Odonaiologica 37(4): 329-360 December 1, 2008 Aeshnidae of Guangdong and Hong Kong (China), with the descriptions of threenew Planaeschna species (Anisoptera) K.D.P. Wilson¹ and Z. Xu² 1 18 Chatsworth Road, Brighton, BN I 5DB, United Kingdom
[email protected] 2 Department of Entomology, College of Natural Resources and Environment South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou510642, Guangdong province, P. R. of China
[email protected] Received September 1, 2007 / Reviewed and Accepted March 28, 2008 Taxonomic information is provided on the Chinese aeshnid fauna from Guang- dong and Hong Kong, based on surveys completedfrom 1998 to 2005. Planaeschna haui 6 P. sp. n. (holotype: , Shimentai,Guangdong), nanlingensissp. n. (holotype: S , Nanling,Guangdong) and P. skiaperipola n. (holotype: 6 Shimentai,Guangdong) sp. , are described. Periaeschna rotunda Wilson is synonymised with Cephalaeschnaklotsi Asahina. Petaliaeschna Wilson is combined with the Periaeschna Martin gerrhon genus and the first $ described. Boyeria karube Yokoi is newly recorded from China. Keys for the determination of Oriental and identifica- are provided Brachytronini genera tion of Chinese of S Periaeschna Martin and Petaliaeschna spp. CephalaeschnaSelys, Fraser. A total of 25 aeshnids are recorded from Guangdong, including 3 new spp., and 3 new provincial records. 12 aeshnids are recorded from Hong Kong, including Planaeschna 9, Wu Kau skiaperipola sp. n. (paratype: Tang, Hong Kong). INTRODUCTION The of odonates examined obtained from two sets of majority were surveys between 1998and The first set of these undertaken completed 2005. surveys was by teams organised by the Hong Kong based Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Gar- den Corporation (KFBG) between 1998 and 2002.