architects throughout Spirit. How does Gwangju efficiency. the world. Besides, the potential of forgotten history can manage to merge the two be developed as well for the benefits of public institutions. cultures? Besides, in the customs Three of the 69 stadiums for the Games, that are archery Mudeungsan Mountain, Yang Shudong Historical and of people in Gwangju, what traditional field, swimming pool and multi-function Gymnasium, need Cultural Village are also worth visiting. Gwangju Kimchi cultures are preserved? to be newly built. The tennis court needs to be expanded. Festival, 7080 Chungjang Recollection Festival are too good The other 65 stadiums, which are located in Gwangju, A: There are many cultural relics of Confucianism in to miss. Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do, and Chungcheongbuk-do, will Gwangju such as Gwangju Hyanggyo (Confucian School), Tips be rebuilt and renovated on the existing facilities. It has set a Wolbong Seowon-Confucian School (Bingwoldang), the Gwangju Metropolitan City, the fifth largest Q: new example for international sports events. Q: How did Gwangju become the home of art? Gasa Literature Hall, and Chungjangsa Shrine. They Kwangju has various city of South Korea, is also the administrative, are not only the heritage of the past but also the spiritual hotels with complete A: With more superior cultural traditions than other regions, facilities and usually military, economic, social and cultural hub in the Athletes’ village is rebuilt on the old apartments of past foundation of people in today’s Gwangju. They are favorable southwestern part of South Korea. It is the host city international sports events, which has save a lot of money Gwangju enjoys the reputation as “Home of Art”. The 30% to 50% of their tourist destinations for the natives who engage in various guest rooms are and is held in high regard. It has set an example for others. national painting of Korea, the source of life, the Southern of the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade. Please traditional educational activities. People were brought up decorated in Korean School Painting and the Gwang (light), together with give us a brief introduction of the sports meeting. with knowledge of the traditional lifestyle. And now, they style. Visitors can try Jeollanam-do featuring beautiful western paintings, were rooms with Korean For foreign tourists on their first visit, what would become modernized, but the traditions still lie deep in their A: A sports pageant of young people in the world—the Q: the source of non stereotyped painting of modern art. Nam- heatable brick beds. minds. This page: A temple World University Games and the Enthusiastic City, our you recommend, say, the scenic spots and worthy do, the southwestern part of Korea, is the source of Celadon Besides the hotels in the in Kwangju. meeting in Gwangju is heralded as an encounter of cultures. powder and green porcelain, tea and tea culture. Artists who downtown and suburb, Left page:The interior there are also many great creativity, through which the value of harmony and had taken part in the Gwangju Democratic Movement in Q: Can you introduce the tourist reception of traditional a Korean A: As the cultural center of Asia, Gwangju blends culture, family hotels in Kwangju folk house;The coexistence of mankind will be realized, and new visions art and nature. Let me brief you about the scenic spots 1980 had created an art form here which was both righteous facilities in Gwangju or services for foreigners with where visitors can exterior of traditional a will be dug up. With the miracle created by college students and popular. The active involvement of outstanding artists in characteristics. Do they have language obstacles? experience authentic Korean folk house; you must visit. First, the National Asian Culture Hall throughout the world, 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade the traditional art facilitated Gwangju to become the “Home South Korean life. Children celebrating (expected to open in Sept. 2015). The Hall, which is built A: In Gwangju station, Gwangju Airport and Gwangju the Lantern Festival. will open a new era. on the purpose of cultivating cultural atmosphere and of Art” in South Korea.


We hope to enhance cooperation among tourist cities of different fields in Asia’s international tourism industry, where the sensitive international situation is developed.

Songjeong Station there are information desks with Chinese 2015 Gwangju staff. Besides, there is a 24-hour travel service hotline 1330 Summer of Korea Tourism Organization which provides services in Universiade Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean. Gwangju has the Duration: July 3rd-14th, first service center in Korea that provides service in Chinese 2015 (12 days) and is the center of all kinds of consultation services. Venues: Gwangju Universiade Main stadium (World Cup Q: The number of Chinese outbound tourists Stadium) and other has been increasing year by year. In 2014, a total stadiums in Gwangju, Jeollanam-do, and number of 109-million-person-time Chinese Chungcheongbuk-do people had made cross-border trips. What is Sponsor: International the situation of Chinese tourists in Gwangju? Are University Sports there any measures to attract Chinese tourists? Federation (FISU) Do they join tour groups or go DIY? Please give an Organizers: Ko r e a University Sports Board introduction of visa. (KUSB), 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade A: China has surpassed Japan as the biggest tourist Organizing Committee market of Korea, with over 6.12 million tourists in 2014, of (GUOC) which over 30,000 went to Gwangju. They were mainly Sports: 2 1 ( 1 3 group tourists. We expect that there will be more tourists compulsory sports / 8 from China with the opening to traffic of the Honam high- optional sports) speed railway (from Daejeon to Mokpo), the launching of Compulsory sports: Artistic Gymnastics 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade, and the opening of / Diving / Basketball National Asian Culture Hall. Gwangju and Jeollanam-do / Volleyball / Water will build up their efforts to serve the guests. Starting from polo / Judo / Athletics / April 2014, group tourists from China can enjoy 72-hour Swimming / Football / Visa free entry in Muan International Airport. Tennis / Fencing / Table Tennis / Rhythmic Gymnastics Q: What advantages was Gwangju looking for Optional events: Golf / Shooting Sport / when it became a member of the international Badminton / Baseball / organization World Tourism Cities Federation Handball / Taekwondo / (WTCF)? What opportunities and assistance will Archery / Rowing WTCF bring to Gwangju? What expectations and Scale: Over 20,000 hopes do you have? Also, what role do you expect participants from 170 countries (including Gwangju to play in the big family of WTCF? delegations and A: By taking part in the annual meeting, we will share staffs) the latest information with WTCF members and we will include their advices on Gwangju’s Tourism into deliberation. With the joint efforts of member States, global tourism marketing will be promoted. By registering the official websites and magazines of WTCF, we can publicize the latest tourism information of Gwangju. We hope to enhance cooperation among tourist cities of different fields in Asia’s international tourism industry, where the sensitive This page: Picked international situation is developed. We want to make full vegetable factory; Everyday diet. use of the flexibility of tourism and lay a solid foundation for Left page: Homemade the tourist cities in southwestern region of our country. picked vegetable.

WORLD TOURISM CITY 077 从“ 一 带 一 路 与 旅 游 ” 谈旅游城市可持续发展 以旅游城市杭州市为例 On the Sustainable Development of Tourist Cities from the Perspective of “OBOR and Tourism” Take the Tourist City Hangzhou as an Example 图 / 全景 Pictures / Quanjing

德村志成 TOKUMURA SHISEI 杭州师范大学 教授/博士 日本国际观光学会 WTCF专家委员 Professor / PhD, Hangzhou Normal University Japan International Tourism Society Member of Expert Committee of WTCF


一带一路( One Belt and O n e R o a d ;简 称 “ O B O R ”) 是2013年9月和10月由中国 国家主席习近平分别提出建设 “新丝绸之路经济带”和“21 世 纪 海 上 丝 绸 之 路 ”的 战 略 构想。

“一带一路”是推动旅游城市的外力牵引 城市具有一股强有力的忠诚之心。以及拥有完善的公共服务 一个旅游城市不一定就是该国或某个省市或某个地区的政 体系,和先进的经营管理服务理念等等,最终成为旅游城市 经中心,但它必须有一个令人向往的理由,这个理由也许是单 品牌的基础,也就是说城市品牌是靠自身的良好基础条件所 一的,也可能是综合的因素、因为每一个人的需求并非一致的, 叠加并累积而成的。 但有一点是共通的,那就是在旅游者眼里,它所呈现的“价值” 一带一路(One Belt and One Road ;简称“OBOR”) 是旅游者能够接受的,这个“价值”不论从哪个角度来看,大 是 2013 年 9 月和 10 月由中国国家主席习近平分别提出建设 致上都是一致的,那就是对旅游者来说,来到这个城市就是来 “新丝绸之路经济带”和“21 世纪海上丝绸之路”的战略构想。 得“值”。 这种外力政策的引导等,为该城市在可持续发展上起到一定程 因此,旅游城市为了不失去它在旅游者心目中的地位,就 度的刺激作用和外部协调的作用,进而促进城市发展与进步。 得付出极大的努力维系与维护,其可持续发展的条件,不断的 创新和保护好既有的历史文化积淀与自然景色等,就成为旅游 从杭州看城市的可持续发展 城市的重要任务和工作了。 世界旅游城市联合会所提出的理念是“旅游让城市生活更 那么真正能够让这个城市继续保持着长久不衰的到底是什 美好”,也就是说透过旅游的方式让城市生活更为美好,那么 么力量呢?笔者认为任何发展都必须有一股推动的“动力”。 如何让旅游者在旅游的过程中感觉美好,是促进“旅游让城市 这个动力来源必须是源源不断的,如此才能供应城市可持续 生活更美好”,的一个基本条件。 发展的能源。而这个能源当然是包含该城市原先就具有的“动 笔者曾经在我的著作与“旅游学刊”上,发表过“有关旅 力”,也包含外在的“动力”。城市发展就是必须靠着里外“动 游目的地营销的几个看法”的文章。当时曾经这样写过,作为 力”的推动和牵引,才能具备与增强竞争实力,以保障城市可 一个旅游目的地最为关键且必须首先解决的问题至少有三点 : 持续发展。 ①可进入性的改善 ;②魅力性的打造;③优雅性的营造。一个 杭州是个多彩的城市,优雅的城市环境让这个美丽的城市充满 内动力主要原生于城市的文化与自然资源禀赋,与作为 旅游目的地能否顺利地引来贵客,首先在于可进入性是否完善, 生气、富有活力、带有韵味、拥有内涵、兼具粘性,是一个能够 客体的城市居民的文明程度,以及有智慧的领导者、有领导 这是一个基本条件,否则仅能满足部分喜爱挑战和不畏路途艰 本页图:六和塔秋色。 在优雅中旅游、度假、生活、就业、创业、投资、学习的城市,同 能力的干部、有责任的忠诚干部和有热爱服务的职工等,对 难的少数特殊游客。如此,自然无法将旅游作为产业去发展。 左 页 图 :安 缦 法 云 ;西 湖映日荷花别样红。 时逐步朝向一个富有品味的世界旅游城市发展。


杭州在今后旅游发展 思路上,不能为美誉所喜更 本 页 图 :西 湖 是 城 不能为之所困,这才是一个 市的绿肺。 左 页 图 :龙 井 村 ; 重 要 指 导 原 则 ,必 须 继 续 杭州是个佛教渊 抱持着创造魅力与美丽的 源深厚的城市。 心 态 ,为 未 来 的 杭 州 旅 游 发展去设想和营造。 应该认识到如何满足人类的感觉器官中的视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉上去着手打造 新杭州,让旅游者能够非常清楚地看到听到嗅到品到触到新杭州的美好。

第二,一个旅游目的地的魅力到底在哪里 ? 魅力主要体现在人 整个景区的生命力,带动了整个旅游经济的活力,真正让旅游 不当不良不是之处,而美丽再造则指的是对自然美景的维护, 从结论上来看,杭州市旅游发展的成果始终名列前茅,之 文和自然两个方面,因此,文化的深入挖掘和大自然环境的维 者在旅游观赏西湖美景时,有一种能够与自然同步同行的感觉, 也就是说因维护而美丽之意。 所以能有如此的好成绩,就是善于洞察先机果敢前行,采取经 护,就是一个旅游目的地必须持续不断深化的工作,它同时也 完全忘却了走进景区而是走进向往的大自然,能够轻而易举地 而美丽再造从实质意义上而言,并非再次开发建设出一个 营杭州的战略,而非管理杭州的战略。在今后的发展上,杭州 是对旅游者的一个重要承诺。第三,优雅性则是作为旅游目的 感受人文与自然所赋予我们的灵气与回归大自然的感觉。一个 美丽的杭州或是对目前的杭州进行改造,而是如何在现有的基 如何再次把握机会再创辉煌呢?笔者认为关注国家“一带一路” 地所蕴含的意境和氛围。一个没有优雅性的旅游目的地就如同 政策造就出一个城市的另一种魅力,这或许是当事者始料未及 础上导入先进的理念来维护杭州自然美景之意。美丽的维护就 的战略布局,并及时地参与、适时地准备、全面地展开,在旅 一个没有色彩的世界一样。杭州作为一个著名的旅游目的地, 的事,而这个“政策魅力”最后不但满足了旅游者的想法,更 是竭尽所能降低对大自然的破坏,因此,绿色能源的利用与低 游发展战略上是必要的构思。 必须先解决上述的关键问题才能进入实质的魅力与美丽城市的 是符合了发展大经济的战略。 碳概念的导入,将是维护杭州美丽城市形象和优质生活环境的 “一带一路”的国家战略布局,将再次掀起国际旅游的热潮, 目的地营销。 第三点,杭州的优雅体现出整个城市是优美而高雅,小 主要科学方法。同时在各项建设上作为旅游城市杭州市政府在 杭州应在这个热潮来临之前,及时及早做好准备。从经营、管理、 从上述三点中来看,第一点杭州对外的可进入性并不存在 而精、精而美,游后会有一种美而实、实而惠的感觉。杭州 今后的战略发展上,应该认识到如何满足人类的感觉器官中的 服务的理念出发,为这个美丽的城市再次创造出一个傲人的成 严重的问题。它虽然尚不是整个华东地区的交通枢纽,但当我 是个多彩的城市,优雅的城市环境让这个美丽的城市充满生 视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉上去着手打造新杭州,让旅游 绩。为此,杭州市应该把握好这个良机,在“一带一路”政策 们从作为一个旅游目的地来看它时,它的可进入性基本已经可 气、富有活力、带有韵味、拥有内涵、兼具粘性,是一个能 者能够非常清楚地看到听到嗅到品到触到新杭州的美好。 带领之下加速加大和一些国际知名城市接轨,并从中获取先进 以算是比较完善了。当然今后需要加强的就是和各个省内著名 够在优雅中旅游、度假、生活、就业、创业、投资、学习的 为此,政府必须尽快制定更为严谨的指导原则和必须坚持 的思想和理念,为打造国际旅游城市而努力。 景点景区之间的直线交通网络与邻近省市之间的交通。景点景 城市,同时逐步朝向一个富有品味的世界旅游城市发展。 这个信念,另一方面旅游规划设计者必须遵行这个法则和理念, 旅游城市的可持续发展并非易事,发展需要动力,动力需 区交通网络化的建立,是发展大杭州“旅游”大旅游规划中的 对未来的杭州进行一次美丽再造的工程,以此勾画出暨自然又 要来源,来源如何确保等等,都是旅游城市在发展上的一大难 一个重要课题,是整个浙江省发展旅游最终目标中的一个重要 美丽再造需要自上而下的共识 美丽的城市。整体旅游发展要追求的是个什么样的水平,将是 题。但难题的克服也将使这个城市得到应有的城市品牌,对后 指标之一。 那么,今后这个集魅力与美丽的杭州,到底要如何来展 政府必须设定的一个重要目标。笔者认为使杭州成为一个“理 续的发展有了一定程度的保障。只是这个保障当然不是绝对的 第二点,作为旅游产品来说,价格是一个消费者判断是否 开下一个发展战略呢?笔者认为魅力再造与美丽的维护将是一 想居”“高尚游”的城市,应该是值得考虑的发展方向,也是 永恒的,因为市场始终处于竞争状态,任何旅游城市都得接受 购买的主要因素之一。西湖湖边景区不收门票的政策,活化了 个重要课题。所谓的魅力再造是在原有的基础上的提升与改善 一个评价新杭州的好方法。 这个残酷的现实考验。 (本文有删节)


everlasting charm? The author thinks that any development As a famous must be driven by “motives”, and the sources of such motives must be continuous so as to supply the energy tourist destination, for the sustainable development of the city. The energy of Hangzhou must first course includes the intrinsic “motive” of the city, as well as solve the above critical its extrinsic “motive”. The development of the city must be driven and promoted by both intrinsic and extrinsic “motives”, problems before so as to assume and enhance its competitiveness and starting the substantial guarantee its sustainable development. marketing of its beauty The intrinsic motive is mainly derived from the city’s cultural and charm as a tourist and natural resource, the civility of the urban residents who destination. One Belt and One Road (One are objects of the city, wise leaders, cadres with strong Belt and One Road, OBOR) is a leadership skills, responsible and royal cadres as well as workers loving to serve, who are unflinchingly loyal to the city strategic vision proposed by Chinese . In addition, a complete public service system and advanced President Xi Jinping about constructing ideas in operation and management service are the the “New Silk Road Economic Belt” foundation for the brand of a tourist city. That is, a city brand is be developed as an industry. Secondly, what on earth is the developed and accumulated on its good basic conditions . charm of a tourist destination? Charm is mainly reflected in and the “21st Century Maritime Silk culture and nature. Therefore, the in-depth cultural exploration Road” in September and October and conservation of the natural environment is what a tourist 2013 respectively. destination must keep doing, which is also an important commitment to tourists. Thirdly, elegance is the artistic aura that This page: Straw sandals displayed in a museum at Xixi Wetland; a tourist destination has. A tourist destination without elegance Paper making workshop. is just like a world without colors. As a famous tourist destination, Right page: Lingyin Temple; Viewing fish at flower harbor. Hangzhou must first solve the above critical problems before starting the substantial marketing of its beauty and charm as a tourist destination. From the above three points, we can see that there is no serious The extrinsic motive refers to external factors, such as the problem with the first point, accessibility. While Hangzhou is not OBOR Is the Extrinsic Drive of Tourist City Development guidance of the government’s “OBOR” policy, which a major transportation hub for all of East China, its accessibility One Belt and One Road (One Belt and One Road, OBOR) is a stimulate and coordinate, to some extent, the sustainable is sound as a tourist destination. Of course, what should be strategic vision proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping about development of the city, thus promoting its development and strengthened in the future is the direct transportation network constructing the “New Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “21st progress. between Hangzhou and famous scenic spots and areas Century Maritime Silk Road” in September and October 2013 within the province and the transportation between the city How to Maintain the Sustainable Development of a Tourist respectively. and neighboring provinces and cities. The establishment City: Take Hangzhou as an Example of transportation networks to scenic spots and areas is a A tourist city is not necessarily the political and economic The idea of the World Tourism Cities Federation (WTCF) is key issue for developing the greater Hangzhou “tourism” center of a country, province, city or region, but it must have a “Better City Life through Tourism”. That is to say, city life can plan, and also one of the important indicators in the ultimate reason for becoming desirable. This reason may be simple, or be improved through tourism. Thus, how to make tourists feel goals for tourism development in Zhejiang Province. On the comprehensive, as everyone’s demand varies, but one thing good in the course of tourism is a basic condition for “better other hand, the construction of a transportation network with is common: the “value” it demonstrates can be accepted city life through tourism”. neighboring provinces and cities is a necessary condition for by tourists. This “value” is roughly consistent from whatever Hangzhou to become a major tourist destination in East China. I have published an article entitled “Several Opinions on the perspective. In other words, it is “worthwhile” for tourists to visit The improvement and upgrading of transportation networks is Marketing of Tourist Destinations” in my works and Tourism this city. also one of the necessary measures for further expanding the Tribune. I have pointed out that as a tourist destination the most customer market. Therefore, in order to preserve its position in tourists’ eyes, critical problems that must be first resolved are the following a tourist city must make tremendous efforts to maintain the three: ① improvement of accessibility; ② creation of charm; As for the second point, price is one of the main factors for a conditions for its sustainable development. Therefore, to and ③ creation of elegance. Whether a tourist destination consumer to decide whether to purchase a tourist product. The constantly innovate and protect the existing historical and cultural can successfully attract guests, first of all, depends on its ticket-free policy for the scenic areas along the West Lake has accumulation and natural landscape has come to be an important accessibility. This is a basic condition, without which only a few revitalized the whole scenic area and mobilized the development task for a tourist city. special tourists fond of challenges and undaunted by difficult of tourist economy. As a result, tourists can truly have a feeling Then, what are the forces that enable the city to maintain its journey would be attracted, and as a result, tourism could not of walking together with nature while appreciating the beautiful


Hangzhou municipal government, should realize that the strategic development of this tourist city should give priority to the construction of a new Hangzhou by meeting people’s senses of vision, hearing, olfactory, taste and touch, so that tourists can very clearly see, hear, smell, taste and touch the beauty of Hangzhou.

This page: A joss in Lingyin Temple; An ancient town near Hangzhou. Left page: Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed train.

scenery of West Lake. They can forget altogether that they Beauty Re-engineering Requires Top-Down Consensus guiding principle as soon as possible and must stick to this are entering a scenic area. Instead, they are going into the Then for the city of Hangzhou which is both charming and principle. On the other hand, tourism planners must observe this embrace of nature. As a result, they can easily feel the aura beautiful, how should we practice the next development principle to re-engineer the beauty of Hangzhou, thus picturing from culture and nature and the sense of returning to nature. strategy? I think charm re-engineering and beauty a city both natural and beautiful. The level of overall tourism It might be out of the policy makers’ expectation that a policy maintenance will be an important theme. The so-called charm development will be an important goal that the government can create a special charm of a city. This “policy charm” re-engineering is to remedy its inadequacies and defects on its must set. The author thinks that to make Hangzhou a city for not only finally meets tourists’ wishes but also conforms to original basis, while beauty re-engineering is to conserve the “ideal settlement” and “noble tour” should be a direction the strategy of developing better economy. It not only meets natural landscape, that is, beauty preserved by conservation. worth considering, and it would also be a good method for tourists’ demands but also moves tourists to revisit the city. It evaluating the new Hangzhou. impressive results for this beautiful city. Therefore, Hangzhou not only meets the strategy of developing big economy but also In substance, beauty re-engineering is not to re-develop and In conclusion, tourism development achievements in should grasp this good opportunity to accelerate and increase promotes the prosperity of the whole city of Hangzhou. construct a beautiful Hangzhou again or to reconstruct the present Hangzhou, but to introduce advanced concepts on Hangzhou have always been top rank in China. Such excellent the integration with some internationally renowned cities under In regard to the third point, the elegance of Hangzhou is the current basis to conserve the natural beauty of Hangzhou. achievements have been scored because of Hangzhou’s the leadership of the “OBOR” policy, and draw on advanced reflected in its grace and refinement. Small, exquisite and The conservation of beauty is to do our best to reduce our insightful foresight and resolution to pioneer, and its strategy thoughts and concepts to build Hangzhou into an international beautiful, the city impresses tourists as beautiful, practical and destruction of nature. Therefore, the use of green energy and of operating Hangzhou instead of managing Hangzhou.In the tourist city. generous. Hangzhou is a colorful city, and its graceful urban the introduction of the low-carbon concept will be the main future development, how should Hangzhou grasp opportunities The sustainable development of a tourist city is not an easy environment makes the beautiful city full of vitality, appeal, scientific method for maintaining the beautiful city image and again to re-create glory? I think the necessary conception in task. Development requires motive, motive requires sources, spirit and attraction. It is a city in which one can elegantly tour, excellent living environment of Hangzhou. At the same time the tourist development strategy is that we should pay attention and sources require continuity. These are all difficulties in the vacation, live, work, start a business, invest and study. At the in various construction projects, the Hangzhou municipal to the “OBOR” strategic layout of the state and timely development of a tourist city. However, overcoming these same time, it is gradually developing towards a tasteful world government, should realize that the strategic development of participate, duly prepare and comprehensively conduct our difficulties will also help this city acquire its due brand and tourist city. (See Fig. 5). Hangzhou is a city with artistic aura. this tourist city should give priority to the construction of a new tourism development. guarantee, to some extent, its future development. However, this Some say that elegance is produced by and developed from Hangzhou by meeting people’s senses of vision, hearing, The “OBOR” national strategic layout will raise another guarantee is of course not an absolute and eternal one, as the cultivation of culture. Thus, with such a long standing history and olfactory, taste and touch, so that tourists can very clearly see, boom in international tourism. Hangzhou should make timely market is always competitive, and any tourist city should accept civilization, it is natural to some extent that the city is endowed hear, smell, taste and touch the beauty of Hangzhou. preparation before the advent of this fervor, and start from the the test of this cruel reality. with an elegant aura. Therefore, the government must prepare a more rigorous ideas of operation, management and service to create new (The article is abridged)


文、图 / 风同学

088 WORLD TOURISM CITY WORLD TOURISM CITY 089 车,穿过马埃岛波澜壮阔的滨海公路,驶入陡 失望,住过的那些 峭的盘山小径,两侧的树,如疯了似地狂野。 四季酒店,无论是广州 去过塞舌尔的人都知道,这里的路是何等狭窄 和华盛顿这样的城市酒店,亦 与险峻,当车驶进酒店的大门,各种不可思议的转 或是佛罗伦萨这样的古堡酒店,或是塞舌尔这样的 弯与爬升,让塞舌尔当地的司机也发了几句牢骚 : 海岛度假酒店,四季总是能保持自己的调性。它不 每次来这里,开车都要很小心啊! 求惊世骇俗,也不玩酷炫,它是庄重的,大度的, 然后,眼前豁然开朗,一个如此优美平静的海 温润的。 湾,以及山上丛林中的高架别墅映入眼帘。不会吧, 从我的露台望出去,那些高高悬崖丛林中一幢 我竟然就要住在这里! Buggy 司机见惯不怪地微笑 幢的别墅,就是这么拉风。这些房子,就好像是从 着,接过我的行李,向着更陡峭的山间驶去。 巨大的花岗岩上自然生长出来的。每个别墅都有发 路向天边延伸,在几乎无路可走的时候,终于, 呆亭,坐在这里发个呆,看个海,无比惬意。酒店 我的别墅到了。走下木台阶,穿过茂密的热带丛林, 园区的山间小径,处处鲜花盛开,最美的还是扶桑花, 打开青蓝色的大门,就看到了蓝色的大海。不是那 本页图:身体乳液和晒后乳 就连果盘都少不了扶桑的点缀。 液;夕阳西下,倦鸟归巢;随 种惊涛拍岸的海,也不是那种海风轻拂的海,是水 绝大部分的海岛酒店,室内装饰都会遵循当地 时都可泡在水里。 左页图:每间别墅都有私人泳 平如镜的,处子般宁静的海。 传统,采用当地元素。塞舌尔四季酒店却另辟蹊径, 池,公共泳池就少有人光顾了; 秋千架上惬意时光;这个美女 作为最爱的酒店品牌之一,四季真的是从不让人 虽然有部分装饰材料来自当地,但整体的氛围,却 是个研究海洋的科学家。 米兰建筑雄伟独特的屋顶。 090 WORLD TOURISM CITY WORLD TOURISM CITY 091 Traveler 旅行家

出乎意料地充满北美田园风情。它一方面彰显着四 个人的出生日期,将产品分为天空、风、水、山、地、 季酒店来自加拿大,也让我想起自己在温哥华、在 雷、火和湖八类。 维多利亚睡过的那些临海度假酒店,是那样轻松、 在塞舌尔,无论住哪一家酒店,最亮丽的,永 明快,充满了艺术风。 远是窗外的这片海。清晨,可以乘着酒店的橡皮艇 塞舌尔四季的主色调是青蓝色,甚至洗手间的 出海;一场小雨过后,就会漫不经心地升起一弯彩虹; 小几和墙上的画,还有门与露台的色调,都是这样 黄昏,一泳池都是绮丽的晚霞;日落时分,海鸟飞翔; 让人心情舒畅的青蓝。白色的木板墙,粗犷而天然。 夜晚,有最美的蚊帐相伴 ;深夜,海上美丽的星空, 明媚的午后,阳光透过室外的树木与纱窗照进 让人的心也碎成一颗颗小星星。 来,心中就充满安宁的感觉。突然就理解了这样的 早餐,依然可以高冷地呆在度假村的上面, 田园风,就好像窗外那一湾宁静的海。海,有时候 ZEZ 餐厅离房间非常近。餐厅门口有个古怪的乐器 并不意味着远征,也象征着家园与守候。 来自塞舌尔当地,是用椰子做的,名字叫做 ZEZ, 本页图:餐厅门口这个古 怪的用椰子做的乐器就是 除了提供常有的身体乳液,酒店还贴心地提供 餐厅因此得名。餐厅除了无敌海景,最大的亮点, ZEZ;Kannel餐厅每晚都有 了晒后乳液。值得一提的是,酒店备品来自塞舌 固定主题,当天上演的就是 就是那些来自马达加斯加的海鸟了。吃饭时也要小 当地风情的克里奥之夜;泳 尔当地品牌 Yi-King。由一位法国女士创建的 Yi- 心,这些家伙可是完全不怕人,我那辛苦烤好的面 池倒影着最美的云。 右页图:无 论 在 哪 里 ,最 King 品牌,除了材料全部来自于塞舌尔当地的有机 包片,一不留神就被它们叼走了。 亮丽的永远是窗外的这 片海。 植物,更融合了中国的五行学说与中药理论,按照 酒店的 Spa 室,位于整个山的最顶部,有着会

当凌绝顶的气势。Spa 产品,仍是 Yi-King 品牌。 伸。在 Spa 床上,我真心感觉自己就是一团面,被 依照我的出生日期,来自印度的 Spa 技师 Rinku 神 Rinku 揉搓成各种瑜伽的姿势。不过后半部分,当 秘地告诉我 :你是 lake person,用的是当地产的 神秘的音乐响起,按摩进入舒缓理疗阶段,那般舒 椰子按摩油,我成“湖人”了。再一听解释,真是 畅通达的感觉,太美妙了。 很神。做 Spa 之前填写表格,我注明重点部分是脖 四季酒店颠覆性的 Spa 理疗,是Spa 后的食疗, Tips 子。然后湖人的产品上面就明写着,湖人最容易疲 将食疗做为整个 Spa 的延续,也难怪 Spa 的名字, 劳的部分,就是脖子! 就叫做 Hilltop fusion treatment。食物也是按上述 泡脚的叶子,就来自本山头的肉桂树,海滩上 原理分八种,给我们湖人的建议是 :适宜温和的食 的沙子是用来磨死皮的。酒店最常见的,就是这些 物和酸甜口,还真对了!除了番茄大虾,沙拉的食 肉桂树了,Spa 前喝的肉桂香草茶,用以安神。 材主要有番茄、薄荷、柠檬、菠菜、豆类等等,最 最佳旅游季节:4—9月, 此 时 是 旱 季 ,温 度 适 中 , 海边的 Spa 小屋,有着秘境般的氛围,只听得 主要也是最奇怪的一样食材就是藜麦了。 不 会 下 大 雨 ,可 以 充 分 享 涛声,只看得树影。Spa 技师 Rinku 来自印度北方, 再出来时,已经是霞光满天,不是那种特别绚 受阳光、沙滩,但也要注 意 防 晒 。这 个 季 节 是 钓 所以看起来很像尼泊尔人,别看她笑起来慈眉善目, 烂的晚霞,而是充满神秘色彩的紫色。也许是 Spa 剑 鱼 的 旺 季 。5 — 1 0 月 为 旱 季 ,凉 爽 少 雨 ,空 气 通 下起手来可是“心狠手辣”。 的作用,也许是这魔幻的天光,当我沿着鲜花小径 透 ,适 合 摄 影 ,风 较 大 , 还是第一次体验印度 Spa,与巴厘岛和泰式 走回房间的时候,心中是那样的舒爽与安宁,那样 如 果 喜 欢 风 帆 运 动 ,可 在此时前往。 不同,下手明显力道十足,而且特别讲究身体的拉 的悠远与明澈。

092 WORLD TOURISM CITY WORLD TOURISM CITY 093 Traveler 旅行家 旅行家 Traveler

smiled, gave me my luggage and drove back to the This page: Furniture in the steep valley. washing room Left page: Villas on the rocky The path stretched towards the horizon. When mountain there was almost no way to go, I finally arrived at my villa. Descending along the wooden steps, walking through the dense tropical jungle and opening the ultramarine gate, I saw the blue sea which was not billowing or flicking but was serenely impressive at rest. One of my favorite brands, Four Seasons Resort Seychelles did not disappoint me. No matter the city hotel in Guangzhou and Washington, the old castle hotel in Florence or the island hotel in Seychelles, the Four Seasons Resort Seychelles I had lived in could always maintain their own characteristics, not astounding or cool, but solemn, generous and gentle. Seen from my balcony, the villas in the jungle beside the high cliffs looked so cool. These houses seemed to have naturally grown on the gigantic granites. In each villa there was a pavilion for the visitors to enjoy the peace of mind. It was incomparably pleasant to be lost in thought and appreciate the seascape there. Along the valley path in the park of the hotel, flowers were blooming luxuriantly and the hibiscus rosa-sinensis bloomed the most gorgeously. Even the fruit trays would not do without the dressing of hibiscus rosa-sinensis. The interior decoration of most island hotels Tips would follow the local traditions and adopt the local elements. However, Four Seasons Resort Seychelles opened up a new path. Although part of the decorative materials came from the local area, the entire atmosphere unexpectedly displayed the pastoral style of North America, highlighting that Four Best travel season Seasons hotel originated in Canada and reminding From April to September. Where to Enjoy the Seaside me of the relaxing, lively and artistic oceanside It is the dry season resorts where I had lived in Vancouver and Victoria. when the temperature is moderate and there is The dominant hue of Four Seasons Resort no heavy rain. Tourists Seychelles was ultramarine. Even the locker in the can enjoy the sunshine Breeze in This Big World? and beach sufficiently, rest room, the paintings on the walls, the door and the Words & Pictures / Feng balcony were all painted in pleasurable ultramarine. but measures should be taken to prevent from The white wood siding walls also seemed rough and sunburn. It is the best The buggy drove on the vast coastal highway on turns and climb inconceivably. Even the local driver natural. season to fish dorado. In the Mahe Island and then onto the precipitous could not help grumbling, “Great care must be the dry season from May In the sunny afternoon, the sun shone through zigzagging path with the trees on both sides passing taken whenever I drive here!” to October, it is cool and the outdoor trees and screen windows. My heart by wildly. has little rain, and the air Then the land was abruptly open and clear. A was flooded with a sense of serenity. It suddenly is transparent and fit for Whoever has been to Seychelles must know how graceful and tranquil bay and an overhead villa struck me that the pastoral scenes looked like the photography. If you love windsurfing, you may go narrow and steep the roads there are. Driving among the trees in the mountain heaved in sight. tranquil sea outside the window which sometimes in this windy season. through the gate to the resort, the buggy had to make Incredible! I'll be staying here?! The buggy driver did not symbolize expedition but the homeland and


expectation. the most beautiful was always the sea outside the baked when I wasn't paying attention. window. In the morning I could go out to sea in a Apart from regular body lotion, the Resort also The Spa room of the resort lied on the peak of the rubber dinghy provided by the hotel; after drizzles, considerately provided after-sun lotion. What whole mountain in an imposing manner. The Spa This page: Cooking a rainbow would simply rise in the sky; at dusk, ingredients; A guest room was worth mentioning was that all the spares of products were also of Yi-King brand. Rinku, the the gorgeous sunset glow drifted on the surface in Four Seasons Resort the Resort were products branded Yi-King which Indian Spa technician, secretly told me I was a lake of the swimming pool; when the sun went down, Seychelles was founded by a French lady. All the materials person judging from my birthday and I was given the Right page: Birds sitting at a the seabirds flew cheerfully over the sea; in the table in the hotel Beautifully came from the local organic plants in Seychelles. coconut massage oil produced in the local area. I dark hours, the most beautiful mosquito net would decorated food Integrating the Chinese Five-element became a “lake person”! Her further explanation accompany you to a sound dream; late at night, in Theory and the theory of traditional sounded amazingly correct. When I filled in the form the beautiful starry sky above the sea shone the Chinese medicine, as well as before the Spa, I stressed my neck prior massage. intoxicating starlets. in accordance with the date Then the products for the lake person wrote clearly of birth of the customers, I could still proudly stay in the resort to have breakfast that the neck of the lake person felt the most serious the products could because the ZEZ Restaurant was extremely close to fatigue! be divided into eight my room. A strange musical instrument at the door The leaves for foot bath came from the cinnamon categories, namely, of the restaurant came from Seychelles, which was trees from the mountain top and the sand on the sky, wind, water, made of coconut and named ZEZ, hence the name beach was used to wash away the dead skin cells. mountain, earth, of the restaurant. In addition to its super river view, The cinnamon trees were most commonly seen in thunder, fire and what highlighted the resort were the seabirds from the Resort. The cinnamon vanilla tea I drank before lake etc. Madagascar. You should be cautious during the the Spa was used to soothe the nerves. meal because they were not afraid of people. They In whichever hotel even carried off the sliced bread I had laboriously A mysterious atmosphere pervaded the seaside in Seychelles, Spa hut where only the sound of billows could be heard and the tree shadows could be noticed. Rinku, the Spa technician, came from North India. So she looked like a Nepalese. Despite her benign smiling countenance, she behaved “heartlessly and cruelly” during the massage. It was the first time when I experienced the Indian Spa which was different from those of Bali and Thai styles. It applied manifestly more strength and particularly emphasized body stretching. On the Spa bed, I sincerely felt as if I were a piece of dough kneaded by Rinku into various yoga postures. But when the unearthly music rang out in the latter part and the massage entered the relieving physiotherapy stage, I found it marvelously comfortable. The ground-breaking Spa therapy of the Four Seasons Resort Seychelles was the dietary therapy after the Spa which was the extension of the entire process. It was no wonder the Spa was named as Hilltop fusion treatment. The food was categorized into eight sorts in the light of the afore-mentioned principles. We lake persons were advised to eat soft food with sour and sweet flavor. That was really right! In addition to Prawns in Tomato Sauce, the salad was made of such following food materials as tomatoes, mint, lemon, spinach and beans etc. glows but the mysterious purple glows. Effected Among these, the most important and strangest was by the Spa and the fantastic skylight, I felt relaxed, the quinoa. comfortable, composed in mind and lost in the bright When I walked out, the sky was kindled by the setting atmosphere and the distant future when I returned to sun which were not the particularly splendid sunset my room along the path thronged by gaily flowers.


在英国旅行,设计师女儿说,要带我去伦敦一 这里拥有超 个色香俱全的地方 , 一般游客都不知道,这立即引 过两百家的企业, 起了我的兴趣。它就是新考文特花园花卉市场—— 从业人员超过两 伦敦最大的花卉市场,伦敦花店 75%的鲜花都是来 千五百人,伦敦花店 自这里,因为它是一个鲜花批发市场,鲜有一般游 75%的鲜花都来自这 客光顾。 里。这里的花卉不单枝零 伦敦色香密地 新 考 文 特 花 园 市 场 (New Covent Garden 售,一般 10—12 支起,市 Market),也叫新科芬园市场,或者新高云花园市 场根据店家的订单进货,凌晨批 场。它位于伦敦沃克斯豪尔(Vauxhall)和巴特西 发到伦敦的花店,于是伦敦的各个花店都 新考文特花园花卉市场 (Battersea)之间,伦敦西南部的九榆树,该市场 有鲜花当天销售。 占地 23 公顷,是英国最大的水果、蔬菜和花卉批 凌晨四、五点天还未亮,花市就开张了,大型 文、图 / 行者老湖 发市场。 花店会派车来拖运订购的鲜花或请批发商直送到店; 新考文特花园市场开市是在 1974 年 11 月 11 小花店的采购人员自己开着小面包车来挑选当季花 大家也许都知道,伦敦有一个露天市场叫做考文特花园,那里有不少潮流时 日,在 1971 年已经开始对前九榆树机车厂开始了 卉 ;甚至街边报摊花亭的主人也会来挑上几把,在 装店, 也有很多的鲜花卖,被旅行者们列为伦敦必游景点。但是,伦敦还有 改造施工,因为建造整个市场的目的,是将在伦敦 地铁站口售卖。约早上 8:30,城市开始苏醒的时候, 一个叫做新考文特花园市场 (New Covent Garden Market)的地方,伦 市中心的考文特花园的花卉销售业务直接转移过来。 这里便开始收市,伦敦当日的鲜花已然静静抵达各 敦当局将它作为考文特市花园市场的搬迁地,所以称为新考文特花园市场。 新考文特花园市场开业之后,生意一直不错, 个销售点,花枝招展地等待客人光顾。 也逐步为人们所接受,大家纷纷从原来的考文特花 除了鲜花之外,新考文特花园市场还售卖包括 园市场过来批发鲜花,在全世界的花卉市场名气 水果、蔬菜等农作物。这里是伦敦鲜花和食材的集 散地,是花艺设计师和美食家最常光顾的去处。市 本页图:花市的鲜花新 中,新考文特花园市场仅次于荷兰的阿尔斯梅尔 鲜 丰 富 ,还 有 配 套 产 品 (Aalsmeer)花卉市场。 场为伦敦 40% 的顶级餐馆、酒店、学校、监狱、 出售。


A Secret Beautiful and Fragrant Paradise The New Covent Garden Market

Words & Pictures /Traveler Laohu

We all may know that there is an open market called Covent Garden housing many fashion boutiques, selling countless flowers and ranking as an indispensable destination in London. Nevertheless, there is a place called the New Covent Garden Market in London. The London authorities have also taken it as the 本页图:超大型仓储显示了 医院提供水果、蔬菜和花卉等。 和郁金香等花卉,都会用单独的纸盒存放,避免 site for the relocation of the Covent 超高的物流管理水平。 新考文特花园市场也不只是店家的人去批发, 运送中被压坏。 Garden Market. Hence its name is the 也会有些早起的伦敦主妇,以及一些晨练后的人 这里还有许多观赏植物,小型和大型都有, New Covent Garden Market. 散步到这里,买一大把鲜花回家,布置在家中, 还有一些配合花卉插花用的各类藤蔓植物等等。 在这里买花能享受伦敦最低批发价,有时约为零 在市场里面,我们还发现了不少盆景,虽然没有 售市价的 1/5。 中国式的松树造型的,不过也都很精致。在架子 When I was traveling in the UK, my daughter, a designer, planned to take me to a place imbued with 为了保鲜,花卉市场是一个封闭的恒温市内 上,密密麻麻排满了各种植物与花卉。当然这里 Tips beauty and fragrance which was rarely known to 市场。市场提供的花卉,植物,树叶,杂物和室 也少不了花瓶,各种各样造型的花瓶,各种色彩, ordinary tourists. The suggestion highly prompted 内装饰品,来自英国和来自世界各地,品种十分 可以与鲜花搭配。还有各种花盆,瓷的、玻璃的、 my curiosity. What she took me to was the New Covent Garden Market-- the largest flower market 丰富,各种鲜花应有尽有,我们进去之后,惊叹 木的,金属的,你可以很容易买到与鲜花相配的 in London. Seventy-five percent flowers sold in 不已。 各种配套装饰品。 flower shops in London come from there. Since it is a 各种各样的鲜花琳琅满目,让人目不暇接, 市场里面还有花卉、色彩相关的书籍销售, wholesaling flower market, it is an unfamiliar name to ordinary tourists. 不只是好看,拍照也非常美,于是我们手机、相 难怪很多网站将新考文特花园花卉市场列为插花 机一起来。 园艺师、花卉设计师等职业人士必去的世界大型 The New Covent Garden Market situates itself in 1 、去 新 考 文 特 花 园 市 场 ,乘 坐 地 the area of Nine Elms, in southwest London and 铁 即 可 到 达 ,坐 浅 蓝 色 的 维 多 利 这里的鲜花品种十分齐全,绝对不是国内花 花市之一。 between Vauxhall and Battersea. Covering an 亚(Victoria)地铁线,到沃克斯 卉市场可以比拟的,仅仅只是玫瑰,就有几十个 新考文特花园花卉市场里面,还有一家咖啡 area of 23 ha., the market stands as the largest fruit, 豪尔(Vauxhall)站3号出口,过 vegetable and flower wholesale market in the UK. 马路之后,左转一直走,大约不 品种,牡丹与芍药也有十几个品种。凡是你能够 店,逛累了的时候,可以在这里坐坐,喝点咖啡, After its opening, the New Covent Garden Market This page:A variety of fresh 到10分钟,就能看到新考文特花 The New Covent Garden Market was opened has seen good business and has been gradually flowers sold at the flower 园市场。 想象的花,这里几乎都有。 吃吃点心,陶醉在鲜花的缤纷色彩和醉人香气中。 market on November 11, 1974. The former Nine Elms accepted by the customers who go there to 2、花卉市场批发的营业时间为 我对鲜花的了解非常有限,很多花卉叫上不 如果你去英国旅行,看惯了伦敦的古老和贵 周 一 至 周 五 0 4 :0 0 至 0 8 :3 0 ,周 Locomotive Works had been rebuilt in 1971 because buy flowers in bulk. In terms of the popularity of 六 会 开 到 9 ~ 1 0 点 。水 果 和 蔬 菜 名字,也有许多在国内从未见过的鲜花。因为是 族风,不妨到新考文特花园花卉市场去转转,会 the entire market was established to directly transfer worldwide flower markets, the New Covent Garden 市场的营业时间是周一至周六从 批发市场,所有的鲜花都是一包分装的,除了大 给你一种非常强烈的视觉冲击,一定会带来完全 the flower business of the Covent Garden in central Market is only second to Aalsmeer Flower Market in 00:00左右至06:00,周日休息。 London to the new site. Netherlands. 型花卉之外,没有单独一支的。各种高档的兰花 不同的旅行感受。


sometimes one fifth of the retail price. To retain freshness, it was designed as an enclosed thermostat market. The flowers, plants, leaves, sundries and interior ornaments supplied in the market come from the UK or from all over the whole world. We were all amazed at the variety of flowers we found there! All assortments of flowers, too many to see, were sold in the market, not only good-looking but also ideal for photography. So we took photos of the flowers with both mobile phones and cameras. The flowers there featured a complete variety which could not be compared to the domestic flower market. There were dozens of kinds of rose and more than a dozen types of peony and Chinese herbaceous peony. Whatever flowers you could More than 200 enterprises have been registered imagine were available there. there, offering employment to more than 2,500 and I had limited knowledge of flowers. I didn’t know the 75% of wholesaling flowers in London. The flowers names of many flowers and I had never seen many there are not retailed but purchased by at least 10-12 flowers before at home. Since all the flowers in the generally. In accordance with the order, the market wholesale market were all packaged in bunches, wholesales flowers to the flower shops in London at not a single flower, apart from the large ones, was This page: The good taste and high flower planting technique of daybreak so that all the shops have flowers to sell. independently packaged. The upmarket orchids and the English are reflected by the booming flower market Left page: A variety of fresh flowers sold at the flower market At 4 or 5 o’clock before daybreak, the flower market tulips of all assortments etc. were stored in separate starts business and large flower shops will dispatch boxes to prevent any damage during the delivery. vehicles to transport the ordered flowers or ask the Tips There were also many plants, big and small, for wholesalers to deliver the flowers directly to their appreciation, and various vine plants for flower shops; the purchasers of small flower shops will drive arrangement etc. In the market we also found many their mini vans to select flowers in season; even the delicate miniature gardens. The shelves were curbside newspaper and flower stand owners will dotted with all sorts of plants and flowers in addition come there to select a few bunches and sell them to colorful vases in diverse shapes to match the at the entrance of the subway station. When the city flowers. Flowerpots of porcelain, glass, wood or begins to wake up at about 8:30 a.m., the market will metal were also supplied there. You could easily buy be closed. By that time the flowers have been silently all ornaments matching the flowers in the market. delivered to all the outlets in London, gorgeously 1. You can arrive at the It also sold books on flowers and colors. No wonder New Covent Garden awaiting the favor of the customers. so many websites listed the New Covent Garden Market by taking the light In addition to flowers, the New Covent Garden blue Victoria Line, exiting Market as one of the indispensable worldwide large Market also sells agricultural produce including at Gate 3 at the Vauxhall flower markets for professional flower arrangers and fruits and vegetables etc. The distribution center Station, walking across flower designers etc. the road, turning left and of flowers and food materials and the best place walking directly for about most frequented by floral designers and gourmets There was also a coffee shop in the New Covent no more than 10 min. in London, the market supplies 40% of the top Garden Market where the tourists could have a rest, 2. The business hours drink coffee, taste light refreshments and indulge of the wholesaling flower restaurants, hotels, schools, prisons and hospitals in market are 04:00-08:30 London with fruits, vegetables and flowers etc. themselves in the colorful flowers of intoxicating from Monday to Friday fragrance. and 04:00-9:00~10:00 The New Covent Garden Market is not merely the on Saturday. The fruit and wholesaling market for flower shops but also for If you feel bored with the accustomed antiquity and vegetable market is run housewives getting up early and those who walk nobility of London during your travel there, you can during 00:00-06:00 from there after their morning exercise. They come there have a tour in the New Covent Garden Market which Monday to Saturday and to buy a large bunch of flowers to decorate their will definitely exert exceedingly strong visual impact closed on Sunday. house at the minimum wholesale price which is on you and bring you the different travel experience.


淹没在加德满都节日里 祷告和娱乐,仍不显得疲倦,与其说是对宗教的信 座古城的重头戏。

文、图 / 行走的强子 女人节又名蒂吉节,每年的八到九月举行,一 仰支撑着她们,倒不如说是她们对未来美好生活的 Tips 般会持续三天, 第一天是最快乐的日子,妇女们大 渴望分外强烈。 多外出购物,当天晚上,她们会做出丰盛的饭菜和 宰牲节是尼泊尔一年一度最大的节日。九月底

悠闲自在的生活态度和多姿多彩的节日构成了 的宰牲节。 许多甜食,到了午夜,节日才算真正开始,很多平 十月初月圆之前的两个星期,从新月一直到满月, 尼泊尔人幸福的源泉。尼泊尔被称作世界上节日最 神牛节始于中世纪,起初只是人们怀念死去亲 时关系好的妇女聚集在一起,带着白天做出的饭菜, 全国放假。在这期间会有持续15 天左右的庆祝活动, 多的国家,一年 365 天,基本上天天都有节日。在 人的一项宗教仪典活动,小孩子会被打扮成牛的样 一边吃,一边聊天,尽情享受着节日的欢乐,聚会 可谓是南亚版的狂欢节。

一年中任何的时间去尼泊尔,你都有可能碰到有趣 子来游行。这一天,居住在尼泊尔全国各地的尼瓦 一直持续到黎明才结束。第二天是女人节最重要的 其中,最热闹的要数第八天跟第九天。在加德 杜巴(Durbar)在尼泊尔语中 意为皇宫,杜巴广场也就是 尔人都会举行庆祝活动。 一天,妇女们在净身沐浴后穿上最漂亮的衣服,戴 满都杜巴广场的周边,你将看到震撼并且血腥的宰 的节日。 皇宫广场的意思。加都杜巴 据说,尼泊尔每年有三百多个节日,这里的节 加都当然也不例外,每天游行的人们都会跳着 上金银首饰,把自己打扮成新娘模样,成群结队开 牲场面。节日期间,会有各种游行和祭祀活动,人 广场集中了尼泊尔12世纪至 始游行,前往附近的湿婆庙,向湿婆神敬献鲜花, 们会接受长辈们的祝福。走在大街上,真的是人山 19世纪间的古典寺庙建筑和 日大都与宗教、农时有关,政府规定放假的节日有 棍子舞、吹着笛子 , 欢快地打着手鼓穿梭在古城的 宫 殿 ,其 绘 画 、建 筑 、文 化 、 近 50 个,如“洒红节、佛诞节、圣线节、神牛节、 大街小巷,全城的人都会汇集在古城的广场等待着 许下自己的心愿,然后在此歌舞娱乐。有趣的是, 人海,随处可见穿着盛装的尼泊尔少女,好像全城 陶艺等尼瓦尔文化年代久 远 ,庙 宇 融 合 了 尼 泊 尔 北 方 本页图:色彩鲜艳的妇女服 在节日的最后一天,所有妇女从早到晚都不能吃任 人都走出了家门,观看节日期间的庆典活动,比中 饰是尼泊尔一道亮丽的风 女人节、德赛因节”等,形式多种多样,庙会、跳舞、 游行队伍的到来,放眼望去,广场的神庙里、台阶 艺术和南方神话哲学,并且 被一代代地继承了下来,宝 景线。 游行,花样繁多。 上到处都坐满了身着节日盛装的尼瓦尔人,每个人 何东西,必须斋戒一天。虔诚的妇女想通过此举为 国的春节还要热闹。每个人都会从移动的供台上取 右页图:杜巴广场是城市活 塔 、石 雕 、宫 殿 等 历 史 遗 迹 动 的 中 心 ;博 大 哈 塔 的 眼 睛 在加德满都停留的时间里,我非常有幸地赶上 脸上都挂着笑容,沉浸在节日的欢乐中。 丈夫祈求好运,对她们而言,家庭是她们的一切。 一点小东西回家,驱除邪魔祝福平安永远是人们生 保存完好,在2015年的地震 神 秘 深 邃 ;各 种 神 灵 享 受 着 中不幸部分被毁。 一年四季不断的香火。 了三个节日:神牛节、女人节和被誉为“南亚逛欢周” 而这些只是欢乐的开始,女人节的盛况才是这 令人惊讶的是,妇女们在禁食的情况下经过一天的 生不息的主题。


Gai Jatra dates very far back to the Middle Ages. At for entertainment. What’s interesting is that women the very beginning it is simply a religious memorial must fast on the last day of the festival, and they are ceremony for the departed and the children not allowed to eat anything from morning till night. will parade dressed up like a cow. The Newars The devout women hope to pray for good luck for throughout the country will hold a celebration on that their husbands. To them, family means everything. day. It is exceedingly amazing that the women do not seem fatigued after all the praying and entertainment Kathmandu is no exception. The Nepalese on during a whole day of fasting. It is better to say that it parade will dance the stick dance, play the flutes and is their exceptionally strong yearning for their bright frame drums, and walk through the streets and lanes future rather than their religious belief that supported in the ancient city merrily. All the people in the city will them. come together and wait for the parade in the market of the ancient city. Looking around, I saw the Newars Dasain stands as the largest annual festival in suited for the festival sitting in the temple or on the Nepal. It is a national holiday for two weeks from late steps of the market, each of whom was smilingly September to early October, from crescent to the immersed in the festive joy. full moon. There is a celebration of roughly 15 days during this period, hailed as the “Carnival in South And that is merely the prelude of great happiness. A s i a ”. The Teej Festival highlights the spectacular ancient city. The most boisterous scenes occur on the ninth and tenth days. On the ninth day, many cows and Teej Festival is usually celebrated for three days other domestic animals will be slaughtered. Around during August and September each year. The first the Kathmandu Durbar Square, the shocking and day promises the utmost joy, when the women bloody scene comes on stage. On the tenth day, usually go shopping in the daytime and prepare good people will accept blessings from the elders. How meals and sweetmeats in the evening. The festival crowded it is in the street! Fully-dressed Nepal girls does not genuinely begin until midnight when the can be seen everywhere and seemingly all the women on good terms get together, chatting, eating people in the whole city walk out of their house to the food cooked during the day, and enjoying the watch the festive activities for celebration. It looks festival to their heart’s content till dawn. The second even livelier than the Chinese Spring Festival. day is the most important, when women take a bath, This page: The Nepalese dress themselves in their most beautiful attires, wear Everyone will take small objects from the mobile altar sitting leisurely; The Nepalese gold or silver jewelry like a bride, parade to the Siva to bless them safe. Driving off evil spirits and praying celebrating their festival Temple nearby to offer fresh flowers respectfully to for blessing and peace are always the themes of Left page:DurbarSquare;A vendor Blessed in a Huge Lord Siva and make wishes, and sing and dance human beings. Throng at the Carnival Words & Pictures / Traveler Qiangzi

one third of a year celebrating festivals, which mostly concern religion and the farming seasons. There are nearly 50 statutory festivals, such as Holi, Buddha Jayanti, Raksha Bandhan, Gai Jatra, Teej Festival The blessedness of the Nepalese not merely and Dashain, celebrated in diverse forms, like temple sources from their leisurely and unfettered life attitude fair, dancing and parade etc. Through such a variety but also from their varied and colorful festivals. Nepal, of festivals, tourists can further know the social reputed as a country with the most festivals in the customs, culture and arts of Nepal. world, features a festival almost every day all year During my stay in Kathmandu, I was very lucky round. Whenever arriving in Nepal, you may happen to witness three festivals, namely Gai Jatra, Teej to enjoy an interesting festival. Festival and Dasain which is renowned as the It is said that there are more than 300 festivals in “Carnival Week in South Asia”. It is said that they Nepal each year, and the Nepalese spend almost are grand festivals in the local area.

106 WORLD TOURISM CITY WORLD TOURISM CITY 107 rip Summer T Famil y 仲夏亲子

图 / 步恩撒 正当时

随着世界多国签证政策的不断放宽,出境游已成为了中国旅游市场的主力军。 正值暑假,举家亲子游也在中国人旅行热潮中持续增温。 或者能开阔视野,或者能坚强意志,或者能增进亲子感情, 各种家庭游项目层出不穷, 给自己放个假,尽情享受亲子的温馨幸福吧!

As the visa policy in many countries continues to relax, outbound tourism has become the main force in the domestic tourism market. As summer vacation approaches, the heat of overseas family trip fever keeps rising. A wide variety of family trip programs, which serve to expand the vision, consolidate the will, or enhance family love, are launched. give yourself a holiday to enjoy a warm and happy family trip!


常碰见家长们把孩子托管在思高俱乐部,夫妻去享 摩天轮,如今排名第一的是英国伦敦眼摩天轮。登 邮轮合家欢 受一段难得的二人时光。 上了这个巨无霸,高度不断上升,大阪港的全景平 文、图 / 步恩撒 这次的邮轮之旅,我们与朋友一家结伴而行, 铺在我们的下方,港口上那些巨大的货轮、集装箱、

2012 年 8 月,我们一家三口计划乘坐歌诗达 朋友家有个与步步同龄的小男生小郎。有小伙伴陪 桥梁都变成了小小的乐高积木,傍晚的城市正在慢 维多利亚号邮轮,从上海出发,游览济州岛、釜山、 伴,步步和小郎都很开心,身为家长的我们也轻松 慢亮起来。这是步步第一次坐摩天轮,出乎我们意 大阪和歌山等地。最令人期待的当然不只是这些目 不少。邮轮缓缓驶入济州岛的港口,我们来到了此 料的是,她非但没有害怕慌张,还一直扒着玻璃往 的地,都说邮轮是成人的童话,而我能想到的最浪 次旅程的第一站,济州岛。远远就听到了传统的韩 下看,对于这惊人的高度也丝毫不胆怯。 漫的事,就是迎着海风,牵着心爱小公主纤细的手 国鼓乐,码头的空地上一支身着韩国传统服饰的舞 一起慢慢向船头走去。 蹈队正跳着民族舞蹈欢迎邮轮的到来。除了歌舞欢 强劲的海风带动起欢愉的气氛,远处的天空渐 迎,韩国人的服务也做得很到位。 渐地变红,太阳即将从海平面升起。我牵着公主来 邮轮上的剧场每天都有不一样的演出,各个大 爸爸步恩撒是奥地利超级摄影巡回展金 到船头最前端,此时,太阳刚刚露出第一缕金光, 厅都设有和游客互动的节目,就连餐厅的工作人员 牌得主的摄影师,从女儿步步三岁开始,每 我扶着她的腰站到更高处,从后面轻轻搂住她,公 也时不时即兴来上一段表演,使我们不至于觉得无 年带她出去旅行三四次,如今步步八岁,已 主慢慢回过头,用那双被海风吹得微微眯起的大眼 聊。暮色中,天空渐渐从淡蓝变为深蓝,然后是浓 经走过十几个国家和地区,并且还在路上。 睛望向我,眼神充满依恋,一双世界上最美丽的小 墨的黑,海水也随之变得深邃。天色渐暗,船上的 从短途开始,到没有妈妈的旅行;从第一次 手轻轻抚摸我的脸,叫到 :“爸爸。” 气氛反而越发热烈了起来。节奏感强烈的电子音乐 看海,到第一次邮轮;从第一次远途,到第 好吧,我承认这都是电影看多了的臆想。 从船身蔓延到甲板,邮轮上的舞蹈老师带领大家舞 一次出国旅行;在这过程中,父女牵手走世 第一次踏上这么大的邮轮,步步的小脸上满是 动起来,一群人在甲板上兴奋地扭动着身躯,一个 界,开拓的不仅仅是女儿视野,更蜕变了一 喜悦和好奇,邮轮上的角角落落都想去看看,各种 小女孩也在人群中奋力地舞蹈。 个不一样的父亲。 本页图:每 到 一 地 ,都 会 给 娱乐都想去体验一把。剧院、电影院、图书馆、网 狂乱的海风吹乱了她的头发,或许也吹乱了音 步步置办一件当地的民族 服装。 球场、SPA、健身房、温室花园、棋牌室、迪斯科 乐,步步自顾自地奋力舞蹈着, 她的乱舞完全没有 左页图:邮轮的节目丰富, 孩子忙个不停。 舞厅、赌场、商店和免税店……几乎所有你能想到 跟随音乐节奏,甚至超越了海风的狂乱。她尖叫、 的娱乐设施,邮轮上都有。还有专为小朋友们准备 跺脚,用力地甩头——我好像还从来没有见过她玩 的思高俱乐部,这里有来自不同国家的老师陪着孩 得这么疯,这么用力地尖叫狂跳。说来还真奇怪, 子玩耍聊天,还准备了丰富的游戏。在邮轮上,经 明明白天下船闲逛的时候一路喊累,不停抱怨走不 动,最后还是我连拖带抱才回到船上,怎么音乐声 一响起来,她又嚷着要去跳迪斯科了呢 ? 经过一夜的航行,一大清早,邮轮停靠在了第 二站 :釜山码头。我们搭大巴到了市中心,顺道去 了釜山海洋馆,好像是第一次,她意识到有过几面 之缘的大海原来藏着这么多神奇的生物。邮轮停靠 的第三站是大阪。下了船,在换乘的地铁上,步步 和小郎背着书包看着地图,还煞有其事地讨论起来, 把我们逗得不行。 在大阪历史博物馆,一个保洁大叔穿着全套古 装武士的行头,引得小朋友争着把手边的垃圾送到 他手里,步步为了凑热闹,硬是把我手里没喝完的 矿泉水拿去讨好武士大叔。在大阪市中心,天保山 摩天轮是我们的最后一站,也是步步最喜欢的一处。 高达 112.5 米的天保山摩天轮曾经是世界上最大的


Xiao Lang the same age as Bubu, to join us in the marine lives, which made Bubu excited as she ran cruise ship trip. Together, Bubu and Xiao Lang around. When Bubu saw jellyfish up close, she was were having a good time. And we parents felt less mesmerized as she pressed her face against the burdened. As the cruise ship slowly docked in the glass. She held on to the hem of my clothes as she port of Jeju Island, our first destination of this trip— asked me some questions. Jeju Island, arrived. The cruise ship's third stop was Osaka. When we Off in the distance the sound of drums and gongs got off the ship, we took the subway. There, Bubu was heard. This was traditional Korean music. On and Xiaolang were looking at the map with their the open ground of the wharf, we were greeted by schoolbags at their backs as they engaged on a the folk dance of a dancing team wearing traditional discussion with a seemingly significant act. This costumes of South Korea. Besides, the services of made us smile broadly. Korean were really put in their places. In Osaka history museum, a sanitation worker in full The theatre on the cruise ship had different ancient samurai outfit was so interesting that children performances every day. Each hall was equipped rushed to put garbage into his hands. To join the with interaction programs for visitors. Even the staff in fun, Bubu snatched the bottle of mineral water still the dinning hall would engage with a performance to with water left in it from my hand, and gave it to the dispel boredom. In the dusk, the color of the sky took samurai uncle. on the gradual change from light blue to dark blue, Tenpozan sky wheel in the downtown of Osaka was before changing into complete darkness. We could our last stop as well as Bubu's favorite place. The sense a submerging depth in the sea. The sky was sky wheel, as high as 112.5 meters, was once the getting dark, but the atmosphere on the ship was lit largest sky wheel in the world, only to be surpassed up. The resonating tempo of electronic music spread by London eye sky wheel later. When you got on the from the hull to the deck as the dance teacher led us giant and as your height kept rising, you would have in dancing. Excitedly we twisted and turned on the a bird’s-eye view of the panorama of Osaka port deck, with a little girl joining the carnival. on which giant cargo ships, containers, and bridges A gust of sea wind raised havoc with her hair as all became Lego bricks. As dusk settled, the city well as the music. The little girl was oblivious to it was slowly lighted up. It was the first time Bubu took all. She just danced. In the presence of her dance the sky wheel. We were surprised to find that far which never followed the rhythm of the music, even from being afraid, she pressed her face to the glass the frantic sea breeze paled in comparison. She and looked downward, showing no fear at all to the screamed, stomped, and violently shook her head, astonishing height. Cruise Ship Trip face. She gently rubbed my face with the most which I had never seen before. Strange to relate, she Words & Pictures / Bu Ensa beautiful pair of hands in the world, and she said, had been complaining about being tired and barely able to move in daytime when we got off the ship In August 2012, my family of three took a Costa “Papa.” to stroll along. Finally, we had to drag and carry her Victoria Cruise ship to embark on a journey. We Well, then, I've been led too far by movie episodes. back to the ship. Now that when the music was up, boarded in Shanghai and toured Jeju Island, Busan, As the first time on such a large cruise ship, Bubu she was clamoring for the disco. How strange! Bu Ensa, the father, is a photographer winning Osaka, Wakayama, and other places. The most the gold medal of Austria Super Photo Exhibition. exciting thing to look forward to was not only the was wearing a joyous and curious look. She wanted After one night’s voyage, the cruise ship docked at Since his daughter was three years old, he has destinations. Cruise ships are, from all accounts, to see every corner of the cruise ship and take all the second destination—Busan Dock—early next taken her out three or four times a year. Now an adults’ fairy tales. The most romantic event kinds of entertainment. The cruise ship had almost all morning. We took the bus to the city centre, where Bubu is eight years old and has been to a dozen or more countries and regions. She is still on imaginable was walking against the sea breeze to the recreational facilities imaginable to offer: theater, we transferred to the subway to Haeundae Beach cinema, library, tennis court, SPA, gym, greenhouse the road. The father and daughter are on a trip the ship’s bow, while holding the little hand of my which was a place of reclusiveness nestling in the round the world, from short distance trips to lovely little princess. garden, chess room, disco, casino, store, and duty- forest of cinder blocks. It was marvelous to see a trips without mother, from the first gaze at the free shop…Besides, there was the Squok Club tailor large beach in the prosperous city downtown. sea to the first cruise ship travel, from the first Strong sea breeze brought about an atmosphere made for children. There, you would find teachers long distance travel to the first travel out of the of pleasure. The sun rising from the sea level dyed from different countries who played and chatted with The sea breeze was sweeping through the waves, country, during which period the daughter has the distant sky red. I took my beloved princess as we children. Furthermore, there were many games in which gently tapped on this happy city. With blue expanded the way she looks at the world and walked to the bow’s head to be greeted by the first sky, sunshine, and sand, the two little kids were the father’s metamorphosis has been made the Club. You would often find parents trusting their complete. ray of sunlight. I helped her up to a higher place. As playing with sand on the beach. Were it not for the children in the Squok Club before enjoying a time for Left page: Traveling with I held her around the waist from behind, she slowly two. tight schedule, I’d have swum in the sea. Our next father is a good way to turned around, squinting up at me with emotional stop was Busan Marine Museum. Taking up little shape the strong character attachment as the coastal winds kept stroking her I'd asked a friend whose family included a little boy space, the Museum nevertheless had all kinds of of a child.


哥本哈根海港文化节 Copenhagen Harbor Culture Festival 作为世界闻名的海港城市哥本哈根,每年夏季举办 的海港文化节就像全国节庆一样 high 到爆。丰富的文 化和休闲活动成为整个城市最引人注目的文化景观。节 日期间,近百家文化、舞蹈和音乐俱乐部推出多项极具 个性和乐趣的免费活动,家长们可以带孩子参与乐队演 出,可以划皮艇、打水球,而对于那些喜欢美食、玩具 的孩子们,海港边的购物街也是不错的游玩之地。 The annual Harbor Culture Festival held in Copenhagen, a world famous seaport city, is a grand spectacle like a festival of national jubilation. Amid all the cultural landscapes, the rich cultural and leisure activities are the most attractive. During the festival, nearly a hundred culture, dance, and music clubs will launch a series of free activities which are highly personalized and 玩转最high节日 attractive. Parents can go on the stage with their children and play with the band, and play Kayak or water polo. As Make the Biggest Fuss over the Festivals for children with a healthy appetite or a liking for toys, the 文 / 郝文玲 图 / 全景 各大旅游局 shopping street by the side of the harbor will be nice and neutral. 伦敦诺丁山狂欢节 有这样一些全球知名的活动和节日,不用大肆渲染便 London Notting Hill Carnival 能引人入胜。在这里,体验到的不只是异域风情,更 夏天,就是英国伦敦一年一度的狂欢季,每年8 月的最后一个周末, 是前所未有的新奇与无与伦比的快感。 伦敦西区会举办诺丁山狂欢节,它是世界上最盛大的街头艺术节之一, There are some world renowned activities and 也是伦敦最有特色的庆典活动。其起源于 1964 年,多以非洲和加勒 festivals which have enthralling quality without any glorification. Here, you can not only get a sense of 比海地区文化、风情为主要表现形式。 the exotic landscape but also enjoy the novelty 按照以往惯例,狂欢节将举办两到三天。活动期间,众多充满活 and intoxication like never before. 力的拉美乐队将随着索卡、加里普索、雷鬼和传统钢鼓乐队的乐声进 行游行和演奏。来自世界各地的儿童也将穿着盛装载歌载舞、参与表演、 尽情狂欢 :它们紧紧跟随着游行队伍,丝毫不放过任何可以近距离观 看彩车表演的机会,小伙伴们手拉手尽情歌唱舞蹈,纯真的笑弥漫在 脸上,映照在缤纷的彩车上,与整个狂欢节的快乐氛围相映成趣。 Summer sees the annual carnival season in London. In the last weekend of every August, the Notting Hill Carnival, one of the world’s grandest street art festivals as well as the most distinctive celebration activity of the city, will be held in Western London. Originating in 1964, the Carnival will mainly demonstrate the culture and customs of African and Caribbean areas. In accordance with past practice, the carnival will last two to three days, during which period glittering parades and concerts of invigorating Latin American bands will be on with the accompaniment of Soca, Gary Pouso, Reggae, and traditional steel bands. Besides, children from all through the world will take part in the carnival. They'll be in the full fig and they will sing and dance. The children sing and dance hand in hand, their faces wearing innocent smiles which are reflected on the parade cars and silhouette to full advantage the merry atmosphere of the carnival.


香港迪士尼乐园 在四季酒店品童趣 Hong Kong Disneyland Four Seasons Hotel 2015 年暑期,香港迪士尼乐园冰雪奇缘小镇, 美国亚特兰大四季酒店可以说是集团中最受儿童欢迎的酒店,从专为儿童建造的 将迎来愉悦、欢乐的清凉之旅。在夏雪节盛演上孩 两个蜜蜂房仿真农场,到提供舒适柔软的儿童浴袍和睡前饼干,这里的 Park 75 餐厅 子们和家长可与艾莎、安娜及克斯托夫一起高歌风 甚至征询孩子们的意见,设计了一些深得他们喜爱的趣味性儿童食谱,如“树上蚂蚁”、 靡全球的歌曲“Let it Go”,踏足白雪皑皑的“夏雪 “鸡肉星星汤”等。最令孩子们着迷的鲸鲨和白鲸,就住在酒店旁边被誉为全球最大 节广场” 砌出可爱的雪人,或坐上雪橇沿雪山斜道 的乔治亚水族馆里面。此外,CNN 电视台之旅和可口可乐世界博物馆更是深受家庭 滑行 ;也可以在小镇上的奥肯交易站逛一逛,在小 喜爱的热门景点, 18 岁以下的孩子还可以免费入住父母的客房。 镇外,穿上皇室服装的小公主、小王子更有机会获 Four Seasons Hotel in Atlanta America is the most popular hotel among the kids in 邀参加《冰雪奇缘》小公主出巡 ;他们亦可走进动 the group. The Hotel has built two simulation farms with honeycomb, and provides comfortable and soft children bath robe and bedtime biscuits. In Park 75 canteen, the 画艺术教室,画出热爱夏天的各色雪宝。 staff even inquires about the needs of children to design interesting children’s menu In the summer holiday of 2015, the Frozen Town which is beloved by kids, like “Ants on the Tree” and “Chicken Star Soup”. The in Hong Kong Disneyland will provide a refreshing most fascinating ones to children are whale sharks and whales in Georgia Aquarium journey of pleasure and enjoyment. In the parade of beside the restaurant which is known as the world’s largest aquarium. Besides, A Trip Summer Snow Festival, children and their parents of CNN TV Station and Coca-Cola World Museum are hot spots favored by families. can raise their voice to sing the world popular song “Let it Go” with Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff. Besides, they can wander in the snow covered “Summer 去澳门看史莱克 Snow Festival Square”, where they can build a lovely Go to Macau for Shrek snowman or sit on a sled to glide alongside the snow 澳门金沙城中心假日酒店在“体验 track. And they can also pay a visit to the Oaken 梦工场”设计了别致且充满童趣的活动 trading station in the little town. 场地,孩子们将尽情享受与动画偶像的 亲密狂欢,犹如置身在电影情节当中一 般,主题早餐将以一段简短的梦工场动 画人物表演揭开序幕,孩子们可以在经 过精心布置的宴会厅内享用美食。随后, 可爱的史莱克、没牙将会走到台下逐一 与贵宾们拥抱合影。如果正好有孩子过 “魔法”地中海俱乐部 生日,这些孩子心目中的“偶像明星” 首尔乐天世界 “Magic” Club Med 还会特别准备主题蛋糕、生日礼物和 Lotte World of Seoul 地中海俱乐部(Club Med)今年七八月暑期特别推出的“魔法夏令营”活动, 纪念品,陪孩子们度过纯真世界的美 室内探险世界是乐天的主要娱乐设施聚集地。与辛巴达一起踏上惊险 将成为地中海俱乐部最为倾力的夏季亲子游亮点。整个“魔法夏令营”活动将在巴厘 妙时光。 刺激的旅程,感受无比紧张气氛的西班牙海盗船、充满侏罗纪时代恐龙的 岛、普吉岛、民丹岛、珍拉丁湾、桂林及东澳岛全面开启。届时,在 Club Med 里, In Sands Cotai Central of Macau, there 快速划艇,以及让人惊心动魄、目瞪口呆的魔术剧场……都将让孩子和你 4 个月至 17 岁的孩子们将在各年龄段的儿童俱乐部和热情的 G.O 一起,参与魔法艺 is a “Dream Factory of Experience” 欢呼雀跃、难以忘怀。魔幻岛拥有跳舞的音乐喷水池、多项先端娱乐设施、 术课堂、寻宝游戏、家庭大比拼等众多娱乐活动。而那些被称为 G.O 的工作人员也 in which a chic and childlike venue is designed. Here, children will enjoy the 野外剧场。它们与周围的自然风景和餐厅、吉祥物相辅相呈,形成了人气 均拥有独特专长 :免费教导孩子学习各项水上、陆上活动或在儿童俱乐部照顾你的小 intimate carnival with their cartoon idols, 颇旺的浪漫湖滨公园。 孩,与家长们共进早晚餐…… like being in a movie episode. Theme Indoor exploration world is a feature spot where many recreational facilities The “Magic Summer Camp” launched in July and August this year by Club Med will breakfast begins with a short animation in Lotte are congregated. Your kids and you will whoop it up and cling become the most illustrious featured spot of family summer trip this year. The “Magic show of characters in the dream factory. desperate to what Lotte World of Seoul has to offer: a thrilling journey with Summer Camp” will be held simultaneously in Bali Island, Phuket Island, Bintan Island, Children can have breakfast in the Sinbad, the Spanish pirate ship with tense atmosphere, fast rowing through Cherating Beach, Guilin, and Dong'ao Island. Children of 4 months to 17 years will elaborating banquet hall. After that, the the river full of Jurassic dinosaurs, and magic theatre which rocks your soul spend days with the passionate G.O in the Children's Club of their ages in Club Med. lovely Shrek, together with the Toothless, and makes you stun…In Magic City there are Music Fountain that dances, There, they will engage in a variety of entertainment programs like magic art class, would go off stage, embrace, and take advanced entertainment facilities, and Field Theater. treasure hunt, and family competition. photos with our honorable guests.


旅行说 走就走 Travel at Any Time

更加快捷和简便的签 证 政 策 的 出 台, 使 得 来一场说走就走的旅 行再 不 是梦 想。护照 澳大利亚将可10年多次往返签证 48页,每 一 个 终点都 Australia will grant Chinese citizens with multiple entry visas for a period of 10 years 值得一去再去。 在继新加坡、美国、加拿大之后,澳大利亚针对中国入境游 With more favorable 客签证政策从 3 年调整至 10 年,此外,澳大利亚政府还将每年 visa policies, it's never only a dream to 为年满 18 但未满 31 岁,拥有高等教育学历,或已成功完成至 travel at any time. It's 少两年的大学本科学习等相关条件的中国青年,提供 5000 个假 worth exploring every 银联卡可支付土耳其电子签证 日工作签证的名额。 destination once and Following Singapore, the United States and Canada, Australia again with the 48- UnionPay cards can make payments for will adjust its visa policy for Chinese inbound tourists from 3 years page passport. electronic visas for Turkey to 10 years. Besides, the Australian government will also provide 5,000 Work and Holiday visas every year for Chinese youths 银联国际日前宣布,土耳其电子签证网正式受理银联卡, between 18 and 31 who have higher education background or 去土耳其申请电子签证用银联卡也能支付签证费用了。登录 completed at least two years of undergraduate study. 土耳其电子签证网,仅需三个步骤即可完成申请,支付时 可选择银联信用卡或银联借记卡,最快数分钟就可获得为期 “巴厘岛游”进入免签时代 30 天的单次土耳其入境电子签证。建议在出行之前至少 48 “Bali Island Travelling” has entered visa-free era 小时内提交申请。 UnionPay International recently announced that Turkey 印尼政府近日宣布,将对 30 个国家实行免签政策,免签地点包括巴厘岛、棉兰、 Electronic Visa Application System ( 泗水、巴淡岛、雅加达,今后市民去印尼旅游不用再付 35 美元签证费了。按照规定, tr) formally accepted UnionPay cards. This means that UnionPay cards can make payments for electronic visas for 免签旅游签证不得超过 30 天,且不能延长与转换其他停留身份。 Turkey. In the Electronic Visa Application System, just three The Indonesian government recently announced that people of 30 countries will enjoy steps are needed to complete the application process. When visa-free policy when they access Bali Island, Surabaya, Medan, Batam Island and making payments, both UnionPay credit card and UnionPay Jakarta. In the future, people travelling to Indonesia can save $35 of visa fee. According debit card can be used. The process of a one-time 30-day to the policy, people with visa-free access shall not stay in the country for more than 30 electronic visa to Turkey can be finished in several minutes. It days. Besides, the period of visa-free stay can neither be extended nor transferred to is recommended to submit your applications at least 48 hours other status. prior to the trip.


英国可同时办理英国和申根签证 UK visa and Schengen visa can be applied at the same time

7 月 1 日起,中国公民可在同一个签证中心申请英国和欧 洲申根国家签证。据了解,根据英国与比利时达成的一项合作 伙伴协议,中国游客和商业人士只需要前往设在北京、广州或 上海的三家联合签证中心一次,就能同时申请英国和申根签证, 无需多次奔波。 中国公民可以使用同一套申请文件,上网申请英国和比利 时签证并缴费,然后预约签证时间,完成整个程序。为缩短申 请时间,英国和比利时方面打算在 10 个工作日内受理两份签证 申请并做出决定。 Starting from July 1st, Chinese citizens can apply for the UK visa and visa for European Schengen countries at the same visa center. According to a partnership agreement between Britain 德国旅游签证办理时间缩短为 意大利持世博会门票可走 and Belgium, Chinese tourists and business people can apply for both UK and Schengen visa at UK Visa Application Centre 3个工作日 “绿色通道” in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou, which will save the labor of Processing time for tourist visas to Germany Expo ticket holders can enjoy “Green travelling to and fro. is shortened to 3 working days Channel” access in Italy

Chinese citizens can file the online applications for the UK 为了方便中国游客,在签证材料齐全情况下,意大利驻 and Belgium visa and make payments with the same set of 据德国媒体报道,为进一步吸引来自中国的旅游者和投 华使馆和领馆承诺在 36 小时内发放个人旅游和商务签证。 application documents. Then, after appointing the visa time, the 资者,德国将简化签证审批手续,加快签证办理时间。消息 同时,意大利使领馆和多家旅行社合作,对持有世博会门票 whole process will be completed. To shorten the application time, 称,由于德国签证申请程序复杂,很多中国游客更愿意前往 Britain and Belgium plan to accept two visa applications and 的申请者开绿灯。只要机票、酒店、签证同时交给合作旅行 make decisions within 10 working days. 其他欧盟国家旅行。现在这种情况将得到改变,旅游签证的 社办理,就能走“绿色通道”。 办理时间将从 5 天缩短为 3 个工作日。 For the convenience of Chinese tourists, The Italian embassy German media reported that Germany will simplify visa and consulates in China have made a commitment to issue application procedures and shorten visa processing time individual tourism visas and business visas within 36 hours as to further attract tourists and investors from China. The long as the visa documents are complete. At the same time, news said that given the complex application procedures for the Italy embassy and consulates will cooperate with travel German Visa many Chinese tourists were more willing to agencies to offer special treatments for applicants who hold 马来西亚消费可申请退税 travel to other EU countries. With the processing time of travel the World Expo tickets. People can enjoy such treatments by visa shortening from 5 working days to 3 working days, this Overseas tourists can apply for consumption handing in their tickets, hotel reservation records and visas to situation is expected to change for the better. tax reimbursement in Malaysia the partner travelling agencies. 马来西亚新推出对于外国旅客在境内购物可申请消费税退税 6% 的政策。旅客在市区购物时,需在有注册消费税退税的商家内 购物,经注册的商家通常在店门外会贴有消费税退税的标志。在购 物后结账时必须出示有效的外国护照,并注意向店家索取并保留原 含税发票或收据。 Malaysia has launched a new policy that foreign tourists shopping in Malaysia can apply for 6% consumption tax reimbursement. When shopping in registered consumption tax reimbursement shops whic h are often clearly labeled in cities, overseas tourists should show th eir valid passports when paying for the bill and ask for and keep the original receipts (tax included) from the shop.

120 WORLD TOURISM CITY WORLD TOURISM CITY 121 北京首都机场于6月1日起关 闭航站楼内原有吸烟室 Beijing Capital Airport closed the smoking rooms in the terminals from June 1st

为贯彻落实《北京市控制吸烟条例》关于公共场所、工 作场所的室内区域以及公共交通工具内禁止吸烟的要求,首 都机场于 6 月 1 日起全部关闭 3 座航站楼及办公场所原有 吸烟室 , 首都机场将航站楼外车道边的吸烟区从原先的 11 处增加至 17 处,方便吸烟的旅客就近使用。具体包括 1 号 成都机场航班放行正常率居 航站楼外 4 处,2 号航站楼外 6 处,3 号航站楼外 7 处。 全国之首 In order to implement the "Beijing Smoking Control Regulations" which stipulates that smoking is prohibited Chengdu Airport topped the country in the in indoor areas of public places and workplaces, and on-time performance of flight public transport facilities, the Capital Airport have closed all smoking rooms in the three terminals and office areas 近日,中国民航局发布了《2014 年全国民航航班运 st from June 1 . Besides, there are anti-smoking posters 行效率报告》,这份民航“大数据”显示,成都双流国际机 洛杉矶国际机场增加直飞 in prominent locations in the terminals, and all the existing 场航班放行正常率 (计划航班与正常航班之比)居全国之 中国航线 smoking room logos are removed. At the same time, a wide 国航推出北京——函馆航线 首——2014年,成都机场放行正常率为82.27%,在全 Los Angeles International Airport increases range of publicity is launched through official media of the Air China launched the new Beijing – direct flight routes to China Capital Airport such as weibo and wechat and other media 国 21 个主要繁忙机场中最高,其次分别是昆明长水、乌鲁 Hakodate flights like Beijing TV as a reminder for passengers to comply 木齐地窝堡、西安咸阳机场,这 4 个机场的放行正常率达 with the regulations. When implementing the regulations 2015 年 7 月 3 日开始,中国国际航空新增北京—函馆— 洛杉矶国际机场 (LAX) 是美国通向中国大陆的最大口 of designating no-smoking areas, the number of smoking 80% 以上。 北京航班,每周两班,班期为周一、五。新航线航班号为 岸,随着中美航线热度的快速攀升,各大航空公司都推出了 areas by the lanes outside the airport will be increased from Recently, the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued CA729/730,去程于 12:10从北京起飞,16:35到达函馆。 直飞洛杉矶的航线。到 2015 年 6 月,每周单向从洛杉矶飞 11 to 17 for the convenience of smokers. There are four the “2014 National Civil Aviation Flight Efficiency Report” st nd outside the 1 terminal, six outside the 2 terminal and seven which indicated that Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport 回程于 17 :45 起飞,20 :45 到达北京。所有时刻均以当 往中国大陆的航班有 49 个,共 15400 个座位。洛杉矶国 rd outside the 3 terminal. topped the country in the on-time performance of flight 地时间为准。 际机场出发飞往中国四大客运市场的航班分布为 :每周18 (The ratio of on-time flights to scheduled flights). In 2014, Air China launched the new Beijing - Hakodate -Beijing 个航班飞往北京首都国际机场(PEK),每周 22 个航班飞 the normal rate of flight in Chengdu Airport was 82.27%, the highest in 21 major airports across the country. Following flights twice a week on Monday and Friday. The flight 往上海浦东国际机场(PVG),每周9 个航班飞往广州白云 Chengdu are Kunming Changshui International Airport, numbers of the new airline are CA729/730. The plane takes 国际机场(CAN)。另外,每周有 28 个航班从洛杉矶国际 Urumqi Diwopu International Airport and Xi’an Xianyang off at 12:10 from Beijing, and arrives in Hakodate at 16:35. As to the return trip, the plane takes off at 17:45 and arrives in 机场飞往香港国际机场(HKG)。未来还将有更多航空公司 International Airport, with on-time performance of flight over 80%. Beijing at 20:45. All the time indicated are local time. 增加直飞航线。 Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) is the largest airport in the United States to mainland China. With the increasing popularity of Sino-US routes, major airlines have launched direct flights to Los Angeles. By June 2015, there have been 49 flights from Los Angeles to mainland China every week offering 15,400 seats. Flight information from Los Angeles International Airport to China’s four major airports is: 18 flights a week to Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK), 22 flights a week to Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG), and 9 flights a week to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport (CAN). Besides, there are 28 flights a week from Los Angeles International Airport to Hong Kong International Airport (HKG). There will be more direct flights to be launched by more airlines in the future.


阿比让 比让特色。 济基础设施、众多的国际银行与良好的 内罗毕 Abidjan 如果有机会来到这里,还可以游览 会议设施。这些关键优势共同造就了阿 Nairobi 阿比让各式各样充满异国风光的公园、 比让作为西非地区中心城市的地位。它 博物馆,城市知名的经济豪华区象牙海 虽然是一座现代化城市,但其广大民众 港,在狂野自由的西非热土上,体验不 都在以保留传统生活方式为荣,而这也 一样的欧洲时尚浪漫生活。而以方便、 正是将阿比让缔造成国际大都市的根基 快捷输出入产品为目的的优良港口在阿 所在。 阿比让位于科特迪瓦东南部,濒临 比让还有很多,它们通过弗里迪运河贯 Abidjan is the economic capital of Côte 大西洋,全年享有舒适宜人的气候环境, 通了潟湖与几内亚湾,大型海轮可轻松 d'Ivoire. Located in the south-eastern part of the country, it is called by some people 是科特迪瓦的经济首都,素有“非洲小 驶入,这也让阿比让成为了兼具多元、 the Paris of Africa. In 2015, its population 巴黎”、“小曼哈顿”之称。那里高楼云 开放城市魅力的商业都市,非洲贸易往 is estimated at 7 millions of inhabitants. 内罗毕是非洲发展最快的现代化城市 Bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, Abidjan 集,大街上最常出现的就是汽车和路边 来中重要的窗口之一。 之一。它有着众多名号。它本身是一个县, enjoys a comfortable climate all year round. 摊,繁华之中又不失亲切。而依托这里 依托非洲著名游览城市美誉 , 这里 Its economic infrastructures, international 同时也是肯尼亚共和国的首都。它是世界 banks and conference facilities are key 上唯一一个在辖区内设有国家公园的城 特殊的热带雨林气候氛围,整个阿比 也是全国最大地旅游中心,政治、经济 advantages which make Abidjan the center 市。作为一个区域枢纽中心,它拥有得 让的可可、咖啡、橡树以及各种热带 中心,交通枢纽。城市大部分工业生产 of West African cities. Despite the modernism of the city, the cosmopolite population keeps 天独厚的地理优势,备受全球领先机构 水果都很出名,口味纯正、生长旺盛, 力均在于此。到 2015 年,阿比让总人 with pride their traditional way of living, which 的关注。 是独具城市景观色彩和极高口碑的阿 makes Abidjan an international city. 口已达到约 700 万。城市拥有先进的经 “内罗毕”之名源自于马赛语的 “Enkare Nairobi”,意为“有清凉水域的 地方”。内罗毕市还拥有一个广为人知的 美誉——“阳光下的绿色城”。此外,内 罗毕最近被提名为非洲最智能化的城市, 型的旅游业,如商务、遗产和文化、野生 human settlement began with the 位居全球第四名,而这主要归功于该市卓 construction of Uganda railway at 动物保护、自然资源、体育运动、会务旅 越的技术创新。 Mombasa in 1896. When Nairobi was 游等,可以满足各种游客的需求。 founded, its intended function was nothing 1896 年,英国人以蒙巴萨为起点兴 Nairobi is one of the fastest growing more than a railway town. The original 建乌干达铁路 ;自此开始了内罗毕成为人 modern cities in Africa. It has many growth and development of Nairobi 口密集居住区的历史。建立之初,内罗毕 designations. It is the Capital City of the revolved around the railway, with the railway Republic of Kenya as well as a County in its station being the growth nuclei for the city, 只是乌干达铁路沿线的一个铁路小镇。城 own right. It is the only City in the world that on one hand as the railway headquarters 市最初的发展与开发均围绕铁路开展,以 has a national park within its boundaries. It and the other as the colonial administrative 火车站为城市的发展中心——它既是铁 is uniquely positioned geographically and center. The city has since developed into is receiving the attention of leading global a continental giant boasting of numerous 路指挥部,也是殖民地行政中心。如今, entities as a hub for the region. opportunities. 内罗毕已逐步发展成为非洲大陆坐拥无 The name "Nairobi" comes from the Its rich culture of being a historical city 数机遇的大城市。 Maasai phrase “Enkare Nairobi”, which makes it desirable as a tourist destination. 作为一座历史古城,内罗毕所蕴含的 translates to "the place of cool waters". In addition it’s a melting pot for many Kenyan cultures and is the home of many 丰富历史文化使它成为一个备受青睐的 There is also popularly known as the "Green City in the Sun." In addition, recently architectural landmarks. As such it attracts 旅游目的地。此外,它是肯尼亚众多文化 Nairobi was nominated as the smartest city tourists to the county whose rich tourism 的大熔炉,也是无数地标性建筑的聚集地。 in Africa and the 4th smartest city globally profile comprises several types of tourism that include: business tourism, Heritage 因此,它吸引了无数游客慕名前来。而内 due to its technological innovations . and Culture, Wildlife, natural resources, 罗毕多姿多彩的旅游特色造就了多种类 The history of Nairobi as a concentrated sports, Conferences among others.


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