1 RESULTS 2013-2016 EDITION UNICEF Seal Results – 2013-2016 Edition 2 UNICEF Seal Results – 2013-2016 Edition RESULTS 2013-2016 EDITION Reducing inequalities and advancing the rights 3 of children and adolescents in the municipalities of the Semi-Arid and Amazon regions in Brazil UNICEF Seal Results – 2013-2016 Edition Credits and acknowledgements Execution United Nations Children’s Fund – UNICEF UNICEF Representative in Brazil Florence Bauer UNICEF Deputy Representative in Brazil Esperanza Vives Coordinator for the Public Policy Quality Improvement Program in Brazil Mario Volpi Coordinator for the Amazon Region in Brazil Anyoli Sanabria Coordinator for the Semi-Arid Region in Brazil Robert Gass Office of UNICEF Representative in Brazil SEPN 510 – Bloco A – 2º– andar Brasília, DF – 60750-521 www.unicef.org.br –
[email protected] UNICEF Seal Results – 2013-2016 Edition Development 4 UNICEF Brazil and P&B Comunicação Writing and editing Fabiana Pereira e Solange A. Barreira Coordination and review Ida Pietricovsky Oliveira e Bruno Viécili Graphic design, art and computer graphics editing Alex Silva Design Layout and art assistance Ronald Capristo Trapino Photos Márcia Alves (all photos); UNICEF (p. 5); Rayssa Coe (p. 36); Jackson Souza (p. 67); João Paulo Martins (p. 77, top) Thanks Special thanks to the government and municipal teams of the Semi-Arid and Amazon regions for their contributions to the UNICEF Seal – 2013-2016 Edition Reproduction of this publication, in full or in part, is permitted as long as UNICEF is given due credit UNICEF Seal Results – 2013-2016 Edition Introduction nyone who has experienced at first hand the emotions of working with the UNICEF Seal would comprehend the significance of this report and its importance in show- ing how the results of this program have made an impact on the lives of children and adolescents in more than half of the Brazilian territory.