streets of rage 2 syndicate wars hack download 2 syndicate wars hack download. - ULTRA 2018. The author of this hack is Huo Yan ([email protected]) (This description was translated by Dha Lau Hoo. Dha Lau Hoo did not participate in making this hack. He only uploaded this hack for the author.) II. CHARACTER UPDATES: (1) Special effect for weapon attacks. (2) B+C can attack enemies at both sides. (3) The original back throw is replaced by pile driver. (4) Forward A becomes a combo. (5) The speed is slightly increased. (1) F, F, B (blitz) becomes a “Shoryuken” style uppercut. It’s invulnerable while rising but vulnerable while falling. (2) B+C becomes Grands Upper (Bare Knuckle). (3) Static jump attack becomes a “Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku” style tornado kick. (4) Grab forward attack becomes a combo. (5) Forward A becomes an alternative Dragon Punch. It can attack enemies at both sides, but vulnerable to jump kicks. (6) Pipe attack now has BK3 style. (7) Sword attack now has BK3 style. (1) Jump kick has the same move as BK3. (2) Larger attack area for the blitz (F, F, B). (3) B+C becomes Kikoshou (Soul Fire). (4) Forward A becomes slide kick (as in BK3). (5) Knife attack now has BK3 style. (6) Pipe attack and sword attack now have BK3 style. (1) F, F, B is now a brand new move originally designed by the author Huo Yan. (2) Jump down attack now becomes a spinning kick. With perfect timing, it may generate an infinite combo. Syndicate Crime Organization. The Syndicate Crime Organization , or the Syndicate , is a criminal organization lead by the mysterious Mr. X whose ultimate goal is to rule the city and cause mass anarchy. They do this through a number of means, including using their money to control the government and the police force, and using a large army of thugs to strike fear and terror into the hearts of the city's population. Contents. Overview [ edit | edit source ] Members [ edit | edit source ] Mr. X (Boss; deceased) The Y Twins (New Bosses): Story [ edit | edit source ] Streets of Rage [ edit | edit source ] The Syndicate was successful in taking control of the city. With their money and influence controlling the city's government, and the police force either bought out or too afraid to stick their necks out, it seemed the city was doomed to be under the control of the Syndicate. However, three police officers, Adam Hunter, Axel Stone, and took matters into their own hands and took to the streets as vigilantes. Fighting their way to the Syndicate Headquarters in the city, they defeated Mr. X and broke the Syndicate's hold on the city. In a non-canon alternate ending, one of the vigilantes would betray the others, defeat Mr. X on their own, and become the new leader of the Syndicate. Streets of Rage 2 [ edit | edit source ] After their defeat, the Syndicate spent the next year rebuilding their forces and plotting their revenge. One year after their defeat, they struck back, kidnapping Adam and using him as bait to lure Axel and Blaze into a trap. With their thugs taking to the streets to reclaim the city as their own, Axel and Blaze fought back with the help of Axel's friend, Max Thunder, and Adam's kid brother, Eddie "Skate" Hunter. The heroes managed to fight their way to the Syndicate's New Headquarters and defeated Mr. X once again. Bare Knuckle 3 [ edit | edit source ] When Dr. Gilbert Zan discovers a new element called Rakushin, Mr. X and his syndicate steal it and use it to create a bomb that they detonate in a Wood Oak City suburb. It is likely this was meant as a demonstration of Rakushin's power, with the intent of selling the weapon to the nations of the Lima Region to start a global war. In order to ensure the war takes place, Mr. X has Dr. Zero create a robot clone of Axel to kidnap General Ivan Petrov, who was invited to the White House for peace talks. [ edit | edit source ] After their second defeat, Mr. X and his Syndicate went underground, using Robocy Corporation as a front for their activities. Hiring a scientist named Dr. Dahm, who was capable of creating exact robot duplicates of people, Mr. X launched a new plan to replace important figures around the city, such as the Chief of Police, with robot duplicates under his control. To keep the police distracted, he had his men set up bombs around the city. However, a defecting scientist from Robocy, Dr. Gilbert Zan, leaked this plan to Blaze, who shared it with Axel and Adam. Axel and Skate, acting on Adam's behalf, quickly took to the streets to track down Mr. X and the syndicate. Along the way, they received word that the Chief of Police had been kidnapped by Axel, despite Axel's claim that he hadn't seen the chief in months. It turned out the kidnapper of the Police Chief was a robot duplicate of Axel, which convinced the heroes that Zan's warning was accurate. The fought their way to the Syndicate's new hideout, and defeated Mr. X once again. However, this Mr. X was also a robot duplicate. The heroes continued the search, and found where the Syndicate was holding the police chief. In the bad ending, the chief succumbs to poisoning, and the heroes have no choice but to race to City Hall to stop the duplicate, who is supported by Shiva. The heroes successfully defeat Shiva and expose the fraudulent Police Chief, but Shiva refuses to tell them where the real Mr. X is. Zan vows that he will find Mr. X and destroy him. In the good ending, the chief is rescued before it's too late, and the heroes finally find Mr. X, or rather, Mr. X's brain controlling a powerful robot body. With the threat of bombs set to go off all over the city, the heroes have to defeat Robot Y before that happens. In the second bad ending, they defeat Robot Y. Mr. X's brain attempts to blow up his base and take the heroes with him, but Adam manages to rescue them. However, it's too late to stop the bombs, which detonate, killing many people and wrecking many buildings. It would take a long time to repair the damage to the city, and even longer to regain the confidence of the citizens. In the final good ending, Robot Y is defeated in time to prevent the detonation of the bombs. Mr. X's brain attempts to blow up his base and take the heroes with him, but Adam manages to rescue them. Dr. Dahm, who was taken alive, names all the officials who were replaced with robot duplicates, and the robot duplicates are destroyed and the real officials are returned. Mr. X and the Syndicate are finally destroyed once and for all, and peace returns to the city. Streets of Rage 4 [ edit | edit source ] Ten years after the final defeat of Mr. X, the Syndicate returns under new management, this time led by Mr. X's children, Mr. Y and Ms. Y , under the name " The Y Syndicate ". This time, however, the Y Syndicate does not seem to have Wood Oak City's police in their pocket, as the police officers will engage in battle with the syndicate thugs as well as the vigilante heroes. Despite this, they seem to have some influence over the police, and their new plan is to use a special music broadcast that can enslave the minds of those who hear it. However, thanks to the efforts of the vigilante heroes and the police force, their scheme is defused, and the Y Twins are eventually defeated and placed under arrest. Abonnera för att ladda ner Streets of Rage 2 Syndicate Wars. Play with all enemies, bosses, and new extra characters. Play survival or coop with a CPU partner. Hack by Red Chrimson, gsaurus and Daors. Note: CPU AI is not implemented for main characters, so don't select any character of the top row as CPU partner. Actually I was very successful at modding BKM, including: Translation to english; 2 players coop or CPU, faster pace, harder difficulty. It's easier to modd because it is java, a high level programming language. I just can't seem to find where I have the source code right now. Complete list of SOR2 hacks - What are your favourites? Which ones do you enjoy the most? Share your thoughts, perhaps it helps people on improving or doing better hacks! List of SOR2 Hacks: Abadede Adam Hunter Android Lightning BKM Blaze Barbon Bison Blaze RM Naked Blaze Remastered Blaze TX Edition Blaze Ultimate Chill Edition Cody Cosmic Mix Deadly Moves Diglett Dolan Donovax ED209 Earthworm Jim Electra3 Except It Makes That Weird Tim Allen Noise When People Die Extreme Alliance Extreme Edition Extreme Punishment Flame Ninja Hack God Mode Trainer Guy Hallucinations Handy Patch Hannah Dundee Hell Edition Hero Edition Hypermix Ivex GS update Ivex Hack Killer Difficulty Knuckles in SOR2 Kratus FF Kratus SF2 Kurenai Kurosawa Lightning XIII Hack Mega Sonic Rage Megaman Edition Mona Lisa Multiple Enemies Naked Blaze Hack Portuguese (Brazil) translation Predator Psylocke Punisher Puyo Wars Rage Fighter 2: Turbo (Beta) Restoration Ristar Robocop / ED209 Rudra Ryu SOR X SF SW: Free-for-All Shinobi Hack Shiva Sketch Turner Sonic & Sally Sonic Hack Street Fighter II Streets of Fighter V1 Streets of Fighter V2 Streets of Fighter V3 Streets of Rage 2.5 Super Heroes Syndicate Wars TMNT Terminatrix Tia Langray. hi gsaurus!. well, there are many others now. more since steam appeared. look into the workshop, klares tell me now there is one called "sor2 hell edition" without apples and chikens. and also many othewrs hacks modifications of this kind, non related to chars, yes to playability. one of this days, i will release the complete hacks pack i have by now. but it looks that thanks to steam, many of they will appear. i only care about if they could be downloaded from here as well as legal ips patches. Same here (Syndicate Wars), some characters like Abadede and Jet are fun to use, but Jet is still prone to freezing the game, under circumstances that I'm still trying to figure out. By the way, for the older version, I found Adam's Offense Special physics, but I could never find his Blitz physics. I wanted to make it travel further. well, talking about hacks, my favourites are those who not only have efects on the playability. i means that, even loving else streets of rage hack with new content, my favourite are the characters hacks. and syndicate wars is so special to me, for allow you to can play as the enemies. a pity tought, that there not will be a way (yet) to modify their moves and can create mods of this hack. for someone could modify sw hack and allow to the playable enemies to perform new moves. as a grab for shiva, etc. ps: --- when i could get free time, i will finish some sor hacks i still dont play, and i will release a BIG sor hacks pack on my blog with all the hacks released in all this years. so be patient and you will enjoy all they!. There out to be more full character sets of Syndicate Wars, if they're up to the task of "replacing" all of the characters (except Vehelits). Since there's no guide for the most recent revision, I have to stick with one of the older revisions, but I've found plenty of ROM addresses for it. I really would like to be able to make more of the enemies (than just the bosses of Stage 2 and use the alternate color palette. Also, diagonal running is always a welcomed addition. cabo-hicks wrote: for someone could modify sw hack and allow to the playable enemies to perform new moves. as a grab for shiva, etc. Krizalid99v2 wrote: Judging from the video, what I really like about this hack is the fact that the enemy character's attacks play just like the normal CPU enemies do, and that everything is kept within the boundaries of the actual game. I would probably be disappointed if any unnecessary new aspects outside of this game were put in. I don't think it would be faithful to the source material if enemies had more moves, namely everyone gaining a special move which will help make them more viable, I'd give it that. If I would decide on what's my favorite SOR2 hack from someone other than gsaurus, it would be the ED-209 one. It was pretty fun playing with that large robot. I'm currently thinking of creating yet another Syndicate Wars edit, this time with an all-out female cast (not counting Vehelits, of course), but it's not going to be easy coming up with decent replacements. I still have this one character design on my hard drive, that JoyJoyfulRabbit shared. So here's the updated guide with Zan and Roo: Streets of Rage 2 Syndicate Wars guide with Zan and Roo (how do I attach files on replies?) Notice the only difference is the two extra entries, equal to the Adam one. Also remember there is also this "Import character from other ROM" feature, which let you import a character between any sor2 version or hack. In principle it should work with SW too, but it will probably glitch trying to import enemies from older versions due to the extra slots in the middle. I don't know, I didn't try it.. And any custom code like audio, palettes and different moves are not ported.. Абониране, за да се свали Streets of Rage 2 Syndicate Wars. Play with all enemies, bosses, and new extra characters. Play survival or coop with a CPU partner. Hack by Red Chrimson, gsaurus and Daors. Note: CPU AI is not implemented for main characters, so don't select any character of the top row as CPU partner. Actually I was very successful at modding BKM, including: Translation to english; 2 players coop or CPU, faster pace, harder difficulty. It's easier to modd because it is java, a high level programming language. I just can't seem to find where I have the source code right now.