Campus to Accomodate More Parking for Bicyclists
' ajtn jgtotn Campus to Accomodate More Parking for Bicyclists LAURA PLANTHOLT News Editor SF has plans in the works to im prove accommodations for its Uexpanding bicycUst population. Bicycling has become an increasingly pop ular way of commuting to school and work for USF students and faculty, yet the bike Web 2.0 speciaUst, Bryan Al parking facilities have remained meager, exander came to this semester's and have actuaUy deteriorated due to lack Davies Forum, Digital Literacy. of maintenance. ; Alexander works for NITLE, a According to Director of Public Safety non-profit determined to advance Dan Lawson, bicycling has increased city- education in the digital age, and wide by 16 to 18 percent in the last year. blogs at http://infocult.typepad. "It certainly had looked that way to us an- ecdotaUy, although we never kept track, he com/ For more info on Digital Liter said "It looked like most of the bike racks acy speakers, go to were being used more." He attributes this to many factors. "[Biking] can be healthier, it saves energy, saves gas, and is better tor the community overaU." Junior Class Representative Nick Nayaiesh also noticed the increasing trend of bicycUsts around campus, espe ciaUy amongst the upperclassmen living off campus, whose interest he represents to the Associated Students of USF. The bike-related complaint Nayaiesh has re ceived most is that there are not enough bike racks on campus. Furthermore, the types of racks on campus are not always right. Nayaiesh said, "There is a large rack outside of Harney Science Center, but you may notice that it is rarely occupied by more than two or three bikes.
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