
Lantern The magazine of The Church in Warden Hill

In the Parish of St. Philip & St. James, , part of the South Team Ministry, & part of the Cheltenham URC April 2020 45p Lantern April 2020

Revd Gary writes...

Keep Safe

We are living in difficult and quite frankly extraordi- nary times. Everything is moving so fast, it’s difficult to keep up with it; the world is not the same as it was yes- terday, nor will it be the same tomorrow. There are re- strictions in place, all unnecessary contact is to be avoid- ed and people are afraid. When will it end? When will things be back to normal, whatever normal might be? Please continue to reach out to those around you, there’s never been a better time to truly love your neighbour, and there are lots of on-line and practical resources to support you and them.

If you’re not on Facebook, then please consider joining as the South Cheltenham Team are streaming Morning Prayer and Night Prayer every- day at 9am and 9pm, as well as Sunday services from around the churches each week at 10am. All services will be here: pipandjims/ but do sign up to our own church page also: https:// as Sunday services will be there also.

I am aware that many of our church members have needed to self- isolate, but it’s crucial that we all stay connected via the telephone, inter- net or social media. If you’re feeling lonely or need help, then please get in touch.

Many people are asking me why God would create something, or perhaps allow something to evolve, which causes such distress and suffer- ing? I’m not a scientist, but perhaps the answer lies in why bacteria and viruses exist in the first place. There are millions of bacteria and viruses out there, and they are essential for life on earth. Many bacteria take inor- ganic compounds and turn them into a form that living things can use. These compounds are, however, trapped inside the cell and need a virus to attack that cell so that the nutrients can be released.

2 Lantern April 2020

Many of the viruses that cause human disease originated in other species, and crossed the species barrier, for example HIV from a Simian (monkey) virus, and SARS from bats, to name just two. No doubt we will find out where COVID-19 came from also. All of these viruses were prob- ably in balance with their intended host species, but it will take time for humans to adapt to something new. And this is what is happening at pre- sent.

Viruses are therefore a natural part of God’s good creation, and are important in the cycle of life, with only a tiny percentage causing human disease. COVID-19 has crossed the species divide, from somewhere, and our scientists are now working on a vaccine which will, in time, build a shared immunity in us humans.

In the meantime, we have to be patient, keep in touch, love our neighbours, make good decisions, and stay rooted in God’s love. The Bi- ble is a great source of comfort as you do so:

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear.” (Psalm 46.1-2)

We will get through this.

Revd Gary

A Message from the Editor

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the April Lantern. We will review whether to produce a full magazine in the next few months. If you could send me some interesting articles about hobbies, interests or poems or pictures etc then we could have a magazine. What about writing about your favourite hymns. Your help would be appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you.


3 Lantern April 2020

Lent Project Yemen

Whereabouts in the world is Yemen? Why is there a war there? Why do they desperately need our support? Answers to these ques- tions are pinned up in the Prayer Corner, or you can put ‘Lyse Doucet Yemen crisis’ in your search engine and there are graphic details and pictures.

In a few words: the conflict has its roots in the Arab Spring of 2011 and is between 1) the Shia Muslims, the Houthis backed by Iran, and 2) the Sunni Muslims backed by Saudi Arabia who were then sup- ported by US, UK and France in 2015 against the Houthis.

As ever it is the ordinary people who suffer from the snipers, landmines and shells resulting in severe acute malnutrition of 400,000 children under 5, plus a cholera epidemic, no clean water, no medi- cines, no homes, no aid getting in as the Saudis are blocking the entry port of Hudaydah.

They desperately need our help: please give generously either in the small collecting boxes or use a Gift Aid envelope. As we are not meeting at Church these can be dropped through my letterbox. (Or contact [email protected])

Margaret Meads

Congratulations to John and Elsie Hutton on their 60th Wedding Anniver- sary. John was pre- sented with gifts by Revd Nick Stanyon on Sunday 8th March.

4 Lantern April 2020

Greetings from Fiona Sands in Canada

I completed my internship at Colchester Zoo, which means I now have enough experience to apply for a zoo-keeper post. However: Being moved to invest more into my relationship with God, I ap- plied to go on a 5 month adventure-based Christian leadership training program in Canada with Soul Edge, which I first heard about at Soul Sur- vivor 2019. Leaving it to God to establish my steps, I walked through re- jection from the jobs I applied for, and was accepted onto Soul Edge and left for Canada on 8th January.

Soul Edge is intense. For 6 days a week there is always something going on to push us into deeper relationship with God and one another. Each week we have 5 teaching days, an adventure day and a sabbath. We start each teaching day in silence and solitude, centring our hearts on God in prayer and meditation on His word. We then move into worship before our first teaching session: some deep theology surrounding our identity, unpacking of the bible or exploration of spiritual disciplines and practical ways we can use them to deepen our roots in God. We are then straight out for a 3km run followed by intense workout to prepare us for the adventure days. We have a second teaching session in the afternoon followed by an activity of some kind. This ranges from cross-country ski- ing and sledging to horse riding and wide games to mentoring sessions and naps. Evenings are normally more relaxed with film night on Fridays and time to relax and process the day, but two days a week we are in- volved in local house groups for young adults. Adventure days are a good time to process all our learning while having fun and bonding with each other through snowboarding, hiking or cross-country skiing. Sundays are our opportunity to call home and unwind.

So far the weather has been pretty good to us, besides tempera- tures down to -30℃ in the first week. Recently we have had our first ad- venture trip away to a cabin in Kananaskis Country. We hiked for 60km over 4 days, starting with a short night hike up Cougar ridge to see the stars, practice using snowshoes and pray for the week ahead.

5 Lantern April 2020 B We then had a day hike in 70mph winds and a two day hike camping wild in the woods in the foot of the Rockies staring at the stars in the most perfect conditions we could have wished for. Through the challenges of acrophobia, times of solitude, and physical exertion, we were rewarded in revelations from God and stunning views from 8500ft. Our final day was challenging in a different way spending several hours in solitude noting things that God had been doing in our lives and creating God-centred values to live by. It was a special day that really encouraged and inspired us all .

I am very much looking forward to what the next two months of teaching hold, and for how God is going to transform me in preparation for two months mission in Pelican Narrows later in the year.


Grandvilles Delicatessen

109 Salisbury Avenue, Warden Hill, Cheltenham 01242 231700 Open Mon-Fri 7.45– 3.45; Sat 9.00—1.00

Locally cooked gammon hams, meats and sausages. Fresh bread and cakes (drippers, Chelsea buns etc.)

Made fresh daily baguette and sandwiches to take away Breakfast baps, pies, pasties, Panini, jacket potatoes. Hot and cold drinks, snacks and crisps. Telephone orders welcome.

Business lunches and outside catering.


You can now do more to help in the Climate Emergency.

We all try to recycle as much as we can using the Council recycling bins but there are many forms of packing which are not currently accept- ed. Help is, however, at hand. TCiWH Ecumenical Church Council have agreed that after Easterwe will accept the following:

Dental Items – Plastic Toothbrushes, Toothpaste Tubes, Electric Toothbrush Heads and Dental Floss Packaging but not electric tooth- brush handles, interdental brushes or floss. Please ensure all items are clean and dry.

Biros (These are collected by Stroud Valleys Projects on behalf of a local school) In future, I am going to look out my old fountain pen and re- embrace the pencil. Can anybody recommend a good make of pencil sharpener?

Just bring any of the above items with you to church and put them in the relevant box in the entrance hall. Your ‘donations’ will then be col- lected and taken to Stroud to raise money for the Stroud Valleys Project.

If you would like to learn more about this charity, please see:

Please note that more items can be recycled via the project but currently I can only take the above categories to Stroud.

Happy Recycling!

Sarah Shaw

7 Lantern April 2020

A huge thank you to all my lovely customers for allow- ing me to help you with your gardens throughout 2019. I’m looking forward to working with you during the coming year, my sixth year in Warden Hill.

For less than £20 an hour, I can work with you or for you to help keep your garden looking as you like it. If you think you could use my help, I would really like to hear from you,


8 Lantern April 2020 Messy Church

The theme in March was ‘Loving and Serving’ taken from Matthew chapter 7 verses 24 to 29. As the February session was cancelled due to the bad weather, we rolled the activities over to the this one. The crafts were: linking hearts - a large heart with the middle taken out then joined like paper chains - how God loves everyone and how we are all linked with each other; heart shaped bird feeders - pipe cleaners threaded with cereal hoops - how we need to be loving to birds and animals as well as people; washi tape sun catcher - heart template with middle cut out and taped from one side to the other representing how light should shine through our hearts; rice cakes - white chocolate made pink with food col- ouring and rice cereal. Tamsyn led the church element. Tea was a hot pasta bake with cheese, bread and tomatoes and a mixture of cakes. We had 8 families. Thanks as always to all our helpers and supporters.

Debbie Cypher Forget-me-Not When I heard about the metal Forget-me-nots at Gloucester Cathe- dral (fund raising for the Longfield Hospice at Minchinhampton and along the lines of Tower of London poppies), I thought it would be nice to dedicate one to June Summers. She was a lady who spent her life caring for others and who arranged flowers at St Christopher's and at the Cathedral. When the display in the cloister garden finishes on 25th March we will get the flower back to place in our own church garden. Maureen McBane

9 Lantern April 2020 Cheltenham Festivals We are seeking volunteers to help run our family tent in the heart of the Village for the Literature Festival from 6-14 October. Bishop Rachel, alongside others have developed an exciting part- nership with Cheltenham Festivals to run a family space, called ‘The Chatterbox.’ This is a colourful, informal and fun place where children and families can gather to get creative with ideas and words. To run the family tent, we are seeking volunteers who will help us take care of the families, help with making arts and crafts and be happy to chat with lots of people! The theme for the Literature Festival is ‘Read the World’ with a fo- cus on relationships and being connected. For more information and to register your interest, please contact Kerry Pateman on [email protected] or 01452 835515.

10 Lantern April 2020

South Cheltenham Team Mothering Sunday Service at St Peter’s Leckhampton.

View of the Virtual Congregation! Many thanks to Revd Gary and Revd Nick for leading our service which so many people enjoyed on line. Thank you to Maggie and Russell for leading the singing and to Simon for playing the organ. Check out the Church web site to view this service.

Favourable comments were made on line from other parts of the country. We look forward to more services like this from different church- es in the South Cheltenham Team on future Sundays.

11 Lantern April 2020 Ladies Group Our final meeting began with brief summaries by the Treasurer and Secretary of speakers, celebrations, fundraising and finances. Dorothy Baker, May Andrews and Doreen Jewell reminisced about the earliest days of the group when it was known as Young Wives and how it developed throughout the last six decades. Then Margaret Daniels, aka The Bard of Barnwood, recited her humorous and sometimes poignant poems and monologues, written over many years. She began composing when her children were small and over the years has won competitions and been published. We all laughed at The Giraffe, which turned out to be a draught coming under the living room door and shed a tear when she recited her poem about her daughter leaving home. Margaret had printed off a selection for us to buy after- wards and this money as well as her fee went to The John Hopkins Trust - a worthy local cause. Pam Dainton led us in prayer and we remembered departed friends and members and thanked all those who have contributed even in the smallest way to the group. Then we enjoyed cheese and wine and friendly chatter and memories of happy times together before our final farewells. We have been able to donate £500 - our remaining funds from monthly subscriptions as well as from book sales and generous extra gifts from members. This final sum will go to The Acorns Trust for children with rare and life limiting illnesses.

Our group has enjoyed listening to a wide variety of speakers, serious, entertaining and humorous, over the years. but we have always taken something new home with us. We have eaten together in a number of very different locations and travelled to the theatre, stately homes and gardens as well as cruising on rivers and canals. Our proudest moments have been when we have presented our cheques to local and national charities. In the last decade alone, we have raised over £6,000 - quite an achievement for a group of approximately 35 local ladies!

Susan Furlong

12 Lantern April 2020

THE COTSWOLD BARBER Mobile Gents Hairdressing (Fully insured) Business Address 3 Church Row, Gretton, 07954 165 107 Nr Winchcombe Cheltenham 01242 620 635 GL54 5HG [email protected]

Unit 3 Crook’s Industrial Estate Croft Street Leckhampton GL53 0ED

Telephone 234511

MOTs Servicing & Repairs

13 Lantern April 2020 Easter Season 2020

Palm Sunday 5th April Maundy Thursday 9th April

Good Friday 10th April Easter Sunday 12th April

Baptism Anniversaries in April

Saints’ Days in April Iolamphe Lisa Eileen Kelly 5th Arphe Gwyn Sidney Kelly 3rd 23rd St George Maisie Jane Hopkins 3rd 29th St Mark Harry Anthony Hopkins 3rd

14 Lantern April 2020

Congratulations to Sofia Godwin-Edwards as she was welcomed to The Church in Warden Hill on Sunday 23rd February following her Baptism at Ampney St Mary near Cirencester. Her mum Rose was christened there as well as many other family members.

15 Lantern April 2020

Carpets and Vinyls supplied and fitted

A ‘Shop at Home’ Service

Full range of carpets available

NICF Registered Carpet Fitter

Over 20 years experience Competitive rates

Tel: 01242 708305 Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07850 317703

Gardener and Decorator Available

My name is Mohammad and I am an experienced gardener and decorator.

I am happy to help you with your garden on a regular basis or for occasional work.

I can also paint rooms or do painting outside. I am often available at short notice.

Very reasonable rates. References available. I have my own gardening tools Please contact me for an estimate: 07378645581 [email protected]

16 Lantern April 2020 Brownie Report

We have been busy at Brownies in the last few months. A favourite craft was making ‘a room in a box’. This was an activity from the new Brownie programme. In small groups the girls transformed a cardboard box into a room in a house. The results were impressive. Another even- ing we made bead geckoes.

Just before Christmas we visited Hollywood Bowl. The girls had a game of bowling and a meal. In January we went to The Bacon Theatre to see the pantomime. Girlguiding organised a special nationwide event in December. Thousands of Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and their leaders all over the UK settled down to watch Frozen 2. I’ll let Hatty tell you about it. Brown Owl

Frozen 2

At Brownies I went to watch Frozen 2. I was very excited. My favourite part was when Olaf was singing about getting old- er. I can’t wait to see it again. I loved it so much that I still play the songs at home.

I was dropped off by my dad at the BTP where we met the joyful lot of bouncing Brownies. I sat next to my friend Jasmine. When the film was over Munna (my Grandma) took me back home. I had the best time ever. I can’t wait to go on any other amazing trips.

Hatty Blaylock

17 Lantern April 2020 Deanery Synod Report he final meeting of this present Synod’s three years was held on 19th February in Holy Apostles Parish Church. There were three main items of interest: 1) Deanery Plans as part of the LIFE project. Revd Gary as Area Dean in- formed us that like other deaneries, we will be planning the future life of the deanery for the next 10 years or so. This should bring into focus how we deal with social geography issues including the many new housing de- velopments taking place. 2) The Resource Church. Trinity Cheltenham in Portland Street has been designated by Bishop Rachel as a Resource Church within Gloucester dio- cese. Both the Ven. Phil Andrew, Archdeacon of Cheltenham and the Revd Andrew Blyth, Trinity Cheltenham Team’s Rector, outlined what is being hoped for. The Archdeacon suggested that there were exciting parts of scripture but also that some were most unsettling and intimidating. It is not easy for churches to share everything with each other. ‘Receiving the cure of souls…’ should not be bound by parish boundaries. There are huge developments all around us and we have to be in there. Andrew Blyth related his experiences in Aylesbury whilst as its Rural Dean he had led the planting of a new church on a new housing estate. Amongst the for and against reasons for any Resource Church it should not be one with lots of students and young people. It should be where there is a track record of equipping, training and sending out its people with a commit- ment and willingness to offer resources to serve in church planting etc. Holy Trinity wants to be part of our deanery but very much part of other deaneries as is already happening once a month in the Stroudwater Team. Both Archdeacon Phil and Andrew clearly put out the rational for what Trinity hopes to achieve and in doing so dismissed concerns about other diocesan initiatives affecting the work of the Resource Church. 3) Anna Chaplaincy. Revd Brian Dunlop gave an introduction to a formal proposal to appoint an Anna Coordinator for Cheltenham and Bishop’s Cleeve. Brian stressed the need for more visits to care homes as about 10% of such residents receive regular visits. In the most recent census

18 Lantern April 2020 Cheltenham had 17% of its population over the age of 65. Cheltenham has 57 care homes whilst Southampton for instance has 51. People in care homes are more mentally fail than a decade ago and the increasing num- ber of those with dementia poses challenge. Anna Chaplaincies are inter denominational and the reason why Bishop’s Cleeve is being linked to Cheltenham is because of the Methodist Church there wanting to be in- volved. Presently Bishops Cleeve has only one care home. The resolution that was carried, ‘This Synod supports and welcomes the proposal by CaBiC to appoint an Anna Coordinator for Cheltenham and Bishop’s Cleeve to work on an inter denominational basis to support and assist churches in providing enhanced spiritual care to older people and in particular by creating a network of regional Anna Chaplains and church- based Anna Friends.’ We were reminded earlier by Revd Gary in the meeting that synod elections take place at this year’s Annual Church Parochial Meetings. The next synod is on 15th June at the Oasis Centre at Coronation Square.

Richard Neale

The Lounge Hair & Beauty 65 Salisbury Ave Cheltenham 01242 241060

Tuesdays 10 am till 8 pm (Late night) Wednesdays 10 am till 5 pm Thursdays 10 am till 8 pm (Late night) Fridays 10 am till 6 pm Saturdays 10 am till 3 pm

19 Lantern April 2020 Bell Ringing

Well that's it for a bit then, 'The UK government has advised against all unnecessary social contact with immediate effect'. As a re- sult, many British Bands (ours included) have cancelled all ringing until further notice. That was on the 16th March, of course all Church ser- vices have now been cancelled as well. The last time a ringing ban hap- pened (this one is almost self-imposed) was in 1939, let’s hope that it doesn't last 4 years this time!

During March we had a successful quarter peal on the 1st, before the evening service, allowing Jakub to complete level 3 of his Learning the Ropes scheme, congratulations Jakub. We have now started additional quarter peal attempts on the 3rd Sunday evening, our growing band needs the opportunity to ring different things for longer periods.

Weekly practice continued to be well supported with at least 12 each time and Sunday mornings were equally well supported. Let us hope that the current restrictions don't last too long and that the new learners don't find another hobby and that the older of us stay safe.

We are currently setting up a What's App Group for the Warden Hill ringers to keep to regular contact. Reg Hitchings

20 Lantern April 2020 Quality Feet

Professional Foot Care with a Smile.

Cheryl Brotherton S.A.C. dip RFHP Registered Foot Health Practitioner

Mobile nail cutting, treatment of hard skin, corns, thickened nails and general foot care.

Tel or text: 07904 305349 Email: [email protected]

Get Active Fitness Mellow Moves

St Christopher’s Hall 2pm Thursdays

Gentle exercise to music to improve balance, posture and flexibility. All equipment provided.

Fran Nichols 01242 523363

NB No Mellow Moves at Present due to Coronavirus

21 Lantern April 2020 St. Christopher’s Gardening Club

On Thursday 27th February Richard Baldwin gave a talk ‘Vegetable Growing in a Small Garden’. Richard is a retired lecturer from Pershore Col- lege. He spoke about different types of vegetables growing in small spaces and their containers. Most crops can be grown in a container closer togeth- er, which means the crop is smaller, like cauliflowers perfectly formed for one serving! Richard showed many recycling containers, a pair of old wel- lingtons, old jeans hung up along with an old bra which was used when rais- ing money for a cancer charity event. Even an old toilet was put to good use for growing veg! The longer and flatter your container the better it will hold water, using water retaining jell and slow release fertilizer may help.

Use good quality seeds and keep in a container in a fridge to keep them in good condition longer. Bring small amounts onto windowsills to keep replenishing pots. Plant Beetroot March-July 1-2” apart. Richard showed several varieties of carrots to sow Feb-June 3” apart. For a larger carrot cover with fleece to protect from carrot fly. Salad onions, sow any- time along with Spinach, for use in salads when small. The use of herbs which can grow quite happily in small containers, such as tin cans which can be decorated, can make a salad and your windowsill come alive!

‘Robin Hood’ Broad Beans are a good example to grow, remember all parts of the Broad Bean can be eaten especially when young, the pods are lovely. Growing potatoes in pots, (we all know at Gardening Club about ‘A Spud in a Bucket’, as we usually have fun with this style of growing at our Annual Show), Richard explained about planting a potato in a small pot after chitting, you can then go on to planting into a larger pot for a better crop. ‘Cherry Bell’ Radish does really well in small containers. Richard still pro- motes ‘Grow Bags’ for your early tomatoes. Trim mint regularly, store 40gm mint, 40grams ground almond, 80grams good oil and seal in jars, lovely for a dressing. Fertilizers: ensure you look on labels to make sure you are not just buying mostly water. Sustainable systems for commercially growing with no soil were shown on screen. Displaying where & how the future gardener & gardens might look like, interesting indeed!

Barbara Tarren and Chris Ryder

22 Lantern April 2020

Advance Notice: Gardening Club Coach Trip to Kiftsgate Court Sunday 12th July Non members welcome Leaving St. Christopher’s at 12.30 prompt Leaving from Gardens at 16.30

Cost: Members Coach £11.00 Garden Entrance £8.00 Non Members Coach £12.00 Garden Entrance £8.00 If lunch is required we need to book in advance in the restaurant. No picnics allowed in gardens, only on tables near to coach park.

Please contact Barbara Tarren on 230074 or Chris Ryder on 07808292143 for further information.

Youth Work

Due to the new government guidelines we will be suspending all youth group activities immediately. This includes Rock Solid, Next Gen, Hot Chocolate Church and the Confirmation Course, as well as any socials com- ing up.

But there is good news! In partnership with Youth for Christ Gloucestershire, we will be running an active and lively online youth pro- gram, which will continue throughout this time. We will be sharing isola- tion tips, Bible studies and running fun online events and games!

Be sure to follow us, we’ll keep you company! Youth for Christ Gloucestershire social media. Follow us, we’ll keep you company! Instagram: @yfcglos Twitter: @YFCGlos Facebook: Youth for Christ Gloucestershire

If you need any help during this time or have any prayer requests, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Youth for Christ Gloucestershire would love to help! I am available during this time, don’t hesitate to drop me a message! Hanna Sturcken

23 Lantern April 2020

A Letter from Our Bishops

The Wedding at Cana

When the steward tasted the water that had become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the steward called the bridegroom and said to him, ‘Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.’ Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him. (John 2.9-11)

At a time when we are being encouraged to move away from large social gatherings, it might seem strange to begin this letter with Jesus’ presence at a wedding. Yet, at this party, Jesus took what was ordinary and transformed it into something extraordinary and gener- ous, such that people tasted God’s goodness, whether or not they rec- ognised God’s glory. It is pertinent that in this miracle of water being turned into wine, the jars were most likely there for the Jewish ritual washing of hands and utensils. We also know that there were similar rituals of purification for those who were deemed unclean and with whom Jesus’ interaction was radical and full of care and compassion.

Of course, there are no direct parallels to be drawn here with our current situation as we face the rapid spread of COVID-19, but there are resonances with our desire to be people of transformation and our longing that people would taste the goodness of God as we choose to participate in sharing Jesus’ radical love and compassion.

As more and more people have to live in isolation, and indeed ex- perience bereavement, it is likely that anxiety will continue to grow, which in itself may well provoke people to react from a place of inner fear leading to a sense of panic and action which is in direct contrast to the generous love of neighbour to which the abundant love of God calls us.

24 Lantern April 2020

It is therefore crucial that amid the painful disruption of the coming weeks and months, while we rightly pay attention to the many practical issues and questions coming our way and the actions we must take, we place an even greater focus on how we care for one another and for our local communities. This is a time to share Christ’s love and hope with re- newed confidence as we join in with the work of the kingdom of God.

Such a renewed emphasis on acts of love and kindness towards our neighbour goes hand in hand with our established focus this lent on the climate crisis and our care of creation. We are created to live in relation- ship with God and neighbour and all of creation, as we seek to ‘Love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind and with all our strength; and to love our neighbour as oneself’. (Mark 12:30)

We are already seeing the many ways worshipping communities across the Diocese are promoting emotional contact and connection at a time of increased physical separation. Thank you for all you are doing. The phone, FaceTime, Skype etc are increasingly going to be a gift to us and we want to encourage every worshipping community to think about how best to reach out as widely as we can in local communities. It is es- sential that we ensure that those who are vulnerable and isolated are receiving what they need. We also need to think about how we reach out to those who may not naturally speak their fears but who will be severely anxious about the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and their liveli- hoods. Some of us will have to self-isolate, none of us should have to live in isolation.

We must also be particularly aware of the need to be showing care and concern for our health workers, our schools and colleges and those who work in institutions such as prisons. They and those they serve need the assurance of our prayer and support at this time.

25 Lantern April 2020 It is important that people continue to look at the regularly up- dated advice on the Church of England website: guidance-churches In the coming months, we all need to be making sensible decisions at a local level whilst never operating from a place of fear. Being people of hope is not about being cheerful optimists, it is about a living hope rooted in the love of God in Jesus Christ, revealed in a place of utter agony and death. This is our God who died out of love for us and who will never abandon us. The God of resurrection who will walk with us through the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23) with the promise that even death itself will not have the final word. There is a banquet of goodness which awaits us and we long for people to taste that goodness even now. We are people of confident hope.

This comes with our continued love, thanks and prayers.

Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert

Mothers’ Union News Jeni Townsend was admitted to Mothers’ Union membership on Sunday 23rd February by Revd. Gary. She is pictured with her daughter Tamsyn Jenkins who was welcomed to the branch.

26 OTHER CHURCHES IN THE SOUTH CHELTENHAM TEAM MINISTRY Check Websites—no services due to Coronavirus

St Philip & St James, Leckhampton

Sundays During 2020 see website for services due to reordering.

Team Rector Revd Nick Davies 321268

St Peter’s Leckhampton Sundays 8 am Holy Communion (1st Sunday BCP) 10 am Family Communion with Junior Church 6 pm Evening Prayer (2nd Sunday Healing & Wholeness) Weekdays & ) 8.30 am Morning Prayer Saturdays ) 5 pm Evening Prayer Wednesdays 10.30 am Holy Communion Team Vicar Revd Gary Grady 511522

Emmanuel Sundays 8 am Holy Communion 10 am Holy Communion (All Age on 2nd Sunday) 4 pm Creative Church – Informal Family Worship (4th Sunday only) Thursdays 10.30 am Holy Communion Priest in Charge Revd Ken Shill - 570075

St Stephen Sundays 10 am Sung Eucharist (Modern Rite) Wednesdays 10.30 am Said Eucharist Priest in Charge Revd Peter Quinnell 227112

Youth Worker: Hanna Sturcken

Other Churches in the CURC St. Andrew’s 11 am Morning Worship 9.30 am Jump for Joy (3rd Sunday)

Prestbury 10.30 am Family Friendly (1st Sunday) Morning Worship (3rd Sunday) Communion (4th Sunday No service (2nd & 5th Sundays)

The contents of this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ecumenical Church Council or PCC but are those of the individual contributors. While we welcome advertisements we cannot offer any endorsement of the specific advertiser. USUAL SUNDAY SERVICES Check Websites—no services due to Coronavirus Our worship includes services in the traditions of the C of E and the URC. Most Sunday services take place at St Christopher’s, unless marked otherwise. 10.30 Family Service 1st Sunday Family Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays Morning Worship 3rd & 5th Sundays

18.00 Holy Communion 1st Sunday Evensong 2nd & 3rd Sundays Service at URCC 4th Sunday Choir led Evensong 5th Sunday

REGULAR ACTIVITIES (at St. Christopher’s unless otherwise stated) Mondays 8.00 Morning Prayer Tuesdays 8.30 Morning Prayer 16.00 Rainbows (URC) (Term time only) 17.15 Brownies (URC) (Term time only) 10.30 Holy Communion at URC Centre 14.00 Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) 19.30 House Group (Term time only) Wednesdays 8.00 Morning Prayer 9.15 Little Shepherds (Term time only) 14.00 Social Group (2nd & 4th Wednesdays) at URCC 19.00 Bellringing Thursdays 8.00 Morning Prayer 14.00 Prayer Group (2nd & 4th Thursdays) 17.30 Beavers (Term time only) 18.00 Brownies (Term time only) 18.45 Cubs (Term time only) 19.30 Gardening Club (Last Thursday) 19.45 Scouts (Term time only) Fridays 8.00 Morning Prayer 18.00 Choir Practice

Occasionally an event is changed so please check the calendar to confirm it is on.

St. Christopher’s Church is open daily for prayer & reflection