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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10316-0 - The Bigamy Plot: Sensation and Convention in the Victorian Novel Maia Mcaleavey Index More information Index Ada Moore’s Story, 193 n13 Bathe, Anthony Adam, Robert, 52 Not Drowned, 71 Adams, James Eli, 214 n33 Beer, Gillian, 204 n25 adultery, bigamy compared to, 7 Belgravia (journal), 189 n24 Ainsworth, William Harrison Benjamin, Walter, 44, 45 Myddleton Pomfret, 3, 133, 205 n3 Bentham, Jeremy Anderson, Benedict, 131 Panopticon; or, the Inspection House, 139 Archer, Thomas Bickersteth, Edward Henry A Fool’s Paradise, 207 n3 “Yesterday, To-day, and Forever”, 73 Aristotle, 13, 190 n25 Bickersteth, Robert, ed. Armstrong, Nancy, 15, 55 The Recognition of Friends in Heaven, 72, 73, 90 Austen, Jane bigamy Northanger Abbey, 55 adultery compared to, 7 Austin, Alfred, 1, 9, 16, 18, 39, 69 class dynamics and, 8–9 Austin, J. L., 161, 162 detective fiction and, 17 Australia. See also New South Wales divorce compared to, 6, 8 Botany Bay penal colony proposal and, 139 domestic architecture reconfigured by, 49, 51, British print culture and, 131 53–54, 61–62, 212 n16 Fahnestock on bigamy fiction’s use of, 116 legal punishments for, 5 Great Expectations and, 116 “modern” subject emerging from, 16 John Caldigate and, 129 Bilby, Thomas Jude the Obscure and, 145, 158, 162, 165 “Heaven Anticipated”, 198 n8 Lady Audley’s Secret and, 2, 26, 129–131, 132 “Billy Taylor” (ballad), 41 A Righted Wrong and, 130–131 The Bitter Cry of Outcast London, 9 Said on Victorian fiction’s treatment of, 116, “Bluebeard” (fairy tale recorded by Charles 211 n54 Perrault), 50, 52–53 To the Bitter End and, 131 “Bonnie Barbara Allen” (ballad), 36 Book of Common Prayer, 76, 109, 159 47 Boucicault, Dion Bachelard, Gaston, 99 Bagehot, Walter, 24, 30–31 The Colleen Bawn, Bakhtin, Mikhail, 64, 207 n14 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth ballads.
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