3§iNEW-CHURCH MESSENGER GENERAL CONVENTION AUGUST 15, 1959 THE NEW-CHURCH MESSENGER Official organ of The General Convention of the New Jerusalem in the United States of America. Convention founded in 1817. (Swedenborgian) • Member of the Associated Church Press. • Published bi-weekly. 300 Pike St., Cincinnati, Ohio, by Tho New-Church Press, 108 Clark St., Brooklyn, New York. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office, Cincinnati, Ohio, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1017, authoriied on CONVENTION July 30. 1918. Subscription 33.00 a year; foreign postage, 25 cents extra. Gift subscription, if from a MANY delegates arrived in time to attend services in the San Francisco or subscriber, $1.50. Single copies, 15 cents. El Cerrito New Churches. Above is the garden courtyard of the San Francisco Addre^ subscriptions to the publisher. Adver church, and the picture below is a scene at the hillside church in El Cerrittf. tising rate card on request. OFFICERS OF CONVENTION Rev. David P. Johnson, President, Box 503, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada: Stewart E. Poole. Vice-President. 3201 Fordham ltd., Wilmington, Delaware; Horace B. Blackmer, Recording Secretary. 134 Bonduin St., Boston 8, Mas*.: Albert P. Carter.Treasurer, 511 Barristers Hall, Iloston 8, Mass.: Forster W. Freeman. Jr.. Counsel. 512 Alpine Ter. Ridccnood, N. J.; Chester T. Cook. Auditor, 26 Wayne ltd . Lixinclon, Mass. EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Philip M. Alden. Mrs. Ernest O. Martin. Dr. Waldo C. Peebles. Rev. Clayton S. Pricstnal. Rev. Richard H.
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