KGG-AKG/1K/2.30 the House Re-Assembled at Thirty-Four Minutes

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KGG-AKG/1K/2.30 the House Re-Assembled at Thirty-Four Minutes KGG-AKG/1K/2.30 The House re-assembled at thirty-four minutes past two of the clock, MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN in the Chair. -- PRIVATE MEMBERS’ LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS BILLS INTRODUCED SHRI MADHUSUDAN MISTRY: Sir, take up only Private Members’ Business and no Legislative Business, please. MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: This is Private Members’ time; don’t worry. Now Bills for introduction. The Child Development Programmes Coordination Agency Bill, 2015, Shri Prabhat Jha to move. He is not seen. One more Bill to be moved by Shri Prabhat Jha; he is absent. The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2015 (amendment of article 348), Shri Mansukh L. Mandaviya. THE CONSTITUTION (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2015 (AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE 348) -- ी मनसुख एल. मांडिवया (गुजरात) : महोदय, म ताव करता हूँ िक भारत के संिवधान का और संशोधन करने के िलए िवधेयक को पुर:थािपत करने की अनुमित दी जाए। The question was put and the motion was adopted. ी मनसुख एल. मांडिवया : महोदय, म िवधेयक को पुर:थािपत करता हूँ। (समात) (Followed by 1L/DC) -KGG/DC/KLG/1L-2.35 THE DEPOSIT INSURANCE AND CREDIT GUARANTEE CORPORATION (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2015 ी मनसुख एल. मांडिवया (गुजरात): महोदय, म ताव करता हूँ िक िनक्षेप बीमा और त्यय गारंटी िनगम अिधिनयम, 1961 का और संशोधन करने के िलए िवधेयक को पुर:थािपत करने की अनुमित दी जाए। The question was put and the motion was adopted. ी मनसुख एल. मांडिवया: महोदय, म िवधेयक को पुर:थािपत करता हूँ। (समात) THE PROHIBITION OF USING TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR HOAX CALLS BILL, 2015 ी मनसुख एल. मांडिवया (गुजरात): महोदय, म ताव करता हूँ िक िमथ्या फोन कॉल करने और लघु संदेश सेवा के िलए दूरसंचार णाली के योग के ितषेध और तत्ससं अथवा उसके आनुषंिगक िवषय का उपबंध करने के िलए िवधेयक को पुर:थािपत करने की अनुमित दी जाए। The question was put and the motion was adopted. ी मनसुख एल. मांडिवया: महोदय, म िवधेयक को पुर:थािपत करता हूँ। (समात) THE ELECTRONIC WASTE (HANDLING AND DISPOSAL) BILL, 2015 SHRI VIJAY JAWAHARLAL DARDA (MAHARASHTRA): Sir, I move for leave to introduce a Bill to provide for proper handling and disposal of millions of tonnes of electronic waste being generated by discarded electronic devices like television, personal computer, floppies, audio-video CD, batteries, cell phones, refrigerators, air- conditioners, electronic toys, telephones, washing machines, electric switches, etc., by prescribing norms and fixing responsibilities and duties on manufacturers, recyclers and consumers with regard to disposal of electronic waste and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The question was put and the motion was adopted. SHRI VIJAY JAWAHARLAL DARDA: Sir, I introduce the Bill. (Ends) THE CONSUMER GOODS PRICE FIXATION BOARD BILL, 2015 SHRI VIJAY JAWAHARLAL DARDA (MAHARASHTRA): Sir, I move for leave to introduce a Bill to provide for setting up of a Board for determination of prices of consumer goods and services commonly used by public in the country and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The question was put and the motion was adopted. SHRI VIJAY JAWAHARLAL DARDA: Sir, I introduce the Bill. (Ends) THE GYMNASIUMS AND FITNESS CENTRES (REGULATION) BILL, 2015 SHRI VIJAY JAWAHARLAL DARDA (MAHARASHTRA): Sir, I move for leave to introduce a Bill to provide for regulation and control of gymnasiums and fitness centres which are engaged in activities, such as, giving training on weight lifting and body building and conduct courses for weight reduction and proper nutrition in the country and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The question was put and the motion was adopted. SHRI VIJAY JAWAHARLAL DARDA: Sir, I introduce the Bill. (Ends) (Followed by TDB/1M) TDB-SCH/1M/2.40 THE ANDHRA PRADESH REORGANISATION (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2015 DR. T. SUBBARAMI REDDY (ANDHRA PRADESH): Sir, I move for leave to introduce a Bill further to amend the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014. The question was put and the motion was adopted. DR. T. SUBBARAMI REDDY: Sir, I introduce the Bill. (Ends) THE SUPREME COURT (ESTABLISHMENT OF A PERMANENT BENCH AT VISAKHAPATNAM) BILL, 2015 DR. T. SUBBARAMI REDDY (ANDHRA PRADESH): Sir, I move for leave to introduce a Bill to provide for the establishment of a permanent bench of the Supreme Court at Visakhapatnam. The question was put and the motion was adopted. DR. T. SUBBARAMI REDDY: Sir, I introduce the Bill. (Ends) THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO GIRL CHILD BELONGING TO PARENTS LIVING BELOW POVERTY LINE BILL, 2015 DR. T. SUBBARAMI REDDY (ANDHRA PRADESH): Sir, I move for leave to introduce a Bill to provide for financial protection and security to girl child of parents living below poverty line and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The question was put and the motion was adopted. DR. T. SUBBARAMI REDDY: Sir, I introduce the Bill. (Ends) MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: The next Bill is the Prevention of Deaths due to Heat and Cold Waves Bill, 2015; Shri Rajkumar Dhoot, not present. Again, Shri Rajkumar Dhoot is not present. The third Bill is also of Shri Rajkumar Dhoot, not present. Shri Vivek Gupta to move the Prevention of Addiction of Technological Gadgets Bill, 2015. THE PREVENTION OF ADDICTION OF TECHNOLOGICAL GADGETS BILL, 2015. SHRI VIVEK GUPTA (WEST BENGAL): Sir, I move for leave to introduce a Bill to provide for the prevention of the rising problem of technological gadgets and addiction among the citizens in the country. The question was put and the motion was adopted. SHRI VIVEK GUPTA: Sir, I introduce the Bill. (Ends) THE CONSTITUTION (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2015 (AMENDMENT OF EIGHTH SCHEDULE) SHRI VIVEK GUPTA (WEST BENGAL): Sir, I move for leave to introduce a Bill further to amend the Constitution of India. The question was put and the motion was adopted. SHRI VIVEK GUPTA: Sir, I introduce the Bill. (Ends) THE PROHIBITION OF LOTTERIES BILL, 2015 ी िवजय गोयल (राजथान) : महोदय, म ताव करता हूं िक लाटिरय का संचालन और संवतर्न करने वाले संगठन का ितषेध करने और उनसे संबंिधत या उनके आनुषंिगक िवषय का उपबंध करने के िलए िवधेयक को पुर:थािपत करने की अनुमित दी जाए The question was put and the motion was adopted. ी िवजय गोयल : महोदय, म िवधेयक को पुर:थािपत करता हूं। सर, इनसे किहए िक ये िहन्दी थोड़ी सरल बनाएं, ये लोग बहुत किठन िहन्दी बनाते ह। जब हम ही यह िहन्दी समझ नहीं आती, तो दूसरे लोग क्या समझगे? सर, आप इनकी िहन्दी थोड़ी सरल करवा दीिजए। MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: The Hindi should be simplified. How can I simplify Hindi? Even I don't know simple Hindi. How can I do that? ी िवजय गोयल : सर, जो संबंिधत लोग ह, अगर आप इनको कहगे, तो ये लोग इसको सरल िहन्दी म करगे। इससे लोग िहन्दी म ज्यादा कामकाज करगे। MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: But then you give suggestion how it can be simplified. ी िवजय गोयल : सर, सब लोग इस सुझाव से सहमत ह। सब लोग चाहते ह िक सदन की कायर्वाही िहन्दी म ज्यादा चलनी चािहए, क्यिक पूरा देश इस कायर्वाही को देखता-सुनता है। जहां-जहां जरूरी है, वहां अंगर्ेजी का योग जरूर कर, िकन्तु बाकी सब काम िहन्दी म होना चािहए। हमारी िजतनी भी कमेटीज़ ह - होम कमेटी, पीएसी कमेटी आिद, इन सबम भी अंगर्ेजी म कायर्वाही चलती है। हम चाहते ह िक ज्यादातर कायर्वाही िहन्दी म चले, थोड़ी-थोड़ी अंगर्ेजी भी रहे। (1n/psv-usy पर जारी) USY-PSV/1N/2.45 ी िवजय गोयल (कर्मागत): थोड़ा-थोड़ा अंगर्ेजी म भी काम हो, लेिकन ज्यादा काम िहन्दी म हो। MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I have no problem. Anybody, who wants to speak in Hindi, can speak in Hindi. But sometimes I have to take the help of interpretation because I am not able to understand every Hindi word. ी िवजय गोयल: सर, िसफर् इतना कह दीिजए िक इसे सरल िहन्दी भाषा म िकया जाये। ी उपसभापित: िहन्दी आसान भाषा है, सरल भाषा है और अच्छी भाषा है। ी िवजय गोयल: सर, इसे बोलचाल की भाषा म िकया जाना चािहए। डा. सत्यनारायण जिटया: सर, मेरा कहना है िक यह बोलचाल की भाषा म होना चािहए। ...(यवधान)... SHRI TIRUCHI SIVA: Sir, Malyalam is also a very beautiful language. ...(Interruptions)... MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Yes. Even Tamil is also a beautiful language. Tamil is a very melodious language. I know that. It is a poetic language, I must say. There is no doubt about that. Now, the Slums and Jhuggi-Jhopri Areas (Basic Amenities and Clearance) Bill, 2015. (Ends) THE SLUMS AND JHUGGI-JHOPRI AREAS (BASIC AMENITIES AND CLEARANCE) BILL, 2015 SHRI B.K. HARIPRASAD (KARNATAKA): Sir, I move for leave to introduce a Bill to provide for the basic amenities and clearance of Jhuggi-jhopri areas and slum areas and for matters connected therewith. The question was put and the motion was adopted. SHRI B.K. HARIPRASAD: Sir, I introduce the Bill. (Ends) MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Now, the Death Penalty (Abolition) Bill, 2015, Shrimati Kanimozhi.
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