Speak Out: Make your voice heard by phoning, faxing, or emailing your representatives at all levels. Fax numbers are included as faxed comments are currently considered to be the most effective communication. Also don’t hesitate to contact your local newspapers.


President Donald Trump (R) whitehouse.gov (click GET INVOLVED, bottom of page) Comments 202.456.1111; Switchboard 202.456.1414 Senators Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) 202.224.3841; f 202.228.3954; feinstein.senate.gov Sen. (D) 202.224.3553; f202.224.2200; harris.senate.gov

Representatives Rep. Mike Levin (D) 49th CD 202.225.3906 Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) 50th CD 202.225.5672; f 202.225.0235; hunter.house.gov Rep. Juan Vargas (D) 51st CD 202.225.8045; f 202.225.2772; vargas.house.gov Rep. Scott Peters (D) 52nd CD 202.225.0508; no fax; scottpeters.house.gov Rep. Susan Davis (D) 53rd CD 202.225.2040; f202.225.2948; usandavis.house.gov

CALIFORNIA Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) 916.445.2841.29; f202.225.2948; gov.ca.gov Sen. Pres. Pro Tem Tony G. Atkins (D) 916.651.4039; sd39.senate.ca.gov Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D) 916.319.2063; f 916.319.2163

California Senate Pat Bates (R), 36th SD 916.651.4036; f 916.651.4936; bates.cssrc.us Brian Jones (R), 38th SD 916.651.4038; f 916.651.4938; jones.cssrc.us Toni Atkins (D), 39th SD 916.651.4039; f 916.651.4939; sd39.senate.ca.gov Ben Hueso (D), 40th SD 916.651.4040; f 916.651.4940; sd40.senate.ca.gov

California Assembly Randy Voepel (R) 71st AD 916.319.2071; no fax; ad71.asmrc.org (R) 75th AD 916.319.2075; no fax; ad75.asmrc.org Tasha Horvath (D) 76th AD 916.319.2076; no fax; ad76.asmdc.org Brian Maienschein (D) 77th AD 916.319.2077; no fax; ad77.asmrc.org Todd Gloria (D), 78th AD 916.319.2078; f 916.319.2178; a78.asmdc.org Shirley Weber (D), 79th AD 916.319.2079; f 916.319.2179; a76.asmdc.org Fletcher (D), 80th AD 916.319.2080; f 916.319.2180; a80.asmdc.org County – www.sandiegocounty.gov

Board of Supervisors: D1 619.531.5511; f 619.235.644; [email protected] Dianne Jacob D2 619.531.5522; f 619.696.7253; [email protected] Kristin Gaspar D3 619.531.5533; f 619.557.4025; [email protected] Nathan Fletcher D4 619.531.5544; f 619.237.1351; [email protected] Jim Desmond D5 619.531.5555; [email protected] District Attorney Summer Stephan 619.531.4040; f 619.237.1351 Sheriff William D. Gore 858.974.2222; f 858.974.2244

San Diego City – www.sandiego.gov

Mayor 619.236.6330; f 619.36.7228; sandiego.gov/mayor City Council: Barbara Bry D1 619.236.6611; [email protected] Jennifer Campbell D2 619.236.6622; [email protected] Chris Ward D3 619.236.6633; [email protected] Monica Montgomery D4 619.236.6644; [email protected] Mark Kersey D5 619.236.6655; [email protected] Chris Cate D6 619.236.6616; [email protected]

Miscellaneous Other Points of Contact

CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN PARTY REPUBLICAN PARTY OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY Ph. (818) 841-521 16935 West Bernardo Dr. Ste. 208 Fax (818) 841-6668 San Diego, CA 92128 www.cagop.org Phone #: 858-450-4600 www.sandiegorepublicans.org

San Diego County Republican Central Committee

San Diego Union Tribune: (Letters are subject to editing, must be 150 words or less and include a full name, community of residence, and a daytime telephone number, although number will not be published.)

Mail: Letters Editor Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 120191 San Diego, CA 92112-0191