International Association of Mathematical Physics ΜUΦ Invitation Dear IAMP Members, according to Part I of the By-Laws we announce a meeting of the IAMP General Assembly. It will convene on Monday August 3 in the Meridian Hall of the Clarion NewsCongress Hotel in Prague opening Bulletin at 8pm. The agenda: 1) President reportOctober 2012 2) Treasurer report 3) The ICMP 2012 a) Presentation of the bids b) Discussion and informal vote 4) General discussion It is important for our Association that you attend and take active part in the meeting. We are looking forward to seeing you there. With best wishes, Pavel Exner, President Jan Philip Solovej, Secretary Contents International Association of Mathematical Physics News Bulletin, October 2012 Contents Message from the President3 The XVIIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics6 The XVIIIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics in Santiago de Chile8 Annales Henri Poincar´ePrize Ceremony in Aalborg 14 2D Coulomb Gas, Abrikosov Lattice and Renormalized Energy 17 Phase transitions in k-mer systems 27 Letter to the Editor 35 Rudolf Haag { Celebrating 90 Years 37 A celebration for Giovanni Gallavotti's 70th birthday 41 The Poincar´eSeminar 43 Message from the Treasurer 47 News from the IAMP Executive Committee 52 Bulletin Editor Editorial Board Valentin A. Zagrebnov Rafael Benguria, Evans Harrell, Masao Hirokawa, Manfred Salmhofer, Robert Sims Contacts. and e-mail:
[email protected] Cover photo: Laureates celebrated on the XVIIth ICMP in Aalborg (from left to right): Barry Simon, Sylvia Serfaty, Freeman Dyson, Artur Avila, Alessandro Giuliani, Wojciech de Roeck, Ivan Corwin. The views expressed in this IAMP News Bulletin are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the IAMP Executive Committee, Editor or Editorial Board.