Lisa (Elisabeth) DeMarco Senior Partner 5 Hazelton Avenue, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5R 2E1 TEL +1.647.991.1190 FAX +1.888.734.9459
[email protected] April 13, 2018 Ms. Kirsten Walli Board Secretary Ontario Energy Board P.O. Box 2319, 27th Floor 2300 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M4P 1E4 Dear Ms. Walli: Re: EB-2017-0049 Hydro One Networks Inc. application for electricity distriBution rates Beginning January 1, 2018 until DecemBer 31, 2022 We are counsel to Anwaatin Inc. (Anwaatin) in the above-mentioned proceeding. Please find enclosed the written evidence of Dr. Don Richardson, submitted on behalf of Anwaatin pursuant to Procedural Orders Nos. 3, 4, and 5. Yours very truly, Lisa (Elisabeth) DeMarco Jonathan McGillivray - 1 - ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD IN THE MATTER OF the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c.15 (Schedule B) s. 78; AND IN THE MATTER OF an application by Hydro One Networks Inc. for electricity distribution rates beginning January 1, 2018, until December 31, 2022 (the Application). EB-2017-0049 EVIDENCE ANWAATIN INC. April 13, 2018 EB-2017-0049 Evidence of Anwaatin Inc. April 13, 2018 Page 2 of 16 EVIDENCE OF ANWAATIN INC. INTRODUCTION 1. My name is Dr. Don Richardson. I am the principal of Shared Value Solutions Ltd., a consultant to Anwaatin Inc. (Anwaatin). My curriculum vitae is attached at Appendix A. 2. I present this evidence to support Anwaatin and the Ontario Energy Board (the Board) in their consideration of the unique rights and concerns of Indigenous customers relating to distribution reliability, the Distribution System Plan (DSP), revenue requirement, and customer engagement being considered in the EB-2017-0049 proceeding (the Proceeding).