www.naswca.org California NEWSVOL. 35. NO. 4 • JANUARY 2009 MARCH IS SOCIAL WORK MONTH his year, the fifth year of the Na- social work—to illuminate why some of different ages, Ttional Social Work Public Edu- of the most accomplished social work- ethnicities, prac- cation Campaign, NASW will focus ers chose the field, and to showcase the tice specialties, energy on creating messages and tools wide range of contributions these pro- geographic loca- that address the last of five overarching fessionals make in every community tions, and salary/ public education goals established in throughout their careers. responsibility levels to profile. It will yond Social Work Month to promote 2004: “Recruit new social workers to then be decided which types of media the profession. the field.” 50 Ways to Use Your can best tell each story. For some, this For more information, to download In preparation for Social Work Social Work Degree might be a weekly blog diary or an au- a Social Work Month toolkit or order Month 2009, NASW will create a By working through the schools dio interview; for others an online pho- Social Work Month merchandise, visit multi-platform promotion—in col- of social work and NASW chapters, to album may be ideal. The goal is to www.socialworkers.org. For questions, laboration with the nation’s schools of NASW will identify social workers keep building these online profiles be- e-mail
[email protected]. v NASW CELEBRATES AMERICAN CALIFORNIA’S BUDGET CRISIS INDIAN HERITAGE MONTH SPECIAL SEssION: GOVERNOR’S MID-YEAR BUDGET PROPOSAL By Wendy Rae Hill, BSW NASW-CA Director of Government Relations and Political Affairs fter the November 4th election, the but were unable to agree on a proposal.