Also in attendance: Clerk – Mrs G. Claydon

APOLOGIES: COUNCILLORS R. FOSS - Personal P. SPENCE - Personal A. GOODMAN - Work J. BRAZIL (County Councillor) - Personal

Letter of resignation received from Rev P. Kemp.

1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors were invited to declare any disclosable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they had in any items to be considered at this meeting. They were also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated. It was advised that any unforeseen request for a Dispensation would be considered by the Clerk at this point only if there was no way a councillor would have been aware of such before the meeting. None received.

2. OPEN FORUM Cathy Aubertin attended with regard to the overnight parking charges in place by District Council at the car park. Many people did not understand how to pay for the evening charge with the changeover in rates. She explained that District could remove the overnight charge and enquired would parish council like to see any other changes to charges in the parish. District did not want to reduce income but could change tariffs i.e. Kingsbridge Town a change would eliminate overnight charges as they would implement 8a.m. to 8p.m. In addition to this they adjusted the staying hours to encourage people to stay for 3 hours rather than 2 hours as the town were keen to do this. The only parking areas in Stokenham parish were Torcross tank car park and the Torcross layby. Those present enquired if the level of current charging structure would go up if they removed overnight parking. No overnight parking charge might be good for businesses but if the daily charge was going to have to go up then businesses that only opened during the day would be affected. As a beach car park users usually expected it to be cheaper for all day parking as if they wanted a walk or go to the beach this took longer than 2 hours. Parish Council agreed there was a need to simplify overnight parking charges but questioned how District stopped overnight usage by campers and caravans as there were 19 there this weekend. Cathy explained that they needed a cut off time and then enforcement officers could work at those times. Further discussion took place as no parking after 10p.m. would affect the beach fishermen and fishing competitions. They could allow permit parking overnight i.e. local fishermen could get residents 24 permits but visitors were not entitled to buy such. District was keen to get rid of the overnight charge so Cathy was asked to do some analysis and come back with charging information.

With regard to Beesands and parking on the Village Green she was asked whether the work on this Parking Order had been a waste when it was only to deal with camper vans. District had felt if they limited parking to 8am – 8p.m. they could stop the camping on the access road along the front. Unfortunately due to the road being washed away in the storms the problem had moved to the access road by the houses. Sandra Vosper was in attendance and noted that she and other residents at Beesands Cellars were still in discussion with District as to installing and accessway road for them. Such route when agreed would have to be provided by and paid for by the residents and she questioned visitors using such when they were to pay for it. Also they were advised that after all such expensive works they would only have an annual renewable Lease.

She also noted that one camper van had been parked up for four days last week with no toilet facilities. Cathy understood all concerns but said that in terms of enforcement the only legislation that they had with ‘teeth’ was a Parking Order but these are permissive not restrictive. Therefore they must allow parking to enforce. One solution might be to ban all parking on any access road and grass areas and only allow parking at the end of the lane and section of road at the front. Sandra Vosper explained that the preferred route by District was straight across to the corner wall and then right allowing parking on the old road. No agreement had been reached as yet. It was asked if residents did not agree to pay for the road would District just shut the green?

The original Parking Order was in place at the end of last year and all that was needed was to implement it with signage but they had not done so due to the storms that took the road. Beesands was noted as one of the most popular areas around for its beach and that the area had lost upwards of 100 car parking spaces. One side of this dilemma thought that there should be parking and a few residents felt that there should be no parking on the green because this was the law. How could people enjoy the beach in the evening for BBQs and use the local businesses if parking was 8a.m. – 8p.m. A landowner had offered a piece of land for a car park but the restrictions were so onerous it appeared this restricted this happening. Over the last 4 to 5 years the area had become really busy this was wonderful for businesses but people/visitors might come this year and then see the difficulties with regard to parking and not return. If District owns this land could they not offer a car park and keep another section for a Village Green. If they put a parking meter in could it generate income? Dist Cllr Baverstock said District could not put a parking meter on the Village Green land as this would be commercial business but Cathy said if compromise could be reached they could apply to the Secretary of State. Dist. Cllr Baverstock felt this whole issue was a nightmare and advised parish council to just consider a decision relative to the Torcross issue and leave Beesands for now. Cathy Aubertin left the meeting.

WPc Jane Gerrard advised that PSCO Billy Morris had compiled figures from 4th April. There had been four crimes in the parish of which two were domestic. There had been criminal damage to fishing equipment at Torcross. She had also followed a removal van whose occupants were throwing rubbish out their van windows which she had reported.

It was noted that PSCO Morris was to leave the parish to take up training to qualify as a police officer and all wished him the best. WPc Jane Gerrard left the meeting.

3. MINUTES The Minutes of the: (a) full council meeting dated 15th May 2014 were approved by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record. 25

(b) Planning Committee held on 5th June 2014 were approved by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record.

4. PLANNING & PLANNING MATTERS The applications below were considered at this meeting and the following observations submitted to District: • 1285/14/F Installation of ground based 1.8m diameter satellite dish and ancillary development Start Point MF, Kngsbridge. No objection. • 1389/14/F Householder application for first floor extension over existing garage to create bedroom and study/bedroom 47 Gratton Drive, Chillington. It was noted that the change of garage becomes a whole extra size of house which could become out of reach of affordable property. No objection.

PLANNING CORRESPONDENCE None received other than already emailed to parish councillors for consideration.

5. DISTRICT PARKING CHARGES Residents permits run from 4p.m. to 10a.m and could be used to allow residents overnight parking and this was suggested as a way for local fishermen to use the area. Parish Council had concerns about overnight parking in these car parks. It was AGREED that District could extend the parking charges time at Torcross from 8a.m. until 8p.m. with free overnight parking if the charging structure did not increase significantly.

6. COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT FUND The funding obtained was NOTED and approval for the proposed works to be carried out therefrom but discussions were still ongoing with County Footpaths and Highways as to any further negotiations requried.

7. TRANSFER OF OPEN SPACE LAND AT HELMERS/TANPITS It was noted that Tozers solicitors had been instructed to handle the transfer of this land and all documentation had been sent to them together with a three page letter explaining all points/issues within the letter of offer. District had since AGREED to a payment of £3000 as maintenance hand over payment, such negotiation as requested at the last meeting. The solicitor was also asked to seek clarification on the terms of guarantee for the play equipment, the 75% overage and term of 80 years and also that the car park must remain a free facility.


CHILLINGTON HALL The build was definitely only £5000 short and the committee were already making efforts to raise this within the community. Cllr Mrs Winrow advised that Chris Hyson, John Manning-Hughes and Louise Spilsbury would be resigning on completion of the hall build. Dist Cllr Baverstock had suggested to the CCA that if they cleared debris along the path they also clear the private bridge away as well but District legal had been asked to intervene.

ALLOTMENTS The Chairman enquired what progress had been made with regard to ascertaining the position with the Beeson Allotment area and Cllr Hoeksma advised that he had not done a lot as he had been busy with his own business. He needed to get in touch with the Allotment Association to check whether the area was ever designated formally and there were people to speak to locally. The Chairman noted that projects taken on by councillors needed to be progressed or there was a possibility, as with the War Memorial at the Church, that funding would be lost. 26

BEESON COMMUNITY ORCHARD MEETING There had been a slight difference of opinion as to how the orchard should be run but there had been a Management Plan created by the AONB and District Council at the time of its creation so it was agreed that residents would follow this plan. Funding would be sought for the fencing this year.

CLERK’S REPORT • Audited accounts had been sent together with a letter of explanation on variances to comply with the due audit date and such receipt acknowledged by Grant Thornton Auditors. • The new TAP fund must have new projects funding applied for by 31st December 2014 and payments will be made retrospectively. Feedback will be required on all projects as to what has been achieved. • Emergency Planning event 1st July 2014 at Follaton House 7-9p.m. Dist Cllr Baverstock agreed to accompany Cllr Mrs Nuttall-Smith. • Adam Keay from Highways had advised that County had legislative powers to force landowners to accept water from the highway (at points where water has always left the highway) and power to enter property to ensure such. However those powers do not devolve to Parish level. It could be that County could give parish council instruction to carry out such works but further advisc should be sought from within County. Jim Morrison was currently on sick leave. • Email received from Joe Johnston which he wished made available to all parish council was circulated by email. Further emails and letters from Alan Steer, Mr and Mrs Crispin and John and Judith Rook had been received to support no parking on the Beesands Village Green and thus outside their properties. • Cllr Spence advised by email that the District website problem appeared to have been resolved and he was mildly confident that the creation of the parish website would now proceed.

9. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR'S REPORT Dist. Cllr. Baverstock noted that there had been a visit by Oliver Letwin MP who oversaw storm damage and he was convinced to go and see Hallsands, Beesands and Slapton Line. He noted that at Hallsands there was an aggressive stance by some residents not directly affected by the storms. At Beesands there were constructive contributions by fishermen and Joe Johnston on behalf of the Village Green with David Vosper for Beesands Cellars. At the meeting at Slapton Line where it was noted there was a real risk Robin Rose-Price and Cllr Foss related concerns with regard to serious consequences which could happen. County advise that if the road was damaged they would shut it so Oliver Letwin was asked to try to encourage English Nature to allow sea defences to be placed and assist defence along this road.

That afternoon there was a District Council meeting where they took the next step in the pioneering change in operation and all of this Dist Cllr Baverstock noted, without a CEO. Senior management was reducing from 10 to 6 officers and this was designed to save £3.8million pa towards bridging the gap of £4.7million. They would also create a company that could sell services and provide services throughout as an independent private company with its own directors. District also had considered building some houses and then letting them out for additional income.

At Beesands everything on the left of the church on the seaward side towards The Cellars was Village Green and legislation stated no parking and District could not undertake or allow any commercial activity i.e. installing a parking meter. After the Village Green committee discussions they had not wanted a height restriction barrier but sought legislation to deal with the overnight camping problems. District had therefore looked to the only legislation they felt they could use 27 and once the parking signs were being made some of the residents then said you cannot do this because it’s a Village Green. At present there was no idea how to move forward.

The Taylor Wimpey bridge from the new housing estate across the stream from Helmers was made and would be installed shortly.

10. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cty Cllr Brazil offered his apologies due to personal commitments. He had joined the other residents and councillors at Hallsands for the Oliver Letwin MP visit. It was with some relief that he noted neither the Day Centre at Tumbly Hill nor the facility at Ropewalk would be closed but they would be 'integrated' at the Tumbly Hill site. Quite what 'integrated' meant we would have to wait and see?

He sent congratulations to Stokenham on totally dominating the local community fund with the bid they submitted and they achieved almost half of it and about 5 times more than any other Parish. He offered his assistance for any County issues on this project that needed addressing.

11. FINANCE AND CHEQUES Balances were provided and the below cheques were noted and agreed for signature: Current £2346.67 Savings (1) £49712.43 Savings (2) £4922.43

Transferred: £2500.00

002123 Eclipse – Internet £12.53 002124 Concorde Copiers – maintenance £10.26 002125 Nick Walker Printing Ltd – Newsletter and report £149.00 002126 P. Spence – APM Wine £95.58 002127 A. Ball – Bus Shelter Cleaning £80.00 002128 P. Ball – Bus Shelter Cleaning £80.00 002129 Mrs Chamberlain – ½ Playingfield Rent £18.75 002130 Mrs Sylvester – ½ Playingfield Rent £18.75 BACS Community Council of Devon (to inc. DPFA) – Annual Subs £50.00 002131 Coleridge Assoc. of Parish Councils – Annual Subs £20.00 002132 Stokenham Parish Hall Committee – Annual rental £525.00 002133 G. Claydon – Chairman’s Allowance sustenance £10.40 002134 BT – Telephone line and calls £207.15 002135 HMRC – NI and Tax £225.68 002136 Wages - £1083.42

12. NEXT MEETING The next full parish council meeting would be held on 17th July 2014 and a planning committee meeting would be held on the first Thursday in July 2014 if necessary due to plans being received. Both meetings commenced at 7.30p.m. in the Wesley Smith Room at Stokenham Parish Hall.

Meeting finished: 9.35p.m.

Signed ……………………… Chairman Dated: 17th July 2014.