The Rockefeller Institute Quarterly 1960, Vol. 3, No. 4 the Rockefeller University

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The Rockefeller Institute Quarterly 1960, Vol. 3, No. 4 the Rockefeller University Rockefeller University Digital Commons @ RU The Rockefeller Institute Quarterly The Rockefeller University Newsletters Winter 1960 The Rockefeller Institute Quarterly 1960, vol. 3, no. 4 The Rockefeller University Follow this and additional works at: rockefeller_institute_quarterly Recommended Citation The Rockefeller University, "The Rockefeller Institute Quarterly 1960, vol. 3, no. 4" (1960). The Rockefeller Institute Quarterly. Book 12. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The Rockefeller University Newsletters at Digital Commons @ RU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rockefeller Institute Quarterly by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ RU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 3 < t;. :. CONTENTS OF THE ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE VOLUME 3 NUMBER 4 WINTER . 1960 NEURAL PATTERNS OF REFLEX BEHAVIOR 1 SUMMER COURSE IN BIOLOGY 4 DEDICATION OF THE ALFRED E. COHN LIBRARY 5 FIRST CHRISTMAS LECTURES GIVEN BY DUBOS 7 b THE TRUSTEES: BARKLIE MC KEE HENRY 9 MISCELLANY 10 FACULTY ACTIVITIES 11 INSTITUTE MENTION 12 The total extent of the Institute's thirteen-acre campus is difi- cult to appreciate, and already it is difficult to remember how great the recent changes have been. Over half the total area of the campus has been developed since 1953, and plans are in progress for still more new facilities in the south half of the campus, not shown in the cover sketch, to keep pace with the growth of this graduate university of science. Dtawing by Charlotte Winter. UNRAVELLING THE NEURAL fibers with many efferent neurons, either directly or through inter-nuncial neurons, and the efferent neurons may also send PATTERNS OF REFLEX BEHAVIOR many fibers to various destinations. So great are the possible varieties of re- THE QUANTITY of individual data re- Nearly 75 years ago the Spanish histol- flex connections that themore ardentmech- garding the internal and external environ- ogist, Ramon y Cajal (using Golgi's micro- anists, following Descartes, "have argued ment communicated to our central nervous scopic staining technique made possible by that the whole of man's behavior is ex- system at any moment is staggering. Yet the contemporary discovery of the Daggue- plainable in terms of more or less elaborate this vast avalanche of nerve impulses is rotype photographic process), showed that reflex mechanisms of stimulus and response. somehow integrated into directed and pur- the tissue of the brain consists almost en- Yet what is studied in reflex response is the poseful behavior. The nature of the nerve tirely of neurons. Thus he prepared the essentially immediate and involuntary re- impulse, which Sir Charles Sherrington way for the view that the neuron is the es- action to stimulus from the external or in- once called "the currency of the nervous sential unit of the entire nervous system. ner (visceral) environment. Are voluntary system," was described in an earlier article During the decades since, increasing evi- action, memory, emotion also to be ex- (Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 4). We shall at- dence has shown that the events in the neu- plained merely as reflex responses of greater tempt here to give some idea of what Sher- rons of the brain and spinal cord are simi- latency and complexity? No one yet knows, rington might have called "the economics lar to those that have been studied in the but Sir Charles Sherrington, the distin- of the nervous systemw-how the arising peripheral nerves. The difference between guished Oxford physiologist whose work and transmission of nerve impulses on a the central nervous system and the pe- laid the foundation for much we shall have large scale result in integrated behavior- ripheral system seems to consist more in to say here, was doubtful. In the foreword and the role scientists at the Rockefeller In- complexity of inter-relation than in the na- to the 1947 edition of his classic work stitute have played in studying it. ture of the individual processes themselves. "The Integrative Action of the Nervous Adrian and Bronk showed how the nerve System" (first published in 1906 and re- impulse is conducted in an individual nerve THE REFLEX MECHANISM published in 1947 by Yale University fiber of which there are millions of billions The basic interaction of nerve on nerve Press) he put it thus: in our body and how the impulse in the is the reflex, the mechanism by which a "In the more organized animals of the peripheral nerves is essentially the same specific incoming (afferent) nerve impulse vertebrate type the shape of the central whether it is coursing up a nerve to report is reflected back out of the central nervous nerve-organ allows a simple operation to sense data to the central nervous system, or system in specific, though often complex, reduce the animal to the Descartes condi- down it to result in some response of move- efferent pathways. The most simple re- tion. An overlying outgrowth of the central ment, secretion, tension, relaxation, etc. flexes involve only an afferent neuron con- nerve-organ in the head can be removed Gasser and Erlanger discovered how the nected with a corresponding efferent neu- under anesthesia, and on the narcosis pass- size and velocity of the nerve impulses de- ron through a junction called a synapse. ing off the animal is found to be a Carte- pend on the nature and size of the nerve Simple two-neuron reflexes (such as the sian puppet: it can execute certain acts but fiber conducting them. But how is this vast jerk of the leg that results from a tap on the is devoid of mind. That it is devoid of mind array of impulses in the fibers of a million tendon under the knee-cap) are termed may seem a dogmatic statement. Exhaus- billion nerve cells organized to give us an monosynaptic, for with only two nerves tive tests, however, bear the assertion out. orderly impression of our environment and involved there is but a single synaptic junc- Thoughts, feeling, memory, percepts, con- ; to enable us to deal with it effectively? The tion between them. More complex reflexes notations, e&., of these no evidence is 'd I! - answer lies largely in the central nervous may include one or more intermediate neu- forthcoming or to be elicited. Yet the ani- - c system-the brain and the spinal cord- rons, and hence such reflexes are called ma1 remains a motor mechanism which can 'C-- - , and the way in which the neurons (nerve polysynaptic. Moreover, a single afferent be touched into action in certain ways so as cells) are inter-connected $,ere, - . neuron- may connect through branching (continued on page two) .-* - .- .' . - -. F.A. -4 PATTERNS OF REFLEX BEHAVIOR continued from page one two synapses. He concluded that it must be a simple monosynaptic reflex. to exhibit pieces of its behavior." Speaking cording techniques that Dr. Gasser had The evidence produced by Renshaw was of the remarkable integration of these pioneered, Renshaw measured the time be- of great value in confirming for the first "pieces of behavior," Sherrington goes on: tween stimulus and response in spinal re- time physiologically the belief the neuro- "...these mindless acts yet treat the ani- flexes and found that no matter how close anatomists since Cajal fifty years before mal's motor machinery as a united whole. to the spine the incoming impulse is had held, namely that simple two-neuron Thus the mindless machine can walk, and started, there is a certain brief but mini- reflexes exist in the spinal cord. It re- run, and gallop; it can also spring. These mum interval before the outgoing response mained, however, for Dr. David P. C. acts include 'balance' and adjustments of appears. He deduced that the delay must Lloyd, who came to the Institute in 1939 poise, as well as phasic movements duly co- occur at the synapse, the junction between from Sherrington's Laboratory of Physi- ordinated. There is integration, although the incoming (sensory) nerve cell and the ology at Oxford, to identify the function of purely motor integration." outgoing (motor) nerve. Of itself, this ex- these simple spinal reflexes. periment would not have proved that the Professor Lloyd examined the so-called THE MONOSYNAPTIC REFLEX reflex involved only a single synapse. The stretch reflex which causes a muscle, when The details of this motor integration evidence was decisive, however, when stretched by outside forces, to contract in have been studied extensively at the Rocke- combined with a fact Dr. Lorente de N6 resistance to that stretching. The knee jerk feller Institute. Dr. Birdsey Renshaw, discovered before he camel to the Institute. from a blow on the tendon below the knee- working under Dr. Gasser's general direc- In I 934 while he was still at the Central cap is the most familiar stretch reflex. tion between 193 8 and 194 1, undertook to Institute for the Deaf in St. Louis, Dr. Stretch reflexes are an important class of determine how simple the path from in- Lorente had studied the delay time electri- reflexes, for they automatically maintain coming neuron through the spinal cord cally in a reflex in the ocular system, which the tensions needed to prevent the force of and out again may actually be in the so- he could show anatomically to involve only gravity from bringing about collapse of our called simple spinal reflex. The existence a single synapse. With the time for trans- posture. of the ideally simple two-neuron reflex mission of an impulse across a single In 1943 Lloyd found that the reflex re- had not been demonstrated functionally, synapse as determined by Lorente (and sponse back to a muscle can be divided into though early anatomical studies had shown supported by other evidence), Renshaw two parts, with origins in afferent fibers that such connections exist, whatever their demonstrated that the minimum delay in from two different sources, one from the function may be.
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