10-YEAR GRAZING AUTHORIZATION RENEWAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA# OR-115-05-01 Proposed Action : Bureau of Land Management, Medford District Office, Butte Falls Resource Area, proposes to re-issue 10-year grazing authorizations on the Flat Creek and Summit Prairie allotments. Lead Agency: Bureau of Land Management, Medford District Office, Butte Falls Resource Area. For further information: Bob Budesa Bureau of Land Management Medford District Butte Falls Resource Area 3040 Biddle Road Medford, Oregon 97504 (541) 618-2287
[email protected] Abstract: There are several authorities1 that mandate or allow BLM to authorize livestock grazing on public lands as part of multiple-use management of natural resources. As a consequence, all Land Use Plans (LUP’s) for BLM have established grazing allotments and grazing allocation decisions, or reference those that do. Pertinent decisions guiding livestock grazing on the Butte Falls Resource Area and which guide livestock grazing on allotments described in this environmental assessment are listed in the Medford District Resource Management Plan (RMP), 1994. This LUP was supported by the Medford Grazing Management Program Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), 1984. By the authority cited above, the BLM issues grazing authorizations and leases, hereinafter referred to as authorizations, for a term not to exceed 10 years unless 1) land is being considered for disposal, 2) the land will be devoted to a public purpose which precludes grazing prior to the end of 10 years; 3) the term of the base property lease is less than 10 years, in which case the term of the Federal authorization or lease shall coincide with the term of the base property lease; or 4) the authorized officer determines that an authorization or lease of less than 10 years is the best interest of sound land management.