United States Patent (19) (11 Patent Number: 4,866,206 Bey Et Al
United States Patent (19) (11 Patent Number: 4,866,206 Bey et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 12, 1989 54 2-HALOMETHYL DERIVATIVES OF 56) References Cited 2-AMNO ACDS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Philippe Bey, Strasbourg; Michel 4,288,601 9/1981 Kollonitsch ................ o 562/561 Jung, Illkirch-Graffenstaden, both of 4,325,961 4/1982 Kolonitsch .... France 4,418,077 11/1983 Bey ................. 4,423,073 12/1983 Gerhart ...... .562/56 73) Assignee: Merrell Dow France et Cie, 4,439,619 3/1984 Bey ...................................... 562/561 Strasbourg, France 4,446,151 5/1984 Gerhart ............................... 562/56 Primary Examiner-Michael L. Shippen (21) Appl. No.: 148,806 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Louis J. Wille (22 Filed: Jan. 27, 1988 (57) ABSTRACT 2-(Fluoromethyl or chloromethyl)-2,5-diaminopen Related U.S. Application Data tanoic acid, 2-(fluoromethyl or chloromethyl)-2,6- 60 Division of Ser. No. 392,052, Jun. 25, 1982, Pat, No. diaminohexanoic acid, and 2-fluoromethyl-2-amino-5- 4,743,691, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. guanidinopentanoic acid, and certain derivatives 53,937, Jul. 2, 1979, abandoned, which is a continuation thereof, are inhibitors of ornithine decarboxylase. Meth of Ser. No. 814,765, Jul. 11, 1977, abandoned. ods of preparing the compounds and derivatives are 51l Int. Cl." .............................................. CO7C 99/00 also described. 52 U.S.C. .................................................... 562/561 58 Field of Search ................................ 562/561, 574 4 Claims, No Drawings 4,866,206 2 In its first composition of matter aspect, the invention 2-HALOMETHYL DERVATIVES OF 2-AMNO sought to be patented comprehends a pharmacologi ACDS cally active chemical compound of the formula: CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED I APPLICATION This is a division of application Ser.
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