Ore Bin / Oregon Geology Magazine / Journal
OREGON GEOLOGY published by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries VOLUME 55, NUMBER 1 JANUARY 1993 , I • IN THIS ISSUE: The Prineville basalt, north-central Oregon Explosion craters and giant gas bubbles at Newberry Crater The Coos Bay fireball of February 1992, Oregon's brightest OREGON GEOLOGY OIL AND GAS NEWS (ISSN 0164-3304) Drilling at Mist Gas Field VOLUME 55, NUMBER 1 JANUARY 1993 Nahama and Weagant Energy Company of Bakersfield, Cali Publ]-;hed blJllonthl~ In JanuJr:_ \1arch. \1<1;'. JUI:. September. and ~ovember b) the Oregon Department fornia, concluded a multi-well drilling program at the Mist Gas llfGeolog: ami ~llncral Industfle~ {\'olumc\ I through ~O "'ere entitled The Ore Bin.) Field, Columbia County, during November. The final two wells Governing Board drilled were the Wilson 1IA-5-65, located in NW~" sec. 5, T. 6 Ronald K. Culbertson, Chair Myrtle Creek N., R. 5 W., which reached a total depth of 2,765 ft, was redrilled John W. Stephens . Portland to a total depth of 2,770 ft, and plugged and abandoned; and the Jacqueline G. Haggerty-Foster. Pendleton Columbia County 31-15-65, located in NE~" sec. 15, T. 6 N., R. State Geologist Donald A. Hull 5 W., which reached a total depth of 2,794 ft and was redrilled to Deputy State Geologist John D. Beaulieu a total depth of 2,564 ft and suspended. This results in a total of Publications ManagerfEditor Beverly F. Vogt Associate Editor. Klaus K.E. Neuendorf fi ve wells and two redrills at the Mist Gas Field during 1992, of which one is completed and producing gas, one is plugged and Main Office: Suite 965, 800 NE Oregon Street # 28, Portland abandoned, and the remainder are suspended.
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