Towards Video on the Web with HTML5
Towards Video on the Web with HTML5 Authors François Daoust, Philipp Hoschka — W3C/ERCIM, Sophia-Antipolis, France Charalampos #$ Patrikakis — School o% El!ctrical an& Co"put!r En'in!!rin', ()*A, Ath!ns, +re!ce Rui S. Cruz, Mário S$ (un!s — IST/I(ESC-ID/I(.V, 0isbon, Portu'al Davi& Sala"a .sborn! — Atos R!search an& Innovation, Ma&ri&, Spain Presenter François Daoust 3%&453$or'6, Worl& Wi&! W!1 Consortiu" This presentation http7//555$53$org/89:9/)alks/:9:;-ht"l<-vi&!o-%&/ :; .cto1!r 89:9, Barc!lona, (EM Su""it )h! r!s!arch l!a&in' to th!s! r!sults has r!c!i2!& %un&in' %ro" th! Europ!an *nion>s S!2!nth Fra"!5ork Pro'ra""! ?FP@/899@-89:3A un&!r 'rant a'r!!"!nt nB8;CDC@ - .p!n M!&ia W!1 ?.MW!1A an& nB8;C;@; SociallE 5ar!, colla1oRati2!, sc la1l! Co&in' "E&ia &istri1utio( ?S R CE(A Outline Photo by Elaine Vallet What is HTML5? Let's make sure we're talking about the same thing… Video on the Web codecs, metadata, streaming, fragments More TV-Relevant Features CSS, SVG, Canvas Web Applications !evice AP#s, $idgets W3C: Shaping the Web of the future Web Standards (X)HTML, CSS, XML, SVG, PNG, XSLT, WCAG, RDF, ... Consortium 330 members, from i !"stry % ! rese%rch World-wide (ffices i ma y co" #ries, i &)"!i * Br%zi), C'i %, - !i%, Morocco, So"#' Afri&%, ... One Web! Fo" !e! % ! !ire&#e! by i ve #or of #'e Web, Tim Berners-Lee Global participation 30,000 1eo1)e subscribe! #o mai)i * )ists, 2,3004 1%rtici1% #s i 504 Gro"1s Part 1: What is HTML5? HTML5, what is it? It's a specification developed by the W3C HTML Working Group: Video on the Web Web
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