HORTSCIENCE 54(2):267–274. 2019. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI13639-18 Most production in Mississippi is rabbiteye (Stafne, 2015). Ripen- ing period of rabbiteye blueberries falls into Container Production of Southern peak domestic blueberry production from late May to July with some of the lowest Highbush Blueberries Using market pricing (Evans and Ballen, 2014). Production of early-ripening southern high- High Tunnels bush blueberries (SHBs) presents an oppor- tunity to increase market price significantly Tongyin Li1 and Guihong Bi for the fresh blueberry market. Southern Department of and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State University, highbush cultivars generally require chilling Mississippi State, MS 39762 hours of 200 to 700 and have low tolerance for freezing temperatures during flowering Additional index words. , fertilization, organic, yield, quality and fruiting (Fang et al., 2017; Retamales and Hancock, 2012; Rieger, 2006). The early Abstract. Blueberry production in Mississippi (MS) is mainly rabbiteye blueberries blooming and ripening habit of southern (Vaccinium virgatum Ait.), which ripen in late May to June. Growing early-ripening highbush cultivars increases their exposure southern highbush blueberries (SHBs) ( L.) presents an oppor- to late winter and early spring frost damage tunity for early fruit production and increased market price for locally produced and can be challenging to grow in Missis- blueberries, yet faces the challenge of spring frost damage. One-year-old liners of 10 SHB sippi. A high tunnel, an economic season- cultivars were transplanted into 15-gallon plastic containers and placed in a high tunnel extension tool, may provide frost protection in Apr. 2015. Blueberry were fertilized with either a conventional or an organic for SHBs and promote production of early fertilizer at comparable rates. Plants were evaluated for berry yield, timing of first berry fruiting blueberries toward cooler zones. harvest and peak harvest, single berry weight, and soluble solid content during the 2016 High tunnels, also known as hoop houses, and 2017 growing seasons. The high tunnel increased monthly maximum temperature by are constructed with metal or wooden ribs 3.2 to 10.4 8C, monthly average temperature by 0.7 to 4.2 8C, and minimum monthly 8 covered with polyethylene film. They do not temperature for up to 3.0 C compared with outdoor environment. Photosynthetically have automatic heating or cooling systems, m · L2· L1 active radiation (PAR) at noon in the high tunnel ranged from 477 to 1411 mol m s and rely on passive solar radiation and and relative humidity ranged from 54.6% to 81.7% from Jan. 2016 to June 2017. SHBs in ventilation to increase temperature in the the high tunnel produced first berry harvest during the first week of April in both tunnel (Lamont, 2009; Lamont et al., 2002; growing seasons. Total berry yield per plant ranged from 921 g to 2136 g in 2016 and Wells, 1996). High tunnels extend the grow- from 1222 g to 2480 g in 2017. Compared with the organic fertilizer, conventional ing season into late fall and early spring by fertilizer increased berry yield in April and May, and total berry yield in 2016, but increasing temperature for crop growth resulted in similar yield in 2017. Eight cultivars (Emerald, Farthing, Gupton, Meadow- (Kadir et al., 2006; Lamont, 2009). The lark, Pearl, Rebel, Star, and Sweetcrisp) produced single berries that averaged more extended growing season with increased than 2 g per berry in 2016, compared with two cultivars (Gupton and Pearl) in 2017. frost-free days can offer growers consider- Smaller berry size may have resulted from the generally increasing yield from 2016 to able market edge for off-season crops 2017. ‘Sweetcrisp’ produced berries with higher soluble solid content, 14.2% and 14.1% (Kadir et al., 2006). Strawberries (Fragaria in 2016 and 2017, than the other nine cultivars. Container production of SHB cultivars in ·ananassa Duch.) can be harvested 2 to 4 a high tunnel produced total berry yield equivalent to 6458 kg/ha in 2016 to 7500 kg/ha in weeks earlier in high tunnels than open-field 2017, advanced blueberry production by 4 to 5 weeks, and therefore may serve as a conditions (Jett, 2007; Kadir et al., 2006; potential production system for early fruiting blueberries in Mississippi. Rowley et al., 2010). High tunnels were reported to advance flower initiation of southern highbush blueberry ‘Emerald’ and Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) is an impor- being California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, ‘Jewel’ over 30 d (Ogden and van Iersel, tant small fruit crop in the United States. The Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, North 2009). High tunnels also enabled early plant- United States leads world blueberry produc- Carolina, Oregon, and Washington [U.S. De- ing of raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.) and tion, producing 588.8 million pounds of partment of Agriculture–National Agricul- blackberries (Rubus spp.), produced higher cultivated blueberries in 2016 and a total tural Statistics Service (USDA-NASS), yield, and increased marketable fruit by 82% crop value of $720.2 million (Agricultural 2015; U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, to 98% (Kadir et al., 2006; Yao and Rosen, Marketing Resource Center, 2018). Thirty- 2018]. Fresh blueberries are available year 2011). High tunnel production of small fruit eight states have commercial blueberry pro- round with North America’s production from in the United States has most acreages in duction, with the top 10 producing states April through October and South America’s raspberry and strawberry, with more appli- import from November to March (U.S. High- cations in blueberry in Spain, Italy, and bush Blueberry Council, 2018). Highest Mexico (Banados,~ 2009; Ciordia et al., Received for publication 5 Oct. 2018. Accepted for wholesale blueberry prices were found from 2002; Demchak, 2009). publication 26 Nov. 2018. March to April and September to October Container blueberry production using This work was supported by Mississippi Depart- (Evans and Ballen, 2014). Peak market price soilless substrate is a relatively new approach ment of Agriculture and Commerce Specialty for blueberries were received in the spring Crop Block Grant Program and the United States with increasing interest in recent years Department of Agriculture (USDA) National In- by Florida, Georgia, and California, and (Fulcher et al., 2015; Voogt et al., 2014). stitute of Food and Agriculture Hatch project late summer to fall peak prices were re- Blueberries have soil pH requirement of 4.5 MIS-249180. ceived by Michigan, Oregon, and Washing- to 5.5 (Retamales and Hancock, 2012). Con- The authors thank McGeary Organics, Lancaster, ton (Retamales and Hancock, 2012; U.S. tainer production of blueberry offers the PA, for the support on organic fertilizer. Highbush Blueberry Council, 2018). advantage of not being limited by suboptimal Mention of a trademark, proprietary product, or Blueberry production occurred on 1500 to soil conditions in the open field and the vendor does not constitute a guarantee or warranty 1600 acres in Mississippi from 2015 to 2017 ability to control substrate pH, drainage, of the product by Mississippi State University or with an industry value of $10.9 million the USDA and does not imply its approval to the and organic matter (Kingston et al., 2017). exclusion of other products or vendors that also (USDA-NASS, 2018). Blueberry production Container production in limited space such as may be suitable. is mainly located in southern Mississippi a high tunnel enables moving of plants and 1Corresponding author. E-mail: tl665@msstate. (south of interstate 20 toward the Gulf Coast) adjusting growing density based on plant edu. in USDA hardiness zones 8a, 8b, and 9a. growth (Whidden, 2008). Soilless substrate

HORTSCIENCE VOL. 54(2) FEBRUARY 2019 267 with a desirable acidic pH, including com- and van Iersel, 2009), organic fertilizer was Experimental design. This experiment posted pine bark, peatmoss, and coconut coir, applied three times a year: in February, late was conducted in a randomized complete were investigated to serve as possible grow- June, and late July. All plants were drip block design in 2 · 10 factorial arrangement ing substrates for nursery production of irrigated as needed. All containerized plants with two fertilizer types (conventional and blueberry plants (Fang et al., 2017; Kingston were placed under a high tunnel in zig- organic) and 10 blueberry cultivars. Each et al., 2017). The concerns of container pro- zagged double rows of 0.76 m apart center- treatment had five replications (blocks) and duction include potential constraint on root to-center and 0.61 m between rows. The high each replication contained two single-plant growth and the unknown feasibility of long- tunnel was located at the R.R. Foil Plant subsamples. Significance of main effects or term production (Whidden, 2008). Shallow Science Research Center at Mississippi State the interaction among main factors was de- root systems of blueberries require sufficient University (lat. 33.45 N, long. 88.79 W) in termined by analysis of variance (ANOVA) irrigation to support plant growth and fruit USDA hardiness zone 8a. The high tunnel using the GLM procedure of SAS (version development (Williamson et al., 2015). To was 29.0 m long by 9.1 m wide, placed in full 9.4; SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Where in- date, there are few reports investigating con- sun, and oriented north to south (Tubular dicated by ANOVA, means were separated tainer blueberry production, less in a high Structure, Mobil, AL). The high tunnel was by Tukey’s honest significant difference tunnel growing system. covered with 6-mL clear plastic film and had at P < 0.05. All statistical analyses were The increased blueberry production world- side curtains (opens to 1.5 m high) and doors performed using SAS. wide has outpaced demand in recent years, (opens up to 3 m high). Landscape fabric was resulting in lowered wholesale prices of blue- used on the ground in the high tunnel for Results berry; however, the market for organic blue- weed control. The doors and curtains of the berry is increasing (Julian et al., 2011; Strik tunnel were closed when local outdoor air Microenvironment in the high tunnel. et al., 2015, 2016). Certified organic blueberry temperature was lower than 4.4 C. Two Compared with ambient air temperature in production area in the United States increased bumblebee hives (Natupol; ARBICO Or- Starkville, MS, the high tunnel raised from an estimated 19 ha in 2003 to 1,665 ha ganics, Tucson, AZ) were introduced into monthly maximum air temperature by 3.2 to in 2011 (Strik, 2014). Organically produced the high tunnel in January and March 10.4 C, average air temperature by 0.7 blueberries often have a price premium of to facilitate in each growing to 4.2 C, and minimum air temperature up 20% to 100% compared with conventionally season. to 3.0 C (Fig. 1). The season-extension produced blueberries (DeVetter et al., 2015; Environmental conditions. A data logger effect of high tunnels is attributed to the Strik et al., 2017). There is an increasing (HOBO Micro Station H21-002; Onset Com- increased minimum temperature in late fall interest in locally and organically produced puter Corp., Bourne, MA) was installed in the and early spring to reduce frost damage. and vegetables driven by consumer center of the high tunnel at the height of From Jan. 2016 to June 2017, lowest outdoor health consciousness (Strik et al., 2016). 1.2 m. A temperature and relative humidity temperatures occurred in Jan. 2016 (–6.7 C), Organically produced fruits and vegetables sensor (HOBO S-THB-M002; Onset Com- Dec. 2016 (–5.0 C), and Jan. 2017 wereshowntohaveincreasedlevelsof puter Corp.) and a quantum sensor (HOBO S- (–10.0 C). The high tunnel resulted in polyphenols compared with conventional LIA-M003; Onset Computer Corp.) were monthly minimum temperature of –4.2 C produce (Asami et al., 2003; Carbonaro connected to the data logger to monitor air in Jan. 2016, –2.8 C in Dec. 2016, and et al., 2002; Weibel et al., 2000; Zhao temperature, relative humidity, and photo- –7.0 C in Jan. 2017. The major temperature et al., 2007). The feasibility of container synthetically active radiation (PAR) at 1-hour differences introduced by the high tunnel production of SHB cultivars, fertilized con- intervals. Local outdoor air temperature data were the elevated maximum temperature ventionally or organically, using a high were obtained from the Web site of USDA- from Jan. 2016 to June 2017 and the in- tunnel requires investigation. Therefore, the Natural Resources Conservation Service creased monthly minimum temperature dur- objectives of this study were as follows: 1) to (USDA-NRCS, 2018). Monthly growing de- ing the coldest months. investigate yield performance and timing of gree days (GDDs) were estimated by PAR in the high tunnel at noon was less fruit production of 10 southern highbush blue- (monthly average temperature – base temper- than 1000 mmol·m–2·s–1 in Jan., Feb., Nov., berry cultivars grown in containers using a ature) · the number of days in a month. The and Dec. 2016 and in Jan., Feb., and Mar. high tunnel system; and 2) compare yield and base temperature used for SHBs was 7 C 2017 (Fig. 2A). PAR ranged from 1087 (Oct. quality of blueberries fertilized convention- (Kovaleski et al., 2015). 2016) to 1411 mmol·m–2·s–1 (July 2016) in the ally and organically Berry harvest and data collection. South- high tunnel from March to October in 2016, ern highbush cultivars were evaluated for the and from April to June 2017. Relative hu- Materials and Methods date of first harvest, berry yield, single berry midity in the high tunnel ranged from 54.6% weight, and soluble solid content for two in Jan. 2017 to 81.7% in Dec. 2016 (Fig. 2B). Plant cultivation and management. Two growing seasons in 2016 to 2017. Ripe Growing degree days. Due to elevated air hundred 1-year-old liners of 10 southern berries were harvested on a weekly basis temperature compared with the outdoor en- highbush blueberry cultivars (Emerald, Far- when available. The date of first berry harvest vironment, the high tunnel accumulated 4751 thing, GA Dawn, Gupton, Jewel, Meadow- for each plant was recorded. Fresh weight of GDDs in 2016 and 2066 GDDs from Jan. to lark, Pearl, Rebel, Star, and Sweetcrisp) were berries from each plant was recorded at each June 2017, compared with 4183 and 1854 transplanted into 15-gallon plastic containers harvest. Total berry yield per plant was GDDs outdoors during the same time period, on 8 Apr. 2015. Composted pine bark was calculated by summing berry yield from each respectively (Table 1). The high tunnel ac- used as growing substrate. Half of the blue- harvest for each plant. Average single berry cumulated higher monthly GDDs than out- berry plants were fertilized with a conven- weight was calculated by measuring the doors by 19 to 129 GDDs from Jan. 2016 to tional slow-release fertilizer Osmocote Plus weight of randomly selected 50 berries and June 2017. Higher differences of accumu- 15N–3.9P–10K (15–9–12, 8–9 months; dividing by 50 at each harvest. Peak harvest lated GDDs between high tunnel and out- Scotts Miracle-Grow Co., Marysville, OH) was defined as the highest berry harvest from doors occurred during colder months with 68, at a rate of 120 g per plant based on a each plant during a growing season. Date of 129, and 71 GDDs higher in the high tunnel recommended medium rate and the other half peak harvest for each cultivar fertilized with a in Feb., Mar., and Dec. 2016. Compared with was fertilized with an organic fertilizer 5N– certain fertilizer type was defined as the date the outdoor environment, the high tunnel 1.3P–3.3K (5–3–4; McGeary Organics, Lan- when most plants produced their peak har- accumulated 568 more annual GDDs in caster, PA) at a rate of 360 g per plant. vest. Fruit soluble solid content was mea- 2016, and 212 more GDDs from Jan. to June Conventional fertilizer was applied twice a sured during peak production time using two 2017, totaling 780 from Jan. 2016 to June year in February at early blooming and in late to three ripe berries from each plant with a 2017. June after fruit harvest. Due to low nutrient digital refractometer (PR-32a; ATATO USA, Date of first berry harvest. In the first grow- release rate from organic fertilizer (Ogden Bellevue, WA). ing season, ‘Georgia Dawn’ and ‘Meadowlark’,

268 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 54(2) FEBRUARY 2019 first harvest on 14 Apr. 2016. Organically fertilized ‘Emerald’, ‘Farthing’, ‘Star’, and ‘Sweetcrisp’; conventionally fertilized ‘Gupton’ and ‘Pearl’; and conventionally or organically fertilized ‘Jewel’ produced their first harvest on 22 Apr. 2016. Organically fertilized ‘Gupton’ and ‘Pearl’ produced their first harvest on 29 Apr. 2016. During the 2017 growing season, conven- tionally or organically fertilized ‘Georgia Dawn’, ‘Emerald’, ‘Meadowlark’, and ‘Rebel’; and conventionally fertilized ‘Far- thing’ produced their first berry harvest during the first week of April on 7 Apr. 2017 (Table 2). Conventionally fertilized ‘Star’ and organically fertilized ‘Far- thing’ produced their first berry harvest on 13 Apr. 2017. Conventionally or or- ganically fertilized ‘Jewel’, ‘Sweetcrisp’, Fig. 1. Monthly maximum, average, and minimum air temperature in the high tunnel and outdoors. Air and ‘Pearl’, conventionally fertilized temperature in the high tunnel was recorded by a temperature and relative humidity sensor (HOBO S-THB-M002; Onset Computer Corp.). Local outdoor air temperature data were obtained from the ‘Gupton’, and organically fertilized ‘Star’ U.S. Department of Agriculture–Natural Resources Conservation Service Web site. produced their first berry harvest on 20 Apr. 2017. Organically fertilized ‘Gupton’ produced first berry harvest on 28 Apr. 2017. Peak harvest. In 2016, conventionally or organically fertilized ‘Georgia Dawn’ and organically fertilized ‘Meadowlark’ pro- duced their earliest peak harvests from 22 to 29 Apr. 2016 (Table 2). Conventionally or organically fertilized ‘Emerald’, ‘Jewel’, ‘Rebel’, and ‘Star’; conventionally fertilized ‘Farthing’ and ‘Meadowlark’; and organi- cally fertilized ‘Sweetcrisp’ produced peak harvests on 13 May. Conventionally or or- ganically fertilized ‘Gupton’ and ‘Pearl’, conventionally fertilized ‘Sweetcrisp’, and organically fertilized ‘Farthing’ produced peak harvests from 27 May to 3 June. Peak harvest yield ranged from 257.8 g to 623.7 g berries per plant. The lowest peak harvest was produced by ‘Georgia Dawn’ and the highest was produced by ‘Pearl’, both fertil- ized conventionally. In 2017, conventionally or organically fertilized ‘Georgia Dawn’, ‘Meadowlark’, ‘Rebel’, and ‘Sweetcrisp’, and organically fertilized ‘Emerald’ and ‘Star’ produced the earliest peak harvests on 28 Apr. 2017. Organically fertilized ‘Farthing’ and conven- tionally fertilized ‘Star’ produced peak har- vest on 4 May and 11 May, respectively. Conventionally or organically fertilized ‘Jewel’ and ‘Pearl’, and conventionally fer- tilized ‘Emerald’ produced peak harvests on 18 May, with conventionally or organically fertilized ‘Gupton’ and conventionally fertil- ized ‘Farthing’ producing the latest peak harvests on 5 June. Peak harvest yield ranged from 380.5 g berries per plant in conven- tionally fertilized ‘Sweetcrisp’ to 704.4 g berries per plant in conventionally fertilized Fig. 2. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) at noon averaged over a month and monthly average ‘Meadowlark’. relative humidity in the high tunnel. PAR (A) and relative humidity (B) in the high tunnel were Blueberry yield. There were a total of 12 recorded by a quantum sensor (HOBO S-LIA-M003; Onset Computer Corp.) and a temperature and berry harvests during the growing season relative humidity sensor (HOBO S-THB-M002; Onset Computer Corp.), respectively. Both sensors 2016, from 6 Apr. to 1 July 2016. Total berry were connected to a data logger (HOBO Micro Station H21-002; Onset Computer Corp.). yield of ‘Farthing’, ‘Gupton’, ‘Jewel’, ‘Meadowlark’, ‘Pearl’, ‘Rebel’, and ‘Sweet- conventionally or organically fertilized, and 6 Apr. 2016 (Table 2). Conventionally fertilized crisp’ in 2016 was comparable, ranging from conventional fertilized ‘Rebel’ had their first ‘Emerald’, ‘Farthing’, ‘Star’, and ‘Sweetcrisp’, 1708 g to 2136 g berries per plant (Fig. 3). berry harvest during the first week of April on and organically fertilized ‘Rebel’ produced their ‘Meadowlark’ produced the highest yield in

HORTSCIENCE VOL. 54(2) FEBRUARY 2019 269 Table 1. Monthly growing degree days (GDDs) accumulated in the high tunnel and local outdoors. High tunnelz Outdoorsy Yr Month No. of days in the month Monthly avg temp. (C) Monthly GDDs Monthly avg temp. (C) Monthly GDDs 2016 January 31 7.6 19 5.6 0 2016 February 29 11.8 139 9.4 71 2016 March 31 19.2 377 15.0 248 2016 April 30 18.6 348 17.8 323 2016 May 31 22.4 479 21.7 455 2016 June 30 27.8 625 26.7 590 2016 July 31 29.1 685 27.8 644 2016 August 31 28.8 677 27.2 627 2016 September 30 27.3 608 25.6 557 2016 October 31 21.1 436 20.0 403 2016 November 30 14.6 228 13.9 207 2016 December 31 11.2 129 8.9 59 2017 January 31 12.6 172 11.1 127 2017 February 28 13.7 188 12.8 162 2017 March 31 16.1 281 14.4 231 2017 April 30 20.7 410 20.0 390 2017 May 31 22.0 465 21.1 437 2017 June 30 25.3 550 23.9 507 z Monthly GDDs were calculated as GDDs = (Tmonthly average –Tbase) · number of days in a month. Tbase =7C for southern highbush blueberries. yLocal outdoor air temperature data were obtained from the website of U.S. Department of Agriculture–Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Table 2. Date of first berry harvest, peak harvest, and average peak harvest yield of 10 southern highbush blueberry cultivars fertilized conventionally or organically grown in a high tunnel. Date of first harvest Date of peak harvesty Peak harvest yield (g per plant) Cultivar Fertilizerz 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 Emerald Conventional 14 Apr. 7 Apr. 13 May 18 May 417.6 615.0 Organic 22 Apr. 7 Apr. 13 May 28 Apr. 373.9 623.6 Farthing Conventional 14 Apr. 7 Apr. 13 May 5 June 551.3 559.5 Organic 22 Apr. 13 Apr. 3 June 4 May 404.0 571.7 Georgia Dawn Conventional 6 Apr. 7 Apr. 22 Apr. 28 Apr. 257.8 581.3 Organic 6 Apr. 7 Apr. 29 Apr. 28 Apr. 323.1 656.0 Gupton Conventional 22 Apr. 20 Apr. 27 May 5 June 487.9 503.3 Organic 29 Apr. 28 Apr. 27 May 5 June 411.2 515.7 Jewel Conventional 22 Apr. 20 Apr. 13 May 18 May 612.0 594.7 Organic 22 Apr. 20 Apr. 13 May 18 May 546.5 695.4 Meadowlark Conventional 6 Apr. 7 Apr. 13 May 28 Apr. 521.6 704.4 Organic 6 Apr. 7 Apr. 29 Apr. 28 Apr. 416.6 697.8 Pearl Conventional 22 Apr. 20 Apr. 27 May 18 May 623.7 543.9 Organic 29 Apr. 20 Apr. 27 May 18 May 486.0 463.8 Rebel Conventional 6 Apr. 7 Apr. 13 May 28 Apr. 485.8 391.4 Organic 14 Apr. 7 Apr. 13 May 28 Apr. 494.9 575.7 Star Conventional 14 Apr. 13 Apr. 13 May 11 May 398.4 669.8 Organic 22 Apr. 20 Apr. 13 May 28 Apr. 341.7 643.8 Sweetcrisp Conventional 14 Apr. 20 Apr. 27 May 28 Apr. 409.1 380.5 Organic 22 Apr. 20 Apr. 13 May 28 Apr. 437.2 413.3 zBlueberry plants were fertilized with a conventional fertilizer Osmocote Plus 15N–3.9P–10K (15–9–12, 8–9 months; Scotts Miracle-Grow Co., Marysville, OH) or an organic fertilizer 5N–1.3P–3.3K (5–3–4, McGeary Organics, Lancaster, PA). yDate of peak harvest was defined as the date when the most plants of a certain cultivar fertilized conventionally or organically produced the highest harvest during one growing season.

April, averaging 719.6 g berries per plant. ganic fertilizer in April and May, and per plant, respectively, higher than the other Among the early-ripening cultivars, ‘Georgia increased total berry yield per plant in 2016 eight cultivars. Lower than ‘Georgia Dawn’ Dawn’ and ‘Rebel’ produced comparable by 38.2%, 18.0%, and 14.5%, respectively and ‘Meadowlark’, ‘Emerald’, ‘Rebel’, and yields of 533.3 g and 482.6 g berries per (Table 3). ‘Star’ produced comparable yields, ranging plant in April, respectively. Most tested In 2017, there were 11 berry harvests from from 609.4 g to 777.9 g berries per plant, but cultivars had increasing yield in May com- 7 Apr. to 22 June. ‘Emerald’, ‘Farthing’, higher than yields of ‘Gupton’ or ‘Pearl’. In pared with April, with eight cultivars ‘Jewel’, ‘Meadowlark’, ‘Rebel’, and ‘Star’ May, ‘Emerald’, ‘Jewel’, ‘Meadowlark’, and producing their peak harvests in May. produced comparable total berry yields rang- ‘Star’ produced comparable yields, ranging ‘Farthing’, ‘Jewel’, ‘Rebel’, and ‘Sweetcrisp’ ing from 2000 g to 2480 g berries per plant, from 1374 g to 1772 g berries per plant, produced comparable yields in May, ranging significantly higher than the yield of ‘Pearl’ higher than ‘Georgia Dawn’ or ‘Pearl’. In from 1218 g to 1543 g berries per plant, (1222 g berries per plant) (Fig. 4). Total berry June, ‘Farthing’ and ‘Gupton’ produced com- higher than the yield of ‘Georgia Dawn’ and yields of ‘Georgia Dawn’, ‘Gupton’, and parable yields, 497.8 g and 561.5 g berries per ‘Gupton’, 387.3 g and 653.1 g berries per ‘Sweetcrisp’ were comparable, ranging from plant, respectively, higher than any other plant, respectively. Later in the season in 1528 g to 1752 g berries per plant. Generally, cultivars. Fertilizer type did not affect berry June, the two late-season cultivars ‘Gupton’ monthly distribution of berry yield in the yield in 2017. and ‘Pearl’ produced the highest yield, aver- 2017 growing season shared a similar trend Single berry weight. Single berry weight aging 1048 g and 843 g berries per plant, with 2016. Early in the season in April, data were presented only in early May in both respectively. Conventional fertilizer in- ‘Georgia Dawn’ and ‘Meadowlark’ produced growing seasons during peak production time creased berry yield compared with the or- the highest yields, 1113 g and 1060 g berries when all cultivars were producing berries.

270 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 54(2) FEBRUARY 2019 Fig. 3. Blueberry yield in April, May, and June, and total berry yield per plant of 10 southern highbush blueberry cultivars grown in a high tunnel in the 2016 growing season. Means for a certain cultivars were obtained over two fertilizer types. Different lower-case letters on a certain bar suggest significant difference in total berry yield per plant indicated by Tukey’s honest significant difference test at P < 0.05. Error bars suggest SE of total berry yield per plant in 2016.

Table 3. Blueberry yield in April, May, and June, cultivars, other than ‘Sweetcrisp’ produced for the extremely early-ripening cultivar and total berry yield of southern highbush berries with similar soluble solid content, ‘Meadowlark’ bringing its first harvest on blueberries grown in a high tunnel affected by ranging from 10.6% to 12.1%. In 2017, Apr. 10 in Gainesville, FL (USDA hardiness fertilizer type in 2016. ‘Meadowlark’ and ‘Rebel’ produced berries zone 9a) (Florida Foundation Seed Pro- Berry yield in 2016 (g per plant) with the lowest soluble solid content of 9.6% ducers, Inc., 2013). Fertilizerz April May June Total and 9.7%, respectively. These values were Timing of fruit ripening in blueberries is Conventional 308.1 a 1157 a 360.6 1826 a lower than soluble solid content in berries related to a number of factors, including Organic 223.0 b 979.7 b 390.5 1593 b produced by ‘Georgia Dawn’, ‘Gupton’, or chilling, heat units (or GDDs), pollination, P valuey <0.0001 0.0003 0.35 0.0006 ‘Pearl’, and comparable to ‘Emerald’, ‘Far- development, and crop load (NeSmith, zBlueberry plants were fertilized with a conventional thing’, ‘Jewel’, and ‘Star’. Fertilizer type did 2014a). GDDs have been used to predict fertilizer Osmocote Plus 15N–3.9P–10K (15–9–12, not affect berry soluble solid content in either blooming and fruit ripening of a number of 8–9 months; Scotts Miracle-Grow Co., Marys- growing season. horticulture crops, including blueberries ville, OH) or an organic fertilizer 5N–1.3P– (Gibson, 2011; Kirk and Isaacs, 2012; 3.3K (5–3–4, McGeary Organics, Lancaster, PA). Discussion Kovaleski et al., 2015; White et al., 2012). yMeans for a certain fertilizer were obtained over Kovaleski et al. (2015) reported that south- 10 blueberry cultivars. Different lower-case letters The use of a high tunnel system was ern highbush cultivar ‘Emerald’ required within a column suggest significant difference reported to advance flower bud initiation of 225 GDDs for peak bloom (50% bloom), indicated by Tukey’s honest significant difference SHBs for up to 39 d in Georgia (Ogden and whereas peak bloom of ‘Jewel’ occurred test at P < 0.05. van Iersel, 2009). In our study, the high with 302 accumulated GDDs. Lowbush tunnel advanced first berry harvest to the first blueberries generally require 1200 to 1400 week of April in both growing seasons. GDDs for fruit ripening (Gibson, 2011) and ‘Pearl’ produced the largest berry in 2016 and Blueberry harvest starting from early April rabbiteye cultivars require 1300 to 1900 2017, averaging 2.6 and 2.48 g per berry, was 4 to 5 weeks more advanced than GDDs for fruit ripening with variances respectively (Table 4). In 2016, ‘Emerald’, traditional open-field ripening of rabbiteye among cultivars (NeSmith, 2014a). GDDs ‘Farthing’, ‘Gupton’, ‘Meadowlark’, ‘Rebel’, blueberries in Mississippi from late May to requirement for blooming and fruit ripening ‘Star’, and ‘Sweetcrisp’ produced single berry June. Advancement of southern highbush might be species and cultivar dependent. weights greater than 2 g per berry. ‘Georgia blueberry harvest by 9 d in April was con- Total length of fruit development period of Dawn’ and ‘Jewel’ produced the lowest single sidered valuable because it significantly SHBs generally ranges from 55 to 66 d berry weight of 1.73 and 1.92 g per berry, increased market price of blueberries (Retamales and Hancock, 2012). The high respectively. In 2017, ‘Gupton’ produced the (NeSmith, 2008). The advancement of 4 to tunnel increased air temperature and second largest berry, averaging 2.02 g per 5 weeks compared with field production of monthly GDDs up to 129 degree days com- berry, with other eight cultivars producing rabbiteye blueberries will introduce a tre- pared with outdoor environment in the cur- berries ranging from 1.23 g to 1.94 g per mendous increase in market price. In addi- rent study. Increased GDDs in the high tunnel berry. ‘Georgia Dawn’ produced the smallest tion, the high tunnel used in our study not only extended the growing season into berry, averaging 1.23 g per berry. Fertilizer produced a first berry harvest at a similar early spring, advanced blooming, but also type did not affect single berry weight in either time of estimated first harvest date in culti- hastened fruit ripening of SHB cultivars. growing season. vars such as ‘Star’ (used as a standard SHB Further research investigating timing from Berry soluble solid content (Brix%). In cultivar, ripens from early to late April), flower bud initiation to blooming and fruit both years, ‘Sweetcrisp’ produced berries ‘Emerald’, and ‘Rebel’ grown in hardiness development in relation to GDDs and chilling with the highest soluble solid content, zones 8a to 8b in open-field conditions requirement will assist in more accurately 14.2% and 14.1% in 2016 and 2017, re- (Lyrene, 2008; Lyrene and Sherman, 2000; predicting fruit ripening in a high tunnel spectively (Table 4). In 2016, nine tested NeSmith, 2008). This trend also holds true growing system.

HORTSCIENCE VOL. 54(2) FEBRUARY 2019 271 Fig. 4. Blueberry yield in April, May, and June, and total berry yield per plant of 10 southern highbush blueberry cultivars grown in a high tunnel in the 2017 growing season. Means for a certain cultivars were obtained over two fertilizer types. Different lower-case letters on a certain bar suggest significant difference in total berry yield per plant indicated by Tukey’s honest significant difference test at P < 0.05. Error bars suggest SE of total berry yield per plant in 2017.

Table 4. Average single berry weight and fruit soluble solid content of 10 southern highbush cultivars developing berries when freeze injury can grown in a high tunnel in 2016 and 2017. occur at 0 C (Michigan State Univ. Exten- Single berry wt (g per berry)z Fruit soluble solid content (Brix%) sion, 2018). Blooming flowers and develop- Cultivar 13 May 2016 11 May 2017 6 May 2016 4 May 2017 ing berries of ‘Emerald’, ‘Rebel’, and Emerald 2.35 abc 1.94 bc 12.0 b 10.5 bc ‘Meadowlark’ were damaged by frost in Farthing 2.27 bcd 1.73 cd 11.0 b 10.4 bc 2016. There was no observable frost damage Georgia Dawn 1.73 f 1.23 f 11.5 b 11.2 b in 2017, possibly because most cultivars were Gupton 2.20 bcde 2.02 b 11.4 b 11.5 b at their early stages of flower and fruit Jewel 1.92 ef 1.41 ef 11.7 b 10.7 bc development and less subjective to freezing Meadowlark 2.38 ab 1.70 cd 11.1 b 9.6 c temperatures. Blueberry ‘Georgia Dawn’ Pearl 2.60 a 2.48 a 11.8 b 11.3 b produced the earliest peak harvest in both Rebel 2.31 abcd 1.56 de 10.6 b 9.7 c Star 2.02 def 1.72 cd 12.1 b 10.6 bc growing seasons in late April, with the first Sweetcrisp 2.08 cde 1.80 bcd 14.2 a 14.1 a berry harvest produced in early April. Flow- P valuey < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 ering habit of ‘Georgia Dawn’ was late zSingle berry weight was calculated by measuring the weight of 50 randomly selected berries and dividing enough to avoid most freezing temperatures by 50. in January and February, but still produced yMeans for certain cultivars were obtained over two fertilizer types. Different lower-case letters within a the earliest peak berry harvests due to its column suggest significant difference indicated by Tukey’s honest significant difference test at P < 0.05. shorter fruit development period. Such re- sults are consistent with Kovaleski et al. (2015) that late-flowering habit can be a Within the experiment’s duration, lowest the Ogden and van Iersel (2009) study, the natural benefit for SHBs to avoid frost dam- outdoor temperatures of –6.7 C occurred high tunnels were closed on a certain date and age in early spring. several times in Jan. and Feb. 2016, and once remained closed after. But in our study, the In the two growing seasons from 2016 to in Jan. 2017. During the three cold nights in high tunnel was closed with night tempera- 2017, total blueberry yield per plant averaged Jan. 2016 (on 11 Jan., 19 Jan., and 24 Jan., ture of 4.4 C or below, but stayed open from 920.7 g for ‘Georgia Dawn’ in 2016 to respectively), outdoor minimum temperature during the day with temperature higher than 2480 g for ‘Meadowlark’ in 2017. Total dropped to –6.7 to –5.6 C. The high tunnel 4.4 C. Opening on warm days probably yields in the high tunnel produced by all maintained minimum temperatures of –3.9 increased heat accumulation during the day plants were 171 kg in 2016 and 199 kg in to –3.3 C on those nights. Ogden and van and helped increase minimum air tempera- 2017. The high tunnel used in this study is Iersel (2009) reported that high tunnels did ture at night. In addition, the high planting equal to 0.026 ha of area. With traditional not provide freeze protection and had lower density in the high tunnel might have slowed growing density of 1.2 to 1.8 m between minimum temperature than the outdoor en- down the air circulation within the tunnel and plants and 2.4 to 3.7 m between rows, a vironment on a number of nights. They radiative loss to the ambient environment. hectare typically holds 2500 plants (Univ. of believed the fast radiative loss through the Frost protection from the high tunnel may be California, 2012). Arrangement of 200 plants polyethylene film in the high tunnel may have further improved by installing cost-efficient in our high tunnel accounted for approxi- contributed to the lower night temperatures. heaters, as suggested by Ogden and van Iersel mately three times the growing density of By comparison, the high tunnel used in the (2009) traditional field planting. Total yields of 2- to current study provided some frost protection Blueberry flowers are increasingly sus- 3-year-old blueberry plants in our high tun- by increasing minimum air temperature up to ceptible to freeze damage as developmental nel were estimated to be 6458 kg/ha and 3.0 C. Reasons causing this difference might stage progresses (Ogden and van Iersel, 7500 kg/ha in 2016 and 2017, respectively. be the larger size of our high tunnel (29.0 · 2009). buds can tolerate temperatures Even with some yield loss to frost damage in 9.1 m), compared with the high tunnel (12 · of –5 to –4 C, while the plant is at its most winter 2016, such yield was considered as satis- 6 m) used by Ogden and van Iersel (2009). In vulnerable stage after fall with small factory as yield in traditional field conditions

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