Supplementary Budget Estimates 2010-11 (October 2010)
Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Supplementary Budget Estimates 18-21 October 2010 Question: PM119 Asked By: Senator ABETZ Topic: Discretionary Grants Type of Question: Written Date set by the committee for the return of answer: 3 December 2010 Number of pages: 2 a) Could the Department provide a list of all discretionary grants, including ad hoc and one-off grants since Budget Estimates 2010? Please provide details of the recipients, the intended use of the grants and what locations have benefited from the grants. b) Has the Department complied with interim requirements relating to the publication of discretionary grants? Answer: Agency: Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority a) N/A. ASADA does not provide grants. b) N/A Agency: Australian Sports Commission a) Please see attachments as follows: • 2009/10 and 2010/11 Grants to National Sporting Organisations, National Sporting Organisations for People with Disabilities, State/Territory Departments for Sport and Recreation, and Other Organisations (8 pages); • 2009/10 Australian Government Sport Training Grants (7 pages); • 2009/10 Local Sporting Champions program grants (34 pages); • 2009/10 and 2010/11 Elite Indigenous Travel and Accommodation Assistance Program (20 pages); and • 2010/11 Sport Leadership Grants for Women (6 pages). Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Supplementary Budget Estimates 18-21 October 2010 b) As a statutory authority under the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 (CAC Act), the Australian Sports Commission is not bound by the Commonwealth Grant Guidelines, including the interim requirements relating to the publication of discretionary grants.
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