WJNCOBANK, 1\ small village, on a loftY' acclivity, above Grimesthorpe,3 miles N. by E. of , is occupied chiefly by farmers and fork makers; and on its woody eminence are traces of a Roman camp. James Dixon, Esq. has estates in the parish, Rnd built the chapel at Car. BRADFIELD CHAPELRY AND TOWNSHIP comprises a wild but picturesque region of hill, dale, aud moorland, in which are 33,730 acres, and 6318 inhabitants; many grinding wheels, tilts, forges, &c.; several paper mills; 8n(1 the following villages and hamlets, viz. :-BRADFIELD, 7 miles N.W. by W.; BoMerstone, 8 miles N.W.; DnmJlask, 6 miles N.W.; DeepeQT, 7! miles N.W.; , Storrs, and , on the Loxley, from 0 to 7 miles N .W. by W. ; Loxley, , and Little .1Ifatloek, 4 miles N.W, by W.; Midhopp, 10 miles N.W.; the large village of , on the Don, near the railway station, 5 miles N.W. by N.; , a large scattered village, on an eminence above the Rivelin, 4~ milesN.N.W.; , :; miles N.W.; Briglttlwlmlee, Onfsacre, Fairest, SmalTjield, Moor­ fvood, Hollow 1fIeadolVs, &c., from 7 to 9 miles N.W. by N.; and Wigtwizzle, 10 miles N.W. of Sheffield. Near the latter is Broomhead Hall, the beau­ tiful scat of Mrs. Rimington. This extensive parochial chapelry is in the Duke of Norfolk's manors ofBradfield and IVestnall-and- Waldershelf. At , near the Surrey Arms, 7 miles N.W. by W. of Sheffield, the Duke has, during the last five years, let much of the moor land on long leases, to small occupiers, who have already brought many of their enclo­ sures into a good state of cultivation, and some of them have built houses on their allotments. The rents are trifling for the first ten years, Rnd are never to exceed 5s. per acre. One of the allotments is a farm of about 50 acres, occupied by the parisioners of Sheffield township, and now being cleared, drained, enclosed an