TANWORTH PARISH MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2020 70p The Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene Tanworth-in-Arden Vicar: The Revd Paul Cudby, The Vicarage, Tanworth-in-Arden B94 5EB 01564 742565
[email protected] Churchwardens: Pat Saunders, Old Bell Cottage, The Green, Tanworth-in-Arden 01564 742406 Philip Terry, 3 Station Cottages, Danzey Green 01564 742049 Readers: Margaret Keighley 01564 742903 Mike Keighley 01564 742903 Paul Jones 01564 702698 Wendy Terry 01564 742049 Mandy Butler 07706 609604 Sacristan: Margaret Way 01564 742073 Headteacher of Church School and Nursery: Mrs Shelley Bamford (
[email protected]) 01564 742284 (Out of school hours please ’phone Robert Prince 07799 348807) Children and Young Families Coordinator: Rachel Rollason 07512 057401
[email protected] P.C.C. Treasurer: Philip Littleford, The Old Bell House, The Green, Tanworth in Arden, B94 5AJ
[email protected] 01564 742653 Planned Giving Secretary: Matty Thacker 01564 742508 Director of Music: Anne Ellis 0121 458 2331 Captain of the Ringers: Alan Hartley 01527 65732 Women’s Fellowship: Janet Rea 01564 742040 Magazine Editor: Annie Edwards 39 Falstaff Avenue, Hollywood, Birmingham B47 5EL 01564 205151
[email protected] Magazine Distribution: Pauline Rolt 01564 742586 Magazine Advertising: Diane & Colin Cleaver, Pastures Croft, Poolhead Lane, B94 5EH 01564 702936
[email protected] 07774 610449 Various meetings take place on weekdays. Details are normally published in this magazine and given out in notices in church. Websites: Tanworth Church: www.tanworthchurch.co.uk www.facebook.com/tanworth-in-arden church Tanworth School: www.tanworthschool.org.uk Birmingham Diocese: www.birmingham.anglican.org Cover photograph by Annie Edwards.