Maltese Community Council of Victoria, Inc. 477 Royal Parade Parkville Victoria 3052 Australia MCCV newsletter Phone: (03) 9387 8922 Fax: (03) 9387 8309 Email:
[email protected] Web: No: 106 March ‐ April 2011 Editor: Dr Edwin Borg-Manché Consultation with Maltese President of Malta to make Community on Bill to set up Council for State Visit to Australia Maltese Living Abroad On 1 February 2011 the Malta High On 14 January 2011 the Malta High Commission in Canberra announced that Commission in Canberra published an the President of Malta, His Excellency Dr. Information Paper prepared by the Dep- George Abela, will be visiting Australia on uty Prime Minister and Minister of For- an official State Visit, accompanied by the eign Affairs, Dr Tonio Borg, relating to Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Tonio Borg. the establishment of a Council for Mal- The President will be welcomed by the tese Living Abroad and the Maltese Australian Governor-General in Canberra Cultural Institute. on 21 March 2011. He will be visting The paper, reproduced on page 5, Melbourne two days later. contains the main principles of a draft The Maltese community in Australia is Bill on the Council of Maltese Living looking forward to welcoming the President Abroad and the establishment of the in our midst. To us Maltese living on this Maltese Cultural Institute. The paper is continent, the visit of the President provides intended to serve as a basis for a consul- us with a unique opportunity to reconnect tation process on the proposal with the Maltese community.