Hutch (Paperback) ^ Doc // MJTVORZGBL

Hutch (Paperback)

By Charlotte Breese

Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, United Kingdom, 2001. Paperback. Condition: New. New edition. Language: English . Brand New Book. Born in in 1900, Leslie Hutchinson went to America in 1916 to study medicine, but soon escaped to Harlem where he witnessed the birth of stride jazz piano. Moving to France in 1923, he became the protege and lover of before coming to in 1926 where he was soon topping the bills in variety and on radio. Immaculate in white tie and tails, Hutch had enormous sex appeal, his velvet voice and superb piano improvisation attracting legions of fans among both the rich and the slump-struck poor. Despite his success however, Hutch was a profoundly insecure man with insatiable appetites for sex, drink, gambling and social status which precipitated his fall from fame to a squalid existence by the late 1960s. This book provides a detailed look at his interesting life.



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